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Book Contents Lists: Page 906

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    Vampires Overhead by Alan Hyder (Ash-Tree Press, December 2002, 978-1-55310-047-8, C$29.00, xiv+160pp, tp, n., cover by Jason Van Hollander)
        Reprint (Philip Allan 1935) novel. A world-wide edition available in the US for $21.00 and in the UK for £13.00.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

    Before the Fact: A Murder Story for Ladies by Francis Iles (Gollancz, 1932, 7/6d, 352pp, hc, n.)

    Tedious Brief Tales of Granta and Gramarye by Ingulphus (Ash-Tree Press, March 2008, 978-1-55310-104-8, C$47.00, x+114pp, hc, co)
        Reprint (Ghost Story Press 1993) facsimile reprint (W. Heffer & Sons, 1919) of a rare collection of ghost stories, with the additional story and the introduction by Rosemary Pardoe and Mark Valentine from the 1993 edition.
    • · Introduction · Rosemary Pardoe & Mark Valentine · in (r)
    • · To Two Cambridge Masters · Ingulphus · pm The Cambridge Review May 5 1915
    • · The Everlasting Club · Ingulphus · ss The Cambridge Review October 27 1910
    • · The Treasure of John Badcoke · Ingulphus · ss Chanticlere #54, 1910
    • · The True History of Anthony Ffryar · Ingulphus · ss The Cambridge Review February 16 1911
    • · The Necromancer · Ingulphus · ss The Cambridge Review October 17 1912
    • · Brother John’s Bequest · Ingulphus · ss The Cambridge Review November 28 1912
    • · The Burden of Dead Books · Ingulphus · ss Tedious Brief Tales of Granta and Gramarye by Ingulphus (Arthur Gray), Heffer, 1919
    • · Thankfull Thomas · Ingulphus · ss The Cambridge Review January 22 1914
    • · The Palladium · Ingulphus · ss The Cambridge Review January 27 1915
    • · The Sacrist of Saint Radegund · Ingulphus · ss Chanticlere #56, 1911
    • · Suggestion · Ingulphus · ss The Cambridge Review October 23 1925 (+1)
    • · Appendix I: The Soul of Vernon Lennox · Ingulphus · vi The Winning Post Annual 1912, as by Arthur Gray
    • · Appendix II: (i) On the Late Survival of a Celtic Population in East Anglia · Ingulphus · ms (r)
    • · Appendix II: (ii) On the Wandlebury Legend · Ingulphus · ms (r)

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