The FictionMags Index
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[Various] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Chestnuts, (hu) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1952
- * The Chestnut Tree, (ms) The Lady’s Realm September 1907
- * Chez Nous, (ms) Argosy (UK) December 1947
- * Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Locomotives, (pi) Railroad Magazine June 1958
- * Chicago Smart Set Girls, (pi) Smart Set January 1926
- * Child Life Pen and Pencil Club, (cn) Child Life May 1937
- * Child Life Picture Pages, (pi) Child Life June 1932
- * Children’s Page, (ar) The Youth’s Companion Jun 28 1923, Mar 20 1924
- * The Children’s Page, (ar) The Youth’s Companion Jun 14, Nov 8 1923
- * The Children’s Page, (cl) The Youth’s Companion July 10 1924
- * The Children’s Pages, (cl) The Youth’s Companion January 1929
- * Children—Yes and No, (ms)
- * Chill Down Your Spine, (ms) Argosy (UK) June 1956
- * The Chill of It All, (gp) Omni April 1990
- * Chinaboy Chuckles, (hu) America’s Humor Summer 1926
- * Chinaboy Chuckles: An Exclusive Monthly Feature, (hu) America’s Humor February 1927
- * Chinaboy Chuckles Straight from China, (hu) America’s Humor April 1927
- * Chinese Proverbs, (hu)
- * Chinese Tapestry, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1943
- * Chit-Chat, (cl) Overland Monthly January 1900
- * Chit-Chat, (ms) Overland Monthly February 1900
- * Chivalry, (ms) Argosy (UK) April 1942
- * Chorine Chatter, (ms) Burlesk January 1938
- * Christmas, (ms) Argosy (UK) Jan 1942, Jan 1946
- * “Christmas”, (sy) Pearson’s Magazine December 1906
- * Christmas Books, (br) Argosy (UK) January 1966
- * Christmas Book Supplement, (br) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1954
- * Christmas Card Pictorial, (pi) Harlequin v5 #12, 1977
- * A Christmas Charade, (ss) The Radio Times December 24 1937
- * Christmas Chimes, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1960
- * Christmas Crackers, (hu) Cassell’s Magazine December 1909
- * Christmas Crackers, (ms) The Golden Mag. #7 Dec 1926, #8 Jan 1927
- * Christmas Dinner, (ms) Harlequin’s Woman v2 #12, 1974
- * The Christmas Dinner, (cl) Gardiner’s Magazine December 1901
- * Christmas Entertainments, (il) The Sphere #3006A, November 8 1957
- * Christmas Far and Near, (ms) The Argosy (UK) January 1928
- * A Christmas Garland, (ms) Pearson’s Magazine December 1907
- * Christmas Gift Books, (rc) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1937
- * Christmas Humour, (hu) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #69, December 1917
- * Christmas in Many Lands, (pi) Mine December 1935
- * Christmas in Prose and Verse, (ms) The Argosy (UK) December 1926
- * Christmas Is Coming, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1965
- * Christmas jokes from readers, (hu) The Skipper #273, November 23 1935
- * Christmas Joy, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1956
- * The Christmas Merrythought, (hu) Pearson’s Magazine Dec 1910, Dec 1911, Dec 1912, Dec 1914, Dec 1915, Dec 1916, Dec 1919, Dec 1926, Dec 1929,
Dec 1930
- * Christmas Pictures from Everywhere, (pi) The Schoolgirls’ Pictorial #8, December 22 1924
- * Christmas Poems and Christmas Jingles, (pm) Ladies’ Home Journal December 15 1910
- * Christmas Quiz, (qz) The Strand Magazine Dec 1943, Dec 1947
- * Christmas: Shall We Keep It?, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1914
- * The Christmas Story, (ms) The Argosy (UK) Jan 1940, Jan 1949
- * Christmas Tree, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1955
- * Christmas with the Humorists, (pi) The Windsor Magazine December 1932
- * Chronicles of Earthsea, (iv) The Guardian February 9 2004 [Ref. Ursula K. Le Guin]
- * Chroniques Martiennes, (ms) Solaris #47, September 1982
- * Chuckles, (hu) Pep Stories January 1932
- * Chuckles and Laughs, (hu) Boy’s Adventure Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov 1936
- * Chuck That Chuckle!, (hu) French Follies Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul 1930
- * Churchill’s Island, (ms) Argosy (UK) November 1941
- * Cinéma, (cl) Solaris #59, January 1985
- * Cinéma, (mr) Fiction (France) #378, September 1986
- * The Cinema Scene, (cl) Climax June 1961
- * Cinéma/Télévision, (ar) Requiem #3, February 1975
- * Cinematic Autopsy, (mr) Carpe Noctem v4 #4, 1998
- * Cinematic Visions, (mr) Bifrost #2 Fll, #3 Win 1985, #4 Spr 1986
- * Cirque Molier, (pi) Lilliput March 1948
- * City Life, As Chronicled in the Daily Press, (ms)
- * City of New Orleans (Photo Story), (pi) Railroad Magazine December 1947
- * The City We Love, (pi) The Sketch November 9 1956
- * Civilizing Germany, (ar) The Strand Magazine July 1945
- * Civil Service, (ms) Magpie October 1951
- * Classics from the Pulp Artists, (pi) Pulpette #1, January 1981
- * Classified Ads, (ms) Pulp Fall 1970
- * Classified Advertising, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Oct 19, Oct 26 1940
- * Class of ’78, (pi) Penthouse (UK) December 1978
- * Clerical Cameos, (ms) Argosy (UK) November 1970
- * Cleveland and Toronto Equipment Rosters, (pi) Railroad Magazine February 1958
- * Clever Christmas Jokes, (hu) The London Magazine December 1910
- * The Cleverest Ones of the Month, (hu)
- * Climax Bookshelf, (br) Climax August 1962
- * Climbing Mr. Baker: First Series, (pi) The Pacific Monthly February 1907
- * The Clinic, (ed) The Masses July 1911
- * Clipped Words, (ms)
- * Cloaks of Office, (ms) The Argosy (UK) December 1937
- * Cloathed in Dignity, (ms)
- * Clockwise, (ms) Argosy (UK) July 1962
- * Closing Remarks, (hu) Paris Nights June 1932
- * Clothes and the Man, (ms) The Argosy (UK) June 1928
- * Clothes in Poetry, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly March 3 1923
- * A Clowder of Cats, (ms) Argosy (UK) November 1946
- * Clues, (ms)
- * A Clutch of Eggs, (ms) Argosy (UK) May 1957
- * Coats and Dresses for Girls of all Ages, (ia) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine September 1917
- * Cobwebs and Cream, (ms) Argosy (UK) March 1951
- * “Cocktail”, (hu) Parade #1373 Apr 2, #1374 Apr 9 1966, #1463 Dec 23 1967, #1465 Jan 6, #1472 Feb 24, #1473 Mar 2, #1504 Oct 5, #1504 Oct 12 1968,
#1548 Aug 9 1969, #1590 Jun 13 1970
- * Cocktail Conversation, (ms) Mystery Digest July/August 1962
- * Cocktail Humor, (hu) French Follies v1 #10, 1930
- * A Cocktail of Laughter, (hu) The Looker-On #22 Jul 20, #29 Sep 7 1929
- * The Cocktail Party, (pi) The Gent April 1961
- * Codes: Now and Then, (ms)
- * Cold Print, (br) The Edge v2 #1 1995, v2 #2 1996
- * Cold Print, (br) Lovecraft’s Weird Mysteries v1 #10, 2005
- * Collage, (ss) Murder Squad ed. Martin Edwards, Flambard Press, 2001
- * A Collection of Negro Spirituals, (ms)
- * Collections, (rc) Interzone #199, July/August 2005
- * Collector’s Craft Book, (ms) Woman’s Day April 1957
- * Collectors Items, (ms) The Futurian January 1939
- * College Capers, (hu) Fling December 1964
- * College Humour, (hu) Best Stories of All Time January 1926
- * Colonels Have a Sense of Humour, (ms) Lilliput March 1940
- * Colorado & Southern Diamond Jubilee, (pi) Railroad Magazine October 1973
- * The Color of Life, (ms) The Masses Jul, Oct, Nov, Dec 1911
- * Colour Photography, (pi) Courier Winter 1937/1938
- * Come all Ye Roving Bachelors, (ms) Magpie May 1952
- * Come and Kiss Me, (ms) Argosy (UK) May 1953
- * Come Christmas, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1970
- * Come Dance with Me, (ms) Argosy (UK) March 1951
- * Come Dancing!, (ms) Argosy (UK) October 1972
- * Comedies of Married Life, (ms)
- * Comedy Corner, (hu) The Corner Magazine January 1934
- * Comedy in Crime, (ar) The Black Mask October 1 1923
- * The Comedy of Clerks, (hu) The Strand Magazine March 1913
- * Comedy Plus!, (hu) Wow! Oct, Nov 1930
- * Come for a Picnic, (ms) Argosy (UK) July 1955
- * Come Hither, (ms) Argosy (UK) April 1956
- * Come Into the Garden, (ms) Argosy (UK) August 1957
- * Come Live with Me, (ms) Argosy (UK) April 1951
- * Come Night, (ms) Argosy (UK) September 1944
- * Come to the Fair!, (ms) Argosy (UK) February 1952
- * Come, Walk with Me, (ms) The Argosy (UK) March 1934
- * Comic Art, (il) The New Captain George’s Whizzbang #16, 1973
- * A Comic Christmas, (ar) The Sovereign Magazine December 1925
- * Comics, (rc) Interzone #20, Summer 1987
- * Comics of the 1920s, (cs)
- * Comics of the 1930s, (cs)
- * Comics of the 1950s, (cs)
- * Comics of the 20s, (cs)
- * Comics of the 30s, (cs)
- * Comics of the 40s, (cs)
- * Comics of the 40s, 20s, 30s, 50s, (cs)
- * The Coming in of the New Year, (ms) The Argosy (UK) February 1928
- * Comment of the Press on Our First Number, (ms) Uncle Remus’s Magazine August 1907
- * Comment on Cats, (ms) Argosy (UK) May 1952
- * Comments on REH, (ms) The Fantasy Fan May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1934
- * Comments on the War by Notable Britons, (sy) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine October 1914
- * Common Clay, (ms) Argosy (UK) July 1945
- * Companions in Darkness, (ms) Cabal Asylum #6, 1996
- * Company for Christmas, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1947
- * Comparisons Are—!, (ms) The Argosy (UK) August 1935
- * Comparisons Beyond Compare, (ms)
- * Comparisons, Odious and Otherwise, (ms)
- * Complaints, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #2 Sep, #3 Nov 1965, #4 Jan 1966
- * The Complete Osculator, (ms) Ainslee’s June 1926
- * Complete Silverberg Ace Double Cover Gallery, (pi)
- * Completion of Twenty-Five Years of the B.O.P.: Testimony by Well-Known Public Men, with Helpful Words to Our Readers, (lc) The Boy’s Own Paper Oct 31, Nov 21, Dec 19 1903
- * Compliment and Comment, (ms) Argosy (UK) March 1940
- * Computers Don’t Run Everything, (pi) Railroad Magazine November 1978
- * Comstockeries, (ms)
- * Concerning Conversation, (ms) The Argosy (UK) May 1930
- * Concerning Different Ideas, (ms) The Ladies’ Home Journal December 1893
- * Concerning Kissing, (ms)
- * Concerning Wives, (ms) Argosy (UK) January 1973
- * Concordances, (ms) The Brian Lumley Companion by Brian Lumley & Stanley Wiater, Tor, 2002
- * Conduit, (ms) Aurealis #29, #30 2002, #31 2003, #32 2004, #33/34/35 2005
- * Confessions, (ms) The Argosy (UK) March 1931
- * Confetti, (hu) Eve #326, June 9 1926
- * The Confidential Corner, (cl) Pep Stories Aug, Oct 1928
- * Confucius Said, (ms) Argosy (UK) October 1942
- * Conquering a Mountain—at Five Yards an Hour!, (pi) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1939
- * Conquest Capers, (hu) Man’s Conquest October 1968
- * Conquest Confidentials, (ms) Man’s Conquest Mar, Nov 1959, Apr 1960, Aug 1965
- * ConRail Top Brass (Edward G. Jordan), (pi) Railroad Magazine July 1976
- * Considered Trifles, (ms) Magpie Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1951, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Sep 1952
Feb, Mar, Apr 1953
- * Consider the Ant, Thou Sluggard!, (ms) Argosy (UK) February 1942
- * Consolations, (ms) The Argosy (UK) November 1935
- * Constant Inconstancy, (ms) Argosy (UK) August 1947
- * The Constant Reader, (br) College Life Summer 1928
- * Constitutional Amendments, (ms)
- * The Consular Service and the Spoils System, (ar) The Century Magazine June 1894
- * Contemporary Reviews, (rv)
- * Contented Days, (ms) The Argosy (UK) October 1937
- * Continuum, (cl) Omni Oct, Nov, Dec 1978, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1979
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1980
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1981
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1982
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1983
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1984, Win 2017
- Omni (UK) Oct, Nov, Dec 1978, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep,
Oct, Nov, Dec 1979
Jan, Feb, v2 #6, v2 #7, v2 #8, v2 #9, v2 #10, v2 #11, v2 #12, v3 #1, v3 #2, v3 #3 1980
v3 #4, v3 #5, v3 #6, v3 #7, v3 #8, v3 #9, v3 #10, v3 #11, v4 #1, v4 #2, v4 #3 1981
v4 #4, v4 #5, v4 #6, v4 #8, v4 #9, v4 #10, v4 #11, v4 #12, v5 #2, v5 #3 1982, v5 #4, v5 #5,
v5 #6, v5 #7, v5 #8 1983
- * Continuum, (cl) UK Omni Autumn 1984
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