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[]Widdemer, Margaret (1884-1978) (chron.)
- * Adjustment, (ss) Collier’s November 20 1920
- * An Afternoon, (pm) The Bellman #534, October 7 1916
- * All Souls’, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine November 1919
- * All the King’s Horses—, (sl) Good Housekeeping Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1930
- * The American Speaks, (pm) Hearst’s Magazine November 1919
- * And if You Came—, (pm) The Bellman #510, April 22 1916
- * Annie Folsom and the Power of Thought, (vi) Liberty May 26 1934
- * Any Wife to Any Husband, (pm) Harper’s Magazine August 1921
- * As a Princess Should, (ss) Collier’s October 14 1944
- * As One Having Authority, (ss) Collier’s August 6 1921
- * Before My Heart Was Broken, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1922
- * Bells, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1924
- * Black Magic, (ss) Seven Arts September 1917
- * Brass Band, (pm) The American Girl July 1935
- * The Brave Little Girl, (ss) The Woman’s Magazine (US) August 1914
- * Brown Eyes, (pm) Smart Set March 1929
- * By Way of Contrast:
* ___ The Stormy Petrel’s Daughter, (ss) Zest January 1927
- * Carnations, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1914
- * Changeling, (pm) Ballads and Lyrics by Margaret Widdemer, Harcourt Brace, 1925
- * Changeling, (sl) Collier’s Jan 10, Jan 17 1920
- * Checks, (pm) Smart Set April 1929
- * The Child-Heart, (pm) The Smart Set April 1917
- * Clairvoyance, (pm) The Delineator May 1920
- * Companions, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1961
- * Confession, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1921
- * The Congregation, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1917
- * The Convent at Thomé, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1918
- * The Costumer, (pm) Harper’s Magazine June 1927
- * A Country Carol, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine January 1913
- * Cross Roads, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1923
- * Currant Bushes, (pm) Harper’s Magazine August 1922
- * Cynics, (pm) Live Stories July 1918
- * The Dancers, (pm) Harper’s Magazine July 1918
- * The Dark Cavalier, (pm) The Old Road to Paradise by Margaret Widdemer, Henry Holt, 1918
- * The Dear Baron, (ss) Woman’s Day February 1950
- * Discovery, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1918
- * Distance, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1922
- * Don Andrews’ Girl, (ss) Young’s Magazine October 1914
- * Dorothea, Pioneer, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion February 1921
- * The Drug, (vi) Young’s Magazine September 1912
- * Easter Song, (pm) St. Nicholas March 1921
- * Eidolons, (pm) 1925
- * Elinor, (pm) The Delineator February 1927
- * Epilogue, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine October 1922
- * The Factories, (pm) McClure’s Magazine September 1912
- * The Fairyland Heart, (ss) The Bellman #579, August 18 1917
- * A Father’s Prayer, (pm) Good Housekeeping October 1917
- * Fickleness, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st July 1923
- * Figure Piece with Flowers, (pm) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1938
- * First Lover, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1925
- * Flight, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine June 1923
- * Flowered Hat, (pm) Everybody’s March 1925
- * A Folk-Song, (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1913
- * The Forgotten Soul, (pm) Scribner’s Magazine December 1912
- * Freed, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1926
- * Freedom, (pm) The Smart Set March 1919
- * The Gallant Lady, (n.) Pall Mall Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1927
- * Ghost to Come, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1961
- * Girl’s Sewing-Song, (pm) Zest October 1926
- * Girl’s Song, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st July 1919
- * Glamour, (pm) 1925
- * Goodbye, My Lover, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine December 1917
- * The Good-Times Girl, (ss) Young’s Magazine August 1914
- * The Great Ships Come, (pm) Good Housekeeping February 1919
- * Guidance, (vi) Collier’s February 10 1934
- * Gypsy-Wisdom, (pm) Romance May 1920
- * A Halloween Story, (pm) Little Girl and Boy Land by Margaret Widdemer, Harcourt Brace Co., 1924
- * Havana Stop-Over, (ss) The American Magazine December 1932
- * Heaven, (pm) The Delineator December 1936
- * Heloise Has a Heart, (ss) The Smart Set June 1923
- * Her Child, (ss) The Forum July 1913
- * Here’s Your Hat!, (ss) The American Magazine September 1934
- * Hidden Love, (pm) Harper’s Magazine June 1915
- * Hill Garden, (pm) The Delineator September 1936
- * Homes, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1918
- * How They “Broke Into Print”:
* ___ X (with Jane Helen Findlater, Mary Findlater, Justus Miles Forman, Francis Arthur Jones, Richard Marsh, Sidney Laver Nyburg, Oliver Onions & Booth Tarkington), (bg) The Strand Magazine (US) October 1915
- * I Can Go to Love Again, (pm) The Novel Magazine February 1915
- * I Did Not Know, (pm) Poetry October 1917
- * I Have Swept Love from My Heart, (pm) Harper’s Magazine December 1916
- * In Absence, (pm) Good Housekeeping September 1920
- * Infuriating Little Boy, (ss) Woman’s Journal June 1938
- * Interim, (pm) The Smart Set December 1917
- * Irony, (pm) Harper’s Magazine May 1923
- * Jade, (ss) Liberty October 25 1930
- * Janua Vitae, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1926
- * Knight Errant, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1920
- * The Knight’s Return, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1928
- * Known Music, (pm) The Delineator March 1931
- * Lady in a Glass House, (nv) The American Magazine March 1945
- * Lament for Heaven, (pm) Harper’s Magazine September 1928
- * Last Barrier, (pm) The Delineator December 1930
- * Learning, (pm) Everybody’s August 1925
- * Life to the Dreamer, (pm) The Midland v4, 1918
- * Like Mary, (vi) Liberty June 16 1934
- * The Little Gold Curl, (ss) Associated Sunday Magazine April 25 1915
- * Little Lonesome Boy, (ss) Young’s Magazine December 1912
- * The Little Pawn, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1920
- * The Little Queens, (ss) Collier’s March 4 1922
- * Little Roads, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine May 1921
- * Lonesome, (ss) Good Housekeeping July 1916
- * Love-Gate, (ss) Pictorial Review September 1926
- * Love in Winter, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1919
- * The Loyal Lover, (sl) Smart Set Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1929
- * Lullaby for Innocents’ Day, (pm) This Week March 24 1940
- * Lullaby for Someone Grown, (pm) Good Housekeeping April 1950
- * The Man Says “Yes”, (sl) Liberty Jun 3, Jun 10, Jun 17, Jun 24 1939
- * Mary, Helper of Heartbreak—, (pm) The Century Magazine May 1917
- * The Masters, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1918
- * A Merry Heart, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1913
- * Mirrors: a Parable for Lovers, (pm) The Saturday Evening Post September 17 1927
- * The Modern Woman to Her Lover, (pm) The American Magazine November 1914
- * Mother Prayed a House, (ar) Woman’s Day September 1945
- * Mother Prayer, (pm) Good Housekeeping September 1915
- * My Heart Is Very Quiet, (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1917
- * My Little Sister the City, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1917
- * My Soldier, (pm) McCall’s Magazine July 1918
- * Next Year, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine November 1917
- * Nobody Had Any, (ss) Liberty August 27 1938
- * No Drums, (pm) McCall’s September 1941
- * October, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1915
- * Old Books, (pm) 1918
- * The Old Kings, (pm) Harper’s Magazine July 1917
- * Old Ladies, (pm) Hill Garden: New Poems by Margaret Widdemer, Farrar & Rinehart, 1936
- * Old Love, (pm) Ainslee’s March 1920
- * The Old Road to Paradise, (pm) Good Housekeeping April 1916
- * The Old Suffragist, (pm) The American Magazine August 1913
- * The Old Thought, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1916
- * The Old Voice, (pm) The Smart Set May 1917
- * Old Wisdom, (pm) Good Housekeeping November 1920
- * An Old Woman, (pm) The American Magazine May 1914
- * Omission, (pm) Harper’s Magazine December 1921
- * Once I Met Happiness, (pm) The Smart Set August 1916
- * Once to Every Married Man, (ss) Collier’s June 10 1922
- * Once, When We Bought Valentines, (pm) Good Housekeeping February 1916
- * Orange Birds, (pm) Harper’s Magazine November 1924
- * Pageant, (pm) The Windsor Magazine February 1926
- * Paragraph, (pm) The Saturday Review of Literature
- * The Passing, (pm) Good Housekeeping July 1915
- * People, (pm) The Bellman #487, November 13 1915
- * Personal-Touch Dept, (ss) The New Yorker October 26 1929
- * Pine Breath, (pm) McCall’s August 1938
- * Poverty, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1924
- * Prayer for a Wartime Christmas, (pm) McCall’s December 1944
- * Prayer for a World Hurt Sore, (pm) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine January 1919
- * Prayer for Independence Day, (pm) McCall’s Magazine July 1930
- * A Prayer for Thanksgiving (in Wartime), (pm) Good Housekeeping November 1915
- * Prayer for the New Year, (pm) Good Housekeeping January 1918
- * Prayer of a Lonely Girl, (pm) Good Housekeeping June 1917, as "Prayer of a Lonely Girl in the City"
- * Prayer of a Lonely Girl in the City, (pm) Good Housekeeping June 1917
- * A Present for Rosamond, (ss) Young’s Magazine August 1914
- * The Prince and Tommy, (ss) The Woman’s Magazine (US) March 1914
- * Prisoners, (pm) 1925
- * The Promise-Keeper, (pm) The Smart Set March 1922
- * The Queen’s Ghost, (pm) The New Yorker December 4 1937
- * Recessional Prayer, (pm) Good Housekeeping March 1918
- * The Red-Brick Dream, (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1915
- * Revisitants, (pm) The Double Dealer September 1922
- * Rhinestones, (sl) Good Housekeeping January 1929
- * The Rival, (pm) Lover’s Lane 1st May 1923
- * Roots, (pm) McCall’s August 1939
- * Rosabel Paradise, (ss) Collier’s October 11 1913
- * The Rose-Garden Husband, (na) Lippincott’s Magazine October 1914
- * Sea-Call, (pm) Romance June 1920
- * Secondary Wife, (ss) The Delineator December 1919
- * Second-Best Love Letter, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1931
- * Seeker, (pm) McClure’s Magazine February 1918
- * The Shadow of the Shelves [Loves of the Eight E’s], (ss) Good Housekeeping March 1916
- * She Looked Like an Angel, (ss) Collier’s November 20 1943
- * Silence, (pm) The Smart Set December 1923
- * The Silk Dress That Was Satin, (ss) Good Housekeeping December 1916
- * Song for a Christmas Tree, (pm) McCall’s December 1938
- * Song of Pierrot, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1914
- * Songs, (pm) Good Housekeeping February 1930
- * Song (“The foolish dream is torn now that clung about my feet”), (pm) Harper’s Magazine April 1915
- * Song (“Youth was a silver sword…”), (pm) Pearson’s Magazine August 1923
- * Sporting, (ss) Good Housekeeping July 1921
- * The Stormy Petrel’s Daughter, (ss) Zest January 1927
- * The Story-Book’s End, (pm) The Bellman #591, November 10 1917
- * Surge, (ss) The Designer and The Woman’s Magazine October 1926
- * Take It and Like It, (ss) Droll September 1949
- * Tea, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine December 1916
- * Tears of Resignation, (pm) The Century Magazine May 1917, as "Mary, Helper of Heartbreak—"
- * Thanksgiving, (pm) Good Housekeeping November 1918
- * These, (pm) Good Housekeeping March 1933
- * To a Young Girl, (pm) Good Housekeeping February 1926
- * To a Young Girl at a Window, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine October 1916
- * Triumph, (pm) Harper’s Magazine January 1915
- * Tryst, (pm) The Smart Set July 1918
- * The Two Dyings, (pm) Everybody’s Magazine July 1913
- * Unchangeable Henry, (ss) McCall’s Magazine July 1918
- * Unfaith, (pm) The Smart Set March 1917
- * Unfreed, (pm) The Smart Set November 1918
- * The Waiting Maid, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine August 1925
- * A Walk in Springtime, (pm) The Smart Set May 1918
- * Warning (“As long as you never marry me, and I never marry you…”), (pm) The Bellman #621, June 8 1918, as by M. W.
- * Warning (“As long as you never marry me, and I never marry you…”, as by M. W.), (pm) The Story-teller May 1919
- * Warning (“I do not think, when this we have is over…”), (pm) Good Housekeeping September 1950
- * The Watcher, (pm) Good Housekeeping May 1920
- * W. C. C. S., (ms) Good Housekeeping September 1918
- * Weariness, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st October 1917
- * When Youth Went, (pm) Good Housekeeping November 1916
- * Whistle Fantasy, (pm) The Century Magazine October 1917
- * Winter Branches, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st January 1922
- * Wisdom, (pm) Harper’s Magazine July 1920
- * The Wishing-Ring Man, (sl) Sweetheart Stories #1 Nov 25, #2 Dec 9, #3 Dec 23 1925, #4 Jan 6, #5 Jan 20, #6 Feb 3, #7 Feb 17, #8 Mar 3, #9 Mar 17 1926
- * The Woman Speaks, (pm) Good Housekeeping January 1917
- * The Women’s Litany, (pm) The American Magazine September 1913
- * Women’s Marching Chant, (pm) The American Magazine June 1914
- * The Wooded Path, (pm) The Smart Set November 1918
- * Words, (pm) Good Housekeeping December 1934
- * World’s End, (pm) Ainslee’s May 1921
- * A Young Man with Red Hair, (ss) Liberty August 15 1936
- * Youth, (pm) The Bellman #455, April 3 1915
- * Youth and War, (pm) Good Housekeeping July 1930
- * Youth Asks, (pm) Harper’s Magazine August 1924
- * Youth for Christmas, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion December 1916
_____, as told to
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