The FictionMags Index
Index by Title: Page 8026
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- The Take-a-Chance Girl by Frank Fleming · (nf)
- Take-a-Chance Girl by Jean Francis Webb · (nv)
- Take-a-Chance Halligan’s Hold-Up by Jim O’Sheel · (ss)
- Take a Chance, Harry by Noel Pierce · (ss)
- Take-a-Chance McGee by Frank C. Robertson · (na)
- Take a Chance, My Love! by Iris Leigh · (ss)
- Take a Chance on a Stranger by William Heuman · (ss)
- Take a Chance on Democracy by R. Buckminster Fuller · (ar)
- Take a Chance on Love by Ruth Herbert · (nv)
- Take a Chance on Love by Gertrude Schalk · (nv)
- Take a Chance on Romance by Ruth Herbert · (nv)
- Take-a-Chance Tamerlane by Stephen Chalmers · (na)
- Take-a-Chance Turpin! by [uncredited] · (ss)
- Take-a-Chance Twilby by Cliff Farrell · (ss)
- Take a Chance vs. Play It Safe by Hugh S. Fullerton · (ar)
- Take a Chute to Hell by Omar Gwinn · (ss)
- Take a Click with Sex by Gene Channing · (ar)
- Take a Cold Tub, Man! by Jack Cox · (ar)
- Take a Cruise Vacation! by Misc. · (ar)
- Take a Deep Breath by Arthur C. Clarke · (ss)
- Take a Deep Breath by Helen Durham · (??)
- Take a Deep Breath by Dan Gordon · (ss)
- Take a Deep Breath by Janet Lane · (??)
- Take a Deep Breath by Denver Lindley · (??)
- Take a Deep Breath by Ray Russell · (ss)
- Take a Deep Breath by Roger Thorne · (ss)
- Take a Deep Breath by Ray Russell · (ss)
- Take Advantage of Debbie by [uncredited] · (pi)
- Take a Fellow Your Size by Stephen Vincent Benét · (ss)
- Take a Fishing Holiday by R. H. Ferry · (ar)
- Take a Flirtation, Please by Carol Lee Baxter · (nv)
- Take a Girl by Hilary Corke · (pm)
- Take a Girl Like You by [uncredited] · (sl)
- Take a Good Look by C. Darren Butler · (pm)
- Take a Good Look by Holly Schofield · (ss)
- Take a Good Look! by Berton Braley · (pm)
- Take a Hand by Frank Zafiro · (ss)
- Take a Hard Fall! by Luke Hogan · (ss)
- Take a “Header”! by Harold Dorning · (pm)
- Take a Heart, Miss Jones by Clayre Michel · (nv)
- Take a Journey to Dimension X by Justin Marriott · (ar)
- Take a Journey with Christine Carbo by [uncredited] · (iv)
- Take a Kiss by Regina J. Woody · (ss)
- Take a Kiss from a Stranger by Noreen Gammill · (nv)
- Take a Kiss, Miss by Viola Cornett · (ss)
- Take a Laugh by The Editor(s) · (ed)
- Take a Leaf from Swiss Family Robinson by Sarah Field Splint · (ar)
- Take a Leaf from Swiss Family Robinson by Doris Tisdale · (ar)
- Take a Left at Bertram by Chad Oliver · (ss)
- Take a Left at the Cretaceous by Mark Farr-Nash · (ss)
- Take a Left at the Cretaceous by Mark Finn · (ss)
- Take a Letter by Richard Armour · (pm)
- Take a Letter by Agnes M. Biddell-Dell · (ss)
- Take a Letter by Jack Cluett · (ms)
- Take a Letter by P. W. Cutler · (ss)
- Take a Letter by [uncredited] · (pz)
- Take a Letter, Cuoid by A. S. Fleischman · (vi)
- Take a Letter, Maria by Paul Di Filippo · (hu)
- “Take a Letter, Miss—” by Eleanor Kenney · (ss)
- Take a Letter…or a Fire Extinguisher by Bruce Holland Rogers · (ar)
- Take a Letter…or a Fire Extinguisher by Bruce P. Rogers · (ar)
- Take a Letter, Please by Robert Benchley · (es)
- “Take a Little Wife” by [uncredited] · (pm)
- Take All My Love by Rubye Woodard · (pm)
- Take All of Me by Babette Cotter · (ss)
- Take a Load Off by F. Alexander Brejcha · (nv)
- Take-Along Food for Traveling Families by [uncredited] · (ms)
- Take a Long Look at Spring by Miriam Lippincott · (pi)
- Take a Long Step by Richard Parks · (ss)
- Take Along the Little Pal! by Donald Hough · (ar)
- Take Along Your Guitar by Eric Howard · (ss)
- Take a Look at Nothing! by William Karney · (ms)
- Take a Look at Our Railroads by Theodore Dreiser · (ar)
- Take a Look at the Five and Ten by Connie Willis · (na)
- Take a Look at the Little Fellows by Stetson Clark · (ar)
- Take a Look at Your Job from the Outside by Charles Loomis Funnell · (ar)
- Take a Look at Yourself! by James W. Barton · (ar)
- Take a Look Inside by Elizabeth Head Fetter · (??)
- Take a Look Inside by Hannah Lees · (??)
- Take a Love Letter by Louis Arthur Cunningham · (ss)
- Take a Low-Cost, 6,000-Mile Vacation by [uncredited] · (ms)
- Take a Match by Isaac Asimov · (nv)
- Take a Meeting by Robert A. Metzger · (ar)
- Take a Message by Cecilia Bartholomew · (ss)
- Take a Midget Step by Felix C. Gotschalk · (nv)
- Take a Moment to Care by Eileen Cade-Edwards · (ar)
- Take an Adventurous Vacation by Don Short · (ar)
- Take an Alaska Vacation with the American Boy by Misc. · (ar)
- Take an Art Tour by Edward R. Dooling · (ar)
- Take and Pay by Virginia Kline · (nv)
- Take an Old Timer’s Word for It by [uncredited] · (cl)
- Take an Onion… by John Forbes · (ss)
- Take Another Look by John George Reitci · (ss)
- Take Another Look by Jack Ritchie · (ss)
- Take Another Look by Florence Jane Soman · (ss)
- Take an “Outdoor Adventure” with the Editor by The Editor(s) · (ed)
- Take a Number by Joseph F. Dinneen · (nv)
- Take a Number by Suzette Haden Elgin · (pm)
- Take a Number by Jack Finney · (ss)
- Take a Number by Richard Macaulay · (ss)
- Take a Number from… by Henry A. Bott · (ms)
- Take a Number from… by Charles Recour · (ms)
- Take Any Card… by Rex Grizell · (ar)
- Take a Pair of Ruby Plates by Patricia Arbuthnot · (ar)
- Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes by Leslie Mary Oyler · (pm)
- Take a Pair of Sparkling Minds by Patrick Campbell · (ss)
- Take a Peek! Review by [uncredited] · (br)
- Take a Peep at… by [uncredited] · (bg)
- Take a Peep at the Contributors… by [uncredited] · (bg)
- Take a Picture by Andrew Salamon · (ss)
- Take a Piece of Red String by Noel C. Cobb · (ar)
- Take a Pinch of Dragon’s Blood… by Robert Holles · (ar)
- Take a Powder, Galahad! by John D. MacDonald · (nv)
- Take a Quick Step by Con Sellers · (ss)
- Take a Rest, Ranger! by Jackson Cole · (nv)
- Take as Directed by Con Sellers · (ss)
- Take a Seat by Eric Frank Russell · (vi)
- Take a Second Look by Victor Canning · (ss)
- Take a Shot by Herbert L. McNary · (ss)
- Take a Spade and Start Digging by John May · (ar)
- Take a Spin with Ten by Bryan Webb · (cl)
- Take a Stand, FCC! by Michael A. Arnzen · (ar)
- Take a Stick of Cinnamon by Milli Janz · (ss)
- Take a Suggestion, Miss Fitt by Carter T. Wainwright · (ar)
- Take a Taxi by Berton Braley · (ss)
- Take a Tip from Me by Antoinette Donnelly · (ms)
- Take a Tip from Me by Toni, Jr. · (ms)
- Take a Tip from Midas by James Hay, Jr. · (ar)
- Take a Tip from the Ladies by Bert Bacharach · (??)
- Take a Tip from the Waiter by Fritz Nocker · (ar)
- Take-a-Tip-Sysmanski by Harold de Polo · (ss)
- Take a Trip—from Your Body by Lloyd A. Smith · (ar)
- Take a Trip Into Outer Space! by Trevor Holloway · (ar)
- Take a Trip to County Limerick by Various · (hu)
- Take a Walk by Ring W. Lardner · (ss)
- Take a Walk by Bryan Smith · (ss)
- Take a Walk in the Night, My Love by Damien Walters Grintalis · (ss)
- Take a Walk in the Night, My Love by Damien Angelica Walters · (ss)
- Take a Walk on the Wild Side by Michael Barson · (iv)
- Take Away by Rodney J. Smith · (ss)
- Take-away by Ellen Klages · (vi)
- Takeaway by Tony Ballantyne · (vi)
- The Takeaway by Tom Curry · (ss)
- Takeaway by Gary McMahon · (ss)
- Takeaway by Michael Stone · (vi)
- Take-Away Exam by M. W. Busch · (ss)
- Takeaway Night by T. M. McLean · (ss)
- Take Away the Backboards? by Stanley Frank · (ar)
- Take Away the Mouthpiece by J. E. Russell · (tc)
- Take Away the Tears by Emma Burnett · (ss)
- Take a Week Off with Diana by [uncredited] · (pi)
- Take a Whack at This by David Lubar · (vi)
- Take a Whirl at Murder by Steve Fisher · (ss)
- Take Back America by Robert L. Borosage · (ar)
- Take Back America by Katrina vanden Heuvel · (ar)
- Take Back Plenty by Paul Brazier · (br)
- Take Back Plenty by Gwyneth Jones · (br)
- Take Back Plenty by Rachel Pollack · (br)
- Take Back That Which Thou Gavest by Seabury Quinn · (nv)
- Take Back the Dark by Jennifer Adam · (pm)
- Take Back the Heart by Charlotte Alington Barnard · (sg)
- Take Back the Heart by Claribel · (sg)
- Take Back the Night by Lawrence Schimel · (ss)
- Take Back the Virgin Page by Thomas Moore · (pm)
- Take Back the Zone by David J. Schow · (ar)
- Take Back Your Blarney by Sam Moskowitz · (ar)
- Take Before Marrying by Jack Hughes · (??)
- Take Bullet from Convict’s Brain by [uncredited] · (ms)
- Take Care by Lex Chamberlin · (ss)
- Take Care! by Elizabeth Hollister Frost · (pm)
- Take Care! Do Not Stare by A. N. Malan · (cs)
- Take Care, Love by Samuel Ashworth · (ss)
- Take Care, Love by Jean-Claude Mourlevat · (ss)
- Take Care of a Little Capital by Ella G. Grundy · (ar)
- Take Care of Grandma by Peter Atkins · (bg)
- Take Care of Jimmy! by Peter Stirling Cardozo · (ss)
- Take Care of Joey by Theodore Sturgeon · (ss)
- Take Care of Margie by Belle Bruck · (ss)
- Take Care of My Girl by Ruth Adams Knight · (ss)
- “Take Care of My Girl” by Stanley Paul · (ss)
- Take Care of My Heart by Mary Cameron · (ss)
- Take Care of My Sister by Nell Randolph · (ss)
- Take Care of Susan by Millen Brand · (ss)
- Take Care of That Cold by Victor G. Heiser, M.D. · (??)
- Take Care of That Rubber! by M. C. Teague · (ar)
- Take Care of the Heart by Ruth Rodney King · (ar)
- Take Care of Things, Johnny by Frank Richardson Pierce · (ss)
- Take Care of Us Or… by Lynne Holdom · (br)
- Take Care of Your Camera by George L. Wakefield · (ar)
- Take Care of Your Feet! by Selig Van Laurence · (ms)
- Take Care of Your Legs by Maxine Lincoln · (ar)
- Take Care of Yourself by Eve Burkhardt · (ss)
- Take Care of Yourself by Anne Chadwick · (ar)
- Take Care of Yourself by William Campbell Gault · (ss)
- Take Care of Yourself by Janet LaPierre · (nv)
- Take Care of Yourself by Grantland Rice · (ar)
- Take Care of Your Sister by Stuart Cloete · (ss)
- Take Care on Friday by The Editor(s) · (ed)
- Take Care, Son by Hila Colman · (ss)
- Take Care, Take Care by John Freeman · (pm)
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