The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 10317
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[]Torres, Steven (1969- ) (chron.)
- * Allan Guthrie Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #19, July/August 2007 [Ref. Allan Guthrie]
- * The Biography of Stoop, the Thief, (ss) Uncage Me ed. Jen Jordan, Bleak House Books, 2009
- * Bronx Summer 1971, (ss) Crimespree Magazine #35, March/April 2010
- * The Care of Widows and Orphans, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2020
- * Caring for José, (ss) Hit List ed. Sarah Cortez & Liz Martínez, Arte Publico Press, 2009
- * The Case of the Strangled Man, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2021
- * Con Lehane interviewed, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #19, July/August 2007 [Ref. Dennis Lehane]
- * The Driver, (ss) Crimespree Magazine #8, September 2005
- * Early Fall, (nv) Bronx Noir ed. S. J. Rozan, Akashic Books, 2007
- * El Detective Latino—Vida en el borde, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #6, May 2005
- * Elena Speaks of the City, (ss) Crimespree Magazine #14, September/October 2006
- * Kindle Shorts, (ms) Crimespree Magazine #44 Nov/Dec 2011, #46 Mar/Apr 2012
- * Machismo, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #35, March/April 2010
- * Manuel Ramos Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #51, May 2013 [Ref. Manuel Ramos]
- * Megan Abbott and Jonathan Santlofer—Interviewed, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #17, March/April 2007 [Ref. Megan Abbott & Jonathan Santlofer]
- * Michael Stanley Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #52, Summer 2013 [Ref. Michael Stanley]
- * Stoop, The Thief, (ss) Crimespree Magazine #4, January 2005
- * UFO [Sheriff Luis Gonzalo], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2005
- * The Valley of Angustias [Sheriff Luis Gonzalo], (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 2006
_____, [ref.]
[]Torreson, Rodney (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Andy Stankiewicz, Yankee Rookie, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #50, Summer 1996
- * Backboard and Hoop, (pm)
- * Gil McDougald, Yankee Infielder, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #34, Summer 1990
- * Joe DiMaggio Never Swings a Bat at Old Timers’ Games, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #39, Winter 1991
- * Maris of the Cards, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #41, Summer 1992
- * Thurman Munson, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #45, Fall 1993
- * Tools of Contention, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #39, Winter 1991
- * The Trade, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #40, Spring 1992
- * The Yankees Bend to the Cool, Clear Waters of Mirrors, (pm) Spitball: The Literary Baseball Magazine #34, Summer 1990
[]Torrey, Bradford (fl. 1880s-1900s) (chron.)
- * Along the Hillsborough, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1893
- * Autumn in Franconia, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly Jan, Feb 1899
- * Bird-Gazing in the White Mountains, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1884
- * A Bird-Lover’s April, (??) The Atlantic Monthly May 1885
- * Bird-SOngs, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1883
- * A Carolina Mountain Pond, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1897
- * Character in Feathers, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1883
- * The Chickadee, (ss) The Youth’s Companion January 4 1900
- * Chickamauga, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1895
- * Confessions of a Bird’s-Nest Hunter, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1886
- * A Day’s Drive in Three States, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1896
- * December Out-of-Doors, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1889
- * The Demand for an American Literature, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1897
- * Dyer’s Hollow, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1891
- * Edward FitzGerald, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1900
- * Flowers and Folks, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1889
- * A Green Mountain Corn-Field, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1888
- * An Idler on Missionary Ridge, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1895
- * In Quest of Ravens, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1897
- * In the Flat-Woods, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1893
- * June in Franconia, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1890
- * Lookout Mountain, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1895
- * The Male Ruby-Throat, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1891
- * May in Franconia, (??) The Atlantic Monthly May 1900
- * Minor Songsters, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1884
- * Moosilauke, (??) The Atlantic Monthly May 1901
- * A Morning at the Old Sugar Mill, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1894
- * A Mountain-Side Ramble, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1889
- * My Real Estate, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1886
- * A Nook in the Alleghenies, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly Apr, May 1898
- * A November Chronicle, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1888
- * An Old Road, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1887
- * On the Beach at Daytona, (??) The Atlantic Monthly July 1894
- * On the St. Augustine Road, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1893
- * On the Upper St. John’s, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1894
- * The Passing of the Birds, (??) The Atlantic Monthly August 1892
- * Phillida and Coridon, (??) The Atlantic Monthly April 1884
- * Robin Roosts, (??) The Atlantic Monthly October 1890
- * Some Tennessee Bird Notes, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1896
- * Thoreau, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1896
- * Thoreau’s Attitude toward Nature, (??) The Atlantic Monthly November 1899
- * Verbal Magic, (??) The Atlantic Monthly January 1897
- * A Week on Walden’s Ridge, (ar) The Atlantic Monthly May, Jun 1895
- * What Worship Ye?, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 4 1886
- * A Widow and Twins, (??) The Atlantic Monthly June 1891
- * Winter Birds about Boston, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1885
- * With the Birds on Boston Common, (??) The Atlantic Monthly February 1883
- * A Woodland Intimate, (??) The Atlantic Monthly September 1887
- * Writers That Are Quotable, (??) The Atlantic Monthly March 1899
[]Torrey, Grace (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Bartley, B. A., (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 30 1926
- * Cheap People, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 16 1922
- * The Deadly Usual, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine November 1920
- * Emergency Ahead, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1930
- * Enfranchised, (ss) Sunset: The Pacific Monthly November 1917
- * Exit, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal November 1928
- * The Gold Gown, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine October 1910
- * Good Form, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1928
- * Hot Water, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion February 1924
- * Incline to the Right, (ss) The Green Book Magazine March 1921
- * J.A., 1760, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 28 1919
- * Just-for-the-Fun-of-It Girl, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1913
- * Maroon-Colored, with Wire Wheels, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 7 1920
- * Measure of Damages, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion May 1928
- * Neighbor, (ss) Hampton-Columbian Magazine October 1911
- * Nine to Three, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion August 1923
- * “Oh, Oh, Genevieve!”, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1922
- * One Medium-Sized Dog, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion October 1926
- * Peter and Pan, (ss) McCall’s Magazine January 1929
- * Pinch of Something, (ss) Collier’s April 4 1925
- * Publicity, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion January 1920
- * Putnam III, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion January 1928
- * Said Alleged Accident, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1925
- * The Spirit of the Day, (pl) Smith’s Magazine January 1913
- * Story of a Day in June, (ss) Pictorial Review June 1921
- * Through Other Eyes, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1935
- * Tone of Lafayette Arms, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1919
- * Tragic Buskin, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion October 1924
- * Wickes of Maison Wickes, (ss) The Century Magazine April 1912
- * The Woman Who Skipped, (ss) Woman’s World July 1923
[]Torrey, Mattie Winfield (?-1876); previously known as Mattie Winfield (chron.)
- * Adrift, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1871
- * After the Ball, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1864, as by Mattie Winfield
- * At Last, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1873
- * Aunt Dora’s Brooch, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine December 1872
- * L’Automne, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine November 1865
- * The Belle of the Ball, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1873
- * Betrayed by a Kiss, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1873
- * Be True to Me!, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1870
- * “Birdie!”, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1872
- * Burning the Letters, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1869
- * By the Elizabeth, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1869
- * Charlie’s Ring, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1874
- * The Cricket, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1869
- * “Dear Cousin Arthur”, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1867
- * The Death of Summer (“No more, oh! wonder-working sun, thy kiss…”), (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1863, as by Mattie Winfield
- * The Death of the Flowers, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1865, as by Mattie Winfield
- * The Deserted (“Dying! alone and unheeded”), (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1868
- * Deserted (“I loved thee once, and on thy words”), (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1866
- * Down South, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1872
- * Faithful and True, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1865
- * A Fireside Chat, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1872
- * Fritz, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine February 1871
- * God Knows, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1871
- * Gone, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine October 1864, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Good-by, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1872
- * Good-Night!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1864, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Happy Hours, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1873
- * The Haunted-House, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1870
- * His Eyes, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1872
- * A Horrid Boy, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1871
- * The Housekeeper’s Story, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1876
- * Hunting Four-Leaved Clover, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1863, as by Mattie Winfield
- * In Affliction, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1862, as by Mattie Winfield
- * In the Garden, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1867
- * Into the Court of the King, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1871
- * In Winter, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1867
- * Janette’s Hatred, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1871
- * Jennie’s Visit to Her Grandmother, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1867
- * Jo’s Experiments, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1871
- * June, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1867
- * Liberally Rewarded, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1866
- * The Little Runaway, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1867
- * The Long Ago, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1864, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Looking Back, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1867
- * Lucia’s Escapade, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1872
- * May, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1868
- * May Song, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1863, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Miss Montmorenci, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine July 1873
- * Mountain Laurel, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1871
- * Mrs. Cameron’s Experiment, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine April 1874
- * My Lilies, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1874
- * My Rosary, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1876
- * Nellie’s Picture, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1870
- * October, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1869
- * An Old Flame, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1869
- * Once More!, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1871
- * Our Past, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1868
- * A Pair of Eyes, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1866
- * A Pair of Impostors, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1873
- * Parted, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1870
- * Past and Present, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1874
- * Prayer for Guidance, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1866
- * Regret, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1872
- * Reverie, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine November 1872
- * The River of Life, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1872
- * Roses and Violets, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine June 1866
- * Sabbath Morn, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1868
- * Saturday Night, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1867
- * A Summer Memory, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1864, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Summer Moon, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1861, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Tempted, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1861, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Time’s Change, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1870
- * Tim’s Christmas, (ss) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine January 1871
- * To a Poet, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1863, as by Mattie Winfield
- * To Grief, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine March 1868
- * To Sleep, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1866
- * Toujours Fidele, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine October 1869
- * Under the Elm, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1869
- * Unmasked, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1866, as by Mattie Winfield
- * Untenanted, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1870
- * Waiting for Thee, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1867
- * Waiting on the Girls, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine May 1866
- * We Shall Meet, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine August 1872
- * When Summer Comes, (pm) The Dollar Monthly Magazine June 1864, as by Mattie Winfield
- * A Wish, (pm) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine September 1873
- * Zada, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine October 1873
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