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Enchanted Conversation

Country: US

Subtitled "A Fairy Tale Magazine".

Issues & Index Sources:  v1 #1, 2010 – Aug-2018: FictionMags Index (incomplete)
Editors:   Kate Wolford

Enchanted Living

see under Faerie Magazine


Country: US

A reprint magazine of high literary standards, describing itself as "a continuing anthology" with "nothing condensed or synposized." It ran for at least three years. Although much of the contents were non-fiction or poetry, writers of fiction represented with short stories or novel extracts include Sherwood Anderson, Stephen Crane, Bret Harte, O. Henry, James Joyce, Rudyard Kipling, Jack London, Guy de Maupassant, Frank Norris, Leo Tolstoy, Mark Twain, Emile Zola. The LoC register this as a book/anthology, not a periodical.

Issues & Index Sources

  Feb-1942 – ?: FictionMags Index (sample issues only)


  Encore Press


  Feb-1942 – Dec-1944: Dent Smith
  Jan-1945 – ?: Norman Cousins








Country: UK

Caused a stir when it was revealed in 1967 it had been part funded by the CIA! A literary and critical review of the arts, it also published much fiction including work by Bertolt Brecht, Albert Camus, Jorge Luis Borges, Harold Pinter, Alan Sillitoe, Paul Bowles, Lawrence Durrell, Boris Pasternak, Vladimir Nabokov, Saul Bellow, William Faulkner, Robert Penn Warren, J.G. Ballard. Circulation peaked at about 40,000 in early 1960s.

Issues & Index Sources

  Oct-1953 – Sep-1990: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)


  Oct-1953 – Jun-1964: Secker & Warburg
  Jul-1964 – ?: Congress for Cultural Freedom/ Encounter


  Oct-1953 – Jan-1966: Stephen Spender
  Jan-1966 – Jun-1967: Frank Kermode
  Aug-1967 – Oct-1970: Nigel Dennis
  Dec-1970 – Feb-1973: D.J. Enright
  Mar-1973 – ?: Anthony Thwaite


  standard; later pocketbook


  monthly to 1981; then 10 issues per year (Jun/Jul and Sep/Oct combined)

Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 4

Encounters Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 6+14=20

Contemporary or dark fantasy, scifi, horror and stories with a paranormal twist. Went online in 2011.

Issues & Index Sources

  1988 – Oct/Nov-1991: Science Fiction Index (Missing: v1 #1, v1 #2, v2 #2)
  Fall 2009 – Jun/Jul-2015: Science Fiction Index


  Black Matrix Publishing, Grants Pass, OR.


  Guy Kenyon
Issue Checklist

The End

Country: US
Total Issues: 5

Issues & Index Sources:  1993 – Apr-1997: Science Fiction Index
Publishers:   Necropolitan Press; Westborough, MA.
Editors:   Jeffrey Thomas

Issue Checklist

Endless Entertainment

Country: UK
Total Issues: 18?

Subtitled "A Series of Original Comic, Terrific, and Legendary Tales", Endless Entertainment was a short lived competitor to John Limbird's successful The Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction, a lower-class periodical published in imitation of Blackwood's and tended towards the weird and the sensational

Issues & Index Sources:  6-May-1825 – 19-Aug-1825?: FictionMags Index
Publishers:   G. Herbert, 88 Cheapside, London.
Prices:   2d
Pagecounts:   16pp
Frequency:   weekly

En Garde

Country: US


Issues & Index Sources:  on 1950s: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)
Editors:   Richard Schultz

The English Girls Journal and Ladies' Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 59

The Emmetts were chief contributors. Becomes Our English Girls Journal and Lady's Magazine

Issues & Index Sources

  10-Oct-1863 – Nov-1864?
  6-Dec-1864 – 2-May-1865?


  10-Oct-1863 – Nov-1864?: Harrison
  6-Dec-1864 – 2-May-1865?: Edwin Bailey / W. Eustace Laurence


  William L. Emmett (?)

The English Illustrated Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 359

Contained many articles on travel and topography, but also copious fiction; in some ways, this was the British publication which pointed the way towards the later Strand Magazine. Authors include Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Stanley J. Weyman, Max Pemberton, etc.

The simultaneous American edition was retitled New Illustrated Magazine from Feb-1897 - Sep-1901.

Issues & Index Sources

  Oct-1883 – Aug-1913: FictionMags Index


  Oct-1883 – Sep-1892: Macmillan
  Oct-1892 – Sep-1893: Edward Arnold
  Oct-1893 – Sep-1898: Illustrated London News
  Oct-1898 – Sep-1901: William Ingram
  Oct-1901 – Mar-1903: T. Fisher Unwin
  Apr-1903 – Feb-1905: Hutchinson's
  Mar-1905 – Aug-1913: Central Publishing


  Oct-1883 – Sep-1889: J.W. Comyns Carr
  Oct-1889 – Sep-1893: Clement Kinloch-Cooke
  Oct-1893 – Aug-1899: Clement King Shorter
  Sep-1899 – Sep-1901: Bruce Ingram
  Oct-1901 – Mar-1903: Hannaford Bennett
  Mar-1905 – Aug-1913: Oscar Parker


  standard with profuse woodcut illustrations


  Oct-1883 – Sep-1893: 1/-
  Oct-1893 – Aug-1913: 6d


  Oct-1883 – Sep-1888: 64pp
  Oct-1888 – Mar-1893: 70pp
  Apr-1893 – Sep-1894: 88pp
  Oct-1894 – Sep-1896: 94pp
  Oct-1896 – Aug-1913: 96pp - 112pp



Mentioned in:   The Age of the Storytellers

Online Sources

  Online Books
Issue Checklist

The English Ladies Novelette

Country: UK

A single, anonymous, novelette in each issue.

Issues & Index Sources:  Feb-1891 – Aug-1892?: FictionMags Index (volume 1 only)
Publishers:   E.J. Brett
Prices:   1d
Pagecounts:   24pp
Frequency:   weekly

English Life

Country: UK

Published "The Mahatma's Story" by May Sinclair (Oct. 1924), "The White Pillars Murder" by G.K. Chesterton (Jan. 1925). Not to be confused with English Life and Language (Jan-1946 - Dec-1947, 24 issues)

Issues & Index Sources:  192? – ?
Frequency:   monthly?

The English Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 25

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1929 – Jan-1932
Frequency:   monthly?

The English Review

Country: UK
Total Issues: 344

A literary review with the emphasis on criticism and analysis, it nevertheless published plenty of fiction, including serials and poetry. The first issue included "The Jolly Corner" Henry James, "A Fisher of Men" John Galsworthy and the start of two serials, "The Raid" Leo Tolstoi and "Tono-Bungay," H.G. Wells. Also published Wells's "The New Machiavelli" (May-1910 - Nov-1910). Other authors include Vernon Lee, Violet Hunt, May Sinclair, Lord Dunsany, Richard Middleton, William Beckford (Episodes of Vathek, 1910), L.A.G. Strong, John Collier, Marie Belloc Lowndes, Algernon Blackwood. Published first work by D.H. Lawrence.

Issues & Index Sources

  Dec-1908 – Jul-1937: FictionMags Index (sample issue only)

#merges with The National Review


  Dec-1908 – Jul-1909: Duckworth & Co., London
  Aug-1909 – Nov-1910: Chapman & Hall
  Dec-1910 – Dec-1924: English Review
  Jan-1925 – Jan-1927: Eyre & Spottiswoode
  Feb-1927 – May-1927: W.H. Berry
  Jun-1927 – Dec-1935: Eyre & Spottiswoode
  Jan-1936 – Jul-1937: English Review


  Dec-1908 – Dec-1909: Ford Madox Ford
  Jan-1910 – May-1923: Austin Harrison
  Jun-1923 – May-1931: Ernest Remnant
  Jun-1931 – Dec-1935: Douglas Jerrold
  Jan-1936 – Jun-1936: Wilfrid Hindle
  Jul-1936 – Jul-1937: Derek Walker-Smith


  standard, pulp paper, unillustrated



Mentioned in:   British Literary Magazines Vol. 3

Online Sources

  Online Books

English Story

Country: UK
Total Issues: 10

Issues & Index Sources:  1941 – 1950
Editors:   Woodrow & Susan Wyatt
Frequency:   irregular but roughly annually

English Suspense

see under Suspense (UK)

The Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine

Country: UK

Issues & Index Sources:  1852 – 1881: Index to Periodical Literature (1866 - 1879 only)
Publishers:   Samuel Beeton
Frequency:   monthly
Online Sources:   Online Books

Enid Blyton's Magazine

Country: UK
Total Issues: 170

Issues & Index Sources:  18-Mar-1953 – 9-Sep-1959
Publishers:   Evans Brothers
Pagecounts:   48pp
Frequency:   fortnightly

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