- BOOK: Pigs is Pigs (1990) Miniature hardcover book. Also, miniature paperback book published the same year. Evanston IL: The Press of Ward Schori. [HARPER, WEB]
- ANTHOLOGY: Roger Caras' Treasury of Great Horse Stories (1990) "Pete, the Circassian Horse" Compiled by Roger Caras. Truman Talley Books. New York: E. P. Dutton. Also published in 1993 by Galahad Books, New York. LOC 89-38832. ISBN 0-88365-840-2. [EPBLIB]
- ANTHOLOGY: The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose (1990) "Pigs is Pigs" Editor Frank Muir. Oxford University Press. Oxford and New York. [EPBLIB]
- ADAPTATION: American Humorists (1993?) "Pigs Is Pigs" An interpretive reading on audio tape. ISBN 0-89926-119-1. $12.95 Audio Book Company; 125 N Aspen Avenue, Suite 2; Azusa CA 91702. [EPBLIB, WEB]
- ANTHOLOGY: 100 Crooked Little Crime Stories (1994) "The Silver Protector"
This is "Our First Burglar" with the alternate title. Edited by Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz and Martin H. Greenberg. New York: Barnes and Noble Books. p 460-466. ISBN 156619556X. Reprinted by Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. May 28, 2004. Paperback. ISBN 140271100X. [EPBLIB]
- ANTHOLOGY: The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Detective Stories (1994) "The Hard-Boiled Egg" A Philo Gubb story. Edited by Marie Smith. New York: Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0786700882. [EPBLIB]
- Stamps (February 4, 1995) "What Should the Adult Beginner Philatelist Collect?" A reprint of the 1933 article of the same title. Worldcat lists this as the January 30, 1995 issue. [WORLDCAT]
- Yellowback Library (October, 1997) "Ellis Parker Butler and Jibby Jones" By Gil O'Gara. Number 160. p 12-16. Informed commentary on the Jibby Jones stories, especially when viewed as collectables along with "serial books, dime novels and related literature." [EPBLIB]
- ANTHOLOGY: Mom in My Heart (1997) "Billy Brad and the Big Lie" Compiled and Edited by Joe L. Wheeler. The story is listed as "author unknown". p 43-6. ISBN 0-8423-0552-1. Republished in 2000 as Heart to Heart Stories for Moms. ISBN 0-8423-3603-6. [EPBLIB]
- ANTHOLOGY: New Horizons (1998) "Solander's Radio Tomb"
Book is subtitled "Yesterday's Portraits of Tomorrow." Editor August Derleth. Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House Publishers, Inc. p 134-141. ISBN 0-87054-174-9. [EPBLIB]
- ANTHOLOGY: Twelve American Crime Stories (1998) "The Silver Protector" This is "Our First Burglar" with the alternate title. Selected and Introduced by Rosemary Herbert. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-288047-0. [EPBLIB]
- ANTHOLOGY: Golden Age Detective Stories (1999) "The Hard-Boiled Egg"
Edited by Marie Smith. London:Parragon (reprinted in 2002 and other dates). [WEB]