The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11566
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Cans, (pz) (by Fredric Brown) The Layman’s Magazine #11, December 1940
- * Can Science Explain Werewolves?, (ms) Speed Mystery January 1943
- * Can Scopolamine Make a Prisoner Confess?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * Can Spacemen Live with Their Illusions?, (ar) New Worlds SF #147, February 1965
- * La Cantatrice, (pm) (by J. T. Trowbridge) The Atlantic Monthly June 1858
- * The Canteen, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1862; translated from German.
- * Canteen with Anya Ow, (iv) Curiosities #6, 2019 [Ref. Anya Ow]
- * The Cantelope, (pm) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly May 1872
- * Canterbury Cathedral, (pi) Look and Learn #5, February 17 1962
- * The Canterbury Pilgrims, (ss) (by Nathaniel Hawthorne) The Token and Atlantic Souvenir 1833, 1832, uncredited.
- * Canterbury Tales: Our First Great Epic, (ar) Look and Learn #97, November 23 1963
- * Can’t Fall to Bottom of Shaft, (ms) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * Can the Fingerprint Be Obliterated?, (ms) Clues 2nd February 1929
- * Can the Past Be Forgotten?, (ts) “I Confess” August 21 1925
- * Can This Be Murder?, (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine June 1932
- * Can This Be Possible?, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd November 1929
- * Can Those Alone Be Saved?, (pm) (by Lilla Cabot Perry)
- * Cantilever Bridge Built by Indians, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine September 1912
- * Can’t Jail a Gossip, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 23 1928
- * The Cantlebury Heirloom; or, The Mystery of the Lost Miniature, (nv) The Princess’s Novelettes November 15 1889
- * Can’t Love Wives on Stage, (ar) The Scrap Book August 1907
- * Canto for a Gypsy, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1973 [Ref. Martin Smith]
- * The Cantor’s Triumph, (ss) The Argosy (UK) May 1869; translated from the German.
- * Can’t Recognise Criminal by Physical Characteristics, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1919
- * Can’t Resist a Run and Slide, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine January 1896
- * Can’t Rub It Out, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 4 1886
- * Can’t Stop a College Game, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine July 25 1931
- * Canute and His Courtiers, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1876
- * Can We All Secure Independence?, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #35, February 1915
- * Can Wealth Give Happiness?, (pm) The Golden Argosy October 31 1885
- * Can We Be Candid?, (??) The Longbow #1, February 2 1898
- * Can We Hold India?, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine November 1911
- * Can We Save the Wild Animals?, (ar) Look and Learn #1, January 20 1962
- * Can We Talk with the Dead?, (fw) People’s Favorite Magazine April 1920
- * The Canyon Cable, (ts) True Western Stories August 1926
- * Canyon in the Round, (pi) Collier’s February 5 1954
- * Canyon of Death [Sage-Brush Sally], (cs) Thrilling Ranch Stories April 1935
- * The Canyon of the Spiders, (sl) The Skipper #126 Jan 28, #127 Feb 4, #128 Feb 11, #129 Feb 18 1933
- * The Canyon Secret, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly January 8 1938
- * Can You Answer These?, (pz) Scientific Detective Annual 1946
- * Can You Answer These Questions?, (pz) Argosy (UK) August 1946
- * Can You Answer These Questions?, (qz) Youth’s Companion Combined with The American Boy October 1936
- * Can You Beat It?, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1970
- * Can You Complete This Limerick?, (cn) Yes or No August 3 1907
- * Can You Design a Flag?, (pz) The Silver Jacket #22, 1955
- * Can You Do These?, (pz) Chatterbox 1936
- * Can You Do These Jobs?, (pz) The American Magazine November 1955
- * Can You Do These Stunts—at 62?, (pi) Physical Culture January 1923
- * Can You Do This?, (ar) The British Boy’s Annual 1920, 1919
- * Can You Do This?, (pz) The Strand Magazine May 1914
- * Can You Draw Sound?, (cn) Pearson’s Magazine November 1929
- * Can You Explain This?, (cl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Dec 1931, Jan, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1932
- * Can You Fill in the Numbers?, (pz) Chatterbox 1943
- * Can You Find the Guilty One, (pz) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1930
- * Can You Find the Hidden Message?, (pz) The Strand Magazine December 1916
- * Can You Forecast the Election?, (cn) Liberty November 10 1928
- * Can You Identify a Warship at Sea?, (ia) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1922, 1921
- * Can You Invent a Football Play That Will Go?, (ms) Sport Story Magazine 2nd September 1930
- * Can You Keep a Secret?, (cl) Young Love December 1936
- * Can You Love a Riding Man?, (sg) Thrilling Ranch Stories February 1941
- * Can You Make a Union Jack?, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 22 1904
- * Can You Name Our Mysterious Pictures?, (cn) The Royal Magazine November 1911
- * Can You Name These Famous Fighters?, (cn) Battle Stories #20, April 1929
- * Can You Name These Objects?, (pz) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1955
- * Can You Obliterate That Dancing Girl?, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1957
- * Can You Pair Them Off?, (qz) Red Star Weekly #1017, May 3 1952
- * Can You Pick a Title for This Photo?, (cn) Railroad Magazine April 1955
- * Can You Place These Faces?, (pz) Read December 18 1987
- * Can You Recommend Your Boss?, (ts) Smart Set September 1926
- * Can You Remember?, (qz) The Bible Story #19 Jul 11, #20 Jul 18, #21 Jul 25 1964
- * Can You Remember…?, (qz) The Bible Story #13 May 30, #15 Jun 13, #16 Jun 20, #17 Jun 27, #18 Jul 4, #22 Aug 1, #23 Aug 8, #24 Aug 15, #25 Aug 22, #26 Aug 29,
#27 Sep 5, #28 Sep 12, #29 Sep 19 1964
- * Can You Row?, (ar) The Scout April 5 1924
- * Can Your School PTA Be Improved?, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * Can You Save Five Minutes a Day?, (ar) The Strand Magazine January 1919 [Ref. Charles S. Myers, F.R.S.]
- * Can You see through these?, (pz) The Silver Jacket #9, 1954
- * Can You Solve the Baffling Johnson Mystery?, (cn) The Open Road for Boys November 1937
- * Can You Solve the Bookman’s Mystery?, (pz) The Strand Magazine December 1929
- * Can You Solve This Picture Crime?, (pz) Mammoth Detective August 1944
- * Can You Solve This Picture Mystery?, (pz) Mammoth Mystery Feb 1945, Mar 1946
- * Can You Spell?, (pm) The Lady’s Realm January 1912
- * Can You Swim?, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine May 1 1928
- * Can You Take a Joke?, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1954
- * Can You Tell How Egan Knew?, (pz) Black Mask December 1933
- * Can You Tell How Egan Punctured Todd’s Alibi?, (pz) Black Mask May 1934
- * Can You Tell What Clue Egan Found?, (pz) Black Mask November 1933
- * Can You Tie a Windsor Knot?, (pi) Escapade August 1956
- * Can You Tie This?, (pi) Swank January 1970
- * Can You Top These?, (hu) Liberty November 21 1942
- * Can You Top This?, (pi) Ace September 1963
- * Can You Trust Men?, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st Nov, 2nd Nov 1930
- * Can You Turn Your Back on Your Mistakes?, (ar) The American Magazine March 1931
- * Can You Write a Better Gag?, (cn) The American Magazine November 1949
- * Capabilities, (nf) The Literary Emporium December 1845
- * The Capacity to Achieve, (ms) The Popular Magazine 2nd January 1929
- * Cap-and-Bells, (na) (by J. M. Legaré) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Nov, Dec 1863, Jan 1864
- * Cape Canaveral-Book Here for the Moon, (pi) Look and Learn #48, December 15 1962
- * Capella, (ss) The Argosy (UK) January 1877
- * Cape Pillar, Strait of Magellan, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- * The Caper Club, (sl) Christian Novels #2624, July 25 1955
- * Caper-Gram, (cl) Caper January 1957
- * Caper in a Harem, (pi) Caper March 1959
- * Caper in Jazz, (cl) Caper June 1957
- * The Caper of the Curvy Cutie, (pi) Debonair #31, February 1969
- * Caper of the Month, (ms) Caper October 1956
- * Caper’s All-Girl Government, (pi) Caper November 1958
- * Caper’s All-Girl Jazz Poll, (ms) Caper November 1958
- * Caper’s Election, (ms) Caper January 1958
- * Caper’s Guide to a Man’s Mind, (pi) Caper March 1959
- * Caper’s Private File, (pi) Caper March 1958
- * Capers That Conquer, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1 1915
- * Cape Vacatown, (pm)
- * Capital and Capitalists, (ed) Liberty May 24 1924
- * A Capital Instance of Growth, (ms) The Sunday Strand October 1906
- * The Capitalist’s Bluff, (ss) The Wave May 26 1894
- * Capital Offenses in Ancient Egypt, (ms) Best Detective Magazine January 1930
- * The Capital of Oyster Land, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine January 1888
- * The Capital of Servia, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1877
- * The Capital of the Mikados, (ar) (by Henry W. Lucy) The Cornhill Magazine May 1884
- * Capital Punishment, (cs) Weird Mysteries March/April 1959
- * Capital Punishment in Michigan, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly April 2 1927
- * Capital Punishment in Missouri, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1919
- * Capital Punishment No Deterrent, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * The Capital’s Man Hunt, (ms) The Popular Magazine March 20 1922
- * Capital Sundial, (ms) Collier’s December 1 1951
- * The Capitol’s Early Riser, (ar) The Popular Magazine February 11 1928
- * Cap’n Kruger’s Knock-out [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #19, February 19 1938
- * Cappy Ricks Returns, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #858, May 23 1936; adapted from the movie (Robert McWade, Ray Walker).
- * Cappy the Heel, (ms) Flynn’s April 10 1926
- * Capricious, (pm) Metropolitan Magazine October 1900
- * Capriciousness Profound, (ms) The Sunday Magazine of Intelligence and Entertainment October 23 1898
- * Capri of To-Day, (ar) (by Miss F. de Fabeck) The Cornhill Magazine July 1890
- * Caps and Bells, (ms) The Royal Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1901, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Nov,
Dec 1902
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1903, Dec 1918
- * Caps for Tiny Girls, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion November 1914
- * Capsule, (ms) Solaris #128, Winter 1999
- * Capsules, (ms) Solaris #55 Feb, #56 Jul 1984, #60 Mar, #61 May, #63 Sep, #64 Nov 1985, #65 Jan, #66 Mar, #67 May 1986
- * Capsules, (ms) Solaris #76, November 1987; Notes.
- * Capsules, (ms) Solaris #79 May, #80 Aug, #81 Oct 1988, #83 Mar, #85 Jul, #86 Sep, #87 Oct, #88 Dec 1989, #89 Feb, #90 May, #91 Jul,
#93 Oct 1990
#95 Mar, #96 May, #97 Jul, #98 Nov 1991, #100 Spr, #103 Dec 1992, #104 Mar 1993, #123 Aut 1997, #126 Aug 1998,
#129 May 1999
- * Captain Adam Yulch, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine June 1958
- * Captain Albert Ball, (ia) The Lone Eagle August 1936
- * Captain Albert Ball, (ms) Air Trails August 1930
- * Captain Albert Ball and Colonel William Bishop, (ar) Battle Stories November 1927
- * Captain Alicant, (ss) (by Fitz-James O’Brien) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1861
- * Captain Ball, V.C., Ad Memoriam, (ar) (by Frank Harris ,[?]) Pearson’s Magazine (US) August 1918
- * Captain Barnaby’s Log, (ms) Mystery Magazine May 15 1926
- * Captain Bart and the Sea-Fox, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1853; translated from the German.translated by E. Robinson
- * The Captain Becalmed, (ss) (by Caroline Chesebro’) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1858
- * Captain Ben’s Choice, (ss) (by Frances Lee Pratt) The Atlantic Monthly March 1870
- * Captain Blackbeard’s Chain Gang [Incas], (ss) The Buzzer #26, April 9 1938
- * “The Captain” Book Corner, (br) The Captain #142, January 1911
- * Captain Bryn’s Health Shirt, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1957
- * Captain Cable, of the Holland, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1900
- * Captain Cactus, The Chaparal Cock, (nv) Boys’ First-Rate Pocket Library #187, 189?
- * “The Captain” Calendar, (ms) The Captain #19 Oct, #20 Nov, #21 Dec 1900, #22 Jan, #23 Feb, #24 Mar 1901
- * The Captain Camera Corner, (cl) The Captain #80 Nov 1905, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1908
- * “Captain” Camera Corner, (cl) The Captain #61 Apr, #63 Jun, #64 Jul, #65 Aug 1904
- * The Captain Camera Corner:
* ___ Hints for forming a Camera Club, (cl) The Captain #83, February 1906
* ___ Platinum Printing, (cl) The Captain #81, December 1905
* ___ Platinum Printing (continued), (cl) The Captain #82, January 1906
* ___ The Right Way and the Wrong, (cl) The Captain #84, March 1906
- * Captain Campbell’s Achievements, (ar) The Modern Boy June 8 1929
- * Captain Careless, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #514, October 19 1929; adapted from the movie (Bob Steele).
- * Captain Carew, (ms) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1876
- * Captain Casati, the Italian Explorer of Africa, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1890
- * Captain Charles King, (pi) McClure’s Magazine July 1894
- * Captain Charley, (ss) (by Ellen Louise Chandler Moulton) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1863
- * The Captain Club, (cl) The Captain #166, January 1913
- * “Captain” Club Contributions, (cl) The Captain #61 Apr, #62 May, #63 Jun, #64 Jul, #65 Aug, #66 Sep 1904, #121 Apr 1909
- * “Captain” Club: Contributions, (cl) The Captain #79 Oct, #80 Nov, #81 Dec 1905, #82 Jan, #83 Feb, #84 Mar 1906
- * Captain Cochrane, The Pedestrian Traveler, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1876
- * [Captain Company Advertisements], (ms) Spacemen October 1962
- * Captain Competitions, (pz) The Captain #298, January 1924
- * “Captain” Competitions, (cn) The Captain #61 Apr, #62 May, #63 Jun, #64 Jul, #65 Aug, #66 Sep 1904, #121 Apr, #122 May, #123 Jun, #124 Jul, #125 Aug,
#126 Sep 1909
- * “Captain” Competitions for April, (cn) The Captain #13, April 1900
- * “Captain” Competitions for August, (cn) The Captain #17, August 1900
- * “Captain” Competitions for February, (ms) The Captain #23, February 1901
- * “Captain” Competitions for January, (ms) The Captain #22, January 1901
- * “Captain” Competitions for July, (cn) The Captain #16, July 1900
- * “Captain” Competitions for June, (cn) The Captain #15, June 1900
- * “Captain” Competitions for March, (ms) The Captain #24, March 1901
- * “Captain” Competitions for May, (cn) The Captain #14, May 1900
- * “Captain” Competitions for October, (ms) The Captain #19, October 1900
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