The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 436
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[]Valcour, Lt.
- Rufus King:
- Double Murder, (sl) The Red Book Magazine April 1929, etc.
- The Murder in the Storm, (sl) The Red Book Magazine August 1929, etc.
- The Murders on the Ship, (sl) Redbook Magazine April 1930, etc.
- The Secret Agent, (sl) Redbook Magazine August 1932, etc.
- Murder Fathoms Down, (na) Redbook Magazine March 1934
- The Case of the Constant God, (na) Cosmopolitan April 1936
- Crime of Violence, (n.) Cosmopolitan June 1937
[]Valdemar (about)
- Mercedes R. Lackey:
- Winds of Fate, (n.) DAW, October 1991
- Stolen Silver, (ss) Horse Fantastic ed. Martin H. & Rosalind M. Greenberg, DAW, 1991
- Winds of Change, (n.) DAW, October 1992
- Winds of Fury, (n.) DAW, August 1993
- Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar, (DAW Books, December 2010, oa)
- Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar, (DAW Books, December 2011, oa)
- The Simple Gifts, (nv) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- No True Way, (DAW Books, December 2014, oa)
- Vixen, (na) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- The Mage Winds, (Titan, March 2015, co)
- Crucible, (DAW Books, December 2015, oa)
- Vexed Vixen, (nv) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Tempest, (DAW Books, December 2016, oa)
- Pathways, (DAW Books, December 2017, oa)
- To Catch a Thief, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Choices, (DAW Books, November 2018, oa)
- Woman’s Need Calls Me, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- A Midnight Clear, (na) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Temper, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Boundaries, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Anything, with Nothing, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Mercedes R. Lackey & Larry Dixon:
- Jeanne Adams:
- Nancy Asire:
- Lack of Vision, (nv) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2010
- Judgment Day, (nv) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- Unexpected Meeting, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Discovery, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Eluki bes Shahar:
- Eluki bes Shahar & Rebecca Fox:
- Eluki bes Shahar & Denise McCune:
- Dylan Birtolo:
- A Dream Reborn, (ss) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Lost Song, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Dawn of a New Age, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Trust Your Instincts, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Weight of a Hundred Eyes, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- Holiday Reunions, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Tides of War, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Causing Trouble, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Suffering Knows No Borders, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Jennifer Brozek:
- Discordance, (ss) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- Written in the Wind, (ss) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Feathers in Need, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Feathers in Flight, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Reborn, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Feathers in Deed, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- One Town at a Time, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Rising to the Occasion, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Unsavory, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Tricks and Traps, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Needs Must When Evil Bides, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Paige L. Christie:
- The Dream Seeker, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- The Measure of Imagination, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Reminiscent, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Both Feet on the Ground, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Brigid Collins:
- Down the Line, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- One Last Night Manning the Home Station, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Silent Storms, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Letters from Home, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- Preparing for the Worst, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Snowbound, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Ghost Cider, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Love, Nothing More, Nothing Less, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Once a Bandit, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Ron Collins:
- Nwah, (nv) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Gifts of Rage and Despair, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Blind Leaps, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Out of the Pelagiris, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Enduring, Confusing, Perfect, and Strong, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- No Place for a Proper Kyree, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- No Simple Kyree, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Life’s Little Pranks, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- The Stable Hand’s Gift, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Brenda Cooper:
- Songs of a Certain Sort, (nv) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2010
- Slow and Steady, (ss) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- The Barest Gift, (ss) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- The Apprentice and the Stable Master, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- The Border Within, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- The Gift of Twins, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Companion’s Lesson, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Where There Is Smoke, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Dayle A. Dermatis:
- Old Loom, New Tapestry, (ss) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Never Alone, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Unraveling the Truth, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Woven Threads of Love and Honor, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Who We’ll Become, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- The Price of Friendship, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Burrowing Owl, Hidden No More, (nv) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Hearts Are Made for Mending, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- The Boy Who Cried Kidnap, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- What You Know How to See, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Larry Dixon:
- Larry Dixon & Mercedes R. Lackey:
- Charlotte E. English:
- Roads Less Travelled, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Out of Bounds, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- The Companion Sting, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- A Day’s Work, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Rebecca Fox:
- Rebecca Fox & Eluki bes Shahar:
- Sarah A. Hoyt:
- Tanya S. Huff:
- Kerrie Hughes:
- Cedric Johnson:
- Michele Lang:
- Maiden’s Hope, (nv) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- She Chooses, (nv) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Sparrow’s Gift, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Cloud and Sparrow, (nv) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Cloud Born, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- Cloudwalker, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Flying the Nest, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Sacrifices of the Heart, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- A Bouquet of Gifts, or The Culinary Adventures of Rork, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Denise McCune & Eluki bes Shahar:
- Terry O’Brien:
- Ben Ohlander:
- Fiona Patton:
- A Bard by Any Other Name, (ss) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2010
- The Watchman’s Ball, (ss) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- Ex Libris, (nv) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Before a River Runs Through It, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Haver Hearthstone, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Cobblestones, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- The Once and Future Box, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- The Rose Fair, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- The More Things Change, the More They Change More, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- The Beating the Bounds, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Fowl Play, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Look to Your Houses, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Kate Paulk:
- Diana L. Paxson:
- Weavings, (nv) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Patterns, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Moving On, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- One Trick Pony, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Warp and Weft, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Angela Penrose:
- Ghosts of the Past, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- A Tangle of Truths, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Clay and Fire, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- The Letter of the Law, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- Seeing the Truth, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Theory and Practice, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Stepping Up, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Cat Rambo:
- Mickey Zucker Reichert:
- Gail L. Sanders & Michael Z. Williamson:
- Jessica Schlenker & Michael Z. Williamson:
- Kristin Schwengel:
- Healing in White, (nv) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2010
- Warp and Weft, (nv) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- Spun Magic, (nv) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- The Harvest, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- In Name Only, (nv) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Traded Places, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Of Crows and Karsites, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- A Midwinter’s Gift, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Tables Turned, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- A Time for Prayer, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- A Brother’s Promise, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- In Memory’s Vault, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Anthea Sharp:
- The Quiet Gift, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- The Unwanted Gift, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- The Hidden Gift, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Friendship’s Gift, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- The Gift of Love, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- A Ruler’s Gift, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- A Gift of Courage, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Fool’s Week, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Stephanie D. Shaver:
- Otherwise Engaged, (nv) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2010
- Sight and Sound, (nv) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- The Whitest Lie, (nv) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- The Highjorune Masque, (nv) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- A Small Quarrel, (nv) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Bootknife, (nv) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Acceptable Losses, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- The Maralud Comes A-Knocking, (nv) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- The Choice Makes the Chosen, (nv) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- The Ghost of the High Hills, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- All Around the Bell Tower, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Good Intentions, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Daniel Shull:
- Dee Shull:
- Louisa M. Swann:
- Beyond the Fires, (ss) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Hertasi and Wyrsa and Magpies, Oh My!, (nv) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- The Ones She Couldn’t Save, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Boggles and Spies, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- The Right Place, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- Going Home, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Shadows and Reflections, (nv) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- They Don’t Burn Children, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Trap Spell, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- Enough, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Judith Tarr:
- Elizabeth A. Vaughan:
- Unintended Consequences, (ss) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2010
- In an Instant, (ss) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- Consequences Unforeseen, (nv) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- Unresolved Consequences, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Unimagined Consequences, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- Unexpected Consequences, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- Unceasing Consequences, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- Unknowable Consequences, (nv) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Expected Consequences, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Final Consequences, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Elisabeth Waters:
- A Charm of Finches, (ss) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2010
- A Leash of Greyhounds, (ss) Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2011
- A Wake of Vultures, (ss) No True Way ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2014
- A Bellowing of Bullfinches, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- A Trip of Goats, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- An Ostentation of Peacocks, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- A Siege of Cranes, (ss) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- An Omniscience of Godwits, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- A Nursery of Raccoons, (ss) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- A Clutter of Cats, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- A Cry of Hounds, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- An Enchantment of Nightingales, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Phaedra M. Weldon:
- The Note, (ss) Crucible ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2015
- Bloodlines, (ss) Tempest ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2016
- A Herald’s Duty, (ss) Pathways ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2017
- With Sorrow and Joy, (nv) Choices ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW Books, 2018
- A Darkling Light, (ss) Seasons ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2019
- Tools of the Trade, (nv) Passages ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2020
- Puppies & Ponies, (ss) Boundaries ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2021
- Of Ghosts and Stones and Snow, (ss) Shenanigans ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2022
- A Herald’s Bag of Magic, (ss) Anything with Nothing ed. Mercedes Lackey, DAW, 2023
- Michael Z. Williamson & Gail L. Sanders:
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