The FictionMags Index
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Newton, (Wilfrid) Douglas (chron.) (continued)
- * Vanished Years, (nv) Cassell’s Magazine September 1931
- * The Vanishing Vengeance, (sl) The Hawick News Aug 17, Aug 24, Aug 31, Sep 7, Sep 14, Sep 21, Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19,
Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23, Nov 30, Dec 7, Dec 14, Dec 21, Dec 28 1928
- * The Vanneys Go Back, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 16 1927
- * Velvet, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) December 1929
- * Vengeance in the Fog, (ss) Tit-Bits August 28 1937
- * The Victim, (na) The Thriller #78, August 2 1930
- * Village Murderers Can Be So Simple [Sergeant Jull], (ss) The Passing Show June 4 1938
- * Violets in a Blizzard, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1939
- * The Violin, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #146, February 17 1912
- * Vision, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1915
- * The Vision of the Blind, (ss) The Sketch March 29 1916
- * The Voice from the Dead, (ss) The Story-teller January 1926
- * The Voice Is Seen, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) June 1927
- * The Wages of Hate, (nv) The New Magazine (UK) August 1930
- * The Walking Stick, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 1 1919
- * Wally the Warden, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1940
- * The Wandering Gentile [Savaran], (nv) The Passing Show March 21 1936
- * Wanted, (ss) The Detective Magazine #16, June 22 1923
- * The War Cache, (sl) Munsey’s Magazine Dec 1917, Jan, Feb, Mar 1918
- * War Is War, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1915
- * The War-Maker, (sl) The Red Magazine Apr 10, Apr 24, May 8, May 22, Jun 5, Jun 19, Jul 3, Jul 17 1925
- * The War Makers, (na)
- * The Water Rats [Chief Engineer Douglas “Grimy Doug” Dickson], (ss) The Popular Magazine April 7 1925
- * Wave Madness, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine January 1926
- * The Way of Bohemia, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1920
- * Weddings—Their Mysteries and Uses [Phillip Manwaering], (ss) The Sketch January 16 1918
- * What Can Stand Against Love?, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1928
- * The Wheel of Time, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1927
- * When Greek Meets Greek, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1920
- * “When I Am Dying, Lean Over Me, Tenderly, Softly”, (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1909
- * Where the Tree Drums Throb, (ss) The Blue Magazine #42, December 1922
- * Which Do You Pity?, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1921
- * The Whiff o’ Lavender, (ss) The Lady’s Realm February 1914
- * While the Cyclone Raged, (ss) The Citizen (Gloucester) June 12 1950
- * The Whispering Death [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1932
- * The Whispering Shadow [Cheleeman], (ss) The Story-teller February 1929
- * The Whistle, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine December 1920
- * Whited Sepulchre [Buenaventure Lafitau], (ss) Yes or No June 20 1908
- * The White Liar [Chief Engineer Douglas “Grimy Doug” Dickson], (ss) The Popular Magazine July 7 1925
- * White Lot, (ss) The Red Magazine March 22 1929
- * White Men, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine March 1928
- * Whither Will You Wanda?, (ss) The Red Magazine March 26 1926
- * Who Killed Tom Boker? [Paul Toft (Ifill)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1932
- * Who Killed Valesca?, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1927
- * The Whole World or— [Marie V], (nv) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #148, July 1924
- * The Wicked Lady Anne, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 26 1924
- * Wills and Ways, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine February 1927
- * The Winking Light, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #249, February 7 1914
- * The Witch’s Hat, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1927
- * The Wolf, (ss) The Sketch March 17 1915
- * “A Woman Did It”, (ss) Yes or No March 7 1908
- * The Woman in the Way, (ss) The New Royal Magazine May 1931
- * The Woman of Mount Ptah, (ss) The Blue Magazine #34, April 1922
- * The Woman Out of the Bush, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 24 1922
- * Woman: the Incentive, (ss) Yes or No October 7 1911
- * The Woman Who Made It Up, (ss) The Red Magazine February 2 1923
- * The Woman Who Never Dies, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine October 1924
- * The Wonder Girl, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1938
- * The Wood of Seen Dreams, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1922
- * The Wood of the Caterpillars, (ss) The Red Magazine October 15 1910
- * Wool [Paul Peterr], (ss) The Sketch November 16 1921
- * The World Well Lost, (ss) The Sketch March 3 1920
- * Yellow, (ss) The London Magazine July 1924
- * You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down [Chief Engineer Douglas “Grimy Doug” Dickson], (ss) The Popular Magazine May 7 1925
- * The Young Lion Cuts His Teeth [Savaran], (ss) The Passing Show November 14 1936
- * Yvonne, (ss) The Premier Magazine #11, August 1927
- * Zaida the Dancing Girl, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine May 1928
_____, [ref.]
[]Newton, Frances (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Advice to June Bridegrooms, (ar) This Week June 11 1939
- * And There Is Need for Gentleness, (ar) This Week December 24 1939
- * A Challenge to Whiners, (ar) This Week August 27 1939
- * A Decoration Day for the Living, (ar) This Week February 4 1940
- * For a Shiny Day, (ar) This Week December 4 1938
- * A Foreigner Analyzes the American Girl, (ar) This Week June 4 1939
- * A Magic Wand, (ar) This Week December 18 1938
- * Shining Hours, (ar) Liberty June 3 1939
- * To Fame on a Galloping Paper Horse, (ar) This Week June 25 1939
- * Why Are They Stars?, (ar) This Week February 19 1939
[]Newton, Henry Warren (fl. 1880s-1890s) (chron.)
- * Advice for April, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #51, April 1885
- * April Arrangements, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #27, April 1883
- * August Anticipations, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #31, August 1883
- * A Ballard of the Blues, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #15, April 1882
- * A Call to Cricketers, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #53, June 1885
- * A Cricketing Carol, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #18, July 1882
- * December Doings, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #59, December 1885
- * A Demoniac Drawback, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #54, July 1885
- * Eton and Harrow, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #55, August 1885
- * The February Favourite, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #49, February 1885
- * February Fixtures, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #25, February 1883
- * Football, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #23, December 1882
- * Football Ferocity, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #57, October 1885
- * A Good Reason, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #56, September 1885
- * Hunting, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #46, November 1884
- * A Hunting Lay, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #36, January 1884
- * In the Shires, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #22, November 1882
- * A Jingle on July, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #30, July 1883
- * June Jottings, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #29, June 1883
- * A March Meditation, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #14, March 1882
- * March Memoranda, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #26, March 1883
- * May Meetings, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #28, May 1883
- * May Mems, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #16, May 1882
- * May’s Chief Merit, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #40, May 1884
- * The New Harrison Portrait and Its Painter, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine July 1895
- * New Year’s Notes, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #36, January 1884
- * November Notes, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #58, November 1885
- * The Other Side of the Question, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #41, June 1884
- * Pastime Perplexity, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #44, September 1884
- * A Poem for Piscators, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #12, January 1882
- * Racing’s Reveille, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #50, March 1885
- * The Regatta Revel, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #42, July 1884
- * Room for Improvement, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #48, January 1885
- * Rough on Sportsmen, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #52, May 1885
- * Skating, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #24, January 1883
- * A Sound Sportsman, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #13, February 1882
- * St.Grouse, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #19, August 1882
- * St.Partridge, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #20, September 1882
- * St.Pheasant, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #21, October 1882
- * A Trill of the Twelfth, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #43, August 1884
- * A Trolling Trill, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #45, October 1884
- * Undecided, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #39, April 1884
- * A Waltonian Warble, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #17, June 1882
- * A Winter Warble, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #47, December 1884
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