The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Blazing Barriers, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #933, October 30 1937; adapted from the movie (Frank Coghlan Jr., Edward Arnold Jr.).
- * Blazing Gulch, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1889
- * Blazing His Own Trail, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2012 [Ref. Simon Tolkien]
- * Blazing Pluck [Pick-’em-Up Pete], (ss) The Buzzer #2, October 23 1937
- * Blazing Silver Trains, (ms) Lariat Story Magazine May 1926
- * Blazing Sixes, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #944, January 15 1938; adapted from the movie (Dick Foran, Helen Valkis).
- * Blazing the Santa Fe Trail, (ar) The Modern Boy February 9 1929
- * Blazing Vengeance [Red-Eye Pete & Billy], (ss) The Buzzer #21, March 5 1938
- * Bleached Venetian Blondes, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1890
- * Bleakmoor, (nv) Boys’ Cinema Weekly November 13 1926
- * The Bleeding Finger, (ss)
- * The Bleeding Tree, (vi) From Lilith’s Cave, 1986
- * The Bleeding Victim or the Man with the Elongated Leg, (ss) The Wave October 27 1894
- * The Bleikeller of Bremen, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1880
- * A Blend of Wood and Cement, (ar) Fantastic Adventures May 1943
- * “Blessed art thou among women”, (cs) The Bible Story #3, March 21 1964
- * A Blessed Consolation, (hu) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1897
- * The Blessed Day, (pm) St. Nicholas January 1875
- * The Blessed Tomorrow, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 17 1888
- * Bless ’Em All, (sg) Sky Blazers April 1942
- * A Blessing, (pm) Wayside Tales and Cartoons Magazine October 1921
- * A Blessing in Disguise, (pm) The Golden Argosy June 27 1885
- * “Blessings on Thee, Little Man—”, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd January 1930
- * Bless Them!, (vi) Pan #29, May 22 1920
- * Blighted Flowers, (ss) (by Charles Manby Smith) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal January 24 1852
- * The Blighted Heart, (ss) Graham’s Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine July 1843
- * Blighties, (hu) Blighty #487, February 26 1949
- * The Blight on Guestwick Hall, (ss) (by Thomas Keyworth) The Cornhill Magazine October 1893
- * The Blight on the Party, (ts) Sentimental Stories April 1927
- * Blimping with the Neutrality Patrol, (ar) Modern World June 1 1940; condensed from Our Navy, 1940.
- * Blind, (pm) (by Richard Henry Stoddard) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1871
- * The Blind Alphabet (Braille), (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 2, Feb 9 1889
- * Blind Animals of Mammoth Cave, (ms) Adventure February 15 1935
- * The Blind Avenger [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #416, 1935
- * Blind Barbara. My Own Part of the Story, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Lady’s Magazine July 1865
- * The Blind Bridegroom, (ss) The Wave July 28 1894
- * A Blind Burglar, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1921
- * Blind but Happy, (ar) The American Boy October 1906
- * Blind Date, (pm) Bedtime Stories April 1935
- * The Blind Date, (ms) Sweetheart Stories #274, February 1939
- * Blind Flying, (ar) Modern World November 23 1940
- * ’Blind’ Flying, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1934, 1933
- * Blind Flying Taught Indoors: An Ingenious Trainer for the R.A.F., (ia) The Illustrated London News 1937
- * Blindfold Chess, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 8 1900
- * “Blindfold Pigs”, (pi) The Strand Magazine August 1905
- * Blindfold Taste Test: Elizabeth Bear, (iv) Electric Velocipede #19, Fall 2009 [Ref. Elizabeth Bear]
- * Blindfold Taste Test: Karen Joy Fowler, (iv) Electric Velocipede #14, Spring 2008 [Ref. Karen Joy Fowler]
- * Blindfold Taste Test: Lucius Shepard, (iv) Electric Velocipede #15/16, Winter 2008 [Ref. Lucius Shepard]
- * Blindfold Taste Test: Will Shetterly, (iv) Electric Velocipede #17/18, Spring 2009 [Ref. Will Shetterly]
- * The Blind Girl, (il) The English Illustrated Magazine March 1894
- * The Blind Girl’s Stratagem; or, The Codicil, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Lady’s Magazine November 1865
- * The Blind God’s Vision, (pm) The Lady’s Realm December 1913
- * The Blind Hymn Writer, (ms) The Sunday Strand August 1906
- * Blind Indian Guide, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 27 1924
- * Blind Infatuation, (ts) True Marriage Stories October 1927
- * Blind Justice, (ms) Flynn’s September 19 1925
- * Blind Justice in Montana Courts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Blind Love, (ts) True Story February 1924
- * The Blind Maiden’s Quest, (pm) The Ludgate #56, June 1900
- * Blind Man Recognizes Fake Money, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1921
- * Blind Man’s Bluff, (ss) Evening Express November 19 1953
- * Blindman’s-Buff, (pm) (by N. G. Shepherd) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1862
- * The Blind Man’s Guide, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st March 1930
- * A Blind Man’s Love, (ss) (by James Davenport Whelpley) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1857
- * A Blind Man’s Notions About Ghosts, (ar)
- * A Blind Man’s Vision, (ar) The Bible Story #26, August 29 1964
- * The Blind Man’s Wreath, (ss) (by A. L. V. Gretton) Household Words #206, March 4 1854
- * Blind Man Was Burglar, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction February 25 1928
- * Blind Metcalfe, the Engineer, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1880
- * A Blind Miller, (ms) The People’s Home Journal January 1903
- * Blindness, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st June 1930
- * Blind Now Read by Musical Sound, (ar) Science and Invention November 1920
- * A Blind Order, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal December 1 1888
- * Blind People Who Won Fame, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1906 (abbrev)
- * Blind Sarah. From the Diary of a Clergyman, (ss) Hogg’s Instructor v9, 1852, as "Diary of a Clergyman. Blind Sarah"
- * The Blind Senator from Oklahoma, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) May 1909
- * The Blind Sister, or Crime and Its Punishment, (ss) Ainsworth’s Magazine v18, 1850, as by Dr. Borax
- * The Blind Spot, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #34, June 15 1953 [Ref. Austin Hall & Homer Eon Flint]
- * Blind Stole from Blind, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 21 1922
- * Blind to His Deception, (ts) Romantic Story Magazine #58, November 1938
- * Blind Window Cleaner, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly September 10 1915
- * The Blind Woman, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1853; from the French of Beranger.
- * Blind Workers and Blind Helpers, (ar) (by Frances Martin) The Cornhill Magazine May 1864
- * Blinkers for Railway Engines, (ar) The Modern Boy November 4 1933
- * The Blinking Buzzard, (ss) (by Robert J. Hogan) G-8 and His Battle Aces August 1936
- * The Blinking Killer, (ts) Mystery January 1934
- * Blish Testifies on Copyright Bill (James Blish, Vice-President of SFWA, testified on March 15, 1967, before the Subcommittee on Patents, Trade-Marks and Copyrights of the Senate Judiciary Committee…), (ar) SFWA Bulletin #11, April 1967
- * Bliss, (pm) The Argosy #476, January 16 1892
- * Bliss at Eight Dollars a Week, (ss) The Wave January 27 1894
- * Bliss Plus, (pm) Street & Smith’s Far West Romances February 1932
- * Blisters, (ms) Navy Stories #2, June 1930
- * Blithe Savage, (pi) Caper January 1957
- * Blitz Baby, (pi) Dude July 1963
- * Blitzkrieg in Action!, (ar) Modern World June 29 1940
- * Blitzkrieg Over Britain, (ia) Modern World December 28 1940
- * Blizzard Bliss, (pm) Street & Smith’s Far West Romances March 1932
- * Blizzards to Order, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1940, 1939
- * The Blob, (mr) Monster Parade March 1959
- * The Blockade Runners [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #34, 1917
- * Blocked by Arrest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 6 1924
- * Blockhead, (ms) This Week February 21 1954
- * A Block in the Traffic: Five Minutes, (ss) The Sketch December 13 1916
- * ’Block of Flats’ for Bees, (ar) Look and Learn #140, September 19 1964
- * Block Party: Nicci Campen, (pi) Penthouse September 2007
- * Block the Passer, (ms) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy November 1931
- * Bloc Party, Fall Out Boy, and More, (ar) Penthouse March 2007
- * Bloemfontein, looking South, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1900
- * Blonde, (pi) Escapade April 1961
- * Blonde and Brunette, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1884
- * The Blonde and the Black Pussycat, (ar) Mayfair v5 #8, 1970
- * Blonde Bill; or, Deadwood Dick’s Discovery [Deadwood Dick], (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #49, 1890
- * Blonde Convertible, (ss) Sheer v1 #1, 1959
- * Blonde for Contrast, (pi) Brunette v1 #3, 1961
- * A Blonde for Murder, (br) The Digest Enthusiast #3, January 2016 [Ref. Walter B. Gibson]
- * A Blonde Head for Figures, (pi) Parade #1473, March 2 1968
- * Blonde in a Machine Shop, (pi) Tip Top v1 #4, 1961
- * Blonde Justice, (??) My Love Story November 1932
- * Blondel, (pm) (by Christopher Pearse Cranch) The Atlantic Monthly October 1859
- * Blonde of the Month: Judy Crowder, (pi) Man’s Story August 1968
- * Blonde on Blonde, (pi) Penthouse January 2006
- * Blondes Die Easy, (nv) East-Side Detective v1 #12, 1955
- * Blondes Get All the Breaks, (ar) Esquire January 1941
- * Blonde Traveler from Texas, (pi) Stag May 1962
- * Blonde Treasure, (pi) Affair v8 #2, 1971
- * Blonde Trouble, (ss) Gay Broadway (Canada) September 1939
- * Blonde Venus, (pi) Man’s Book Periodical June 1965
- * Blonde Wanted, (ts) Smart Set April 1928
- * A Blonde with 6 Mugs, (pi) Cocktail v3 #3, 1963
- * The Blonde with a Green Thumb, (pi) Ace May 1963
- * “Blondie” Herself, (??) 10 Story Book December 1936
- * “Blondie” Reynolds Made Up Time, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine April 1910
- * Blond Wig Traps Beggar, (ms) Clues December 1927
- * Blood Alley, (pi) Adventure November 1955
- * Blood Bath of the Marne, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #45, May 1931
- * The Blood Bond, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly October 30 1926
- * Blood Bowl, (br) Twilight Zine #47, 2007 [Ref. Matt Forbeck]
- * Blood Brotherhood [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Andrew Murray) The Sexton Blake Library #116, 1920
- * Blood Brothers, (ms) Collier’s December 1 1951
- * Blood-Brothers of the Owlhoot (The James Boys), (ar) Quick Trigger Western Novels Magazine May 1939
- * Blood Circulation, (ar) Modern World December 7 1940
- * Blood Clue Gave a Killer’s Name…, (ss) Evening Express September 17 1954
- * Bloodfest 2003, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #20, November/December 2003
- * Blood Fest 3, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #28, January 2006
- * The Blood Feud, (sl) The Skipper #162, October 7 1933
- * The Blood Feud Comes to Devon, (sl) The Skipper #295, April 25 1936
- * Blood Groups, (ms) Chambers’s Journal December 1956
- * Blood—Guts—and Screaming Fans—That’s Professional Hockey, (ar) Debonair #32, March 1969
- * Bloodhound Brant, the Biggest Detective in the World [Bloodhound Brant], (ss) The Skipper #277 Dec 21 1935, #279 Jan 4 1936
- * Bloodhound Brant, the Biggest ’Tec in the World [Bloodhound Brant], (ss) The Skipper #269 Oct 26, #270 Nov 2, #275 Dec 7, #278 Dec 28 1935, #280 Jan 11, #281 Jan 18, #282 Jan 25 1936
- * Bloodhound Nips “Trusty’s” Escape, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- * Bloodhounds Didn’t Catch These Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 29 1919
- * Bloodhounds Prove to Be Valuable Aids, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1918
- * The Bloodhound’s Revenge [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #71, 1926
- * Bloodhounds Track Down Fugitive, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Bloodhounds Used to Trail, (ar) The Dragnet Magazine March 1929
- * Bloodiest Sex Crimes of History: The Case of Albert Fish, (ar) Horror Sex Tales v1 #1, 1972
- * Blood Is Thicker Than Water, (sl) Red Star Weekly #2048, December 13 1969
- * Bloodless Bullfights, (ms) The American Weekly March 9 1947
- * A Bloodless Tragedy, (hu) The Popular Magazine April 1906
- * A Bloodless Victory, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 12 1879
- * Bloodlust: Underworld: Evolution’s Selene Vs. Bloodrayne’s Rayne, (ms) Penthouse February 2006
- * Blood Notes, (cl) Blood Moon Rising #7, #8 Nov/Dec 2001, #9 Jan/Feb, #10 Mar/Apr, #11 May/Jun, #12 Jul/Aug, #13 Sep/Oct, #14 Nov/Dec 2002, #15 Jan/Feb, #16 Mar/Apr,
#17 May/Jun, #18 Jul/Aug, #19 Sep/Oct, #20 Nov/Dec 2003
#21 Jan/Feb, #22 Mar/Apr, #23 May/Jun, #24 2004
- * Blood of the Mayans, (??) South Sea Stories January 1962
- * Blood on Broadway, (na) Scotland Yard #7, November 1930
- * Blood on Her Mouth, (ts) Fact Detective Stories March 1939
- * Blood on the Snow, (ms) North•West Stories February 1932
- * Blood on the Sun, (sa) Screen Romances #193, June 1945
- * Blood on the Sword, (pi) Adventure September 1955
- * Blood Pals, (??) South Sea Stories July 1962
- * The Blood-Red Moon, (ss) The Wave December 29 1900
- * Blood Ring [Richard Henry Benson (The Avenger)], (pl) Pulp Vault #2, May 1988; radio script, show of August 29, 1941.
- * Blood Rites of the Yazdee Virgins, (ts) Man to Man Yearbook Spring 1965
- * Bloodroot, (pm) (by Thomas Hill) The Atlantic Monthly June 1859
- * Blood Science in Crime, (ms) Private Detective Stories February 1946
- * The Blood Spot Didn’t Lie [Dixon Hawke], (nv) Dixon Hawke Library #571, 1941
- * The Bloodstained Stone, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * A Blood-Sucking Plant, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1890
- * Blood Test to Determine Parentage, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 3 1928
- * Blood Test to Find Parents, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1923
- * Bloodthirsty Sam and His South Seas Harem, (??) South Sea Stories July 1962
- * Blood Whirl, (ss) Scotland Yard #8, December 1930
- * Blood Will Tell, (ts) True Story June 1923
- * Blood Wouldn’t Tell, (ts) Red Star Secret Confessions January 1941
- * Bloody Ann Bailey: Indian Scalper, (??) South Sea Stories July 1964
- * Bloody Bill Anderson, (bg) Western Magazine (UK) #1, October 1980
- * The Bloody Fight of Wagon Box, (ar) Western Digest September 1969
- * The Bloody Footmarks, (ss)
- * The Bloody Footstep, (ar)
- * The Bloody Hand, (vi)
- * Bloody Hell: The Guts and Gore of 300, (ms) Penthouse March 2007
- * Bloom and Gleam, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 27 1887
- * The Bloomer Girl as a Sportswoman, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine October 1895
- * A Bloomer Girl in the Park, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine October 1895
- * The Bloom of Ruth, (pi) Nightline v2 #1, 1970
- * Blossom Out in a Pastel Suit, (pi) Calling All Girls January 1948
- * Blossoms, (pm) (by Philip O. Sullivan) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1879
- * Blossom’s Game, (vi)
- * Blossoms of the Corneto Palm, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1881
- * Blossom Time, (pm)
- * Blots in a Name, (ss) Collier’s June 13 1925
- * “Blow, Boys, Blow”, (pm) The Blue Book Magazine July 1930
- * Blow Deranges Suitor, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 22 1930
- * A Blow for the Dead!, (ss) Chums October 9 1907
- * Blow Hot, Blow Cold…!, (ms) Speed Detective May 1943
- * Blowing Up a War-Ship, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 26 1898
- * A Blow in the Dark. A Canadian Pedlar’s Story, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #935, May 12 1866
- * Blown Sky-High [Invisible Speedman], (ss) (by Edwy Searles Brooks) The Buzzer #30, May 7 1938
- * Blown Up, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper June 19 1880
- * Blown Up by an Iceberg, (ar) Tit-Bits #2884, February 6 1937
- * Blown Upon: or The Sagacious Reporter, (ss)
- * Blow One Safe; Two Containing Valuables Escape, (ms) Mystery Magazine #169, December 1 1924
- * Blowpipe Hunters of Borneo, (ar) Look and Learn #99, December 7 1963
- * Blow, Summer Wind, (pm) Cassell’s Family Magazine September 1878
- * Blows Up Desert Warship, (ms) Air Trails May 1929
- * “Blow That Smoke!”—says the Engine Driver, (ar) The Modern Boy March 10 1934
- * Blow That Won the War, (ms) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #34, June 1930
- * Blow the Man Down, (pm)
- * “Blow the Man Down”, (pm) The Blue Book Magazine October 1929
- * Blow the Paint!, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1932, 1931
- * The Blow-Up, (ss) The Chartist Circular #133, April 9 1842
- * Blow Your Own Crumpet, (ar) Mayfair v24 #3, 1989
- * Blubber-Coated Airplanes, (ms) Western Story Magazine December 1 1928
- * The Blue and the Gray, (pm) (by Frances M. Finch) The Atlantic Monthly September 1867
- * Blue-Beard, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1880
- * Bluebeard, (vi) Georgia State University Review Winter 1990
- * Bluebeard in Real Life, (ar) Flynn’s February 20 1926
- * Bluebeard Lives Again, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1931
- * Blue-Beard’s Closet, (ss) (by Frank Lee Benedict) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1874
- * Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife, (sa) Screen Romances #106, March 1938
- * Bluebeard’s Keys, (na) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine Feb, Jun 1871
- * Bluebelle of the Month: Shirley Anne Goode, (pi) Bluebook for Men December 1963
- * Blue Belle with Betty Blue, (pi) Escapade June 1956
- * Bluebird CN.7, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1963
- * Bluebird - Sir Malcolm Campbell’s New Hydroplane, (ia) Modern Wonder August 7 1937
- * The “Bluebird” Two-seater Model Aeorplane, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1931
- * Bluebird X-rayed, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1941, 1940
- * Blue Blood and Red, (ts) Smart Set February 1926
- * Blue-Blooded Swindlers, (ms) Clues 1st April 1928
- * Blue Bloods Turn Gipsies, (ar) The Scrap Book September 1907
- * Blue Book Murder, (ms) Private Detective Stories October 1943
- * “Blue Boy”; or, the Letter in the Goblet, (ss) London Society Christmas 1864
- * The Blue Chamber at Ormescliffe, (ss) The Argosy (UK) August 1883
- * Blue Collar Careers (Famous Women Pioneers), (bg) From Out of the Kitchen ed. Lori B. Schlenker, Jennifer A. Schlenker, Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2021
- * The Blue Comet, (ar) Railroad Stories November 1936
- * The Blue Curtains, (nv) (by H. Rider Haggard) The Cornhill Magazine September 1886
- * Blue Denham, (pi) Midnight v1 #3, 1961
- * Blue Diamonds [Nelson Lee], (na) (by G. H. Teed) The Nelson Lee Library #73, October 28 1916
- * The Blue Envelope, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 1, Apr 8, Apr 15 1911
- * Blue Finger Dept, (ms) Call-Boy #1, June 1949
- * Blue Fire Idol [African Adventure], (ss) The Buzzer #21, March 5 1938
- * Blue Fires, (ts) Real Love Magazine 2nd September 1930
- * Blue Gas, (ms) Air Trails March 1929
- * Blue Gentians, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1877
- * Blue Grouse’s Love Call, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 31 1931
- * Bluejacket Togs, (ms) Navy Stories #2, June 1930
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