The FictionMags Index
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[]Ratazzi, Peter (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Bellenger, (ar) New Generation #2, Winter 1947
- * Front Line Harvest, (vi) Civvy Street February 1947
- * Goodbye in ’Forty-Six, (ed) New Generation #2, Winter 1947
- * In Search of Frankenstein, (ar) New Dimensions June/July 1964
- * In Times Like These, (ss) The Windmill v2 #5, 1946
- * Memory of Arnhem, (pm) Seasons #1, Summer 1949
- * Now More than Ever, (ar) Farewell Khaki and Blue: Demobilisation Issue 1946
- * The Ten Points of Front Line Generation (with Howard Sergeant & P. L. H. Smith), (ms) Farewell Khaki and Blue: Demobilisation Issue 1946
- * Unofficial Toast, (ms) Farewell Khaki and Blue: Demobilisation Issue, Dec 1946
_____, ed.
[]Ratcliff, Ernest (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) John Bull July 26 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine Dec 1933, Apr, Aug, Nov 1934, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Mar,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Nov 1936
Apr, Aug, Sep 1937
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine March 1934
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine Apr 1934, Mar 1936, Apr 1938, Apr, Nov, Dec 1939, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1940
Mar 1941
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Britannia and Eve Jun 1936, Mar, Jul 1948
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine Apr, Sep 1939
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine “Colonial Edition” May 1939, Jul, Oct 1940
- * [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull Jan 10, Jan 31, Feb 28 1948
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Home Notes Feb 16, Jul 20 1951
[]Ratcliff, J. D. (fl. 1930s-1960s) (chron.)
- * All the Gas We Need, (ar) Collier’s November 24 1945
- * America’s Strangest Garden, (ar) This Week May 7 1939
- * And Now—The Atom Age!, (ar) This Week August 25 1940
- * Annie Oakley in a Box, (ar) Collier’s December 9 1944
- * Appendectomy at Sea, (??) Collier’s May 8 1943
- * Are You Bitter-Sweet or Bitter-Bitter?, (ar) Collier’s December 10 1954
- * Are You Getting Too Much X-Ray?, (ar) Redbook May 1950
- * Arkansas Giant, (ar) Country Home Magazine September 1939
- * Autocrat of the News, (ar) Esquire August 1944
- * Bad Bug, (ar) Collier’s May 17 1941
- * Better Men in Better Tanks, (ar) Collier’s November 28 1942
- * The Big Freeze, (??) Collier’s August 14 1937
- * Big Wind, (ar) This Week August 21 1938
- * Bite of Death, (ar) Collier’s March 28 1942
- * Block That Stroke, (??) Collier’s March 15 1947
- * Body Fluids—A Major Medical Problem, (ar) Collier’s November 26 1954
- * Boom Comes to Town, (ar) Collier’s December 28 1940
- * Born Before Their Time, (ar) McCall’s June 1940
- * Bringing Rubber Home, (ar) Collier’s October 18 1941
- * Bug House, (??) Collier’s April 28 1945
- * Bully-Boy Microbe, (ar) Collier’s January 27 1940
- * The Case Against the Flea, (ar) Collier’s April 15 1944
- * Chicken-Wire Chemistry, (??) Collier’s June 17 1944
- * Christmas by the Carload, (ar) This Week December 25 1938
- * Christmas Rush, (ar) This Week December 17 1939
- * Cigarettes You Can’t Buy, (ms) This Week May 21 1939
- * Cold Comfort, (ar) Collier’s February 26 1938
- * Cold Killer, (??) Collier’s December 11 1943
- * Colorado’s Mountain of Oil, (??) Collier’s November 27 1948
- * The Conquest of Pain, (ar) Collier’s March 18 1944
- * Co-op Hospital, (??) Collier’s July 31 1943
- * Country Doctor—for City People, (ar) This Week June 16 1940
- * Dangerous Magic, (??) Collier’s November 18 1944
- * Death Buzz, (??) Collier’s September 22 1945
- * Death: More Friend Than Foe, (ar) Liberty February 1950
- * Death to the Killer, (ss) Collier’s December 24 1938
- * Don’t Throw It Away, (ar) Collier’s July 5 1941
- * Do You Know You Have Ears?, (ar) The American Magazine February 1952
- * Dream Weapon, (??) Collier’s May 12 1945
- * Drops of Mercy, (ar) Collier’s July 23 1938
- * Egg Trick, (??) Collier’s November 30 1940
- * The Electron, (ar) Collier’s April 24 1943
- * Farm in a Bucket, (??) Collier’s May 8 1937
- * Food in the Bank, (ar) Collier’s March 23 1940
- * From Her to Him, (ar) This Week September 7 1941
- * From Sandalwood to Ant Eggs, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 11 1947
- * The Glass Heart, (??) Collier’s October 24 1936
- * Good Providers, (ar) Collier’s July 11 1942
- * The Greatest Drug Since Penicillin, (??) Collier’s February 5 1949
- * Has Polio Met Its Match?, (??) Collier’s September 18 1948
- * Has the Toothache Been Stopped?, (??) Collier’s January 8 1949
- * Health by the Hogshead, (ms) McCall’s December 1938
- * Health Spies, (ar) Collier’s October 17 1942
- * Help in Sight, (??) Collier’s June 26 1937
- * High-Pressure Medicine, (ar) Collier’s April 3 1943
- * High Wire, (ar) This Week July 10 1938
- * Hope Chest, (ar) Collier’s April 16 1938
- * How Bright Is a Baby?, (ar) This Week May 1 1938
- * Ice So Cold That It Burns (with Paul W. Kearney), (ar) This Week July 9 1939
- * Insect Menace, (ar) Collier’s August 19 1939
- * Is Atomic Power a Myth?, (ar) Argosy April 1950
- * It’s Easy to Stay Healthy, (ar) The American Magazine December 1952
- * It’s Poison, (ar) Collier’s June 24 1939
- * Keep Your Eye on Streptomycin, (ar) Liberty June 30 1945
- * Key to Lockjaw, (ar) Collier’s July 9 1938
- * Killer Coming Home, (ar) Collier’s July 22 1944
- * Let’s Wipe Out Tuberculosis (with Louis I. Dublin), (ar) Collier’s December 29 1945
- * Let Them Eat Cream, (ar) Collier’s August 2 1941
- * Liquid Assets, (ar) Collier’s October 29 1938
- * Madness in the Streets, (ar) Argosy January 1956
- * The Magic Aminos, (??) Collier’s June 9 1945
- * Magic Dye, (??) Collier’s April 3 1937
- * Magic Mud, (??) Collier’s May 16 1942
- * Magic Pill, (ar) Collier’s December 10 1938
- * M-Day, When, As, and If (with Cabell Phillips), (ar) The American Legion Magazine August 1939
- * “Mean Winter Ahead!”, (ar) This Week October 30 1938
- * Microbe Killers, (ar) Collier’s October 14 1944
- * Microbe Zoo, (ar) Collier’s July 17 1943
- * Minds That Come Back, (ar) Collier’s February 12 1938
- * Minutemen Against Infantile Paralysis, (??) Collier’s October 9 1943
- * Miracle in a Fold, (ar) This Week March 20 1938
- * The Most Crucial Hour of Life, (ar) Redbook August 1955
- * Murder, Inc., (??) Collier’s January 1 1944
- * My Old Kentucky Homicide, (??) For Men Only September 1937
- * New Control for High Blood Pressure, (ar) Collier’s March 5 1954
- * New Orleans Cleans House, (ar) Collier’s March 11 1944
- * New Ways to Healthy Teeth, (ar) The American Magazine November 1951
- * Nitrogen—the Miracle Worker, (??) Collier’s October 2 1943
- * No Father to Guide Them, (??) Collier’s March 20 1937
- * An Odourless World, (ms) The Strand Magazine January 1943
- * Old Man in a Hurry, (ar) Liberty December 19 1942
- * The Oxygen Age Is Just Ahead, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 20 1947
- * Pills Are Getting Smarter, (??) Collier’s March 14 1953
- * Pills That Perform an Operation, (??) Collier’s May 23 1953
- * Plague Fighter, (ss) Collier’s August 19 1944
- * Poison for Polio, (??) Collier’s September 28 1946
- * Pullet Paradise, (??) Collier’s June 18 1938
- * Purity on the Range, (ar) Collier’s November 19 1938
- * The Rats Said Yes, (??) Collier’s October 9 1937
- * A Ray of Hope, (ar) Collier’s September 20 1941
- * Relentless Enemy of Man, (ar) This Week February 12 1939
- * Revolution in Cotton, (??) Collier’s July 21 1945
- * Salute to Luck, (ar) This Week March 16 1941
- * Sharks, (??) Collier’s August 7 1943
- * She Invents ’Em, (ar) This Week October 27 1940
- * Shock Absorber, (??) Collier’s August 21 1943
- * Singing Vampires, (ar) Collier’s July 8 1939
- * Sleeping Giant, (ar) Collier’s February 9 1946
- * A 10-Second Shot, (ar) Collier’s March 19 1954
- * They’ve Got the Flu!, (ar) Collier’s January 18 1941
- * They Work While You Vote, (ar) Collier’s November 9 1940
- * This Makes the Man, (ar) Argosy December 1950
- * Tires from the Test Tube, (ar) Collier’s January 2 1943
- * The Town Without a Toothbrush, (ar) Collier’s December 19 1942
- * Tropic Killer, (ar) Collier’s August 10 1940
- * Turkey Trot in Springtime, (ms) McCall’s November 1939
- * Turn on the Light, (ss) Collier’s January 23 1937
- * Vegetable Gems, (??) Collier’s April 20 1940
- * Victory Over Syphilis, (??) Collier’s November 6 1943
- * Volcano Tamer, (ar) This Week November 19 1939
- * War Brains, (ar) Collier’s January 17 1942
- * The War on Syphilis, (ar) Collier’s April 10 1943
- * Watch Them Roll!, (ar) Collier’s July 4 1942
- * We’re All Burning Up!, (ar) This Week October 2 1938
- * We’re Winning the Cancer War (with R. R. Spencer), (ar) Collier’s August 14 1943
- * What Makes You Tired, (ar) Collier’s December 21 1940
- * What’s Left in Uncle Sam’s Pantry?, (??) Collier’s January 10 1953
- * When Left Is Right, (pi) This Week July 31 1938
- * Winter Garden, (ar) Collier’s January 14 1939
- * The World’s Most Important Mice, (ar) Collier’s November 8 1952
- * The X-Ray Cannon and the Rotating Chair, (ar) Collier’s January 3 1953
- * Your Home Tomorrow, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1943
- * Your Tonsils, (??) Collier’s November 13 1943
_____, as told to
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