The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11753
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Fifty Years Ago, No. 11: Pageantry of the Past, (ar) Britannia and Eve November 1934
- * Fifty Years Ago, No. 4: Budgets—Then and Now, (ar) Britannia and Eve April 1934
- * Fifty Years As a Dog Trainer, (ar) Chums June 24 1922
- * Fifty Years Awheel, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1915
- * A Fifty-Year Search for a Mine, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 7 1927
- * Fifty Years of Moving Pictures, (ar) Christian Science Monitor 1940
- * Fifty Years of Song, (iv) The Strand Magazine April 1923 [Ref. Courtice Pounds]
- * Fifty Years of the “Strand Magazine”, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1940
- * Figger Up, (pm) Sunset October 1904
- * The Fight-and-Run Kid, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces February 1942
- * A Fight at Close Quarters: A Yarn from Ceylon, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1877
- * The Fight at Gerawla Station, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine August 1941
- * The Fight at Oriskany, (pm) (by Thomas Dunn English) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1861
- * The Fight at the Winter Gardens, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 5 1920
- * Fight Between a Mongoose and a Cobra, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper October 9 1880
- * Fight Between Elephant and Rhinoceros, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 5 1887
- * Fight Death Duel for Girl, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1920
- * Fight Duel in Crowded Dance Hall, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1920
- * Fighter, Fighter!, (cs) Air Ace Picture Library February 1961
- * Fighter Pilots Must Know All These Controls, (ia) Modern Wonders January 27 1940
- * Fighters for the Flag (2. The Royal Dublin Fusiliers), (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #347, December 25 1915
- * Fighters for the Flag:
* ___ 1. The Cheshire Regiment, (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #346, December 18 1915
* ___ 3. The Scots Guards, (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #348, January 1 1916
* ___ 4. The South Wales Borderers, (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #349, January 8 1916
* ___ 5. The 3rd Dragoon Guards, (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #350, January 15 1916
* ___ 6. Prince Albert’s Somerset Light Infantry, (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #351, January 22 1916
* ___ 7. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #352, January 29 1916
* ___ 8. 21st Lancers (The Empress of India’s), (ar) The Weekly Tale-Teller #353, February 5 1916
- * Fighters Never Quit! [Green Lantern], (cs) (by Alfred Bester) All-American Comics (comic) October 1944
- * Fighters of Four Nations, (ms) Flying Aces January 1935
- * Fighters of Yesterday and Today, (ia) Air Stories (UK) September 1935
- * The Fight for a New Navy, (ar) McClure’s Magazine November 1908
- * A Fight for a Throne, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly April 3 1926
- * A Fight for Fame and Fortune, (nv) Complete Sensational Library #4, 1895
- * Fight for Freedom, (ar) Modern World October 19 1940
- * A Fight for Freedom, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1913
- * A Fight for Right [Ever-Ready Jack], (ss) (by C. Malcolm Hincks) The Boys’ Friend #479, August 13 1910
- * The Fight for Slick Morton’s Kid, (sl) The Skipper #295, April 25 1936
- * A Fight for Supremacy, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 20 1937
- * The Fight for the Atlantic!, (ia) The Modern Boy March 31 1934
- * The Fight for the Cup, (ss) Treasure-Trove Library #37, 1922
- * The Fight for the Midland Charity Cup, (nv) (by Arthur Joseph Steffens) The Boys’ Friend #87, February 7 1903
- * The Fight for the Minimum Wage, (ar) The Masses February 1912
- * A Fight from Fortune, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #306, April 20 1907
- * Fightin’ for Pay, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 30 1938
- * A Fight in Freedom’s Cause; A Tale of the African Coast, (ss) The Union Jack July 21 1881
- * Fighting a Death Sentence, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 22 1928
- * Fighting a Devilfish, (ms) Mystery Magazine #96, November 1 1921
- * The Fighting Adventurer, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly #463, October 27 1927; adapted from the movie (Kenneth McDonald).
- * Fighting a Grim Sea-Monster, (ss) Chums January 18 1899
- * Fighting a Horde of Cannibals, (ss) Chums July 5 1899
- * Fighting Amongst the Burning Scrub: A Night Attack with Bayonet and Rifle-Butt, (il) The Captain #202, January 1916
- * Fighting and Flying for Life, (ss) Chums August 16 1899
- * Fighting Back! [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Boys’ Realm #36, December 6 1919
- * Fighting Big Blazes with Tanks of Fog, (ar) Modern World January 11 1941
- * Fighting Bob’s Story, (vi) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1899
- * Fighting Britain’s Battles, (ms) The Boys’ Friend #698, October 24 1914
- * A Fighting Bundle for Britain, (ar) Flying Aces March 1942
- * The Fighting Cheat, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #559, August 30 1930; adapted from the movie (Wally Wales and Jean Arthur).
- * The Fighting Code, (sa) Sure-Fire Screen Stories February 1934
- * The Fighting Congressman, (ia) Battle Stories #21, May 1929
- * Fighting Consumption among the Poor, (ms) Chambers’s Journal April 25 1908
- * Fighting Crime with Planes, (ms) War Birds #14, March 1929
- * The Fighting Duffer:
* ___ No. 1 The Fight in the Round Square, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly April 10 1920
* ___ No. 9: The Fight at the Winter Gardens, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 5 1920
* ___ No. 10: Jim’s Last Fight, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 12 1920
- * Fighting Feet of Clay, (ms) Sky Riders #7, May 1929
- * The Fighting Film Star [Pick-’em-Up Pete], (ss) The Buzzer #13, January 8 1938
- * Fighting Fire from Water: London’s Powerful Firefloat, (ia) Modern Wonder October 23 1937
- * Fighting Fires, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine 1st August 1929
- * Fighting Fires on the Pennsy, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1910
- * Fighting Fires with Atoms, (ar) Look and Learn #105, January 18 1964
- * Fighting Fires with Bubbles!, (ia) The Modern Boy April 28 1934
- * The Fighting Fishermen, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #237, July 30 1966
- * Fighting Fitzgerald, (ar) (by John Rutherford) The Cornhill Magazine January 1880
- * The Fighting Flying Tramp [Flying Tramp], (ss) The Buzzer #15, January 22 1938
- * The Fighting Fool, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #659, July 30 1932; adapted from the movie (Tim McCoy, Marceline Day).
- * Fighting Forest Fires, (ar) The Modern Boy February 16 1929
- * Fighting for Freedom, (ar) The Thriller #91, November 1 1930
- * Fighting for Justice, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #696, April 15 1933; adapted from the movie (Tim McCoy, Joyce Compton).
- * Fighting for Romance, (ar) North•West Stories September 1925
- * Fighting for the Lead, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * Fighting for the World’s Record, (ar) Thrills of the Speedways, Dean & Son, 1936
- * Fighting for Time, (ts) Smart Set January 1926
- * Fighting Gas, (ss) Scoops May 19 1934
- * The Fighting Gentleman, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #690, March 4 1933; adapted from the movie (William Collier, Jr., Josephine Dunn).
- * Fighting Hearts [Sage-Brush Sally], (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories November 1934
- * “Fighting Hector” - Territorial [Fighting Hector], (nv) (by John Nix Pentelow) Pluck October 23 1909
- * Fighting Jack Lorne [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #47, 1921
- * The Fighting Legion, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #560, September 6 1930; adapted from the movie (Ken Maynard).
- * Fighting Mae Receives Good News, (ms) True Adventures July 1925
- * The Fighting Marines, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #910 May 22, #911 May 29, #913 Jun 12, #914 Jun 19, #916 Jul 3 1937; adapted from the movie (Grant Withers, Adrian Morris).
- * Fighting Men, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces March 1938
- * Fighting Monsters of the Deep, (ar) Thrills of the Seven Seas, Dean & Son, 1936
- * Fighting Monsters of the Deeps, (ar) Chatterbox 1943
- * Fighting Morale, (ar) Modern World August 31 1940
- * The Fighting Mountain: Primo Carnera, (ar) The Modern Boy December 28 1929
- * Fighting on the Roof of the World, (ar) Modern World January 25 1941; condensed from Philadelphia Inquirer, 1940.
- * Fighting Pards [Six-Gun Sandy], (cs) Thrilling Western June 1935
- * The Fighting Ranger, (sl) New Sensations September/October 1925
- * The Fighting Red-Head [Flying Tramp], (ss) The Buzzer #20, February 26 1938
- * Fighting Riverside Fires!, (ia) Chums February 1935
- * Fighting Romances from the West and East, (ms) True Detective Mysteries June 1926
- * Fighting Shadows, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #852, April 11 1936; adapted from the movie (Tim McCoy).
- * Fighting Ships of the British Empire, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 17 1906
- * Fighting Sons of Fighting Men, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine July 1918
- * Fighting Spotters, (ar) Sky Birds September 1931
- * The Fighting Streak, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly August 4 1923; adapted from the movie (Tom Mix).
- * Fighting the Cancer Scourge, (ar) The London Magazine June 1903
- * Fighting the Cold, (ts) Read January 8 1988 [Ref. Jean Hilliard]
- * Fighting the Fire-Demon, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1931, 1930
- * Fighting the Fire Demon at Sea, (ar) Modern Wonder November 5 1938
- * Fighting the Fire Worshippers [Philip Dare], (ss) (by Arthur Long) Jack’s Paper #14, January 30 1923
- * Fighting the Flames of Death, (ar) Real Men January 1957
- * Fighting the Flesh Peddlers, (ar) Man’s Adventure September 1957
- * Fighting the Fog Fiend!, (ar) The Modern Boy January 12 1929
- * Fighting the Hun Web, (cl) Adventure 1st Jan, mid Jan 1919
- * Fighting the Mud at the Front, (ar) The Windsor Magazine December 1917
- * Fighting the Odds [Buffalo Bill], (ss) Lion Library #12, 1909
- * Fighting the Snow, (ts) Yes or No September 21 1907
- * Fighting the Weather, (ar) Modern World November 2 1940
- * Fighting Through, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #593, April 25 1931; adapted from the movie (Ken Maynard, Jeanette Loff).
- * Fighting to Win, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #962, November 15 1919
- * Fighting Trim for Stay at Homes, (ms) Everywoman’s World January 1918
- * Fighting Words, (ar) Modern World May 11 1940
- * Fighting Words, (ar) Penthouse October 2007
- * Fighting Youth, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #834, December 7 1935; adapted from the movie (Charles Farrell, June Martel).
- * The Fight in the Round Square, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly April 10 1920
- * “Fightin’ Through!”:
* ___ 3: The Captain Who Disobeyed, (ar) North•West Stories 1st April 1926as told to Richard A. Martinsen
- * The Fight on Mountain Ranges, (ar) Modern Wonders January 27 1940
- * A Fight on the Trail, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 11 1939
- * Fights Dictator, (ar) Maclean’s April 15 1940
- * Fights Murderer in Crowded Station, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1920
- * Fights Never to Be Forgotten—(“Kid” Lavigne-Frank Erne), (ar) The National Police Gazette October 1951
- * Fights Over the North Sea, (ar) Air Stories (UK) December 1939
- * A Fight That Lasted One Round, (ms) The Popular Magazine January 1 1914
- * A Fight to a Finish, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 31 1926
- * A Fight to the Death, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 27 1940
- * Fight with a Boa Constrictor, (ar) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #51, August 8 1885
- * A Fight with a Devil Fish, (il) Chums August 5 1916
- * Fight with a Panther, (ts) The Boy’s Own Magazine v2, 1857
- * A Fight with Fate, (sl) (by Charles Beach) Young Englishman’s Journal May 23, May 30, Jun 6, Jun 13, Jun 20, Jun 27, Jul 4 1868
- * A Fight with Fate [Ever-Ready Jack], (ss) (by C. Malcolm Hincks) The Boys’ Friend #481, August 27 1910
- * A Fight with Fishes, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 18 1886
- * A Fight with Rats, (ar) Chatterbox #37, 1898
- * A Fight with the Indians, (ss) The Young Englishman February 21 1874
- * A Fight with Three Grizzlies, (ex) from Twelve Years Among the Wild Indians, as by James S. Brisbin, 1869, as by James S. Brisbin
- * Figs, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1878
- * The Fig-Tree of Paradise, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1878
- * The Figure Fairy, (ss) The Holiday Number of the Young Englishman September 2 1876
- * Figure-Heads of Famous Warships, (ia) The Boy’s Own Paper Jul 19, Jul 26 1890
- * A Figure of faint Pink, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1900
- * Figures and Criticism, (ed) Land & Water February 17 1916
- * Figures Aren’t What They Used to Be, (ms) Mystery September 1934
- * The Figures at Work, (vi) My Magazine March 1915
- * Figures for a Dinner, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1882
- * Figures in the Fire, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #819, January 1884
- * Figures of the British Standing Army, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 29 1881
- * Figure These Out!, (pz) The Silver Jacket #15, 1954
- * Figure This Out…!, (ms) BIM December 1942
- * Figuring Fun, (pz) The Silver Jacket #16, 1955
- * Figuring on a Sail-Boat, (ar) The Sun
- * Fiji and the gone yalewa thereof, (ar) Rex #31, 1972
- * The Fijian Offender, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * A Fiji House, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * Fiji Island Runaway, (pi) Men September 1965
- * Files on Parade, (ms) Jaguar September 1966
- * File Suits in Oil Lands Amounting to $300,000,000, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 8 1922
- * Filial Obedience, (pm) The Story-teller December 1909
- * Filia Pulchrior, (ss) (by W. E. Norris) Longman’s Magazine March 1900
- * Filipino Collegians, (ar) Sunset December 1903
- * Filler, (ms) Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies October 1960
- * Fillers, (cl) Infinity Cubed #8, 1982
- * Fillies and Sillies, (hu) French Frills v5 #3 1966, v6 #4 1967, v7 #2, v7 #3, v7 #4 1968, v8 #2, v8 #3 1969
- * Fillies and Sillies, (hu) Honey v4 #4, 1972
- * Filling a Long Felt Need, (??) Wild Cherries November/December 1933
- * Filling in Alaska’s Map, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 4 1929
- * Filling Royal Coffers, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 10 1914 (v19 #1)
- * Filling Santa’s Sack, (pi) Look and Learn #49, December 22 1962
- * The Filling Up of Cwm Elan, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1893
- * Filling Up the Dressing Rooms, (ms) The Popular Magazine July 7 1915
- * Fillip or Fetish?, (ar) Ultra v1 #1, 1963
- * The Fillip That Flipped Paris, (pi) French Frills v2 #3, 1962
- * Fillum Quiz, (qz) Austra-Fantasy September 1941
- * Filly from Piccadilly, (pi) Fling #13, 1959
- * A Filly Who Loves Horses, (pi) Showpiece October/November/December 1972
- * Film and TV Reviews, (rv) The Armchair Detective January 1972 [Ref. Richard S. Lochte, II]
- * A Film Bernhardt, (bg) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine June 1915 [Ref. Edna Flugrath]
- * A Film Called S.M.U.T., (ar) Rex #35, 1972
- * Film Close-Up: Zero In and Scream, (pi) Adam July 1971
- * Film Club, (ms) Mayfair v12 #12 1977, v13 #11 1978, v14 #1, v14 #2, v14 #3, v14 #4, v14 #5, v14 #6, v14 #7, v14 #8, v14 #9,
v14 #11 1979
v15 #1, v15 #3, v15 #4, v15 #6, v15 #10, v15 #11, v15 #12 1980, v16 #1, v16 #2, v16 #3, v16 #4,
v16 #5, v16 #6, v16 #7, v16 #8, v16 #9, v16 #10, v16 #11 1981
v17 #1, v17 #2, v17 #3, v17 #4, v17 #5, v17 #6, v17 #7, v17 #8, v17 #9, v17 #10, v17 #11 1982
v18 #1, v18 #2, v18 #5, v18 #6, v18 #7, v18 #8, v18 #9, v18 #10 1983, v19 #6, v19 #7, v19 #9,
v19 #11, v19 #12 1984
v20 #1, v20 #2, v20 #3, v20 #5, v20 #7, v20 #9, v20 #10 1985
- * Film Facts, (ar) Tit-Bits #2857, August 1 1936
- * Film Fan, (cl) Film Fun #335, February 1917
- * Film Favourites:
* ___ No. 1: George Arliss, (ar) Chums August 1933
* ___ No. 2: Ralph Lynn, (ar) Chums September 1933
* ___ No. 3: Garry Marsh, (ar) Chums October 1933
* ___ No. 4: Buster Keaton, (ar) Chums November 1933
* ___ No. 5: Jimmy Cagney, (ar) Chums January 1934
* ___ No. 6: Sydney Howard, (ar) Chums February 1934
* ___ No. 7: Richard Barthelmess, (ar) Chums May 1934
* ___ No. 8: Joe E. Brown, (ar) Chums June 1934
* ___ No. 9: Leslie Fuller, (ar) Chums July 1934
- * Film Features:
* ___ Charles Chaplin, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #50, September 1948
* ___ Dana Andrews, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #48, July 1948
* ___ Gossip of Stars and Studios, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #48 Jul, #50 Sep 1948
* ___ Preview of the White Unicorn, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #48, July 1948
* ___ Preview of “The Woman in the Hall”, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #50, September 1948
* ___ Stardust, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #50, September 1948
- * Film Feature:
* ___ The Big Clock, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #43, February 1948
* ___ Forever Amber, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #46, May 1948
* ___ So Well Remembered, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #45, April 1948
* ___ The Upturned Glass, (mr) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #42, January 1948
- * Film Flip Fillip, (pi) Showcase v1 #3, 1961
- * Film Fun Comes in Cannes, (ms) Collier’s July 19 1952
- * Filming a Mighty Epic, (pi) Look and Learn #11, March 31 1962
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