The FictionMags Index
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Hughes, Rupert (chron.) (continued)
- * Though the Sky Fall, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine April 1917
- * The Thrill Is Gone (with Fulton Oursler), (vi) Collier’s 1942
- * The Thumb-Twiddlers, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 13, Nov 20 1915
- * Tingley’s Post-Prandial Trap, (ss) Harper’s Weekly October 13 1906
- * Too Proud to Fight, (ss) McCall’s Magazine July 1928
- * True As Steel, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1923
- * 25,000,000 Marriages Fail, (ar) The New McClure’s December 1928
- * A Twisted Thanksgiving, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1915
- * The Unpardonable Sin, (sl) The Red Book Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1917, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1918
- * Unto the Children, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1913
- * The Very Good Piano Robbery [Dirk Memling], (nv) The Popular Magazine Jan 15, Feb 1 1911
- * Wallflower, (ss) Collier’s September 10 1921
- * War in Washington’s Time and Now, (ar) The American Legion Monthly May 1932
- * The War We Lost by Pacifism, (ar) The American Legion Monthly Sep, Oct 1931
- * Washington 1789—1933 Roosevelt, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1933
- * Watch Out, You American Women, (ar) Liberty June 8 1935
- * We Can’t Have Everything, (sl) The Red Book Magazine Nov, Dec 1916, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1917
- * We Live but Once, (sl) The Red Book Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1926, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1927
- * Well-Guessed Woman, (ss) Collier’s November 21 1925
- * What a Girl!, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1927
- * What Can a Boy or Girl Do?, (ar) Smart Set April 1928
- * What Do You Do When You Do Nothing?, (ar) Liberty July 25 1925
- * What Is Worth While in American Music?, (es) Smith’s Magazine April 1908
- * What Is Your Pet Economy?, (ar) Liberty August 15 1925
- * What More Do We Know?, (ss) The Red Book Magazine July 1924
- * What Our National Guard Needs-Teaching the Militia More About Fighting and Less About Parades, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 5 1910
- * What’s the Matter with the Militia?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 18 1909
- * What’s the World Coming To?, (sl) The Red Book Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1919, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1920
- * What Washington Really Stood For, (ar) The American Legion Monthly February 1927
- * What Will People Say?, (sl) The Red Book Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1913, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1914
- * What Will People Say?, (ex) The Red Book Magazine August 1913 (+9)
- * When Crossroads Cross Again, (ss) Collier’s January 29 1921
- * When Pacifists Are Traitors, (ar) Liberty October 12 1940
- * When the Snow Went Up, (mm) Read #1, January 1943
- * When Tolerence Is Treason, (ar) Liberty March 23 1940
- * When Washington Was 23, (ss) McCall’s Magazine February 1928
- * Where Are You, Tod Allerton?, (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1924
- * Where Life Is Marked Down, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 2 1906
- * Where There’s Smoke, (ss) Good Housekeeping January 1934
- * Why Girls Leave Home, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1927
- * Why I Am Still Going to School for My Country, (ms) The American Legion Monthly July 1926
- * Why I Quit Going to Church, (es) Cosmopolitan October 1924
- * Why Not Open the Churches to the Poor?, (ar) Liberty December 12 1931
- * Why Our Girls Won’t Behave, (ar) Liberty March 26 1938
- * Why Our Young Girls Blush No More, (ar) Liberty January 22 1938
- * With a First Reader, (pm) Appleton’s Magazine November 1906
- * Within These Walls, (sl) The Red Book Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1922, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1923
- * The Woman Accused (with Hedwig Baum), (sl) Liberty January 21 1933, as by Vicki Baum & Rupert Hughes
- * Women as Soldiers: Why Not?, (ar) Liberty November 9 1940
- * Women Composers, (??) The Century Magazine March 1898
- * “The World at Her Feet”, (ss) This Week June 14 1942
- * The Yellow Cords, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1918
- * You Hadn’t Ought To, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 25 1915
- * The Younger Son [Lovely Ducklings], (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1928
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales September 1923
_____, [ref.]
[]Hughes, S(arah) H. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Applicant, (vi) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * Blood Ties, (ss) Twisted Tongue #8, November 2007
- * “Game of Thrones finishing is freeing, I’m at my own pace”, (iv) The Guardian August 18 2019 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * My Soul to Keep, (ss) Jupiter #31, January 2011
- * The Never Leaves, (ss) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * The Ouroboros, (ss) Aphelion #117, December 2007
- * Revelations Man, (nv) Aphelion #153, June/July 2011
- * “Sopranos meets Middle-Earth”: How Game of Thrones Took Over Our World, (ar) The Guardian March 22 2014 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- * Would You Like Ketchup with That?, (ss) Dark Tales #13, 2009
[]Hughes, Shaun F. D. (chron.)
- * Tolkien and Modernity 1 and 2 (2006) ed. Frank Weinreich and Thomas Honegger, (br) Tolkien Studies v5, 2008
- * Tolkien, les raciness du legendaire (2003) ed. Michael Devaux and Tolkien, trente ans après (1973-2003) (2004), ed. Vincent Ferre, (br) Tolkien Studies v3, 2006
- * Tolkien the Medievalist (2003), ed. Jane Chance, (br) Tolkien Studies v2, 2005
[]Hughes, Shirley (1927-2022) (about) (chron.)
- * What Are the Books You Believe Should Never Have Been Called Classics?, (ar) The Test of Time ed. Andrew Holgate & Honor Wilson-Fletcher, W Magazine, 1999
- * What Are Your Essential Ten Classic Novels for the Next 100 Years?, (ar) The Test of Time ed. Andrew Holgate & Honor Wilson-Fletcher, W Magazine, 1999
- * What Is Your Definition of a Classic?, (ar) The Test of Time ed. Andrew Holgate & Honor Wilson-Fletcher, W Magazine, 1999
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Argosy (UK) Jan 1955, Jan, Sep 1956, Jan 1958, Sep 1964
_____, [ref.]
[]Hughes, Sonia (chron.)
- * The Language of the Hot Plates (with Naomi Hughes), (nv) Prisoners of the Night #3, 1989
- * Life Support (with Naomi Hughes), (nv) Prisoners of the Night #4, 1990
- * The Myrtle Fairy (with Naomi Hughes), (ss) Prisoners of the Night #9, 1995
- * Warm Red Shadows (with Naomi Hughes), (ss) Prisoners of the Night #8, 1994
- * Wooden Eyes (with Naomi Hughes), (nv) Prisoners of the Night #4, 1990
[]Hughes, Spencer Leigh (1858-1920) (about) (chron.)
- * The Baby of the House, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine June 1900
- * A Budget Mystery, (ss) The Strand Magazine (US) October 1911
- * A Case in Point, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1902
- * Concerning Mr. Augustine Birrell, (bg) The Busy Man’s Magazine October 1906
- * Do M.P.’s Talk Too Much?, (ar) The Rapid April 1907
- * From Steam to Electricity, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1905
- * Hearing the Kaiser Preach in Jerusalem, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1916 [Ref. Wilhelm II]
- * How Mr. Bromley, M.P., Lost His Seat, (ss) The Royal Magazine July 1901
- * Joseph Chamberlain; The Orator and Debater, (ar) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1903 [Ref. Joseph Chamberlain]
- * Judge Jeffreys, (bg) The Strand Magazine April 1916 [Ref. George Jeffreys]
- * A Little Misunderstanding, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1903
- * A Lobby Mystery, (ar) The Royal Magazine March 1902
- * The Member for Dullminster, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1898
- * Mr. Gladstone’s Double, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1897
- * The Panjandrum Incident, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1900
- * A Parliamentary Proposal, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1898
- * Parliament from the Press Gallery, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine December 1907
- * A School of Oratory, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1898
- * The Subject I Know Least About: V. The Truth, (ms) The Windsor Magazine December 1896
- * What I Know of the Kaiser, (ar) Cassell’s Saturday Journal November 28 1913
- * Who Goes Home?, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1898
[]Hughes, Stuart J. (1965- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Are You Sure?, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #3, April 1997
- * Beyond the Comfort Zone (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Roadworks #4, Spring 1999
- * Bless This House, (ar) Phantoms September 1996
- * Busy Blood (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) Phantoms March 1997
- * Canvassing Opinion, (ss) Morpheus Tales #17, July 2012
- * The Car Park, (ss) Midnight Street #15, Spring/Summer 2011
- * Clock’s Runnin, Mister, (ss) Peeping Tom #24, October 1996
- * Editorial, (ed) Peeping Tom; #14.
- * Editorial, (ed) Peeping Tom #1 1990, #2, #3 May, #4 1991, #5 Jan, #7 Aug 1992, #9 Jan 1993, #14 Apr 1994, #18 Apr 1995,
#21 Jan, #24 Oct 1996, #27 Jul, #28 Oct 1997
#30 May, #32 Nov 1998
- * Flames, (vi) Overspace #15, July 1992
- * Foreword, (fw) Siblings ed. Stuart Hughes, Hersham Horror Books, 2012
- * Granny’s Lucky Charm, (ss) BFS Journal Winter 2011/2012
- * Home Run Hero, (ss) Phantoms July 1996
- * Howard (with Richard Farren Barber), (ss) Morpheus Tales Taboo 2016
- * In His Own Way, (vi) Dreams from the Strangers’ Café #3, Summer 1994
- * May Be We Could Meet Sometime? I’d Like That!, (ss) Black Tears #6, 1994
- * Meticulously Prepared for Madness (with D. F. Lewis), (ss) The Asylum, Vol. 2: The Violent Ward ed. Victor Heck, DarkTales Publications, 2002
- * My Little Sister, (nv) Siblings ed. Stuart Hughes, Hersham Horror Books, 2012
- * Ocean Eyes, (ss) Nasty Piece of Work #5, September 1997
- * Pay Back Time, (vi) Phantoms May 1997
- * The Sin-Eater, (ss) Dreams from the Strangers’ Café #4, Winter 1994
- * Soul Break, (ss) Dark Horizons #59, Spring 2011
- * Sweet Laura, (ss) Peeping Tom #6, May 1992
- * Weird, (ss) Dementia 13 #10, January 1993
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Peeping Tom
- * Editor: Peeping Tom #1 1990, #2, #3 May, #4 1991, #5 Jan, #6 May, #7 Aug, #8 Oct 1992, #9 Jan, #10 Apr, #11 Jul,
#12 Oct 1993
#13 Jan, #14 Apr, #15 Jul, #16 Oct 1994, #17 Jan, #18 Apr, #19 Jul, #20 Oct 1995, #21 Jan, #22 Apr, #23 Jul,
#24 Oct 1996
#25 Jan, #26 Apr, #27 Jul, #28 Oct 1997, #29 Feb, #30 May, #31 Aug 1998
- * Siblings, (oa) Hersham Horror Books, August 2012
_____, [ref.]
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