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Disch, Thomas M(ichael) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The First Christmas Tree, (pm) Orders of the Retina, Toothpaste, 1982
- * The First Cuckoo, (pm) Orders of the Retina, Toothpaste, 1982
- * First Dark, (pm) Endzone July 16 2006
- * 5 Eggs, (ss) Orbit 1 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1966
- * The Flâneurs of Mars [Xglotl and Rwang], (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 2002
- * The Flesh’s Wedding, (pm) Chronicles 1990
- * The Flight of Daedalus, (pm) New Worlds SF #168, 1966
- * Flight Useless, Inexorable the Pursuit, (ss) Under Compulsion, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968
- * The Flower Painter, (pm) Chicago Review v34 #3, 1984
- * Flying Home, (pm) Poly: New Speculative Writing ed. Lee Ballentine, Ocean View Books, 1989
- * The Foetus, (ss) The Berkley Showcase Vol. 2 ed. Victoria Schochet & John W. Silbersack, Berkley, 1980
- * Fool’s Mate, (pm) Amazing Stories May 1987
- * For a Colleague, Departed, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1996 [Ref. Roger Zelazny]
- * For a Dead Botanist, (pm) North Dakota Quarterly 2003
- * For a Derelict, (pm) Here I Am, There You Are, Where Were We, Hutchinson, 1984
- * The Forbidden Children, (pm) Open Places Spring 1979
- * The Forbidden Thought, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1983
- * For John Clute, on the Publication of Appleseed, (pm) Interzone #169, July 2001
- * For Marilyn Hacker, (pm) Burn This, Hutchinson, 1982
- * Foundation Forum:
* ___ Problems of Creativeness (with Brian W. Aldiss & John Middleton Murry), (ar) Foundation #13, May 1978, as by Brian W. Aldiss, Richard Cowper & Thomas M. Disch
* ___ Science Fiction as a Church, (ar) Foundation #25, June 1982; transcript of talk at Yorcon II, April 1981.
- * Four Crosswords of Graded Difficulty, (pm) New Worlds #197, January 1970
- * Four Lawns, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2003
- * Four Poems from Stories, (gp)
- * Four Rondeaux, (gp) The Hudson Review Spring 1996
- * The Fourth Law, (pm) Poetry January 1973
- * Frames of the Annenberg Collection, (pm) The Hudson Review Winter 1994
- * Frankenstein: The Opera, (pl) Last Wave v1 #2, 1984
- * Friends and Neighbors, (rc) The Hudson Review Summer 1995, as "Poetry Chronicle"
- * The Friends of Long Ago, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement December 19 1980
- * From: A Child’s Garden of Grammar:
* ___ Adjectives, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ Adverbs, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1992
* ___ The Agreement of Predicate Pronouns, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 1993
* ___ Attractive Opposites, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993
* ___ Auxiliary Verbs, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 1993
* ___ Compound Object Pronouns, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1993
* ___ A Conjugation of the Verb To Be, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1991
* ___ Contractions, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 1993
* ___ Definite and Indefinite Articles, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 1993
* ___ Either/Or, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ Epitaph for the Past Tenses, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ The Future Tense, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ Homonyms, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993; not the same as the poem of the same name in A Child’s Garden of Grammar (University Press of New England, 1997).
* ___ Homophones, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993
* ___ If/Then, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ In and Out, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1991
* ___ The Indirect Object, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
* ___ Interrogative Adverbs, or the Four W’s, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction mid December 1993
* ___ Lie and Lay, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 1993
* ___ Like and As, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
* ___ Maybe, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ Not, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1992
* ___ Nouns, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ The Object, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
* ___ The Object of the Preposition, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
* ___ Odious Comparisons, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993
* ___ The Present Tense, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ Pronouns, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ Quotation Marks, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1992
* ___ Some Personal Pronouns, (gp) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 1993
* ___ Split Infinitives, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 1993
* ___ Strange Plurals, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
* ___ The Subject, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
* ___ Verbs, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
- * The Fugitive, (pm) The Paris Review #78, Summer 1980
- * Fundamental Disch, (co) Bantam, October 1980 ; edited by Samuel R. Delany
- * Fundamental Disch (var. 1), (co) Gollancz, 1981 ; edited by Samuel R. Delany
- * A Funeral Ode on the Death of Princess Diana, (pm) Light Summer 1998
- * Fun with Your New Head, (co) Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968, as Under Compulsion
- * Fun with Your New Head, (ss) Playboy December 1966, as "Cephalatron"
- * The Future of the Book, (ar) The Hudson Review Winter 1998
- * The Future Tense, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
- * A Galop for Cesar Franck, (pm) Chronicles August 1989
- * Garage Sale, (pm) Lake Street Review #23, 1989
- * The Garage Sale as a Spiritual Exercise, (pm) Poetry December 1993
- * Genetic Coda, (ss) Fantastic Stories of Imagination June 1964
- * The Genocides, (n.) Berkley, 1965
- * A German Drinking Song, (pm) The Right Way to Figure Plumbing, The Basilisk Press, 1972
- * Getting Down to Basics, (br) The Times Literary Supplement November 18 1985 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
- * Getting Into Death, (co) Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, February 1974
- * Getting Into Death, (nv) Antæus #13/14, Spring/Summer 1974
- Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- Prize Stories 1975: The O. Henry Awards ed. William Abrahams, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1975
- Getting Into Death and Other Stories, Knopf, 1976
- Fundamental Disch, Bantam, 1980
- Fundamental Disch (var. 1), Gollancz, 1981
- * Getting Into Death and Other Stories, (co) Alfred A. Knopf, February 1976
- * Ghost Ship, (pm) Endzone June 10 2006
- * Gilda: An Entr’acte, (pm) Shenandoah Summer 1986
- * A Girl and Her Horse, (pm) Light Spring 1994
- * The Girl Who Had “It”, (ss) Knight May 1966
- * The Girl with the Vita-Gel Hair, (ss) Omni December 1986
- * Gods, (pm) Chronicles 1989
- * God’s Crime Policy, (pm) Light Summer 1996
- * The Goldberg Variations, (pm) Corridor #2, May/June 1971
- * The Golden Lemons, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * Gossip, (pm) The Little Magazine v14 #1/2, 1983
- * gotta get my act together, (pm) Dark Verses & Light, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991
- * Grand Central Terminal, (pm) New Worlds SF October 1966, as "The Squirrel Cage"
- * Gratitude, or, The Serpent’s Tooth, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * A Gravedigger’s Soliloquy, (pm) Salmagundi Fall 1991
- * The Great Lull, (pm) Endzone May 18 2007
- * Ground Control, (br) Los Angeles Times December 7 1997 [Ref. Vincent Di Fate]
- * The Grown-Up, (ss) High Times July 1981
- * The Growth of the Church, (pm) The Little Magazine Spring 1977
- * Guile Evicted, (pm) Corridor #2, May/June 1971
- * Haikus of an AmPart, (pm) Coffee House Press, 1991
- * Hands and Mouth, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement July 18 1980
- * Handyman Special, (pm) The Dark Old House, RLB, 1996
- * Hansel, A Retrospective, or, The Danger of Childhood Obesity, (pm) The Antioch Review Autumn 2002
- * Happy Families All Like Scrabble, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * Happy Mediocrity: A Patriotic Sestina (for Roman Hruska), (pm) Minnesota Review Spring 1986
- * The Happy Snowflakes, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 1994
- * The Happy Story, (ss) White Fang Goes Dingo, Arrow, 1971
- * The Happy Turnip, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October 1989
- * Hard Work or, The Secrets of Success, (nv) Interzone #17, Autumn 1986
- * “Harpooned Again!”, (pm) Endzone April 22 2008
- * The Harp That Conquered Hell, (ss) New Constellations ed. Thomas M. Disch & Charles Naylor, Harper & Row, 1976, as by Beebe Tharp
- * The Haunted Birdhouse, (pm) Poetry May 2003
- * have you ever gone up to the roof, (pm) Dark Verses & Light, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991
- * Having an Oeuvre, (rv) Poetry February 1994
- * The Hawk and the Metaphor, (pm) Aralia Press, March 1988
- * Hell Revisited, (iv) sf Impulse December 1966 [Ref. Kingsley Amis]
- * Here I Am, There You Are, Where Were We, (co) Hutchinson, 1984
- * Here Osman, (pm) rootsforming Fall 1969
- * He, She, and It, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction April 1993
- * hey everyone look at what’s here, (pm) Dark Verses & Light, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991
- * The High Priest of High Times, (br) Los Angeles Times April 28 1991 [Ref. Tom Clark], as "Iambic Megalomania"
- * High Purpose in Poetry, (pm) Poetry May 1978
- * High Summer, (pm) Chronicles April 1994
- * Highway Sandwiches (with Marilyn Hacker & Charles Platt), (oc) self-published, 1970
- * His Own Kind, (ss) New Worlds of Fantasy #2 ed. Terry Carr, Ace, 1970
- * History of the Theories of Rain, (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic September 1983
- * History: The Home Movie, (br) The Washington Post Book World November 13 1994 [Ref. Craig Raine]
- * Homage to the Carracci, (pm) Poetry September 1974
- * L’Homme, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * L’Homme Qui N’Avait Aucune Idée, (ss) Fiction (France) #300, April 1979; translated from the English (“The Man Who Had No Idea”, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1978); translated by Jean-Pierre Galante
- * Homonyms, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993; not the same as the poem of the same name in A Child’s Garden of Grammar (University Press of New England, 1997).
- * Homonyms, (pm) A Child’s Garden of Grammar, University Press of New England, 1997; not the same as the poem of the same name in the May 1993 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction.
- * Homophones, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993
- * Hooray for Hollywood, (pm) Poetry July 1997
- * Hopper (at the Whitney), (pm) Open Places Spring/Summer 1983
- * Horror Vacui, (pm) Just Friends #2, 1970
- * The Hourglass, (pm) Seshita Winter 1972/1973
- * Housekeeping Alert, (ms) Endzone October 30 2006
- * How to Behave When Dead, (pm) Apollo Summer 1976
- * How to Fly, (fa) Bananas #8, Summer 1977
- * How to Identify Yourself in a Crowd, (pm) Lake Street Review Summer 1985
- * How to Know What You Like: A Philistine’s Guide to the National Gallery, (ar) Bananas #7, Spring 1977
- * Iambic Megalomania, (br) Los Angeles Times April 28 1991 [Ref. Tom Clark]
- * i am just a plain poet, (pm) Dark Verses & Light, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991
- * The Idealist, (ss) High Times September 1982
- * The Idea of a Bed, (pm) Apollo Summer 1976
- * Ideas: A Popular Misconception, (ar) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Ian Watson]
- * If I Left You, (pm) The Nation November 2 1974
- * If/Then, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
- * If You Don’t Frug Baby, What Do You Do?, (ss) Dapper May 1966
- * if you know what i mean, (pm) Dark Verses & Light, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991
- * I Get the Times Across the Street, (pm) Endzone May 4 2006
- * Il Penseroso, (pm) Light Autumn 1998
- * Imperfect Love (for Nelson Denoon), (pm) Light Spring 1992
- * In and Out, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1991
- * In a Time of Plague, (pm) Poetry December 1970
- * In a Time of Plagues, (pm) Chronicles July 1990
- * The Incredible Giant Hot Dog (with John Sladek), (ss) Escapade April 1966
- * The Incubus, (pm) Fantastic Stories of Imagination August 1964, as "Dangerous Flags"
- * In Defense of Forest Lawn, (pm) Poetry August 1986
- * Indian Spring, (pm) Boulevard Fall 1986
- * The Indirect Object, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
- * In Memoriam (“He went down the chute just now”), (pm) Endzone June 21 2008
- * In Memoriam (“Nothing, no one, gives me rest”), (pm) Boulevard Fall 1987
- * In Praise of History, (pm) Poetry January 1995
- * In Praise of New York, (pm) Future City ed. Roger Elwood, Trident, 1973
- * In Praise of Older Women, (ss) Playboy January 1982
- * Insomnia, (pm) The Paris Review #158, Summer 2001
- * Instructions for Rigging a Frigate, (pm) Burn This, Hutchinson, 1982
- * Interrogative Adverbs, or the Four W’s, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction mid December 1993
- * In the Mold of 1964: An Afterword, (ar) Bluejay, 1984 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * In the News, (pm) Night Cry Fall 1987
- * In the Picture, (pm) Transatlantic Review #57, October 1976
- * Introduction, (in) One Hundred and Two H-Bombs, Compact, 1967
- * Introduction, (in) The Little Black Box by Philip K. Dick, Underwood-Miller, 1987
- * Introduction, (in) Solar Lottery by Philip K. Dick, Gregg Press, 1976
- * Introduction to “Et in Arcadia Ego”, (is) SF: Authors’ Choice 4 ed. Harry Harrison, Putnam, 1974
- * Introduction to “The Power of Every Root”, (is) The Avram Davidson Treasury by Avram Davidson, Tor, 1998
- * Invaded by Love, (nv) New Worlds SF #166, 1966
- * The Invasion of the Giant Stupid Dinosaurs, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1969
- * Inventory, (pm) Chronicles September 1991
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