The FictionMags Index
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Robbins, Jhan (chron.) (continued)
- * The Roaring Towns:
* ___ Jackson, Nevada (with Frederick M. Blakeslee), (ia) The Pecos Kid Western July 1950
* ___ Soya, Texas (with Frederick M. Blakeslee), (ia) The Pecos Kid Western September 1950
* ___ Weaverville, California (with Frederick M. Blakeslee), (ia) The Pecos Kid Western January 1951
- * Satan, Move Over!, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine June 1946
- * Satan Snares a Sinner, (ar) Star Western February 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Scholars in Full Dresss (with June Robbins), (??) Collier’s June 10 1950
- * Second-String Heroes (with Waggener), (ia) Ace-High Western Stories May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1946, Jan, Feb, Apr,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec 1947
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1948
Jan, Feb, Mar, May 1949, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1950, Jan, Apr, Jun 1951
- * Second-String Heroes (with Waggener), (ia) New Western Magazine November 1951
* ___ Elias Wells—Hero by Force! (with Waggener), (ia) Ace-High Western Stories March 1947
* ___ Hiram Vineland (with Waggener), (ia) Ace-High Western Stories May 1947
* ___ J. Howard Brown (with Waggener), (ia) Ace-High Western Stories September 1947
- * Sid Caesar: “I Grew Up Angry” (with June Robbins), (ar) Redbook November 1956
- * A Six-Gun for the Teacher, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine January 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Sixgun Masquerade, (ar) .44 Western Magazine January 1946
- * Sixgun Scholar, (ar) 10 Story Western Magazine April 1946
- * Skibereen Goes West, (ar) Dime Western Magazine March 1946
- * Smiler with a Saw, (ar) New Western Magazine October 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Soya, Texas (with Frederick M. Blakeslee), (ia) The Pecos Kid Western September 1950
- * Stalemate Sheriff, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * That Damned Lawman!, (ar) Ace-High Western Stories February 1946
- * Their Bones Mark the Trail, (ar) Ace-High Western Stories July 1945
- * Tinhorn Samaritan, (ar) 10 Story Western Magazine March 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Too Sick to Die!, (ts) .44 Western Magazine August 1946
- * To the Last Man, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine August 1945
- * To the Last White Chip!, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine June 1946, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Toughest Town on Earth, (ar) .44 Western Magazine July 1945
- * Toy-Pistol Bandit, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine August 1946
- * Trail of the Silver Scalp, (ar) .44 Western Magazine March 1946
- * Truce, Bullets and Blood, (ar) Leading Western August 1946
- * 23 Days That Shook the World (with June Robbins), (ar) Argosy October 1949
- * Twin Terrors of Texas, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine November 1948, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * Two-Fisted Law, (ar) Big-Book Western Magazine October 1945
- * $200,000 Mistake, (ar) Detective Tales March 1948
- * The Waxwork Wake, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine March 1947
- * Weaverville, California (with Frederick M. Blakeslee), (ia) The Pecos Kid Western January 1951
- * “We Dared to Take These Children” (with June Robbins), (ar) Redbook December 1957
- * Western Savvy, (qz) Five-Novels Magazine May/June 1947
- * “We Supply the Bodies!”, (ms) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * What Are Americans Like?, (ar) Redbook December 1963
- * What Makes Morale?, (ar) This Week March 2 1952
- * With Sixgun and Skillet, (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine October 1946
- * The Yankee Rebel, (ts) New Western Magazine April 1947, as by Jimmy Nichols
- * The Y.M.C.A.—A Century of Fellowship (with June Robbins), (ar) Collier’s June 23 1951
- * You May Kill or Be Killed, (ar) Varsity (US) November 1947
_____, as told to
[]Robbins, John (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * The Deceptively Shallow Pond (with Seán Mac Roibin), (cs) Something Occurred; Bennie on the Loose by Seán Mac Roibin, albedo one publications, 1997
- * Down Under (with Seán Mac Roibin), (cs) Albedo One #25, 2002
- * The Eighth Dwarf (with Seán Mac Roibin), (cs) Albedo One #22, 2000
- * Faster Pigeon! Eat! Eat! (with Seán Mac Roibin), (cs) Something Occurred; Bennie on the Loose by Seán Mac Roibin, albedo one publications, 1997
- * Fat Chance (with Seán Mac Roibin), (cs) Albedo One #22, 2000
- * Nil by Mouth (with Seán Mac Roibin), (cs) Albedo One #22, 2000
- * The Waiting Room (with Seán Mac Roibin), (cs) Albedo One #26, 2002
- * [front cover], (cv) Something Occurred; Bennie on the Loose by Seán Mac Roibin, albedo one publications, 1997
[]Robbins, June (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
- * A Bit of England (with Jhan Robbins), (ms) This Week May 5 1968
- * How Do You Get to Sleep? (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) This Week October 5 1952
- * Look Out Below! (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) Argosy August 1950
- * Money and Marriage (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) This Week March 1 1964
- * “My Husband Never Learned to Relax” (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) Redbook July 1958
- * Scholars in Full Dresss (with Jhan Robbins), (??) Collier’s June 10 1950
- * Sid Caesar: “I Grew Up Angry” (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) Redbook November 1956
- * 23 Days That Shook the World (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) Argosy October 1949
- * “We Dared to Take These Children” (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) Redbook December 1957
- * The Y.M.C.A.—A Century of Fellowship (with Jhan Robbins), (ar) Collier’s June 23 1951
_____, as told to
[]Robbins, Katherine Leiser (fl. 1910s-1940s) (chron.)
- * The Ageless Lure, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1917
- * And So It Goes, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine April 1928
- * April-Hearted, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1924
- * April Mists, (ss) Young’s Magazine December 1913
- * Art for Art’s Sake—In the Latin Quarter, (ss) Paris Nights June 1926
- * Autumn Fires, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine November 1923
- * Back to Youth, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine October 1916
- * Battles and Butterflies (with Helen Gardenhire-Martens), (nv) Saucy Stories Dec 1918, Jan 1919, as by Lorne H. Fontaine & Katherine Leiser Robbins
- * The Bondwoman, (sl) Snappy Stories 1st Sep, 2nd Sep 1921
- * Bound for the Rocks (with Helen Gardenhire-Martens), (nv) Breezy Stories January 1919, as by Lorne H. Fontaine & Katherine Leiser Robbins
- * The Breath of Lilies, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1916
- * Butterfly Ankles, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1922
- * The Cage, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st July 1922
- * Casting Stones, (ss) Saucy Stories January 15 1923
- * The Chill White Heights, (ss) Young’s Magazine February 1920
- * Concerning the Eternal Game, (ss) Saucy Stories November 1 1923
- * Crossed Strains, (nv)
- * Damaged, (ss) Droll Stories July 1926
- * Daybreak, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd August 1925
- * Destiny—and Nan, (ss) Love Romances March 1928
- * The Earth-Bound, (ss) Young’s Magazine January 1920
- * The Eternal, (vi) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1923
- * The Eternal Game, (ss) Young’s Magazine September 1917
- * Eve Insurgent, (nv) Saucy Stories October 1 1923
- * Finis, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1917
- * Forces of Night, (ss) Saucy Stories November 15 1923
- * Four Wishes, (ss) Tales of Temptation January 1927
- * From a Diary, (ms) Snappy Stories 1st March 1922
- * Gander Sauce, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1946
- * The Gift Forbidden, (sl) Telling Tales Nov, Dec 1922
- * The Gilded Dream (with Helen Gardenhire-Martens), (na) Young’s Magazine March 1920, as by Lorne H. Fontaine & Katherine Leiser Robbins
- * The Gods of Chance, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1920
- * In Folly’s Trail, (nv) Snappy Stories 1st January 1920
- * In Pastures New, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1918
- * The Jewels of Madame, (ss) Snappy Stories January 1927
- * The Jungle Tread, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st March 1923
- * The King’s Favor, (ss) Saucy Stories January 1 1924
- * The Life, (vi) Young’s Magazine February 1917
- * The Little Back Room, (ss) Breezy Stories December 1922
- * Love and Chinese Idols, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine September 1926
- * The Man Who Would Be Free, (sl) Live Stories 2nd Aug, Sep 14, Sep 28 1923
- * Memory and the Devil, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories November 1932
- * Mill of the Gods, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1926
- * The Moon, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st September 1917
- * Nan of the Hills, (sl) Snappy Stories 2nd Oct, 1st Nov 1922
- * Not as Others, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1918
- * Oh Me! Oh My!, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st April 1922
- * Old Love for New, (ss) Cupid’s Diary September 5 1928
- * Over the Tea-Table, (vi) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine February 1923
- * Paid in Cash, (nv) Breezy Stories October 1923
- * A Pair of Little Flings, (ss) Droll Stories July 1924
- * Pawning a Husband, (ss) Young’s Magazine April 1916
- * The Shadowy Quest, (ss) Young’s Magazine April 1919
- * A Slave in New Babylon, (nv) Saucy Stories October 15 1922
- * The Snares of Evil, (ss) Saucy Stories March 1 1923
- * So That’s It, (ss) Droll Stories May 1924
- * The Sporting Chance, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1923
- * A Study in Shadows, (vi) Young’s Magazine August 1913
- * Two and Two, (ss) Saucy Stories February 15 1924
- * An Unconscious Reformer, (ss) Young’s Magazine October 1913
- * The Unfettered, (ss) Young’s Magazine March 1919
- * The Unguarded Hours, (ss) Young’s Magazine October 1919
- * The Victim, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1927
- * A Voice from the Past, (ss) The Premier Magazine #18, October 1915
- * A Voice of the Past, (ss) Young’s Magazine June 1915
- * Warring Hearts, (nv) Breezy Stories October 1918
- * Ways That Are Dark, (vi) Young’s Magazine January 1917
- * The Web of Desire, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1922
- * When Sandy Was on, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1917
- * Which One Lied?, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine September 1916
- * The Winding Road to Happiness (with Helen Gardenhire-Martens), (nv) Saucy Stories February 1918, as by Lorne H. Fontaine & Katherine Leiser Robbins
- * Wine and Roses, (ss) Saucy Stories October 1916
- * Winged, (ss) Breezy Stories November 1915
- * Wishes Four, (ss) Brief Stories May 1923
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