Magazine commenced with Vol 1 #4
1975 |
 v1 #4 Apr |
 v1 #5 May |
 v1 #6 Jun |
 v1 #7 Aug |
Despite the name as "book" this is a digest-size magazine, stated to be published bi-monthly.
Despite the title this magazine reprinted stories from New Detective Magazine.
A short-lived detective pulp that never found an audience.
1942 |
 v1 #1 Oct |
 v1 #2 Winter |
1943 |
 v1 #3 Spring |
Pulp magazine that reprinted contents of various US pulps of various
genres. Exact number of issues not known.
1942 |
 Spring |
1943 |
1944 |
 Spring |
Issues are undated, but probably in the 1940s. Stories and articles were
reprints from companion title Scientific Detective.
194? |
 #1 |
 #2 |
One of the "Nickel Series" of magazines, along with Five-Cent Adventure,
Five-Cent Flying Stories and Five-Cent Western published in 1932.
Nothing else is known about the magazine which is believed to have lasted for only 1 issue.
1932 |
 v1 #1 Jun 18 |
Short-lived detective pulp about which very little is known.
1942 |
 v1 #1 Oct/Nov |
 v1 #2 Dec/Jan |
1943 |
 v1 #3 Feb/Mar |
Other issues may exist
1941 |
Jul |
Aug |
1942 |
 v1 #3 Mar |
Only known issue is v1 #7, earlier issues may have had a different title.
1942 |
 v1 #7 Jun |
Thin pulp that mainly reprinted from Popular Publications magazines
such as F.B.I. Detective Stories, Ten Detective Aces and 15
Story Detective. The first few issues were published in Australia and the remainder in New Zealand.
Other issues exist.
194? |
 #2 |
 #4 |
 #14 |
1948 |
 Oct |
 Dec |
1949 |
 #23, Feb |
 #24, Apr |
 Aug |
1950 |
 Mar |
 Jul |
 Sep |
 Nov |
1951 |
 Jan |
 May |
 Jul |
 Nov |
1952 |
 Mar |