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Magazine Issues  
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1130 Club

Country: UK


Issues & Index Sources:  1986 – ?


Country: UK
Total Issues: 1?

Issues & Index Sources:  c. 1953
Publishers:   Paget Publications, 106 Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith, London

Elite Library

Country: US
Total Issues: 3

Issues & Index Sources:  1888: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   Welles Pub. Co., 695 Broadway, New York
Formats:   5 x 7¼"
Prices:   50c
Pagecounts:   200pp
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Elite Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 467

Issues & Index Sources:  17-Feb-1892 – 1904: Dime Novel Bibliography (incomplete)
Publishers:   F.M. Lupton, 72-76 Walker St., New York
Formats:   7 x 4¾"
Prices:   25c
Pagecounts:   400-450pp
Frequency:   1-39: semi-weekly; 40-227: weekly; 228-467: sporadically
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

The Elizabethan

see under Collins' for Boys and Girls

The Elks Magazine

Country: US

Regularly publishes fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  Jun-1922 – present: FictionMags Index (incomplete after Dec-1926)
Publishers:   Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Chicago
Editors:   D.J. Herda (in 1974)
Formats:   standard, now slick
Frequency:   monthly
Online Sources:   Online Books
More Images

Elle (US)

Country: US

US edition of a lifestyle magazine of French origin that focuses on fashion, beauty, health, and entertainment, but occasionally publishes fiction.

Issues & Index Sources:  1985 – present
Publishers:   1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Editors:   Pat Towers
Related Sites:   Wikipedia

Ellery Queen's Anthology

Country: US
Total Issues: 60

Initially an annual anthology of stories from Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Ellery Queen's Anthology soon moved to a twice yearly schedule, and even included some original stories. Its digest format, and sequential numbering, gave it the appearance of a magazine.

Issues & Index Sources

  1960 – Summer 1989: Crime Fiction Index


  Davis Publications




  1960 – 1963: annual
  1964 – Summer 1989: twice yearly
Issue Checklist

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine

Country: US
Total Issues: 909 (to Jan/Feb-2025)

Note that the cover title changed to Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine in 1993, but the table of contents still retains the full name.

Issues & Index Sources

  Fall 1941 – present: Crime Fiction Index (Missing: any after Jan/Feb-2025)



  Fall 1941 – Jul-1953: American Mercury
  Aug-1953 – Jan-1958: Mercury Publications, 527 Madison Avenue, New York 22
  Feb-1958 – Aug-1992: Davis Publications, Inc., New York
  Sep-1992 – present: Dell Magazines, 475 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10016


  Fall 1941 – Dec-1980: Ellery Queen [really Frederic Dannay]
  Jan-1981 – Nov-1991: Eleanor Sullivan
  Dec-1991 – present: Janet Hutchings




  20c at outset.




  Fall 1941 – Spring 1942: quarterly
  May-1942 – Nov-1945: bimonthly
  Jan-1946 – Nov-1979: monthly
  Dec-1979 – Jan-1996: four-weekly
  Feb-1996 – Dec-2003: monthly [with combined Sep/Oct issue]
  Jan-2004 – Dec-2016: monthly [with combined Mar/Apr & Sep/Oct issues]
  Jan/Feb-2017 – present: bimonthly

Mentioned in:   Ultimate Guide to the Pulps, Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine "Overseas Edition for the Armed Forces"

Country: US
Total Issues: 19

During World War II, issues of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine were distributed to American forces with either "Special Edition for the Armed Forces Overseas" or "Overseas Edition for the Armed Services" printed on the cover. They were not allowed to include the advertisements from the US editions, so the opening 3 pages were typically replaced with an additional story, and sometimes an additional puzzle was added at the end.

Issues & Index Sources:  May-1944 – Jun-1946: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   American Mercury
Editors:   Ellery Queen [really Frederic Dannay]
Formats:   digest
Frequency:   bimonthly
Issue Checklist

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (Australia)

Country: Australia
Total Issues: 176 (at least)

Australian reprint edition of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. After February 1962, the British reprint edition was distributed in Australia, with separate Australian covers, starting with the May 1962 (UK) which was dated July 1962 in Australia, and continuing to the end of the run (dated Nov-1964 in Australia).

Issues & Index Sources:  Jul-1947 – Feb-1962: Crime Fiction Index
Publishers:   Consolidated Press
Pagecounts:   128+pp (#25 - #112); 112+pp (#116 - #172)
Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (Canada)

Country: Canada

Canadian reprint edition of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1950s: Crime Fiction Index (sample issue only)
Publishers:   The Wilson Publishing Company of Toronto Limited, 123-18th St., Toronto, Ontario
Issue Checklist

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (UK)

Country: UK
Total Issues: 140

British reprint edition of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. Some issues have been seen after September 1964 which appear to be the US issues with a UK price on the cover.

Issues & Index Sources

  Feb-1953 – Sep-1964: Crime Fiction Index


  Feb-1953 – Apr-1962: Mellifont Press
  May-1962 – Sep-1964: Atlas Publishing

Mentioned in:   Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Magazines
Issue Checklist


Country: US
Total Issues: 4

A mixture of experimental fiction, articles, verse and graphics. Some of the fiction is sf, or certainly surreal or magic realism.

Issues & Index Sources:  1989 – 1990
Publishers:   Ellipsis Press, 1176 East Campbell Ave., Campbell, CA 95008
Editors:   Ruth McCue & Joy Oestreicher
Prices:   $7.95
Pagecounts:   90pp
Frequency:   quarterly

Ellis Series

Country: US
Total Issues: 10

Issues & Index Sources:  1910 – 1919: Dime Novel Bibliography
Publishers:   M.A. Donohue & Co., 701-727 S. Dearborn St., Chicago
Formats:   7 x 4¾"
Prices:   10c
Pagecounts:   150
Mentioned in:   Dime Novel Bibliography

Elmo's Own

Country: UK

Becomes The Sheriff & Elmo's Own (comic).

Issues & Index Sources:  1946? – 1949
Publishers:   Chascol, 10 Moor Street, London W.1
Editors:   Charles Cole?

Eltdown Shards

Country: US
Total Issues: 7

Fanzine distributed via the Esoteric Order of Dagon mailing.

Issues & Index Sources:  in 1970s
Publishers:   Arthur Metzger, 1171 Neeb Road, Cincinnati OH 45238
Editors:   Arthur Metzger

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