The FictionMags Index
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[]Ripley, Emma B. (fl. 1860s-1870s) (chron.)
- * An Experiment, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1872
- * A False Move, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine January 1870
- * Flirtation and Temptation, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine September 1862
- * The Fortunate Match, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine August 1861
- * A Man’s Art, (ss) Beadle’s Monthly March 1867
- * A Man’s Heart, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1867
- * A Marriage Notice, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine May 1871
- * My Match-Making, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1868
- * My One Flirtation, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine May 1865
- * My Tyrant, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1864
- * Not According to Programme, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine December 1870
- * Not Romantic, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine February 1868
- * Percy’s Experience, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine August 1867
- * The Plymley Doings, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1867
- * The Prudence of Seventeen, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine November 1866
- * Triumph in Defeat, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1866
- * Vanquished and Victor, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine April 1864
- * Was It Wisest?, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine July 1864
- * A Younger Sister, (ss) Peterson’s Magazine December 1863
[]Ripley, Lyndon; pseudonym of Karry Ellis (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Airborne in Chinese, (vi) Doc Savage July 1945
- * Blood on the Lily, (ss) Short Stories April 25 1945
- * Dive-Bombing Dumbo, (ss) Wings Winter 1947/1948
- * Dump Scow Skipper, (ss) Short Stories December 25 1944
- * Granny Was a Slugger, (ss) Wings Winter 1946/1947
- * High Voltage and Sudden Death, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1948
- * Homicide on Bitter Root Pass, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1947
- * Innocent—by Elimination, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1949
- * Magician’s Mistake, (ss) Short Stories August 1950
- * Midnight Shift, (ss) Doc Savage November 1944
- * Mountain Secret, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1948
- * Pacific Headache, (ss) Adventure April 1944
- * Prime Cut Sucker, (ss) Short Stories March 10 1949
- * Remote Control, (vi) Doc Savage September 1944
- * See No Evil, (ss) The Shadow December 1944
- * Shark Bait, (nv) Short Stories September 10 1945
- * Spirit Curse of the Lost Frenchman’s Gold, (ts) Man to Man December 1949/January 1950
- * Stick to Your Trade, Gunsel, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1947
- * Suicide Steel, (ss) Short Stories January 10 1945
- * Two Kinds of Killers, (ss) Short Stories August 25 1947
- * Victory on Dragon Reef, (ss) Adventure September 1944
- * A Whale of a Story, (ar) North•West Romances Summer 1949
- * Wheat Jockey, (ss) Short Stories May 1949
[]Ripley, Mike; [i.e., Michael David Ripley] (1952- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Alanna Knight Obituary, (ob) The Guardian December 17 2020 [Ref. Alanna Knight]
- * Anthony Price Obituary, (ob) The Guardian June 9 2019 [Ref. Anthony Price]
- * The Assaulters, (ss) Nth Degree #12, December 2004
- * Barbara Mertz Obituary, (ob) The Guardian August 13 2013 [Ref. Barbara Mertz]
- * The Body of the Beer, (ss) Brewer’s Guardian December 1988
- * The Book That Nearly Killed Its Author, (ms) Crime Time #53, 2008
- * Brotherly Love [Angel (TV series)], (ss) Royal Crimes ed. Maxim Jakubowski & Martin H. Greenberg, Signet, 1994
- * Calling Cards, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 24 ed. Maria Rejt, Macmillan UK, 1992
- * Caveat emptor!, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #46, 2001
- * The Comfort of the Past, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #42, 2001
- * “Crimes Done, Crimes Foretold”, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #35, 2000
- * Crime Writing with Attitude, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #27, 1998
- * The Criminal Convention Circuit, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #37, 2000
- * Desert Island Detective, (ar) A Shot in the Dark #5, September 1995
- * Detectives I Have Known, (ar) Sherlock #49, 2002
- * First offences, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #30, 1999
- * Flying the Flag: The Stars and Stripes, That Is, (cl) Crime Time #20, 2000
- * Foreword, (fw) Fresh Blood ed. Mike Ripley & Maxim Jakubowski, The Do-Not Press, 1996
- * Fourth Floor Monitor, (vi) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- * “From Oxford, With Love”, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #36, 2000
- * Getting Away with Murder, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #28 Chr 1998, #29, #34 1999, #66 Jun 2005
* ___ Caveat emptor!, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #46, 2001
* ___ The Comfort of the Past, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #42, 2001
* ___ “Crimes Done, Crimes Foretold”, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #35, 2000
* ___ The Criminal Convention Circuit, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #37, 2000
* ___ Detectives I Have Known, (cl) Sherlock #49, 2002
* ___ First offences, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #30, 1999
* ___ “From Oxford, With Love”, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #36, 2000
* ___ Hi-Tech Crimes and Misdemeanours, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #43, 2001
* ___ In or Out?, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #39, 2000
* ___ In the Beginning Was the Crime…, (cl) Sherlock #57, 2003
* ___ In the Charts-With a Bullet, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #38, 2000
* ___ It’s Murder Being a Writer, (cl) Sherlock #56, 2003
* ___ Killing the Golden Goose, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #33, 1999
* ___ Laugh? I Nearly Died, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #45, 2001
* ___ Oh, Sisters, Where art Thou?, (cl) Sherlock #52, 2002
* ___ The Old Ones Are the Best (Quite Often), (cl) Sherlock #48, 2002
* ___ On the Write Track, (cl) Sherlock #58, 2003
* ___ Past Crimes, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #31, 1999
* ___ Reviewing Miss Sayers, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #32, 1999 [Ref. Dorothy L. Sayers]
* ___ The Sherlock Awards 2001, (cl) Sherlock #47, 2002
* ___ The Sherlocks, 2000, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #40, 2000
* ___ Thrilling with Kindness, (cl) Sherlock #50, 2002
* ___ To See Ourselves As…, (cl) Sherlock #55, 2003
* ___ Watching the Watchers (again), (cl) Sherlock #51, 2002
* ___ Which Bestseller Is Selling Best?, (cl) Sherlock #54, 2003
* ___ Who Needs an Egg-Timer?, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #44, 2001
* ___ Writing About What You (Think You) Know, (cl) Sherlock #53, 2003
- * Gold Sword, (ss) Brewer’s Guardian
- * The Great Detectives:
* ___ Margery Allingham’s Albert Campion, (cl) The Strand Magazine #6, 2001 [Ref. Margery Allingham]
- * Hi-Tech Crimes and Misdemeanours, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #43, 2001
- * HRF Keating, (ob) The Guardian March 28 2011 [Ref. H. R. F. Keating]
- * Humorous Crime, or Dead Funny, (ar) The Fine Art of Murder ed. Ed Gorman, Martin H. Greenberg, Larry Segriff & Jon L. Breen, Carroll & Graf, 1993
- * In or Out?, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #39, 2000
- * Inspector Rebus, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #37, 2000 [Ref. Ian Rankin]
- * In the Beginning Was the Crime…, (ar) Sherlock #57, 2003
- * In the Charts-With a Bullet, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #38, 2000
- * It’s Murder Being a Writer, (ar) Sherlock #56, 2003
- * Jack Higgins Obituary, (ob) The Guardian April 10 2022 [Ref. Jack Higgins]
- * James Crumley, (ob) The Guardian September 22 2008 [Ref. James Crumley]
- * John Gardner, (ob) The Guardian November 2 2007 [Ref. John Gardner]
- * Killing the Golden Goose, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #33, 1999
- * Laugh? I Nearly Died, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #45, 2001
- * Lord Peter and the Butter Boy, (ss) New Crimes 3 ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 1991
- * Maj Sjöwall Obituary, (ob) The Guardian April 30 2020 [Ref. Maj Sjöwall]
- * Marcel Berlins Obituary, (ob) The Guardian August 5 2019 [Ref. Marcel Berlins]
- * Margery Allingham’s Albert Campion, (ar) The Strand Magazine #6, 2001 [Ref. Margery Allingham]
- * MC Beaton, (ob) The Guardian January 6 2020 [Ref. M. C. Beaton]
- * Mike Ripley, (ar) Crime Time #24, 2001
- * New Year’s Eve, (ss) Constable New Crimes 1 ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Constable, 1992
- * Oakes: The Crime Critic’s Crime Critic—and the Writer’s Too, (ar) Crime Time #42, 2005 [Ref. Philip Oakes]
- * Oh, Sisters, Where art Thou?, (ar) Sherlock #52, 2002
- * The Old Ones Are the Best (Quite Often), (ar) Sherlock #48, 2002
- * On the Write Track, (ar) Sherlock #58, 2003
- * Our Man Marlowe, (ss) 1991
- * Past Crimes, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #31, 1999
- * Philip Purser Obituary, (ob) The Guardian August 15 2022 [Ref. Philip Purser]
- * RD Wingfield, (ob) The Guardian August 4 2007 [Ref. R. D. Wingfield]
- * Reg Gadney Obituary, (ob) The Guardian May 10 2018 [Ref. Reg Gadney]
- * Reviewing Miss Sayers, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #32, 1999 [Ref. Dorothy L. Sayers]
- * Reviewing the Reviewer: Dorothy L. Sayers as Crime Critic, 1933-35, (ar) Crime Time v3 #1, 2000 [Ref. Dorothy L. Sayers]
- * Robert Barnard Obituary, (ob) The Guardian September 25 2013 [Ref. Robert Barnard]
- * Robert Richardson Obituary, (ob) The Guardian October 5 2021 [Ref. Robert Richardson]
- * The Satterthwait Tapes, (iv) A Shot in the Dark #1, September 1994 [Ref. Walter Satterthwait]
- * The Sherlock Awards 2001, (ar) Sherlock #47, 2002
- * The Sherlocks, 2000, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #40, 2000
- * The Sherlocks 2001: The Winners, (ar) Sherlock #49, 2002
- * Smeltdown, (nv) A Suit of Diamonds, Collins, 1990
- * Telly ’Tecs:
* ___ Inspector Rebus, (cl) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #37, 2000 [Ref. Ian Rankin]
- * That Angel Look, (ex) Do-Not Press, 1997
- * Thrilling with Kindness, (ar) Sherlock #50, 2002
- * To See Ourselves As…, (ar) Sherlock #55, 2003
- * The Trouble with Trains, (ss) Midwinter Mysteries 1 ed. Hilary Hale, Scribners UK, 1991
- * Watching the Watchers (again), (ar) Sherlock #51, 2002
- * Where Did Angel Come From?, (ar) A Shot in the Dark #0, June 1994
- * Which Bestseller Is Selling Best?, (ar) Sherlock #54, 2003
- * Who Needs an Egg-Timer?, (ar) Sherlock Holmes: The Detective Magazine #44, 2001
- * Wilbur Smith Obituary, (ob) The Guardian November 14 2021 [Ref. Wilbur Smith]
- * Writing About What You (Think You) Know, (ar) Sherlock #53, 2003
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Ripley, Ozark; pseudonym of John B. Thompson (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * The Charging Moose, (ss) Game Stories January 1932
- * Chasing Northern Game Fish, (??) Wild Game Stories July/August 1926
- * The Lure of the Longbills, (vi) Wild Game Stories October 1926
- * Mad Dog Experiences, (ar) Adventure September 1937
- * My Nipigon Black Bear, (??) Wild Game Stories December 1926
- * My Pet Wolves, (ar) The Golden West Magazine July 1928
- * Not Guilty, (ss) The Underworld August 1927
- * Through the Rapids, (vi) Wild Game Stories October 1926
- * The Warp of the Hills, (ss) The Underworld May 1928
- * When Gibson Failed, (ss) The Underworld March 1928
[]Ripley, Robert L. (1893-1949) (chron.)
- * Believe It or Not!, (ia) Collier’s Jan 26, Feb 16, Mar 2, Mar 16, Mar 23, Apr 6, Apr 27, May 11, May 25, Jun 8,
Jun 22, Jul 6 1929
- * Believe It or Not Quiz, (qz) Liberty November 9 1940
- * Believe It or Not!:
* ___ The Name for Russia, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1934
- * A Fate Worse Than Death, (ar) Argosy October 1942
- * It Didn’t Pay, (ms) Range Riders Western Fall 1943
- * It Didn’t Pay, (ts) Popular Western March 1944
- * The Man They Couldn’t Hang, (ar) Argosy September 1942
- * The Name for Russia, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1934
- * Russia, (ar) Cosmopolitan February 1934
- * The Seven Most Interesting Streets in the World, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine July 1932
- * A Short Story in Two Chapters, (pm) 1950
- * The Strangest Suicide, (ts) Big Book
- * There ain’t No Such Animal, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 6 1932
- * A War Bond Message, (ms) Masked Rider Western November 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Open Road May 1920
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine April 1934
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