The FictionMags Index
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[]Jackson, Phillip Rodney (1944-1994); used pseudonyms Mark Graylock & Jason Magnus (chron.)
- * At the Portals of Pluto (with Phillip Rodney Jackson), (ss) Futuristic Tales #4, September 1981, as by Mark Graylock & Jason Magnus
- * Finnagle’s Inconstant, (ss) Futuristic Tales #2, December 1980, as by Mark Graylock
- * A Head Full of Moondust, (ss) Futuristic Tales #4, September 1981, as by Mark Graylock
- * In Memoriam, (ss) Futuristic Tales #3, April 1981, as by Mark Graylock
- * The Last Planet, (ss) Futuristic Tales #2, December 1980, as by Jason Magnus
[]Jackson, Robert (fl. 1970s-2000s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Alfred Bester Bibliography, (bi) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987 [Ref. Alfred Bester]
- * Brainchild, (vi) Sfinx #5, January 1972
- * Ghucephalus, (ed) Maya #7, #8 Jul, #9 Nov 1975, #10 Mar, #11 Jul 1976, #12/13 Jan 1977
- * A Heritage of Truth, (br) Maya #10, March 1976 [Ref. Marion Zimmer Bradley]
- * Incantations, (ed) Inca #1, 1979
- * Introduction, 2020, (in) The Full Glass Bushel by Bob Shaw, Ansible Editions, 2020
- * Maya Culpa, (ed) Maya #15, 1978
- * The Nunatak Wall, (ss) Sfinx #6, 1972
- * The Real Illusion, (ed) Maya #14, #12/13 Jan 1977
- * Rock of Ages, (ss) Sfinx #7, January 1973
- * 6 Conversations, (ed) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987
- * Strugatsky Bibliography (with Darko Suvin), (bi) Frontier Crossings ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy '87, 1987 [Ref. Arkady & Boris Strugatsky]
- * Taff & Terry Hughes, (ar) Seacon ’79 Programme Book ed. Graham Charnock, Seacon, 1979
- * Write On!, (lr) Maya #14, 1977
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Sfinx #6, 1972
- * [letter], (lt) Zimri #4^12, 1973
- * [letter], (lt) Drilkjis #2, October 1976
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #153, March 2000
- * [letter from Santa Cruz, CA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1983
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Maya #7, #8 Jul, #9 Nov 1975, #10 Mar, #11 Jul 1976, #14, #12/13 Jan 1977, #15 1978
- * Editor: Inca #1, 1979
- * Frontier Crossings, (oa) Conspiracy '87, August 1987
[]Jackson, Sarah (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Canary Glass, (ss) Wyldblood Magazine #9, Summer 2022
- * The Existence of Dragons, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2024
- * Great Mother Broth, (ss) Translunar Travelers Lounge #8, February 2023
- * He Knows When You’ve Been Bad or Good…, (vi) Twisted Tongue #8, November 2007
- * In the Path of the Giantess, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #131, August 2024
- * Perfect Weather, (ss) Hearth Stories #1, Winter 2023
- * Seven Years Bad Luck, (vi) Twisted Tongue #8, November 2007
- * Tilly’s Dolls, (ss) 96th of October Autumn 2022
- * The Time Bureau Came to Careers Day, (pm) Strange Horizons July 24 2023
- * The Willingham Bay Witches, (ss) Electric Spec February 28 2023
[]Jackson, Shelley (1963- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Blood, (ss)
- * Cancer, (ss)
- * Dildo, (ss)
- * Egg, (nv)
- * Fat, (ss)
- * Flat Daddy, (ss) Conjunctions #52, Spring 2009
- * Foetus, (ss)
- * Hair, (ss)
- * Heart, (ss)
- * Here Is the Church, (ss) Black Clock #2, Fall 2004/Winter 2005
- * Husband, (ss) The Paris Review #164, Winter 2002/2003
- * Jominy (An Art History), (ss)
- * The Melancholy of Anatomy, (co) Anchor Books, March 2002
- * Milk, (ss)
- * Monoceros, (ss) Black Clock #20, Spring/Summer 2015
- * Nerve, (ss)
- * Phlegm, (nv)
- * Short-Term Memorial Park, (ss) ParaSpheres ed. Ken Keegan & Rusty Morrison, Omnidawn Publishing, 2006
- * Sleep, (ss)
- * Sperm, (ss)
- * The Swan Brothers, (nv) My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me ed. Kate Bernheimer & Carmen Giménez Smith, Penguin US, 2010
- * Word Problem, (ss) Tin House Fall 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link, Small Beer Press, 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link, Jelly Ink, 2005
[]Jackson, Shirley (Hardie) (1919-1965) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * About Two Nice People, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal July 1951
- * Account Closed, (ss) Good Housekeeping April 1950
- * Adventure on a Bad Night, (ss) The Strand Magazine #62, 2020
- * Afternoon in Linen, (ss) The New Yorker September 4 1943
- * After You, My Dear Alphonse, (ss) The New Yorker January 16 1943
- * All I Can Remember, (pr) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * All She Said Was Yes, (ss) Vogue November 1 1962
- * All the Girls Were Dancing, (vi) Collier’s November 11 1950
- * Alone in a Den of Cubs, (ss) Woman’s Day December 1953
- * Arch-Criminal, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * Aunt Gertrude, (ss) Harper’s Magazine April 1954
- * The Beautiful Stranger, (ss) Come Along with Me, Viking, 1968
- * Before Autumn, (vi) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * Biography of a Story, (ar) Come Along with Me, Viking, 1968
- * Birthday Party, (ss) Vogue January 1 1963
- * The Box, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion
- * Bulletin, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1954
- * The Bus, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1965
- * Call Me Ishmael, (vi) Spectre Fall 1939
- * A Cauliflower in Her Hair, (ss) Mademoiselle December 1944
- * Charles, (ss) Mademoiselle July 1948
- The Lottery, Farrar Strauss, 1949
- The Hilton Bedside Book: Volume Five, Hilton Hotels Corporation, 1960
- Stories of Suspense ed. Mary E. MacEwen, Scholastic, 1963
- Introduction to the Short Story ed. Crosby E. Redman, McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1965
- Man & His Imagination ed. Hannah Beate Haupt, Lilla Heston, Joy Littell & Sarah Solotaroff, McDougal, Littell & Co., 1972
- Introduction to the Short Story (var. 1) ed. Crosby E. Redman, McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co., 1977
- Fantasy ed. Alyn Shipton, John Murray, 1982
- Dark Lessons ed. Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini, Macmillan, 1985
- * Charlie Roberts, (vi) The Strand Magazine #66, 2022
- * Colloquy, (ss) The New Yorker August 5 1944
- * Come Along with Me, (co) Viking Press, 1968 ; edited by Stanley Edgar Hyman
- * Come Along with Me, (uw) Come Along with Me, Viking, 1968
- * Come Dance with Me in Ireland, (ss) The New Yorker May 15 1943
- * Come to the Fair, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * The Daemon Lover, (nv) Woman’s Home Companion February 1949, as "The Phantom Lover"
- The Lottery, Farrar Strauss, 1949
- Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow ed. Ray Bradbury, Bantam, 1952
- The Other Dimension ed. Sara Rosner, Scholastic Book Services, 1972
- Open at Your Own Risk ed. Joan Kahn, Houghton Mifflin, 1975
- The Black Magic Omnibus ed. Peter Haining, Taplinger, 1976
- The Black Magic Omnibus: Volume 1 ed. Peter Haining, Orbit, 1977
- Triumph of the Night ed. Robert Phillips, Carroll & Graf, 1989
- The Mists from Beyond ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Penguin/Roc, 1993
- Weird Tales ed. Michael Dirda, Folio Society, 2024
- * A Day in the Jungle, (ss) Come Along with Me, Viking, 1968
- * Deck the Halls, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * Devil of a Tale, (vi) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * Dinner for a Gentleman, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * Dorothy and My Grandmother and the Sailors, (ss)
- * The Dummy, (ss)
- * Elizabeth, (nv)
- * Every Boy Should Learn to Play the Trumpet, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion October 1956
- * Experience and Fiction, (ar) Come Along with Me, Viking, 1968
- * Fame, (ar) The Writer August 1948
- * Family Magician, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1949
- * A Fine Old Firm, (ss) The New Yorker March 4 1944
- * The First Car Is the Hardest, (hu) Harper’s Magazine February 1952
- * Flower Garden, (nv)
- * The Friends, (ss) Charm November 1953
- * Gnarly the King of the Jungle, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * The Good Wife, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * Got a Letter from Jimmy, (ss)
- * A Great Voice Stilled, (ss) Playboy March 1960
- * Home, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal August 1965
- * The Honeymoon of Mrs. Smith (Versions I and II), (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * The House, (ss) Woman’s Day May 1952
- * I Don’t Kiss Strangers, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * I Know What I Love, (ss) Come Along with Me, Viking, 1968
- * Indians Live in Tents, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * An International Incident, (ss) The New Yorker September 12 1953
- * The Intoxicated, (ss)
- * I.O.U., (ss) Gentleman’s Quarterly December 1965
- * Island, (ss) The New Mexico Quarterly Autumn 1950
- * It’s Only a Game, (ar) Harper’s Magazine May 1956
- * Jack the Ripper, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * Janice, (vi) The Threshold ed. A. E. Johnson, Syracuse University, 1938
- * Journey with a Lady, (ss) Harper’s Magazine July 1952
- * Just an Ordinary Day, (oc) Bantam, January 1997 ; edited by Laurence Jackson Hyman & Sarah Hyman Stewart
- * Like Mother Used to Make, (ss) The Lottery, Farrar Strauss, 1949
- * The Little House, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1964
- * A Little Magic, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion January 1956
- * Little Old Lady in Great Need, (ss) Mademoiselle September 1944
- * Lord of the Castle, (ss) Just an Ordinary Day, Bantam, 1997
- * The Lost Kingdom of Oz, (ar)
- * The Lottery, (co) Farrar, Straus, April 1949
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