The FictionMags Index
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[]Allhoff, Fred (1904-1988); used pseudonym John Hayes (about) (chron.)
- * Black Man’s Miracles—The Story of a Great and Good American—GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER, (ar) Liberty January 8 1938
- * The Case of Nora Fuller, (ar) Liberty December 11 1937
- * The Case of the Wisecracking “Uncle” of Broadway, (ar) Liberty July 3 1937
- * Cupid Gets the Gong, (ar) Liberty March 4 1939
- * A Detective Classic: The Strange Murder of Elsie Sigel, (ar) Liberty September 25 1937
- * Drum of Death, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 22 1935, as by John Hayes
- * Fifth Avenue Hero, (ar) Liberty April 19 1941
- * Four Fools, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1934
- * The Ghost of Charlie Becker, (ar) Liberty June 19 1937
- * The Girl and the Phantom: Who Killed Mary Baker?, (ar) Liberty July 10 1937
- * Gliders for War (with Frank Paul Wisbar), (ar) Liberty April 11 1942
- * Icewater Pilot, (nv) Adventure March 1950
- * In the Crimelight, (cl) True Detective Mysteries June 1932
- * Legally Dead at Last!—Will Judge Crater Come Back?, (ar) Liberty August 7 1937
- * The Lid Off Los Angeles (with Dwight F. McKinney), (ar) Liberty Nov 11, Nov 18, Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16 1939
- * Lightning in the Night, (sl) Liberty Aug 31, Sep 7, Sep 14, Sep 21, Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26, Nov 2,
Nov 9, Nov 16 1940
- * Manhattan Miracle, (ar) Liberty February 18 1939
- * Margaret Brown’s Strange Death, (ar) Liberty February 4 1939
- * The Midas Curse, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1 1934
- * A Peek at the Lawrence $500,000 Book, (ar) Liberty January 23 1937
- * The Penguin Murder Case, (ar) Liberty May 29 1937
- * The Private Life of Fibber McGee and Molly, (ar) Liberty April 18 1942
- * The Slippery Svengali, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly July 27 1935, as by John Hayes
- * So Red the Tape, (ar) Liberty October 23 1937
- * The Strange Case of the Face in the Parsonage Furnace, (ar) Liberty July 17 1937
- * The Strange Case of the Model Youth and the Murdered Lady, (ar) Liberty January 28 1939
- * Tallulah the Terrific, (ar) Liberty May 9 1942
- * Tantrums Are Too Much Trouble, (ar) Liberty December 27 1941
- * A Third Key, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 10 1934
- * Thunder Over Kansas City, (ar) Liberty Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 1, Oct 8 1938
- * Tracking New York’s Crime Barons, (ar) Liberty Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21, Nov 28 1936
- * Vanished Bride: What Happened to Agnes Tufverson?, (ar) Liberty September 4 1937
- * Walter Winchell—American Phenomenon, (ar) Liberty Mar 28, Apr 4 1942
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker?, (ar) Liberty May 7 1938
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker? Amateur Nightmare: How Lindbergh “Confession” Halted Great Detective’s Career, (ar) Liberty June 25 1938
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker? “If the Hat Fits…”, (ar) Liberty June 18 1938
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker? The Case of the Unlucky Clover, (ar) Liberty June 11 1938
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker? The Clue of the Audible Corpse, (ar) Liberty May 14 1938
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker? The Clue of the Profane Parrot, (ar) Liberty May 28 1938
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker? The Man Who Forgot to Forget, (ar) Liberty May 21 1938
- * What Happened to Ellis Parker? The Man Who Lived Too Long, (ar) Liberty June 4 1938
- * What Happened to Etta Riel?, (ar) Liberty May 22 1937
- * What Other Drivers Think of Asleep at the Wheel, (ar) Liberty May 25 1940
- * What Was Wrong with Bedaux?, (ar) Liberty December 18 1937
- * What You Can Do for Civilian Defense, (ar) Liberty October 25 1941
- * Who Was 3-X, the Letter-Writing Murderer?, (ar) Liberty June 26 1937
- * The Wilkes-Barre Way, (ar) Liberty May 13 1939
- * Will Lindbergh Run for Senator in Minnesota?, (ar) Liberty October 11 1941
- * Will These Mysterious Crimes Ever Be Solved?:
* ___ No. 1.—What Happened to Etta Riel?, (ar) Liberty May 22 1937
* ___ No. 2.—The Penguin Murder Case, (ar) Liberty May 29 1937
* ___ No. 3, (ar) Liberty June 12 1937
* ___ No. 4—The Ghost of Charlie Becker, (ar) Liberty June 19 1937
* ___ No. 5—Who Was 3-X, the Letter-Writing Murderer?, (ar) Liberty June 26 1937
* ___ No. 6—The Case of the Wisecracking “Uncle” of Broadway, (ar) Liberty July 3 1937
* ___ No. 7—The Girl and the Phantom: Who Killed Mary Baker?, (ar) Liberty July 10 1937
* ___ No. 8—The Strange Case of the Face in the Parsonage Furnace, (ar) Liberty July 17 1937
* ___ Vanished Bride: What Happened to Agnes Tufverson?, (ar) Liberty September 4 1937
* ___ A Detective Classic: The Strange Murder of Elsie Sigel, (ar) Liberty September 25 1937
* ___ The Case of Nora Fuller, (ar) Liberty December 11 1937
* ___ The Strange Case of the Model Youth and the Murdered Lady, (ar) Liberty January 28 1939
* ___ Margaret Brown’s Strange Death, (ar) Liberty February 4 1939
_____, as told to
_____, [ref.]
[]Allie, Scott (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Alone, (ss) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 4, Simon Spotlight Entertainment, 2004
- * Down in the Flood [Hellboy], (ss) Hellboy: Odder Jobs ed. Christopher Golden, Dark Horse Books, 2004
- * Drawing on Your Nightmares, (cl) Cemetery Dance #64, 2010
- * “The Ghosts of Slayers Past,” London, England, 1843, (nv) Buffy, the Vampire Slayer: Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 2, Simon Pulse, 2003
- * Slay the Critics (with , et al.), (lc) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight #17, August 2008
_____, ed.
[]Alliegro, Anselmo (J.) (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Aria, (nv) Jupiter #2, Autumn 2003
- * Latimer, (ss) Jupiter #48, April 2015
- * [front cover], (cv) Beyond Centauri Jan, Jul 2004, Jul 2005, Jan 2006, Jan 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) Jupiter #11 Jan, #12 Apr 2006
- * [front cover], (cv) Aoife’s Kiss March 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) OG’s Speculative Fiction #5 Mar 2007, #15 Nov 2008, #20 Sep 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine December 2021
- * [front cover], (cv) Factor Four Magazine #10, April 2022
- * [front cover], (cv) Radon Journal #2, September 2022
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #8 Apr, #9 Jul, #10 Dec 2008
_____, [ref.]
[]Allingham, Herbert (John) (1867-1936) (about) (chron.)
- * The B.A.T.S.; or, The Shool for Backwards and Troublesomes, (sl) The Boys’ Friend #1347 Apr 9, #1349 Apr 23, #1352 May 14, #1353 May 21, #1354 May 28, #1356 Jun 11, #1357 Jun 18, #1358 Jun 25 1927, uncredited.
- * By Another Hand, (ss) The London Magazine September 1908
- * “Extra Turn”, (ss) Yes or No March 7 1908
- * Fetters of Fate!, (sl) Fun and Fiction October 14 1911 (+51), as "His Convict Bride", uncredited.
- The Bullseye #79 Jul 23, #84 Aug 27, #95 Nov 12, #98 Dec 3 1932, #105 Jan 21, #115 Apr 1, #117 Apr 15, #118 Apr 22, #119 Apr 29,
#120 May 6, #121 May 13 1933, uncredited.
- * His Convict Bride, (sl) Fun and Fiction #1, October 14 1911, uncredited.
- * The Murder of Raymond Sylvester, (ss) The London Magazine February 1908
- * The Mystery of Brandon Chase, (sl) Week End Novels December 15 1919
- * A Pawn in a Great Game, (ss) The Story-teller June 1907
- * When Love Is Young, (sl) Sweetheart Stories #1 Nov 25, #2 Dec 9, #3 Dec 23 1925, #4 Jan 6, #5 Jan 20, #6 Feb 3, #7 Feb 17, #8 Mar 3, #9 Mar 17 1926
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