The FictionMags Index
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[]Cardno, Anthony R. (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Chasing Satellites, (ss) Beyond the Sun ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Fairwood Press, 2013
- * A Gay Boy Gets His Genre On, (ar) Lightspeed #61, June 2015
- * Regardless of How Lost You Are Returning From, Regardless of How Far, (ss) Kaleidotrope Summer 2019
- * Stress Cracks, (ss) Galactic Games ed. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Baen, 2016
- * Trailblazer, (ss) Oomph ed. Bart R. Leib & Kay T. Holt, Crossed Genres Publications, 2013
- * Wolf at the Door (with Maurice G. Broaddus), (ss) Chiral Mad 4 ed. Michael Bailey & Lucy A. Snyder, Written Backwards, 2018
[]Cardona-Hine, Alvaro (1926-2016); used pseudonyms Rick Canavan, Michael Devereaux, Millie Farquand, Milton Farquand, David Hine, Juan Iglesias, Ron Meredith, Arthur Motherwell & Morton Motherwell (about) (chron.)
- * Editor: Cad Nov 1969, Feb, Sep 1970, as by David Hine
- * Editor: Pix Dec 1969, Feb, Apr, Aug, Oct, Dec 1970, Feb, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1971,
Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1972
Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 1973, Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec 1974, Mar, Jun, Aug 1975
, as by David Hine
- * Editor: Adam Bedside Reader #44 Jan, #45 May, #46 Aug, #47 Oct, #48 Dec 1971, #49 Feb, #50 Apr, #51 Jun, #52 Aug, #53 Oct 1972, as by David Hine
- * Adam and Evening, (ss) Adam Yearbook 1970, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Afternoon of a Faun, (ss) Knight February 1971
- * After the Love-In, (ss) Adam December 1969, as by Ron Meredith
- * Ah, Sweet Bird of Youth, (hu) Adam November 1968, as by David Hine
- * The Amazing Amazon, (ar) Adam July 1969, as by Juan Iglesias
- * The Amputator, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #35, June 1968, as by Juan Iglesias
- * Another Story, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #45, May 1971, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Aphrodisiacs, Inc., (hu) Pix September 1972, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Ballad of Three Friends, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #45, May 1971, as by Ron Meredith
- * The Beer Drinker’s Guide to the Creation of Erotic Poetry, (ar) Adam November 1975, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * The Beggar and the Dancer, (ss) Knight November 1968, as by Ron Meredith
- * Bill Rotsler: King of the Pornos, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971 [Ref. Bill Rotsler], as by David Hine
- * The Birth of American Sex, (ar) Adam December 1975, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Birth of a Salesman, (hu) Knight March 1969, as by Ron Meredith
- * The Business of Erotica, (ar) Pix March 1972, as by David Hine
- * A Cabled Interview with Serge Jacques, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971 [Ref. Serge Jacques], as by David Hine
- * Coming to Blows, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #54, December 1972, as by Rick Canavan
- * Crimson, (ss) Knight August 1971
- * The Cubbyhole, (ss) Pix February 1971, as by David Hine
- * Did You Hear the One About…?, (ar) Adam April 1976, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Do You Have a Castration Complex?, (ar) Knight March 1969, as by David Hine
- * The Enjoyment of Erotica: An Interview with Ralph Hampton, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971 [Ref. Ralph Hampton], as by David Hine
- * Fantasies—The Moviehouse of the Mind, (ar) Adam February 1976, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * For the Birds, (hu) Knight August 1969, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * From Pap to Zap, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #46, August 1971, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * From Wife to Lover, (ss) Adam July 1975, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Gentlemen, (hu) Knight March 1969, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * George Brower and His Women, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #50, April 1972, as by David Hine
- * George Brower: The Super Cool Pro, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971, as by David Hine
- * Georgia Brower: A Girlie Girl Photographer, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971, as by David Hine
- * The Girl in the Dark and Vacant Building, (ss) Adam October 1971
- * Girl to Girl, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #54, December 1972, as by Michael Devereaux
- * Grok, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #45, May 1971
- * Grok, (vi) Vertex December 1974
- * The Hippie and the Nun, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #45, May 1971, as by David Hine
- * The Hot Model, (ss) Pix September 1971, as by Rick Canavan
- * How Old Is Sex?, (ar) Adam Yearbook 1969, as by David Hine
- * How to Pay Back a Little Debt, (hu) Adam Bedside Reader #54, December 1972, as by Millie Farquand
- * The Hunted, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #40, September 1969, as by Milton Farquand
- * Interview, (hu) Adam September 1968, as by Juan Iglesias
- * Interview with Dana Madison, (iv) Cad February 1970, as by Ron Meredith
- * It’s a Riot, (ar) Knight May 1969, as by David Hine
- * Jay Arnold Shoots the Big Ones, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #50, April 1972 [Ref. Jay Arnold], as by Michael Devereaux
- * Jay Arnold: The Photographer of Starlets, Stars and Super Stars, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971 [Ref. Jay Arnold], as by David Hine
- * Later Than Later, (ss) Adam September 1974, as by David Hine
- * The Leak, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #38, March 1969, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * A Lecher for a Teacher, (ss) Adam August 1974 (v18 #8), as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Leona, (ss) Knight June 1970, as by Juan Iglesias
- * Long Time No See, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #33, February 1968, as by David Hine
- * Love/Haight (with Edward Steneck), (pi) Knight March 1968
- * Machismo, (ar) Adam February 1971, as by Juan Iglesias
- * Melanie and the Solar Eclipse, (ss) Pix February 1971, as by Ron Meredith
- * Miller & Millet: Sexual Hate, (ar) Adam June 1976, as by Ron Meredith
- * A Million Miles and Some Vermillion Years Ago, (ss) Knight May 1969
- * Missing in Action, (ss) Adam September 1968, as by David Hine
- * Mystery Man, (bg) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971, as by David Hine
- * A Night in Cambodia, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #36, September 1968, as by Michael Devereaux
- * The Night of the Big Blast, (ss) Pix August 1968, as by David Hine
- * A Nudie Photographer in Mexico, (ar) Pix May 1972, as by David Hine
- * Number XVI from “The Flesh of Utopia”, (pm) Coastlines #21/22, 1964
- * The Old Man and His Wanting, (ss) Cad August 1969, as by David Hine
- * Organgrind, (ar) Knight July 1970
- * The Psychiatrist and the Prostitute, (ar) Pix April 1970, as by David Hine
- * Quetzalcoatl: The Second Legend, (ss) Knight October 1974
- * Requiem for a G-String, (ar) Knight August 1970, as by David Hine
- * Sad News: The Nympho, (ar) Adam April 1969, as by David Hine
- * The Score, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #38, March 1969, as by Ron Meredith
- * Sea-Motion, (ss) Adam July 1968, as by Michael Devereaux
- * Sebastian: An Epitaph, (hu) Cad February 1970, as by Morton Motherwell
- * Sebastian: An Epitaph, (hu) Adam Bedside Reader #52, August 1972, as by Morton Motherwell
- * Seduction—What’s in It for You, (ar) Pix September 1971, as by Ron Meredith
- * Settling Down to Business, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #48, December 1971, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Sex Ain’t Easy, (ar) Adam May 1973, as by Milton Farquand
- * Sex Is Awkward, (ar) Adam December 1973, as by Milton Farquand
- * Sex Is Awkward and in Need of a Constitutional Amendment, (ar) Knight August 1969, as by David Hine
- * Sex Machines That Made Good, (hu) Adam Bedside Reader #46, August 1971, as by Michael Devereaux
- * The Sexual Abyss, (ar) Adam May 1976, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Sexual Russian Roulette, (ar) Adam January 1976, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Sex with the Servants, (ar) Pix February 1969, as by Juan Iglesias
- * Sex Worship, (ar) Cad December 1968, as by David Hine
- * Sneaky Sex Is Sweeter, (ar) Adam November 1976, as by Ron Meredith
- * Solving Your Problems with Tantra Yoga, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #50, April 1972, as by Ron Meredith
- * Solving Your Sex Problems with Tantra Yoga, (ar) Knight November 1970, as by David Hine
- * The Spanish Civil War: Picasso’s Guernica, (ar) Mankind December 1967
- * Sumer Isn’t Icumen In, (ar) Knight May 1970
- * Summer, Fall and Winter, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #54, December 1972, as by Ron Meredith
- * The Swinging Innocents, (ar) Adam September 1975, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * Teacher’s Delight, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #32, December 1967, as by David Hine
- * That Amazing Amazon, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #45, May 1971, as by Juan Iglesias
- * That Famous Moulin Rouge, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #52, August 1972, as by David Hine
- * This Is an Orgasm, (ar) Knight November 1969
- * The Time We Played Good, the Time We Played Bad, and the Girls We Played with in Between, (ss) Knight July 1968, as by Juan Iglesias
- * To Lay an Egg, (ss) Adam Yearbook 1969
- * Two of Johnny Castano’s Protége’s: Donny Sanders & Janet Price, (iv) Adam Special Report #8, November 1971, as by David Hine
- * Vindication, (pm) Coastlines Spring 1960
- * Voyeurs Never Die, (ss) Knight August 1969, as by Juan Iglesias
- * We Are Made of Light, (hu) Adam Bedside Reader #47, October 1971, as by Juan Iglesias
- * What All the Fuzz Is About, (hu) Knight May 1969, as by Arthur Motherwell
- * What All the Fuzz Is About, (hu) Pix April 1970, as by Morton Motherwell
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