The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11666
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[The Readers] (chron.) (continued)
- * What Do You Think?, (lc) The New Eve February 1926
- * What Do You Think?, (lc) Five-Novels Monthly Aug 1934, Apr, May, Jun, Sep 1935, Jan, Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec 1936,
Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Aug, Dec 1937
May, Jul, Sep, Dec 1938, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Aug, Sep, Nov,
Dec 1939
Mar, Sep 1940, Feb 1941
- * What Do You Think?, (lc) True Story Jan 1935, Mar 1939
- * What Do You Think?, (lc) The Blue Book Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1943, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1944
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1945
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1946, May 1947
- * What Do You Think?, (lc) Fantastic Novels Magazine November 1949
- * What Do You Think of the Gem?… What Do You Think of the Magnet?, (lt) The Magnet Library March 28 1908
- * What Fans Are Saying Coast to Coast, (lt) The Golden Gazette v3 #1, 2010
- * What I Am Getting Out of the War, (lt) The American Magazine April 1918
- * What I Am Going to Do Next, (lt) The American Magazine April 1919
- * What I Am Most Afraid Of, (lc) The American Magazine March 1914
- * What I Am Most Thankful For, (lc) The American Magazine November 1913
- * What I Could Suggest to My Employer, (lc) The American Magazine September 1916
- * What I Have Observed About Women in Business: What I Have Observed About Men in Business, (lt) The American Magazine October 1918
- * What I Have Seen Booze Do, (lt) The American Magazine January 1918
- * “What I Like”, (cl) The Royal Magazine Feb, Apr, May, Jul 1929
- * What I Like Best About the American Magazine, (lc) The American Magazine November 1914
- * What Is a Criminal?, (lc) The American Magazine February 1914
- * What Is Being Said About the Magazine, (lc) The American Magazine April 1916
- * What Is Entertainment?—Readers Replies, (lc) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1956
- * What I Should Do with One Million Dollars, (lc) The American Magazine April 1914
- * What I Think Is the Matter—What I Would Do About It, (lt) The American Magazine January 1920
- * What Its Readers Think of The Argosy, (lc) The Argosy December 21 1889
- * What I Want in My House, (lt) The American Magazine August 1920
- * What I Would Do if I Had My Life to Live Over, (lt) The American Magazine March 1918
- * What I Would Sacrifice for My Country, (lt) The American Magazine August 1917
- * What Kind of Family Do We Really Want?, (lc) John Bull July 16 1949
- * What’ll I Do?, (lc) Modern Weekly #96 Feb 18, #103 Apr 7 1928
- * What’ll I Do?, (lt) Charm #14, December 19 1925
- * What Makes Me Laugh, (hu) The Novel Magazine September 1920
- * What Our Country Will Gain from This War, (lt) The American Magazine February 1915
- * What Our Readers Say, (lc) Nash’s Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1913
- * What Our Readers Say of Our First Year of Publication, (lc) Books in Brief February 1938
- * What Our Readers Think of Us, (lc) Movie Weekly May 24 1924
- * What Our Readers Write, (lc) The Popular Magazine July 15 1914
- * What People Are Saying about Pluck, (lc) Pluck October 19 1895
- * What Readers Are Getting out of the Magazine, (lc) The American Magazine May 1916
- * What Readers Say, (lc) Family Fiction Aug/Sep, Nov/Dec 1947
- * What Readers Think About Test-Tube Babies, (lc) John Bull September 6 1947
- * What Readers Think of Texas Rangers, (lc) Texas Rangers December 1951
- * What Rests Me Most, (lt) The American Magazine August 1918
- * What Salary Do You Need to Make You Happy?, (lt) The American Magazine October 1917
- * What Science Fiction Means to Me, (cl) Science Wonder Stories July 1929
- * What’s in a Name, (ms) The American Magazine November 1947
- * What’s on Your Mind?, (lc) Redbook Magazine Oct 1941, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1942, Mar 1943
- * What the Cat Dragged In, (lc) Fantasy Mongers #3 Spr 1982, #5 1983, #16 Aug 1985, #18 Spr, #19 Sum, #20 Aut 1986, #23 Sum 1987
- * What the Customers Think, (lc) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #22, June 25 1945
- * What the Readers Say, (lc) The American Magazine Apr, Oct 1934, Feb, Mar, Jun, Nov 1935, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Nov,
Dec 1936
Feb, Apr, Jun, Nov, Dec 1937, Jan 1938
- * What the War Has Already Done to Me, (lt) The American Magazine December 1917
- * What They Had to Say About Bruce’s Story in Boggle #1, (lc) Boggle #2, August 1977
- * What They Had to Say About Mat’s Story in Boggle #1, (lc) Boggle #2, August 1977
- * What They Had to Say About Van Ikin’s Story in Boggle #1, (lc) Boggle #2, August 1977
- * What They Liked Best and Why, (ms) Smart Set December 1928
- * What They Say About Us, (lc) Detective Story Magazine Aug 5 1916, Mar 20 1917
- * What to Do, (cl) The Designer and The Woman’s Magazine May 1926
- * What Wasted Time Has Cost Me, (lt) The American Magazine September 1920
- * “What We Know About Rum”, (lc) Everybody’s Magazine July 1914
- * What Would You Say?, (ms) Smart Set January 1928
- * What You Girls Are Doing, (cl) Live Girl Stories Nov, Dec 1928, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Aug 1929
- * What Your Fellow-Readers Think!, (lc) Pearson’s Weekly #2153 Oct 31, #2155 Nov 14, #2160 Dec 19 1931, #2162 Jan 2 1932
- * What You Think About It, (lt) Scribner’s Magazine March 1930
- * What You’ve Said, (lc) Woman’s Weekly November 8 2011
- * What You Write to Us, (lc) Look and Learn #6, February 24 1962
- * When Fate Stepped In, (lc) Pearson’s Magazine July 1923
- * When Good Fellows Get Together, (lc) North•West Stories Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1925, 1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 1st Feb, 2nd Feb, 2nd Mar, 2nd Apr,
1st May, 2nd May, 1st Jun, 2nd Jun, 2nd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 2nd Oct, 1st Dec 1926
2nd Jan, 1st Mar, 2nd Mar, 1st Apr, 2nd Apr, 1st May, 2nd May, 1st Jun, 2nd Jun, 1st Jul, 2nd Jul,
1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 1st Sep, 2nd Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 1st Nov, 2nd Nov, 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1927
1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 1st Feb, 2nd Feb, 1st Mar, 2nd Mar, 2nd Apr, 1st May, 2nd May, 1st Jun, 2nd Jun,
1st Jul, 2nd Jul, 1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 1st Sep, 2nd Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 1st Nov, 2nd Nov, Dec 1928
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1929
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1930
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1931
Feb, Mar, Apr 1932, Sum 1938
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