The FictionMags Index
Index: Books by Author: Page 58
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Greenberg, Rosalind (Elizabeth) M(orton) (1951- ); previously known as Elizabeth Morton (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Christmas Bestiary (with Martin H. Greenberg) (DAW, November 1992, 0-88677-528-0, $4.99, 315pp, pb, oa, cover by John Howe)
- * Dragon Fantastic (with Martin H. Greenberg) (DAW, May 1992, 0-88677-511-6, $4.50, 299pp, pb, oa, cover by John Howe)
- * 14 Vicious Valentines (with Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh) (Avon, February 1988, 0-380-75353-7, $3.50, 192pp, pb, oa)
- * Horse Fantastic (with Martin H. Greenberg) --- see under Martin H. Greenberg.
- * Phantoms (with Martin H. Greenberg) --- see under Martin H. Greenberg.
- * Vampires in Love (with Martin H. Greenberg) (Fall River Press, April 2010, 978-1-4351-1852-2, $9.98, 429pp, hc, an)
Greene, (Henry) Graham (1904-1991) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Lost Childhood and Other Essays (Penguin, 1966, 1695, 5/-, 224pp, pb, co)
- * Nineteen Stories (Heinemann, 1947, 8/6d, 231pp, hc, co)
_____, ed.
Greene, [Sir] Hugh (1910-1987) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * American Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (The Bodley Head, October 1976, 0-370-10610-5, 352pp, hc, an)
- * The Crooked Counties: Further Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (The Bodley Head, October 1973, 0-370-01490-1, £2.75, 317pp, hc, an)
- * More Rivals of Sherlock Holmes: Cosmopolitan Crimes (The Bodley Head, September 1971, 0-370-01458-8, 348pp, hc, an)
- * The Pirate of the Round Pond, & Other Strange Adventure Stories (The Bodley Head, 1977, 0-370-30013-0, 220pp, hc, an)
- * The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes: Early Detective Stories (The Bodley Head, September 1970, 0-370-01434-0, 352pp, hc, an)
- * Victorian Villanies (with Graham Greene) --- see under Graham Greene.
Greene, Joseph (Ingham) (1897-1953) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * First Love (with Elizabeth Abell) (Bantam Books, August 1948, 503, 25¢, 242pp, pb, an, cover by Al Brule)
- * Husbands and Lovers (with Elizabeth Abell) (Bantam Books, December 1949, 742, 25¢, 273pp, pb, an, cover by Ben Stahl)
- * Stories for Here and Now (with Elizabeth Abell) (Bantam Books, August 1951, A914, 35¢, 469pp, pb, an)
- * Stories of Sudden Truth (with Elizabeth Abell) (Ballantine Books, 1953, 19, 35¢, 257pp, pb, an)
Greene, L. Patrick; [born Louis Montague Green] (1891-1971) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Black Tide Rising [Aubrey St. John Major] (George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1936, 7/6d, 318pp, hc, n.)
- * Bread Upon the Waters [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1940, hc, n.)
- * The Devil’s Kloof [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., March 1928, 272pp, hc, n.)
- * Devil’s Kloof [Aubrey St. John Major] (Popular Publications, December 2, 2024, 978-1-61827-832-6, $29.95, 320pp, tp, co, cover by William Reusswig)
- * Drums Call the Major [Aubrey St. John Major] (George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1938, hc, n.)
- * Dynamite Drury [Dynamite Drury] (Selwyn & Blount, 1929, 7/6d, 288pp, hc, co)
- * Dynamite Drury Again [Dynamite Drury] (Jarrolds, 1930, hc, co)
- * Dynamite Drury Patrols [Dynamite Drury] (Devonshire Publishing Co., 1946, 255pp, hc, n.)
- * Escape from Liberty [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1939, 7/6d, 256pp, hc, n.)
- * Face Value [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1939, 7/6d, hc, co)
- * Fire and Other Stories of the Major (Black Dog Books, 2003, 1-928619-09-6, $6.00, 76pp, ph, co)
- * The Flame (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1930, hc, n.)
- * Fool’s Folly [Aubrey St. John Major] (Altus Press, November 29, 2023, 978-1-61827-771-8, $29.95, 278pp, tp, co)
- * Forbidden Valley [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1932, 7/6d, 291pp, hc, n.)
- * From Deep Waters [Aubrey St. John Major] (Altus Press, January 8, 2013, 978-1-61827-083-2, $19.95, 320pp, tp, co)
- * The Heel of Achilles (Altus Press, 2017, 978-1-61827-414-4, $19.95, 352pp, tp, co)
- * Just Vengeance [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1934, 7/6d, 256pp, hc, n.)
- * The Lake of the Dead [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1935, 7/6d, 253pp, hc, n.)
- * L. Patrick Greene’s Tales of the Jungle (Black Dog Books, 2005, 1-928619-35-5, $10.00, 64pp, ph, co)
- * Major Adventures [Aubrey St. John Major] (Heinemann, 1928, hc, co)
- * Major Developments [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1931, hc, co)
- * The Major—Diamond Buyer [Aubrey St. John Major] (Doubleday, Page & Company, 1924, hc, co)
- * Major Exploits [Aubrey St. John Major] (Selwyn & Blount, 1930, hc, co)
- * Major Hazards [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1932, hc, co)
- * The Major—Knight Errant [Aubrey St. John Major] (Heinemann, 1929, hc, co)
- * Major Occasions [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1931, hc, co)
- * A Matter of Range (Altus Press, 2017, 978-1-61827-269-0, $19.95, 269pp, tp, co)
- * Murder Beacon (with Walter S. Masterman) (Sampson Low, 1932, hc, n.)
- * Not So Useless:Trooper Useless on Patrol [Trooper Useless] (George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1938, hc, n.)
- * The Point of a Thousand Spears [Sgt. Lancey; Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1934, 7/6d, 285pp, hc, co)
- * The Red Idol [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1928, hc, n.)
- * Sergeant Lancey Carries On [Sgt. Lancey] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1933, 7/6d, 256pp, hc, co)
- * Sergeant Lancey Reports [Sgt. Lancey] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1931, hc, co)
- * Sergeant Lancey Tells the Tale [Sgt. Lancey] (Devonshire Publishing Co., 1947, 244pp, hc, co)
- * Sergeant Whatisname (Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1933, 7/6d, 308pp, hc, co)
- * Sinews of War [Aubrey St. John Major] (Altus Press, May 3, 2022, 978-1-61827-655-1, $29.95, 382pp, tp, co)
- * The Splendid Exile [Aubrey St. John Major] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1935, 7/6d, 254pp, hc, co)
- * Swordsmen of Fortune (Mellifont Library, October 1943, 48, 128pp, pb, n.)
- * Tabu Dick [“Taboo” Dick Hatteras] (John Hamilton, Ltd., 1933, 7/6d, 284pp, hc, co)
- * Trooper Useless [Trooper Useless] (George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1936, 5/-, 255pp, hc, co)
- * Tug of War (John Hamilton, Ltd., May 1932, 287pp, hc, co)
- * White Man’s Stride [Aubrey St. John Major] (Selwyn & Blount, 1929, hc, co)
- * Witchcraft (Black Dog Books, 2003, 1-928619-19-3, $7.00, 66pp, ph, co)
Greenland, Colin (1954- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * In the Garden: The Secret Origin of the Zodiac Twins [Tabitha Jute] (Birmingham Science Fiction Group, November 1991, no ISBN, £3.50, 16pp, ph, ss) [Novacon Booklets]
- * Michael Moorcock: Death Is No Obstacle (Savoy, August 24, 1992, 0-86130-087-4, £14.95, 146pp, hc, nf, cover by Jean-Léon Gérôme)
- * The Plenty Principle (Voyager, March 17, 1997, 0-00-649906-6, £5.99, 427pp, pb, co)
_____, ed.
Greenwood, Ed (1959- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Best of the Realms, Book II: The Stories of Ed Greenwood [Forgotten Realms] (Wizards of the Coast, July 2005, 0-7869-3760-2, $7.99, 338pp, pb, co, cover by Kev Walker)
- * The Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters [Forgotten Realms] (TSR, August 1999, 0-7869-1365-7, $14.99, 376pp, tp, oc, cover by John Foster)
Gresh, Lois H(arriet) (1956- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Cult of the Dead and Other Weird and Lovecraftian Tales (Hippocampus Press, August 2015, 978-1-61498-130-5, $20.00, 240pp, pb, co, cover by Robert H. Knox)
- * Eldritch Evolutions: 26 Weird Science Fiction, Dark Fantasy & Horror Stories (Chaosium, March 21, 2011, 978-1-56882-349-2, $15.95, 343pp, tp, co, cover by Paul Carrick)
_____, ed.
Grey, M. Cameron (fl. 1970s-1980s) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Angels and Awakenings (Doubleday, 1980, 0-385-15311-2, $15.95, xxii+403pp, hc, an)
- * Angels and Awakenings (var. 1) (Doubleday, December 1980, 0-385-15311-2, vi+90pp, tp, an)
Gribbin, [Dr.] John (R.) (1946- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Alice Encounter (Drugstore Indian Press, August 2014, 978-1-848637-28-3, £7.99, 147pp, tp, na, cover by Stephen Leary)
- * Timeswitch (Drugstore Indian Press, August 2014, 978-1-848637-29-0, £7.99, 219pp, tp, n., cover by Stephen Leary)
Gribble, Leonard (Reginald) (1908-1985) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * The Arsenal Stadium Mystery [Anthony Slade] (Harrap, 1939, hc, n.)
- * The Arsenal Stadium Mystery [Anthony Slade] (The British Library, July 10, 2018, 978-0-7123-5226-0, £8.99, 256pp, tp, n.) [British Library Crime Classics]
Griffith(-Jones), George (Chetwynd) (1857-1906) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Gambles with Destiny (F.V. White, 1899, 6/-, viii+232pp, hc, co)
- * The Raid of “Le Vengeur” and Other Stories (Ferret Fantasy, 1974, £2.50, 144pp, tp, co)
Griffith, Nicola (June) (1960- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * With Her Body (Aqueduct Press, October 2004, 0-9746559-4-5, $8.00, 124pp, ph, co)
_____, ed.
- * Bending the Landscape: Fantasy (with Stephen Pagel) (White Wolf, March 1997, 1-56504-836-9, $19.99, 382pp, hc, oa, cover by Kevin Murphy)
- * Bending the Landscape: Horror (with Stephen Pagel) (Overlook Press, April 2001, 1-58567-116-9, $28.95, 332pp, hc, oa, cover by J. K. Potter)
- * Bending the Landscape: Science Fiction (with Stephen Pagel) (Overlook Press, September 1998, 0-87951-856-1, $26.95, 375pp, hc, oa, cover by J. K. Potter)
Griffiths, Andy (1961- ) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Blasters: Animal Tails (Heinemann, 1997, 9780858599147, 80pp, tp, oa, cover by Michelle Ryan)
- * Blasters: Risks & Challenges (Heinemann, 1997, 100pp, tp, oa, cover by Jeff Raglus)
Grimshaw, Beatrice (Ethel) (1870-1953) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Queen Vaiti (N.S.W. Bookstall, 1920, 168pp, hc, co)
- * Vaiti of the Islands (Eveleigh Nash, July 1907, hc, n.)
- * The Valley of Never-Come-Back (Hurst & Blackett, 1923, 287pp, hc, co)
Groff, Lauren (1978- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Best American Short Stories 2024 (with Heidi Pitlor) (Mariner, October 22, 2024, 978-0-06-327595-9, $19.99, 400pp, tp, an)
- * Best Short Stories 2023: The O. Henry Prize Winners (Anchor Books, September 12, 2023, 978-0-593-47059-6, 432pp, tp, an)
Grubb, Davis (Alexander) (1919-1980) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * One Foot in the Grave (Arrow, 1967, 925, 3/6d, 186pp, pb, co)
- * Twelve Tales of Suspense and the Supernatural (Scribner, 1964, $3.95, 175pp, hc, co)
- * You Never Believe Me and Other Stories (St. Martin’s, August 1989, 0-312-02997-7, $16.95, 259pp, hc, co)
Grzyb, Liz (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Damnation and Dames (with Amanda Pillar) (Ticonderoga Publications, April 4, 2012, 978-1-921857-03-4, A$30.00, 302pp, tp, oa)
- * Dreaming of Djinn (Ticonderoga Publications, June 2013, 978-1-921857-35-5, A$25.00, 335pp, tp, oa, cover by Nadia Starovoytova)
- * Ecopunk! (with Cat Sparks) (Ticonderoga Publications, November 6, 2017, 978-1-925212-54-9, £16.99, 332pp, tp, oa, cover by Peggy Hewitt)
- * Hear Me Roar (Ticonderoga Publications, June 30, 2015, 978-1-925212-36-5, A$25.00, 322pp, tp, oa)
- * Kisses by Clockwork (Ticonderoga Publications, June 2014, 978-1-921857-89-8, A$25.00, 310pp, tp, oa)
- * More Scary Kisses (Ticonderoga Publications, May 2011, 978-0-9807813-2-8, A$14.99, 257pp, tp, oa)
- * Scary Kisses (Ticonderoga Publications, April 2010, 978-0-9806288-4-5, A$25.00, 207pp, tp, oa)
- * The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2010 (with Talie Helene) (Ticonderoga Publications, September 1, 2011, 978-0-9807813-9-7, A$35.00, 478pp, tp, an, cover by Yaroslav Gerzhedovich)
- * The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2011 (with Talie Helene) (Ticonderoga Publications, August 10, 2012, 978-1-921857-14-0, A$35.00, 506pp, tp, an, cover by Yaroslav Gerzhedovich)
- * The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2012 (with Talie Helene) (Ticonderoga Publications, July 2013, 978-1-921857-49-2, A$35.00, 488pp, tp, an)
- * The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2013 (with Talie Helene) (Ticonderoga Publications, December 2014, 978-1-921857-73-7, A$35.00, 496pp, tp, an)
- * The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy & Horror 2014 (with Talie Helene) (Ticonderoga Publications, October 2015, 978-1-925212-18-1, 494pp, tp, an)
- * The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2015 (with Talie Helene) (Ticonderoga Publications, April 4, 2017, $35.00, 510pp, tp, an)
Guerrier, Simon (1976- ) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Doctor Who: Short Trips: The History of Christmas [Doctor Who] (Big Finish, December 2005, 1-84435-149-1, £14.99, 217pp, hc, oa)
- * Doctor Who: Short Trips: Time Signature [Doctor Who] (Big Finish, September 2006, 1-84435-235-8, £14.99, 209pp, hc, oa, cover by Stuart Manning)
Guignard, Eric J. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * After Death… (Dark Moon Books, April 5, 2013, 978-0-9885569-2-8, $15.95, 330pp, tp, oa, cover by Kevin Scott Sutay)
- * Dark Tales of Lost Civilizations (Dark Moon Books, March 1, 2012, 978-0-9834335-9-0, $14.95, xi+255pp, tp, oa, cover by Eric J. Guignard)
- * Horror Library: Volume 6 (Cutting Block Books, April 7, 2017, 978-0-9961159-8-8, $13.95, 352pp, tp, oa)
- * Pop the Clutch: Thrilling Tales of Rockabilly, Monsters, and Hot Rod Horror (Dark Moon Books, January 14, 2019, 978-1-949491-01-2, $17.95, iv+314pp, tp, oa, cover by Eric J. Guignard)
- * A Primer to Ramsey Campbell by Ramsey Campbell --- see under Ramsey Campbell.
- * A World of Horror (Dark Moon Books, September 10, 2018, 978-0-9989383-1-8, $16.95, 330pp, tp, oa, cover: Lake Tahoe, Spearing Fish by Torchlight by Albert Bierstadt from 1875)
Guin, Wyman (Woods) (1915-1989) (about) (items) (chron.)
- * Beyond Bedlam (Sphere, 1973, 0-7221-4141-6, 40p, 206pp, pb, co, cover by Jim Burns)
- * Living Way Out (Avon, August 1967, S298, 60¢, 208pp, pb, co, cover by Ronald Walotsky)
Gullen, David (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Mind Seed: A Science Fiction Anthology (with Gary Couzens) (T Party Books, July 13, 2014, 978-1-291-93432-8, £7.99, 183pp, tp, oa, cover by Ian Stead)
- * Once Upon a Parsec: The Book of Alien Fairy Tales (NewCon Press, September 3, 2019, 978-1-912950-29-4, £26.75, 228pp, hc, oa, cover by Ben Baldwin)
Gunn, Alastair (G.) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 1 (Wimbourne Books, January 7, 2018, 978-0-9929828-4-3, £9.99, 340pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Dinah Maria Craik] by Sir Hubert Von Herkomer from 1887)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 2 (Wimbourne Books, August 14, 2018, 978-0-9929828-5-0, £11.99, 407pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer] by Valeriano Domínguez Bécquer from 1862)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 3 (Wimbourne Books, August 22, 2018, 978-0-9929828-6-7, £8.99, 286pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of William Wilkie Collins] by Rudolph Lehmann from 1880)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 4 (Wimbourne Books, February 5, 2019, 978-0-9929828-7-4, £8.99, 336pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Edward Bulwer-Lytton] by Henry William Pickersgill from 1831)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 5 (Wimbourne Books, December 17, 2019, 978-0-9929828-8-1, £8.99, 263pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Sir Richard Francis Burton] by Sir Frederic Leighton from 1875)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 6 (Wimbourne Books, June 8, 2020, 978-0-9929828-9-8, £10.99, 355pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Mary Elizabeth Braddon] by William Powell Frith from 1865)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 7 (Wimbourne Books, October 9, 2020, 978-0-9929828-3-6, £8.99, 314pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Sabine Baring-Gould] by Sydney Carter from 1920)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 8 (Wimbourne Books, December 21, 2020, 978-1-83826-890-9, £9.99, 308pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu])
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 9 (Wimbourne Books, April 7, 2021, 978-1-83826-891-6, £10.99, 378pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Henry James] by John Singer Sargent from 1913)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 10 (Wimbourne Books, October 8, 2021, 978-1-83826-892-3, £8.99, 284pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of William Waldorf Astor] by Hubert Von Herkomer)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 11 (Wimbourne Books, August 4, 2022, 978-1-83826-893-0, £8.99, 287pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Harriet Beecher Stowe] by Alanson Fisher)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 12 (Wimbourne Books, August 4, 2022, 978-1-83826-894-7, £9.99, 317pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Richard Harris Barham])
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 13 (Wimbourne Books, May 25, 2023, 978-1-83826-895-4, £8.99, 241pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Charles Dickens] by Daniel Maclise from 1839)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 14 (Wimbourne Books, May 25, 2023, 978-1-83826-896-1, £9.99, 338pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Ellen Wood] by Joseph Sydney Willis Hodges)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 15 (Wimbourne Books, November 29, 2019, £1.99, ebook, an)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 15 (Wimbourne Books, December 21, 2023, 978-1-83826-897-8, £8.99, 281pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Robert Barr] by James Scott Stewart)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 16 (Wimbourne Books, December 23, 2019, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: [portrait of Margaret Oliphant] by Frederick Augustus Sandys from 1881)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 16 (Wimbourne Books, December 21, 2023, 978-1-83826-898-5, £9.99, 318pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Margaret Oliphant] by Frederick Augustus Sandys from 1881)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 17 (Wimbourne Books, April 2, 2020, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: [portrait of Louise Kirby Piatt] by George Peter Alexander Healy from 1855)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 17 (Wimbourne Books, October 26, 2024, 978-1-73850-671-2, £9.99, 289pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Louise Kirby Piatt] by George Peter Alexander Healy from 1855)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 18 (Wimbourne Books, October 2, 2020, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: [portrait of Guy de Maupassant] by Auguste Feyen-Perrin from 1876)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 18 (Wimbourne Books, October 26, 2024, 978-1-73850-672-9, £8.99, 264pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Guy de Maupassant] by Auguste Feyen-Perrin from 1876)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 19 (Wimbourne Books, December 23, 2020, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: [portrait of Jerome K. Jerome] by Philip Alexius de László from 1921)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 19 (Wimbourne Books, December 18, 2024, 978-1-73850-673-6, £9.99, 275pp, tp, an, cover: [portrait of Jerome K. Jerome] by Philip Alexius de László from 1921)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 20 (Wimbourne Books, March 31, 2021, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: [self-portrait] by Thomas Frank Heaphy from 1831)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 21 (Wimbourne Books, October 7, 2021, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: [portrait of Lady Margaret Maxwell Fletcher-Vane] by Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Bauerle)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 22 (Wimbourne Books, August 5, 2022, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: [portrait of Rudyard Kipling] by John Collier)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 23 (Wimbourne Books, June 8, 2023, £2.40, ebook, an, cover: [portrait of Vernon Lee] by John Singer Sargent from 1881)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 24 (Wimbourne Books, January 3, 2024, £1.99, ebook, an, cover: Portrait of Thomas Hardy by Reginald G. Eves from 1924)
- * The Wimbourne Book of Victorian Ghost Stories: Volume 25 (Wimbourne Books, November 26, 2024, £1.99, ebook, an)
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