The FictionMags Index
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[]Triem, Paul Ellsworth (1882-1976); used pseudonyms Scott Ellsworth, Paul Manchester & Edgar P. Meynell (about) (chron.)
- * Against Regulations, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 12 1927
- * Alias Frisco Slim, (ss) Detective Novels Magazine June 1939
- * Also Bullet-Proof, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 13 1926
- * The Amazing Witness, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 10 1935
- * An Appeal to Caesar, (ss) The Argosy November 1915
- * Armed with Gimlets, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1927
- * At Long Range, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 7 1925
- * At the Fork of the Trail, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1945, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * The Bag of Gold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 7 1933
- * The Bandit Brat, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 17 1927
- * The Barefoot Burglar, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 16 1924
- * Barking Mad, (ss) Western Story Magazine July 25 1925
- * Bear Trap, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story February 6 1943
- * Better Than Justice, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 15 1930, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * Beyond the Black Curtain, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 10 1935
- * Big Timber Malice, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 24 1938
- * Black Magic [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 3 1929
- * Blind, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 21 1934
- * Blind Copper, (ss) The Shadow August 15 1939
- * Blind Date, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 3 1930
- * Blizzard Payoff, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine January 13 1940
- * Blond Dupe, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 25 1933
- * Blood Money, (ss) The Red Book Magazine March 1912
- * The Body in the Belfry, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25 1930
- * Bonanza Baby, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 18 1937
- * Bonanza Bomb, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 19 1938
- * Bonanza Gravel, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 22 1933
- * The Boomerang of Destiny, (ss) Crime Mysteries #8, December 1927, as by Paul Manchester
- * Boots of Boodle, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 14 1928
- * Bottled Bait, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 13 1923
- * Broken Breakers, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 25 1935
- * Brood of the Beetle Queen, (ss) Thrilling Mystery May 1937
- * Bubbling Death, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Jul 5, Jul 12, Jul 19 1930
- * The Bucket, (ss) Short Stories September 10 1948, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * The Bull and the Baby, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926
- * Bulls and Bandits, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 18 1933
- * Bullwhacker, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range October 1945, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * Buried in Flames, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 21 1930
- * Button Betrayal, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 4 1931, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * Button! Button!, (ss) Mystery Magazine #168, November 15 1924
- * By His Own Hand, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 22 1931
- * By the Nose, (ss) Western Story Magazine August 22 1925
- * Calamity Jane Has a Hunch, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 25 1924
- * Call Me Whitey, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1939
- * Canceled Life, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1937
- * Caribou Jim, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 4 1933
- * Caribou Jim’s Goldilocks, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 13 1937
- * Cassidy Puts It On, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 8 1926
- * Cavern of the Harpies, (ss) Thrilling Mystery December 1936
- * Cease Firing!, (ss) Western Story Magazine February 20 1926
- * The Chance He Didn’t Take, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 26 1925
- * Chan Loo and the Half Man, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1924
- * The Chinese Tub, (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 14 1930, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * Claws of the Desert, (ss) Western Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * The Closing Noose, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 25 1935
- * Colonel Penny Turns Detective, (ss) The American Magazine October 1923
- * Cop Killer, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 4 1931
- * A Cop’s Fancy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 28 1928
- * The Court of Last Appeal, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 11 1926
- * The Crashing Bowlder, (ss) Western Story Magazine January 30 1926
- * Crooked Paper, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 16 1925
- * “Da Beega Man!”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * Dark of the Moon [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 31 1925
- * Daughter of the Hawk, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range July 1945, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * The Daylighters, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 18 1926
- * Dead and Buried, (nv) Detective Story Magazine August 9 1930
- * The Dead Man’s Darbies, (ss) Nick Carter Magazine September 1933
- * Dead or Alive, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 15 1924
- * Death Trap, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1945, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * Decided by Noses, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 24 1924
- * The Deputy’s Chance, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine October 7 1933
- * The Devil’s Smile, (ss) Detective Action Stories January 1932
- * Diamond Madness, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 1 1926, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * A Dog’s Day, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 24 1926
- * Done in Darkness, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 26 1927
- * “Don’t Lose the Key!”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 29 1926
- * Doom Comes Crawling, (ss) Red Star Mystery August 1940
- * The Emergency Man, (ss) The Gray Goose July 1906
- * End of the Tether, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine May 20 1933
- * Enter—Mr. Doe [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 9 1928
- * The Evening Wolves, (nv) Weird Tales Jun, Jul/Aug 1923
- * Every Word the Truth, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 28 1926
- * The Face at the Window, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Feb 28, Mar 7, Mar 14 1931
- * The Face on the Pane, (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1927
- * The Family Guardian, (ss) The Pacific Monthly March 1905
- * The Fatal Gift, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 20 1926
- * “54-A”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 2 1924
- * Fighting Cry Baby, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 25 1933
- * Flight from Reality, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 1945
- * Flop-House Pirates, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 12 1924
- * The Flying Shorthorn, (ss) Western Story Magazine September 15 1928
- * Fogarty Drops a Flask, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 15 1924
- * Footsteps, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1938
- * Foot Work, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * Four-Footed Posse, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine February 3 1940
- * The Fourth Degree, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 30 1925
- * Fugitive Finger Prints [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 1 1930
- * The Funeral of Doctor Jackson, (ss) The American Boy December 1915
- * The Gilded Mummy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 6 1927
- * Ginger and Wild Honey, (ss) The Captain #221, August 1917
- * Golden Days, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * The Golden Lever, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 17 1926
- * The Golden Smile, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 16 1926
- * The Gold Pencil, (ss) Detective Tales May/June 1923
- * The Gray Wolf, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine December 24 1932
- * Great Find, (ss) Collier’s December 28 1907
- * The Green Fly, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 25 1934
- * The Grinning Dog, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 9 1926
- * The Grubstake, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1909
- * A Half-Column Story, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1927
- * The Hand-Picked Burglar, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 26 1925
- * Hard-Boiled Boys, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 29 1924
- * Hard-Boiled Ladies, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 16 1927
- * “He Ain’t No Tiger”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 10 1924
- * Heathen Ways, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1923
- * He Didn’t Have a Chance, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 3 1925
- * Heel of Achilles, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 21 1931
- * He Needed the Police, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 2 1926, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * He Wouldn’t Be Kidded, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 27 1925
- * High Velocity, (ss) West December 31 1927
- * Hired to Kill, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 1 1931
- * His First Slip, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 24 1929
- * Hitching Posts for Two, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 25 1924
- * The Hobo’s Haven, (ss) Western Story Magazine May 1 1926
- * The Home Wrecker, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 30 1932
- * Honor Among Which?, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 17 1926, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * The Horse and the Noose, (ss) Far West Illustrated Magazine October 1926
- * Horse Pistols for One, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 6 1925
- * House of Fiends, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1932
- * Hung by a Hair, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 11 1927
- * I’ll Never Leave You, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine March 21 1944
- * In a Pillar of Fire, (ss) The American Magazine February 1924, as "In a Pillar of Flame"
- * In a Pillar of Flame, (ss) The American Magazine February 1924
- * In His Shadow’s Wake, (nv) Detective Story Magazine May 21 1927
- * In the Grip of Greed, (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1928
- * In the Line of Duty, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1940
- * In the Valley of the Shadow, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1946, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * Iron Clutch, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 30, Jun 6, Jun 13 1931
- * The Iron Hand, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 22 1926; not the same as the story of the same name in the March 15, 1930 to March 29, 1930 issues.
- * The Iron Hand, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Mar 15, Mar 22, Mar 29 1930; not the same as the story of the same name in the May 22, 1926 issue.
- * It Ran in the Blood, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 1 1926
- * The Jade Buddha, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 21 1931
- * Jim Selby’s Daughter, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 1944
- * John Doe Kidnaped! [John Doe], (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 17 1928
- * John Doe’s Crimson Catch [John Doe], (nv) Detective Story Magazine August 18 1928
- * John Doe’s Dilemma [John Doe], (sl) Detective Story Magazine May 24, May 31, Jun 7 1930
- * John Doe’s Dummy [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 4 1929
- * John Doe’s Flying Loot [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 14 1929
- * John Doe’s Funeral [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 9 1929
- * John Doe’s Golden Gift [John Doe], (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 13 1928
- * John Doe’s Killing [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 5 1930
- * John Doe’s Plant [John Doe], (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 26 1929
- * John Doe’s Prisoner [John Doe], (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 23 1928
- * John Doe’s Strait Jacket [John Doe], (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 15 1928
- * John Doe’s Third Degree [John Doe], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 28 1929
- * John Doe Strikes from Ambush [John Doe], (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 8 1929
- * Keep on Blowing, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 4 1926
- * The Kid Goes Mad, (ss) West February 4 1928
- * The Killer, (ss) Detective Short Stories June 1939
- * King Death, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 1947
- * Lady Dick, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 2 1929
- * The Last Drive, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1944, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * The Last McHugh, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range May 1944, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * Last of the Kingmakers, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Winter 1949
- * Laurie Daniels, Tenderfoot, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range March 1946, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * Leaping Triumph, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 25 1933
- * Left in the Typewriter, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1927
- * Lisbeth, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 11 1944
- * Little Bill and the Mad Bull, (ss) The American Magazine January 1923
- * A Little Session at Chess, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 24 1925
- * Living Targets, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 3 1932
- * The Locked Door, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Nov 8, Nov 15, Nov 22 1930
- * The Long Trail West, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range December 1945, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * A Maggot in the Brain, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 16 1924
- * A Man Alone, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range August 1943, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * A Mandarin Coat, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1948
- * The Man on the Barrel, (ss) Western Story Magazine September 20 1924
- * Marked for Death, (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1929, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * The Mark of Cain, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 26 1925, as by Edgar P. Meynell
- * Meet Dave Slawson’s Wife, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 18 1923
- * Meow! Meow!, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 14 1925
- * Milestones to Hell, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 1937
- * The Moment of Murder, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 27 1926
- * The Moon Howler, (ss) West January 21 1928
- * Mother Hansen and the Gangsters [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 4 1925
- * Mother Hansen and the Snowbird [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 6 1926
- * Mother Hansen, Art Patron [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 11 1925
- * Mother Hansen Buys a Bulldog [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 18 1925
- * Mother Hansen Is Kinda Liberal [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 24 1925
- * Mother Hansen Meets a Fiddler [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 29 1923
- * Mother Hansen Meets the Angel Child [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 8 1925
- * Mother Hansen’s Bite [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1929
- * Mother Hansen’s China Girl [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1930
- * Mother Hansen’s Holiday Party [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1924
- * Mother Hansen’s Honest Penny [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 14 1925
- * Mother Hansen’s Love Birds [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 23 1930
- * Mother Hansen’s Third Degree [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 7 1925
- * Mother Hansen Swallows the Sinker [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 16 1926
- * Mother Hansen Swings a Mean Bottle [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 3 1923
- * Mother Hansen’s Yuletide [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- * Mother Hansen Takes Up a Collection [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 13 1924
- * Mother Hansen Talks in Her Sleep [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 27 1924
- * Mother Hansen Tries Real Estate [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * Mother Hansen Tries Truth Serum [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 28 1925
- * Mother Hansen Turns a Worm [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 7 1925
- * Mother Hansen Uses Her Umbrella [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1923
- * Mrs. Perkinson Sets a Trap, (ss) The American Magazine August 1922
- * Mrs. Raferty Rents Her Ice House, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 11 1925
- * The Murder Farm, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 25 1932
- * Murder—Streamlined, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 1938
- * Music from the Grave, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 1948
- * Nailed to the Ground, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 14 1925
- * Nesters Ain’t Liked, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1945, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * Never Kick a Mule, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * The Nightmare Man, (nv) Crime Mysteries #3, September 16 1927, as by Paul Manchester
- * The Noiseless Bullet, (nv) Detective Story Magazine January 4 1930
- * No One Believed Him, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 10 1928
- * No Questions Asked, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 3 1926
- * Not So Bright, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 5 1925
- * Not That Sort of a Moll, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 12 1926
- * The Nugget Trail, (ss) Far West Illustrated Magazine November 1926
- * Old Hoss and the Polecat Person, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 18 1924
- * One Grand Splash, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 2 1925
- * On the River Trail, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1944, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * On the Street of Crooked Fences, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1925
- * On the Wrong Side of the Moon, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 14 1926, as "The Wrong Side of the Moon"
- * The Padded Trap, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 12 1925
- * Passion’s Price, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Aug 30, Sep 6, Sep 13 1930
- * Pat Thorpe’s Turkey Dinner, (ss) The Gray Goose April 1908
- * The Peak-Job Man, (ss) The Argosy December 1914
- * Perishing Weather, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story June 26 1943
- * A Phony Call, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 2 1924
- * Pie Face [Mother Hansen], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 23 1924
- * Pinch-Hitting for the Angels, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 6 1924
- * Pipe Prints, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 5 1924
- * Pipe the Perique, (ss) Western Story Magazine October 3 1925
- * Pit of Doom, (ss) Street & Smith’s Western Story April 3 1943
- * The Plaster Shroud, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 21 1928
- * Playing Tag with Goliath, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1923
- * The Poisoned Brain, (nv) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * Poisoned Money, (ss) Scientific Detective June 1946, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * Pressed Dirt, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 24 1931
- * Probe or Die!, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 28 1931
- * Purple Tracks, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 11 1931
- * Pyro and the Cougar, (ss) Boys’ Life September 1923
- * Race Across the Border, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range April 1944, as by Scott Ellsworth
- * The Rat’s Second Round, (ss) West January 7 1928
- * Red Guilt, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 7 1927
- * Red River Crossing, (nv) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range November 1946, as by Scott Ellsworth
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