The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1694
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[]Carpenter, Edward Childs (1872-1950) (about) (chron.); born Edward Payson Carpenter but was Edward Childs Carpenter by the time of his marriage in 1907.
- * An Awakening, (pm) Blue Pencil Magazine May 1901
- * Bull in Lamb-Skin, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine March 1903
- * Deep Waters, (ss) The Red Book Magazine May 1908
- * Dimples, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1904
- * The Easy Mark, (nv) Adventure February 1912
- * The Endless Fugue, (pm) Blue Pencil Magazine February 1901
- * Grafting of Abigail, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine October 1905
- * Love and the Weather Bureau, (ss) The Smart Set April 1905
- * The Miracle at Bended Spur, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1906
- * The Simplification of Life, (ar) The Savoy #3, July 1896
- * A Song, (pm) Blue Pencil Magazine Summer 1901
- * The Suicide, (pm) Blue Pencil Magazine May 1901
- * Thicker Than Water, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1910
- * Thin Ice, (ss) The Bohemian Magazine July 1908
- * Towards Democracy, (ex)
- * A Woman Who Waited, (ss) The Cavalier March 28 1914
- * Ye Sign of Ye Flat Iron, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1907
_____, [ref.]
[]Carpenter, Frank G. (fl. 1880s-1900s) (chron.)
- * A Baby’s Adventure with Henry Clay, (nf) Wide Awake September 1890
- * The Book-Loves of Statesmen, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine May 1898
- * Cairo Under the Khedive, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1889
- * The Capital of the Dragon’s Empire, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1889
- * Chances for Young Men:
* ___ 1: In the Hawaiian Islands, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1900
* ___ II: In Japan, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 31 1900
* ___ III: In the Philippines, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 16 1900
* ___ IV: In China, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 7 1900
- * The Confederate Flag, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine April 1885
- * Easter in Jerusalem, (ar) The Cosmopolitan March 1890
- * The Empress of the East, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 28 1900
- * English-China, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 5 1901
- * Favorite Works of Famous Men, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine
- * The Future of Hudson Bay, (ar)
- * In China, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 7 1900
- * India Under the Queen, (ar) The Cosmopolitan November 1889
- * In Japan, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 31 1900
- * In the Hawaiian Islands, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 10 1900
- * In the Land of the White Elephant, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1890
- * In the Philippines, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 16 1900
- * The Japanese at Play, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1889
- * The Japanese Emperor at Home, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 8 1901
- * John Wilkes Booth: A Talk with the Man That Captured Him, (iv) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine September 1887
- * The Koreans at Home, (ar) The Cosmopolitan February 1889
- * The Ladies of the American Court, (ar) The Cosmopolitan June 1888
- * Lent among the Mahometans, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1893
- * Li Hung Chang—Peacemaker, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1900
- * The Loves of the Presidents, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine July 1886
- * Men and Things:
* ___ XXXVI. A Baby’s Adventure with Henry Clay, (nf) Wide Awake September 1890
- * Our Mohammedan Nabobs, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 7 1901
- * The Presidents as Gastronomers, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine December 1886
- * Ranch Life in the Calgary District, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine April 1906
- * The Real George Washington, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1889
- * The Real Martha Washington, (ar) The Cosmopolitan January 1887
- * Royal Signatures, (ar) The Cosmopolitan July 1887
- * Russian-China, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1900
- * A Talk with a President’s Son, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine March 1888
- * The Tours of the Presidents, (ar) The Cosmopolitan October 1887
- * The Two Capitals of Japan, (ar) The Cosmopolitan September 1889
- * Uncle Sam’s Book-Case, (ar) The Cosmopolitan April 1887
[]Carpenter, Helen (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * Clear as Glass (with Lorri Carpenter), (ss) The Third WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press!The, 1990
- * Crime Time (with Lorri Carpenter), (ss) The Second WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, The Crossing Press, 1989
- * The Disappearing Diamond (with Lorri Carpenter), (ss) The WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, The Crossing Press, 1988
- * Drowned in Affection (with Lorri Carpenter), (ss) The Second WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, The Crossing Press, 1989
- * Emma Twiggs to the Rescue (with Lorri Carpenter), (ss) The Fourth WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, Crossing Press, 1991
- * A Nose for Crime (with Lorri Carpenter), (ss) The Second WomanSleuth Anthology ed. Irene Zahava, The Crossing Press, 1989
[]Carpenter, J(oseph) E(dwards) (1813-1885) (about) (chron.)
- * Angels of the House, (pm)
- * Evening Song, (sg) Peterson’s Magazine October 1872, music by Franz Abt
- * The Good-by at the Door, (sg) Peterson’s Magazine December 1864, music by Stephen Glover
- * Guardian Angels, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1854
- * Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still, (sg) Peterson’s Magazine February 1863, uncredited., music by W. T. Wrighton; adapted by Septimus Winner
- * “I Calmly Slept and Dreamed”, (pm) Santa Claus: Dupuy’s Christmas Annual 1880
- * Love Me Less, or Love Me More, (pm) Bentley’s Miscellany 1859
- * Only a Lock of Her Hair, (sg) Peterson’s Magazine February 1879, music by W. T. Wrightson
- * When Autumn Leaves Are Falling, (sg) Peterson’s Magazine October 1881, music by J. W. Cherry
[]Carpenter, John (1948- ) (about) (chron.)
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- * The Erotics of Becoming: Xenogenesis and The Thing by Eric White, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies November 1993
- * The Invisible Man Revealed by Thomas Nilsson, (iv) Fear #30, June 1991
- * John Carpenter by Peter Normanton, (ar) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume One ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019
- * John Carpenter: The Man Behind the Masks by David Bruce, (ar) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- * The Musical World of John Carpenter by Robb Kavjian, (ar) Weird House Magazine #2, 2023
- * Save Yourself: John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness and the Cinema of the Weird by Victor H. Rodriguez, (ar) Speculative City #8, Summer 2020
- * They Live! by Kim Newman, (iv) Fear #1, July/August 1988
- * “What’s the Boogey Man?” The Films of John Carpenter by Michael Wesley, (ar) Samhain #2, Spring 1987
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