The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11579
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[The Editor(s)] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * From the Belfry, (cl) The Bellman #676, June 28 1919
- * From the Control Room, (ed) Spaceways Jan, Mar, Apr, Dec 1940
- * From the Desk, (ed) Western Love October 1946
- * From the Desk of the Editor, (ed) Savage Realms Monthly Aug, Sep 2023, Feb, May, Jul, Oct, Nov 2024
- * From the Editor, (ed) Crime Busters Dec 1938, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1939
- * From the Editor, (ed) Everywoman’s Magazine March 1946
- * From the Editor, (ed) SFWA Bulletin #51/52, Summer 1974
- * From the Editor, (ed) Crimespree Magazine #9, November/December 2005
- * From the Editor, (ed) Blight Digest Fall 2014
- * From the Editor, (ed) Story Emporium #1 2015, #2 2016
- * From the Editorial Chair—Some Congratulatory Letters—Contents for June, (ed) The Strand Magazine (US) May 1910
- * From the Editorial Corner—The Assassination of Plehre—What Is the Use of Polar Research, (ed) The Strand Magazine (US) June 1910
- * From the Editorial Desk, (ed) The New Strand May 1962
- * From the Editors, (ed) Soviet Literature v477 #12, 1987
- * From the Editors, (ed) Words International Nov, Dec 1987, Jan, Mar, Apr/May 1988
- * From the Editors, (ed) Crimespree Magazine #15, November/December 2006
- * From the Editors, (ed) Dark Worlds Adventures Winter 2009
- * From the Editors, (ed) Interfictions Online #1 May, #2 Oct 2013, #3 May, #4 Nov 2014, #5 Jun 2015
- * From the Editors, (ed) Broadswords and Blasters #1 Apr, #2 Sum, #3 Fll 2017
- * From the Editor’s Chair, (ed) Cassell’s Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1906, Feb 1907
- * From the Editor’s Chair, (ed) The Wide World Magazine (US) June 1910
- * From the Editor’s Chair, (ed) Pictorial Magazine #1274, October 27 1923
- * From the Editor’s Cockpit, (ed) Air Adventures Dec 1939, Feb 1940
- * From the Editor’s Desk, (ed) ’Teen August 1959
- * From the Editor’s Desk, (ed) Bloodhound Detective Story Magazine #2 Jun, #3 Jul, #4 Aug, #6 Oct, #7 Nov, #8 Dec 1961, #9 Jan, #10 Feb, #11 Mar, #12 Apr,
#13 May 1962
- * From the Editor’s Desk, (ed) 34 Orchard #1 Spr, #2 Aut 2020, #3 Spr, #4 Aut 2021, #5 Spr, #6 Aut 2022, #7 Spr, #8 Aut 2023
- * From the Editor’s Scrapbook, (ms) Bluebook May 1952
- * From the Editor’s Study, (ed) The Storytellers’ Magazine July 1916
- * From the Editor’s Window, (ed) The Cosmopolitan Mar, Apr 1890
- * From the Editor to His Readers, (ed) The Pictorial Magazine #261, May 28 1904
- * From the Ends of the Earth, (ed) Collier’s June 14 1930
- * From the Pulp Lit Pulpit, (ed) Pulp Literature #1 Wtr 2014, #11 Sum 2016
* ___ Are You a Patron?, (ed) Pulp Literature #8, Autumn 2015
* ___ Autumn Storytelling, (ed) Pulp Literature #16, Autumn 2017
* ___ A Breath of Fresh Fiction, (ed) Pulp Literature #18, Spring 2018
* ___ The Fall, (ed) Pulp Literature #4, Autumn 2014
* ___ The Great Do-Over, (ed) Pulp Literature #30, Spring 2021
* ___ Have Space, Will Travel, (ed) Pulp Literature #34, Spring 2022
* ___ Here’s to Another Five, (ed) Pulp Literature #21, Winter 2019
* ___ Here’s to the Beer!, (ed) Pulp Literature #40, Autumn 2023
* ___ It Takes a Village, (ed) Pulp Literature #7, Summer 2015
* ___ Knock, Knock…, (ed) Pulp Literature #3, Summer 2014
* ___ New Year’s Cheers, (cl) Pulp Literature #13, Winter 2017
* ___ The New Year’s Feast, (ed) Pulp Literature #5, Winter 2015
* ___ The Next Chapter, (ed) Pulp Literature #41, Winter 2024
* ___ Of Pulp and Pumpkins, (ed) Pulp Literature #32, Autumn 2021
* ___ One Genre to Rule Them All, (ed) Pulp Literature #2, Spring 2014
* ___ On Time, (ed) Pulp Literature #38, Spring 2023
* ___ Perchance to Write, (ed) Pulp Literature #39, Summer 2023
* ___ The Roaring Twenties, (ed) Pulp Literature #26, Spring 2020
* ___ The School of Pulp, (ed) Pulp Literature #9, Winter 2016
* ___ A Score for Cross-Genre Fiction, (ed) Pulp Literature #20, Autumn 2018
* ___ Sensual Summer Reading, (ed) Pulp Literature #15, Summer 2017
* ___ Storytime, (ed) Pulp Literature #10, Spring 2016
* ___ Stretching Our Wings, (cl) Pulp Literature #14, Spring 2017
* ___ A Time to Build Up, (ed) Pulp Literature #27 Sum, #28 Aut 2020
* ___ A Walk in the Words, (ed) Pulp Literature #33, Winter 2022
* ___ Welcome to British Columbia!, (ed) Pulp Literature #31, Summer 2021
* ___ What Is Truth?, (ed) Pulp Literature #12, Autumn 2016
* ___ Why We Write, (ed) Pulp Literature #6, Spring 2015
* ___ Winter Storytelling, (ed) Pulp Literature #17, Winter 2018
- * From the Third Window, (ed) Kalki #11 Sum, #12 Fll, #13 Win 1969, #14, #15, #16 1970, #17, #18, #19 1971, #20 1973
- * From the Wings, (ed) Dime Detective Magazine March 1932
- * From Us, (ed) Amazon Quarterly v3 #1, 1974
- * From Your Imperial Potentate, (ed) The Shrine Magazine August 1927
- * Frontier Career Girl, (ed) Rangeland Romances November 1943
- * Frontier Christmas Carol, (ar) Dime Western Magazine January 1937
- * Frontier Heroines, (ed) Rangeland Romances March 1943
- * Frontier Love, (ed) Rangeland Romances October 1938
- * Frontiers, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine February 1932
- * The Frontier’s Heritage, (ed) Big-Book Western Magazine January/February 1937
- * Frontiersman’s Justice, (ed) Ace-High Magazine December 1937
- * Frontier-Smashers, (ed) Ace-High Magazine October 1937
- * Frontier Tamers, (ed) Pioneer Western August 1937
- * Front Page, (ed) Autumn Pie October 1944
- * Frozen Fools!, (ed) Real Detective April 1932
- * Fruition, (ed) Authentic Science Fiction #26, October 15 1952
- * Fruits of Civic Spirit, (ed) The Century Magazine December 1895
- * Fruits of the New Deal, (ed) Collier’s March 3 1934
- * The Frying Pan, (fr) Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1948
- * Full Bloom, (ed) Liberty August 9 1924
- * Full of Praise!, (ed) The Thriller #8, March 30 1929
- * Full Protection for Bootlegging Gangsters, (ed) Liberty April 30 1932
- * Fun-Conscious, (ed) Britannia and Eve March 1931
- * The Function of the Arts in the Republic-I: Literature, (ed) The English Review December 1908
- * A Funeral on Main Street, (ed) Liberty June 11 1927
- * Fur-Man’s Ultimatum!, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine September 1943
- * Further Reading, (bi) Within the Hollow Hills ed. Josh Matthews, Lindisfarne Press, 1994
- * The Future and the Pacific, (ed) Liberty June 6 1925
- * The Future Is Bright—No Shades Needed Thanks to Nanotechnology, (ed) Amazing Stories Summer 2012
- * The Future of Captain Future, (cl) Captain Future Wtr, Sum, Fll 1940, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1941, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1942,
Wtr, Spr, Sum 1943
Wtr, Spr 1944
- * Future Prize Announcements, (cn) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1881
- * Futurian Times, (ed) Future Fiction Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec 1941, Feb, Apr 1942
- * “Fuzzy-Wuzzy”, (ar) The Ludgate October 1896
- * F.Y.I. For Your Information, (cl) Expose for Men! May 1960
- * A Gallant Owlhooter, (ed) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1943
- * Gambler’s Boothill Deal, (ed) New Western Magazine Oct, Nov 1940
- * Gambler’s Girl, (ed) Rangeland Romances July 1945
- * Gambler’s Gun-Bluff, (ed) Max Brand’s Western Magazine December 1949
- * The Game, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1966
- * Game for Two, (ed) Western Love Romances March 1950
- * The Game of Life, (ed) The Blue Book Magazine December 1932
- * Gangland Kings, (ed) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1939
- * The Gang’s All Here!, (ed) Mobsters December 1952
- * The Gangs of Days Gone Bye, (ar) Double-Action Gang Magazine February 1939
- * The Gangster—A Great National Menace, (ed) Liberty May 30 1931
- * Gangsters Murdering Little Children, (ed) Liberty August 29 1931
- * Gardens, (ed) Liberty April 28 1928
- * Garfield and Conkling: A Correction, (ms) The Century Magazine March 1894
- * Gas, (cl) Zeppelin Stories July 1929
- * Gas, (ed) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories June 1928
- * Gather Round, (ed) Woman’s Companion #920, June 16 1945
- * A Gauge of Popularity, (ed) Black Mask November 1936
- * The Gay Masquerade, (ed) Rangeland Romances March 1944
- * Gems from the Bible:
* ___ Peter Denies His Lord, (cl) Sunday Circle April 11 1936
- * General Imboden, (ar) The Century Magazine August 1885
- * A Generation of Scouting, (ed) Collier’s February 21 1942
- * The Genesis of “The Bulletin”, (ar) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #8, December 1907
- * The Genesis of “The Bulletin” (with William Henry Traill), (ar) The Lone Hand: The Australian Monthly #7, November 1907
- * Gentle ’Em, (ed) Short Stories April 25 1928
- * Gentlemen Adventurers, (ed) All Star Western Story Magazine February 1932
- * Gentlemen of the Jury, (ed) Clues All Star Detective Stories April 1933
- * The Gentle Voice of Love, (ed) Thrilling Love March 1932
- * George Eastman, the Creator of Kodakdom, (ar) National Magazine April 1914
- * George Washington Was No Mollycoddle, (ed) Liberty November 28 1931
- * Germans Are People, Too, (ed) Collier’s October 14 1939
- * Germany Viewed by a Swede, (br) Land & Water December 23 1915
- * “Get Growing”—to Get More Bacon and Eggs, (ed) John Bull September 15 1951
- * Get In and Swim, (ed) Short Stories September 10 1923
- * Get the Food and Forget the Political Ballyhoo, (ed) John Bull June 3 1950
- * Gettin’ an Education, (ed) Short Stories December 25 1932
- * Getting a Kick Out of Life, (ed) Smart Set May 1926
- * Getting an Education, (ed)
- * Getting One from Many, (ed) Liberty December 5 1925
- * Getting Past, (ed) The New York Review of Science Fiction #355, 2021
- * Get Together!, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories Mar 1, Apr 1, Apr 15, May 15, Jun 1, Jun 15, Jul 1, Aug 1, Sep 15, Oct 1,
Oct 15, Nov 1, Dec 1 1933
Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 1, Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 30 1934
- * A Get-Together Genius in the Senate, (ar) National Magazine November 1913
- * Get Together!:
* ___ The Chaos of the Times, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories November 26 1934
* ___ Cheery and Capable Men, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 22 1934
* ___ Fate or Free Will—Which?, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories June 11 1934
* ___ Good News, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories April 22 1935
* ___ A Handful of Dust, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories December 16 1934
* ___ Man’s Only Hope, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories September 24 1934
* ___ A One Track Mind, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories November 5 1934
* ___ On Handwriting, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories April 1 1935
* ___ The Season’s Greetings, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories January 7 1935
* ___ A Writer on Writing, (cl) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories January 28 1935
- * Get to the Roots of Crime Among Youngsters, (ed) John Bull March 18 1950
- * “G.” for Go-Getter, (ed) Ace G-Man Stories September/October 1936
- * Ghosts of the Border Legion, (ed) Star Western July 1937
- * Ghosts of the Far Frontier, (ed) Star Western May 1939
- * The Ghost Story Awards, (ms) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #32, October 2017
- * G. H. Q., (ed) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1941
- * The Gift of Tongues, (ed) Collier’s April 25 1931
- * Gifts of Christmas, (ed) Collier’s December 21 1929
- * Gilbert Parker: An Appreciation, (ed) The London Magazine April/May 1906 [Ref. Gilbert Parker]
- * The Gipsies’ Foes, (ed) John Bull October 22 1955
- * The Girl of Romance River, (ed) Rangeland Romances March 1941
- * Girl of the Month, (ed) Man’s Daring December 1960
- * Girls and Their Great-Grandmas, (ed) Liberty August 9 1930
- * Girls’ Names, (ed) Saucy Stories April 15 1923
- * Girls of the Golden West, (ed) Rangeland Romances October 1937
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