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Magazine Title Issues Indexed In Notes
Egress Apr-2018 - Oct-2018    
Egypt Today 1979 - present FicMags sample issue only
Eidolon Spring 1990 - Autumn 2000 SFI Issue Checklist
Eightball - see under Canadian Fandom
Eita! Magazine Dec-2020 - present SFI Missing: any after #3, May-2023
Issue Checklist
Elan Vital in 1970s    
Eldritch Science Oct-1987 - 199? FicMags sample issues only
Dark Messenger Reader
» Eldritch Tales
» Eldritch Tales
Mar-1978 - Spring 1995
v2 #1, 2017 - present
Missing: any after v2 #13, 2024
Issue Checklist
Electra Sep/Oct/Nov-1969 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Electrical Experimenter
» Science and Invention
May-1913 - Jul-1920
Aug-1920 - Aug-1931
only fiction indexed
only fiction indexed
Issue Checklist
Electric Athenaeum Apr-2018 - present    
Electric Series in 1880s - in 1890s    
Electric Spec Spring 2006 - present SFI Missing: any after 31-Aug-2024
Issue Checklist
Electric Velocipede Fall 2001 - Nov-2013 SFI Issue Checklist
Electric Wine Nov/Dec-1999 - Oct/Nov-2001    
Elegant Literature Dec-2021 - present SFI Missing: any after #35, Oct-2024
Issue Checklist
Elegia 1991 - 1995    
1130 Club 1986 - ?    
Elfish c. 1953    
Elite Library 1888 DimeNvl  
The Elite Series 17-Feb-1892 - 1904 DimeNvl incomplete
The Elizabethan - see under Collins' for Boys and Girls
The Elks Magazine Jun-1922 - present FicMags incomplete after Dec-1926
Elle (US) 1985 - present    
Ellery Queen's Anthology 1960 - Summer 1989 CFI Issue Checklist
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Fall 1941 - present CFI Missing: any after Nov/Dec-2024
Issue Checklist
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine "Overseas Edition for the Armed Forces" May-1944 - Jun-1946 CFI Issue Checklist
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (Australia) Jul-1947 - Feb-1962 CFI Issue Checklist
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (Canada) in 1950s CFI sample issue only
Issue Checklist
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (UK) Feb-1953 - Sep-1964 CFI Issue Checklist
Ellipsis... 1989 - 1990    
Ellis Series 1910 - 1919 DimeNvl  
Elmo's Own 1946? - 1949    
Eltdown Shards in 1970s    
Elysian Fiction Jun-2001 - May-2003    
Elysian Fields Quarterly Winter 1992 - 2008    
Elzevir Library 1883    
Embelyon May-1970 - Nov-1970?    
Ember Fall 2014 - present FicMags sample issue only
The Emerald [1868] 8-Feb-1868 - 6-Aug-1870 FicMags sample issues only
The Emerald [1806] - see under The Boston Weekly Magazine
Emerson Bennett's Works 1870s DimeNvl  
Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly - see under The United States Magazine
Emerson's United States Magazine - see under The United States Magazine
The Empire 16-Mar-1867 - 18-May-1867?    
Empire for the SF Writer in 1970s FicMags sample issues only
Empire Frontier - see under The Frontier (UK)
Empire Library [1892] 1892 DimeNvl sample issues only
Empire Library [1910]
» Empire Library [1910]
» incorporated into Boys' Realm Sports Library
19-Feb-1910 - 22-Oct-1910
29-Oct-1910 - 6-May-1911
The Umpire
» The Empire
» Empire News
» Sunday Empire News
» Empire News and the Umpire
» Empire News
» Empire News and the Sunday Chronicle
1884 - 1917
1917 - 1944
1944 - 1950
1950 - 1953
1953 - 1955
1955 - 1960
Empire Programme Pamphlet - see under London Calling
Empire Review
» Commonwealth and Empire Review
Feb-1901 - Aug-1943
Sep-1943 - Autumn 1951
Empire Series 1910 - 1920 DimeNvl  
The Empress Novelette
» Empress Dainty Novels
» Dainty Novels
22-Mar-1897 - 1901
1901 - 1902
1902 - 1924
sample issues only
Emu Review Fall/Winter 1997 - Spring 2000    
Enchanted Conversation v1 #1, 2010 - Aug-2018 FicMags incomplete
Enchanted Living - see under Faerie Magazine
Encore Feb-1942 - ? FicMags sample issues only
Encounter Oct-1953 - Sep-1990 FicMags sample issue only
Encounters Magazine
» Encounters Magazine
1988 - Oct/Nov-1991
Fall 2009 - Jun/Jul-2015
Missing: v1 #1, v1 #2, v2 #2
Issue Checklist
The End 1993 - Apr-1997 SFI Issue Checklist
Endless Entertainment 6-May-1825 - 19-Aug-1825? FicMags  
En Garde on 1950s FicMags sample issue only
The English Girls Journal and Ladies' Magazine
» The English Girls Journal and Ladies' Magazine
10-Oct-1863 - Nov-1864?
6-Dec-1864 - 2-May-1865?
The English Illustrated Magazine Oct-1883 - Aug-1913 FicMags Issue Checklist
The English Ladies Novelette Feb-1891 - Aug-1892? FicMags volume 1 only
English Life 192? - ?    
The English Magazine May-1929 - Jan-1932    
The English Review
» merges with The National Review
Dec-1908 - Jul-1937
sample issue only
English Story 1941 - 1950    
English Suspense - see under Suspense (UK)
The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine 1852 - 1881 Poole 1866 - 1879 only
Enid Blyton's Magazine 18-Mar-1953 - 9-Sep-1959    
Enid Blyton's Sunny Stories
» becomes Sunny Stories
15-Jan-1937 - 5-Jun-1942
Enigmatic Novellas #1, 1998 - #6, 2000 SFI Issue Checklist
Enigmatic Tales Jun-1998 - Autumn 2000 SFI Issue Checklist
Enterprise Series 2-Nov-1894 - 1897 DimeNvl incomplete
Entertaining Journal - see under Lloyd's Entertaining Journal
Enter the Realm 1994 FicMags  
Entropy 1966    
Environmental Holocaust Nov-2018 SFI Issue Checklist
Envoy 1955 - ?    
EOD #1, 1991 - #9, 1994 SFI Issue Checklist
EOTU Ezine Jul-2000 - Feb-2005 SFI Issue Checklist
Epic [1958]
» Epic [1958]
Mar-1957 - Jun-1959
Feb-1961 - Jun-1961
  Issue Checklist
Epic Illustrated Spring 1980 - Feb-1986 FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Epicurean 1996 - ?    
Epitaph v1 #1, 1996 - v1 #4, 1998 SFI Issue Checklist
Epoch Fall 1947 - present AmerLit; FicMags sample issues only
Equinox #1, 1975 - #4, 1977 SFI Missing: #1, #2
Issue Checklist
Erebus in 1940s    
Ergo Ego Sep-1962 FicMags  
Eros Jan-1949 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Erotic Horror & Fantasy Magazine Winter 1995    
Erotic SF Summer 1977 SFI Issue Checklist
Escapade Oct-1955 - Jan-1983? FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Escape [1930s] 1939 FicMags sample issues only
Escape [1953] 1953 FicMags  
Escape! [1977] Fall 1977 SFI Issue Checklist
E-scape [1990s]
» E-scape [1990s]
Sep-1995 - Oct-1996
Apr-1998 - Sep-1999
Missing: #12, #13, #15
Issue Checklist
Escape to Adventure Jul-1957 - Nov-1964 FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Escape Velocity Nov-2007 - 2009    
Escaping Elsewhere 2005 - Nov-2006? SFI Issue Checklist
eSciFi - see under Nebula Rift
Escort c. 1949 FicMags sample issue only
Esopus Fall 2003 - present    
Esoteric in 1990s    
Espionage Dec-1984 - Sep-1987 AFI Issue Checklist
ESPN: The Magazine 11-Mar-1998 - present FicMags sample issue only
Esquire Autumn 1933 - present ShStIdx; FicMags incomplete
Issue Checklist
Esquire (UK) 1991 - present FicMags sample issue only
Essence 1970? - present    
Essex Chronicle 1764 - present FicMags sample issues only
Etchings & Odysseys #1, 1973 - #10, 1987 SFI Issue Checklist
Eternity Sep-1997 - Mar-2000    
Eternity Science Fiction #1, 1979 - #2, 1980 SFI Issue Checklist
Eternity SF #1, 1972 - #4, 1975 SFI Issue Checklist
Ethereal Gazette Nov-2008 - Oct-2011    
Ethereal Tales Oct-2008 - Sep-2011 SFI Missing: #4, #5, #7, #8, #9, #11, #12
Issue Checklist
Etherea Magazine Aug-2021 - present SFI Missing: any after #18, Winter 2023
Issue Checklist
The Eucuyo in 1950s    
Eulogy 1992 - ? FicMags sample issues only
Eureka - see under The Favorite Magazine
Eureka Detective Series in 1900s DimeNvl  
Eureka Series May-1891 - 12-Jul-1892 DimeNvl incomplete
Euronymous in 1990s    
The European Magazine
» merges with The Monthly Magazine
Jan-1782 - 1826
sample issues only
Eusifanso in 1950s    
Eve [1919]
» merges with Britannia
Nov-1919 - 24-Apr-1929
sample issues only
Eve [1950] Oct-1950 - ?    
Eve Magazine [1958] Apr-1958 - ? FicMags sample issue only
Eve [1962] Jul-1962 - Sep-1963? FicMags sample issues only
Issue Checklist
The Evening Citizen Aug-1864 - 1974 FicMags sample issues only
Evening Express Nov-1879 - present FicMags sample issues only
The Evening Lamp 1869 - c. 1909    
The Evening Standard 11-Jun-1859 - present FicMags sample issues only
The Evening Sun 1887 - 1916 FicMags partial issues only
Event Spring 1971 - present CdnPrIx  
Event Horizon [1980] #1, 1980 - #3, 1981 SFI Issue Checklist
Event Horizon [1987] Spring 1987 - Summer 1988?    
Event Horizon [1997]
» Singularities
Spring 1997 - Spring 1998
Spring 2000
Missing: all issues
Issue Checklist
Evergreen Chronicles 1985 - 1990    
Evergreen Review 1957 - 1984 IdxEvRv; FicMags FicMags sample issues only
Evermist Dec-1974 - Summer 1978 SFI Issue Checklist
Everybody's Oct-1931 - ?    
Everybody's Digest
» Everybody's Digest
Jul-1938 - ?
May-1943 - ?
Everybody's Journal 1-Oct-1859 - 28-Jan-1860    
Everybody's Magazine
» Everybody's
» merges with Romance
Sep-1899 - Jul-1921
Aug-1921 - Mar-1929
Issue Checklist
Everybody's Story Magazine
» Everyone's Story Magazine
» Everyone's
Nov-1909 - Dec-1911
Jan-1912 - Oct-1913
Nov-1913 - Apr-1914
sample issues only
Issue Checklist
Everybody's Weekly [1911]
» merges with The Penny Pictorial Magazine
11-Mar-1911 - Dec-1911
The Competitors' Journal
» Competitors' Journal and Everybody's Weekly
» Everybody's Weekly and Competitors' Journal
» Everybody's Weekly
» Everybody's
» merges with John Bull
14-Mar-1913 - 18-Apr-1925
25-Apr-1925 - 13-Aug-1927
20-Aug-1927 - 2-Jun-1928
9-Jun-1928 - 25-Jan-1930
1-Feb-1930 - 25-Apr-1959
sample issues only
sample issues only
Every Boys' Favourite Journal 7-Jan-1892 - 5-Oct-1892    

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