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Ellison, Harlan (Jay) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Harlan Ellison by Charles Platt, (iv) Dream Makers by Charles Platt, Berkley, 1980
- * Harlan Ellison by Alec Cizak, (ob) Pulp Modern Summer 2018
- * Harlan Ellison: A Bibliographical Checklist (with Leslie Kay Swigart) by Philip Strick, (br) Foundation #6, May 1974
- * Harlan Ellison: A Bibliographical Checklist (with Leslie Kay Swigart), (br) SFWA Bulletin #51/52, Summer 1974
- * Harlan Ellison: An F&SF Checklist by Leslie Kay Swigart, (bi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977
- * Harlan Ellison: An Introduction by Ellen R. Weil & Gary K. Wolfe, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #28, December 1990
- * Harlan Ellison: Copyright by Paula Guran, (ar) The Spook December 2001 (Bonus Issue)
- * The Harlan Ellison Hornbook by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1991
- * Harlan Ellison Interview by Mike Sieveright, (iv) Ganymede Science Fiction #3, 1976
- * Harlan Ellison Interview/Profile by Thomas E. Staicar, (iv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1980
- * Harlan Ellison Is Alive and Well and Living in California by Diane L. Walton, (ed) On Spec Fall 2014
- * Harlan Ellison: Memos from Purgatory, (ar) Rumble #5, 1992
- * Harlan Ellison Obituary by Stephen Holland, (ob) The Guardian June 29 2018
- * Harlan Ellison: Science Fiction Dynamo by Mike Ashley, (ar) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #8, 1975
- * Harlan Ellison’s Contribution to the Ending of the Vietnam War by John Binns, (pm) The Gate #3, December 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Volume 2, (br) Subterranean (online) Spring 2007
- * Harlan Ellison’s Legendary Lost Anthology by Desirina Boskovich, (ar) Lost Transmissions: The Secret History of Science Fiction and Fantasy by Desirina Boskovich, Abrams Image, 2019
- * Harlan Ellison’s The Last Dangerous Visions May Finally Be Published, After Four-Decade Wait by Alison Flood, (ar) The Guardian November 16 2020
- * Harlan Ellison Sues to Stop the Release of Justin Timberlake Movie by Ben Child, (ar) The Guardian September 16 2011
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching by Jill Engel, (br) Nova Express Summer 1990
- * Harlan Ellison’s Watching by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1990
- * Harlan Ellison The Glass Teat (Ace, 1970) by Ted White, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1970
- * Harlan Ellison: The Healing Art of Razorblade Fiction by Richard Delap, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1977
- * Harlan Ellison: The Man in E Minor by Barry N. Malzberg, (ar) Nebula Awards Showcase 2007 ed. Mike Resnick, Roc, 2007
- * Harlan Ellison vs. the Spawning Bischii by David F. Bischoff, (ar) Thrust Spring 1976
- * Harlan Ellison: Where to Start Reading by Alison Flood, (ar) The Guardian June 29 2018
- * L’Heure qui s’étire: interview avec Harlan Ellison by Stanley Péan, (iv) Solaris #139, October 2001
- * I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * The Illustrated Harlan Ellison (with Byron Preiss) by Dan Steffan, (br) Thrust #12, Summer 1979
- * In Memoriam: Harlan Ellison (1934-2018), (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2018
- * Interview with Harlan Ellison, (iv) Mystery Monthly June 1976
- * Interview with Harlan Ellison by Joe W. Haldeman, Joe L. Hensley, Thomas F. Monteleone, Clifford D. Simak & Norman Spinrad, (iv) Algol Spring 1978
- * An Interview with Harlan Ellison by Edward Bryant & Kristine Kathryn Rusch, (iv) Pulphouse: A Weekly Magazine June 1 1991
- * “I Write Because I Must!” by David F. Bischoff & Chris Lampton, (iv) Thrust Spring 1976
- * The Last Dangerous Visions by Sean C. W. Korsgaard, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2025
- * The Last Dangerous Visions (with J. Michael Straczynski) by Nick Mamatas, (br) Interzone #300, August 2024
- * The Last Deadloss Visions by Christopher Priest, (nf) Christopher Priest, May 1994
- * Like Eating One Peanut (with Edward Bryant) by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #14, August 1975
- * A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison (with Nat Segaloff) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #346, April 2018
- * Love Ain’t Nothing but Sex Misspelled by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * The Mad Dog of L.A. Letters by Paul Ciotti, (ar) Los Angeles Times March 4 1990
- * The Man with Nine Lives by Frederik Pohl, (br) If July 1960
- * The Man with Nine Lives by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction September 1960
- * Medea: Harlan’s World by Andrew Andrews, (br) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985
- * Medea: Harlan’s World by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Thrust #23, Fall/Winter 1985
- * Medea: Harlan’s World by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #57, Winter 1985
- * Moorcock on Ellison by Michael Moorcock, (ar) New Worlds #215, Spring 1979
- * The Mover, the Shaker by Theodore Sturgeon, (in) I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Pyramid, 1967
- * The New Thing by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction #3 ed. James Gunn, Mentor, 1979
- * On the Downhill Side by Alma Jo Williams, (br) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985
- * On the Road with Harlan Ellison, (br) Subterranean (online) Spring 2007
- * Open Letter to Harlan Ellison by Alan R. Bechtold, (lt) Science Fiction Review #23, November 1977
- * The Other Glass Teat by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1975
- * Painbird, Painbird, Fly Away Home by Larry Tritten, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1998
- * Paingod and Other Delusions by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1977
- * Partners in Wonder by Norman Spinrad, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, January 1971
- * Partners in Wonder by Spider Robinson, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction Oct 1975, Jul 1977
- * A Phone Call from Harlan Ellison by Richard W. Brown, (ar) Outworlds #70, August 1998
- * Praise for Ellison’s “Gramma” by Tyson Blue, (ar) Castle Rock April 1986
- * Q&A: Harlan Ellison by Damien G. Walter, (iv) The Guardian June 14 2013
- * Raid Uncovers Writer’s Weapons, (ms)
- * The Region Between by Richard E. Geis, (sr) Science Fiction Review #37, April 1970
- * Results of SFWA Arbitration in the Gerrold-Ellison Case by Harry Harrison, Robert Silverberg & Norman Spinrad, (ar) SFWA Bulletin #43, 1972
- * Rogue Knight: Harlan Ellison in the Men’s Magazines by Gary K. Wolfe, (ar) Foundation #44, Winter 1988/1989
- * Ruins of Time: The Mortal Terrors of Harlan Ellison by Joel Lane, (ar) Wormwood #12, 2009
- * Science Fiction Writer Harlan Ellison Dies Aged 84, (ar) The Guardian June 28 2018
- * Setting the Record Straight by Gary Lovisi, (ar) Paperback Parade #28, March 1992
- * Sex Gang by J. Grant Thiessen, (br) The Science-Fiction Collector #8, December 1979
- * Shatterday by James J. J. Wilson, (br) Science Fiction Review #37, Winter 1980
- * Shatterday by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1981
- * Shatterday by James J. J. Wilson, (br) Thrust #18, Winter/Spring 1982
- * Shatterday by Ian Watson, (br) Foundation #24, February 1982
- * Shatterday by Alma Jo Williams, (br) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983
- * Shatterday by Michael Rightor, (br) Free Spacers’ Press Winter 1982
- * Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed by Mark Mansell, (br) Science Fiction Review #54, Spring 1985
- * Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Thrust #22, Spring/Summer 1985
- * Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed by Michael A. Morrison, (br) Thrust #23, Fall/Winter 1985
- * Smoke and Glass by Richard Delap, (iv) Science Fiction Review #12, February 1975
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Frank Catalano, (br) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1983
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1983
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Alma Jo Williams, (br) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983
- * Stalking the Nightmare by Kevin J. Anderson, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1986
- * Starwind Interviews Harlan Ellison by Bob Halloran & Rick Wyman, (iv) Starwind Autumn 1977
- * Still Pulling This Train: Harlan Ellison’s Pulling a Train and Getting in the Wind by Robert Guffey, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #295, March 2013
- * Strange Wine by Mark Mansell, (br) Science Fiction Review #27, September/October 1978
- * Stripped Down Naked: The Short Stories of Harlan Ellison by Paul Di Filippo, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #209, January 2006
- * A Touch of Infinity by Frederik Pohl, (br) If July 1960
- * A Touch of Infinity by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction September 1960
- * Two Fantastic 1950’s JD Short Stories by Evan Hunter and an Early Harlan Ellison Curiosity by Jules Burt, (ar) Men’s Adventure Quarterly #7, January 2023
- * Vertex Interviews Harlan Ellison by Arthur Byron Cover, (iv) Vertex April 1974
- * Vic and Blood (with Richard Corben) by Lilian Edwards, (br) Interzone #24, Summer 1988
- * What Is Harlan Ellison Really Like? by Charles Platt, (ar) Science Fiction Review #34, February 1980
- * When the Demons Come Marching Home: Harlan Ellison’s “Basilisk” and the Ancient Horror of Modern Warfare by G. Winston Hyatt, (ar) Primeval: A Journal of the Uncanny #1, August 2013
- * Zap Code (with Bob Shaw & Robert Silverberg) by J. G. Ballard, (br) The New Statesman March 25 1977
[]Ellison, J. T. (fl. 2000s-2010s); used pseudonym Joss Walker (about) (chron.)
- * Cooking with Crimespree, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #32, September/October 2009
- * Killing Carol Ann, (ss) First Thrills ed. Lee Child, Forge, 2010
- * The Number of Man, (ss) Thriller 3: Love Is Murder ed. Sandra Brown, Mira, 2012
- * Pet Spotlight, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #55, April 2014
- * Prodigal Me, (ss) Killer Year ed. Lee Child, St. Martin's Minotaur, 2008
_____, [ref.]
[]Ellison, (Earl) Jerome (1907-1981) (chron.)
- * Are We Making a Playground Out of College?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 7 1959
- * Are Your Children Gifted, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 16 1951
- * Battling Bishop James A. Pike of California, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 7 1961
- * Churches Take Up Show Business, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 22 1962
- * College Cheating, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 9 1960
- * Confessions of a Sunday-School Teacher, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1955
- * Crazy Over Pictures, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 3 1951
- * Dream and Stay Sane, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 1 1961
- * The Drug Addicts Cure One Another, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 7 1954
- * Five Million Parents Can’t Be Stopped, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 26 1949
- * Gamest Kids in the Country (Boy Scouts), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 7 1953
- * The Green Tower Mystery, (ss) Argosy August 1954
- * Head of the House, (ss) Redbook September 1950
- * He Leads Millions Out of the Dark, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 17 1954
- * Housewife Is an Honorable Word, (ss) Collier’s January 20 1956
- * How to Get a Summer Job, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 24 1952
- * Is the U.S. Really Run by Women?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 19 1951
- * Just What the Doctor Ordered, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 22 1950
- * Keep Away from That Hook (with Frank W. Brock), (ar) The American Legion Monthly June 1936
- * Let’s Listen in on the Party Line, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 9 1950
- * Love Without Honor, (ss) McCall’s June 1950
- * My Mother Never Gave Up, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 6 1958
- * The Mysteries of the Night, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 6 1954
- * Protection Money, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 20 1952
- * The Racketeer on Your Doorstep (with Frank W. Brock), (ar) Cosmopolitan September 1938
- * The Shame of Skid Row, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 20 1952
- * They Eat Smoke for Love, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1950
- * The Truth About the Service Clubs, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1951
- * When Strangers Tour the USA, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 9 1961
- * Who Gets Your Charity Dollars?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 26 1954
_____, as told to
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Liberty Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19, Dec 26 1942, Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 23, Jan 30,
Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20, Mar 27 1943
[]Ellison, Ralph (Waldo) (1914-1994) (chron.)
- * Author’s Perspective: Ellison on Race and Fiction, (ar)
- * Backwacking, a Plea to the Senator, (ss) Massachusetts Review #18, 1977
- * Battle Royal, (ss) Horizon: A Review of Literature and Art October 1947
- * Book review, (br) Tomorrow Sep, Nov 1943
- * Boy on a Train, (ss) The New Yorker April 29/May 6 1996
- * A Coupla Scalped Indians, (ss)
- * Flying Home, (ss) Cross Section 1944 ed. Edward Seaver, L.B. Fischer, 1944
- * from Invisible Man, (ex) Random House, 1947
- * from Invisible Man “The Golden Day”, (ex) Random House, 1947
- * I Did Not Learn Their Names, (ss) The New Yorker April 29/May 6 1996
- * An Interview, (iv)
- * Invisible Man, (ex)
- * It Always Breaks Out, (ex) Partisan Review Spring 1963; extract from Three Days Before the Shooting… forthcoming from Random House (2010).
- * It Is a Strange Country, (ss) Tomorrow July 1944
- * King of the Bingo Game, (ss) Tomorrow November 1944
- The Harper Anthology of Fiction ed. Sylvan Barnet, HarperCollins, 1991
- Fiction 50: An Introduction to the Short Story ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall, 1993
- A Web of Stories: An Introduction to Short Fiction ed. Jon & Marjorie Ford, Prentice Hall, 1998
- Short Fiction ed. Charles H. Bohner & Dean Dougherty, Prentice Hall, 1999
- Norton Anthology of Short Fiction: Sixth Edition ed. R. V. Cassill & Richard Bausch, W.W. Norton & Company, 2000
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- * Mister Movie-Man, (ss) The New Yorker April 12 1999
- * Mister Toussan, (ss)
- * A Party Down at the Square, (ss) Esquire January 1997
- * Peckerwood, (ex) from Three Days Before the Shooting, Modern Library, 2010
- * Prologue to Invisible Man, (ex) Random House, 1947
_____, [ref.]
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