The FictionMags Index
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[]Yuan, Changming (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Another Snowfall, (pm) Illumen Spring 2016
- * As You Move Forward, (pm) Black Petals (online) #66, Winter 2014
- * As You Move Forward-Four Poems, (gp) Black Petals (online) #66, Winter 2014
- * At Some Future Moment, (pm) Polar Starlight October 2021
- * At the Dentists: A Politically Risky Poem, (pm) Twisted Tongue #14, December 2009
- * avihS || Vishnu, (pm) The Literary Hatchet #21, August/September 2018
- * Beyond the Blue, (pm) Mermaids Monthly #9, September 2021
- * Black, (pm) Black Petals (online) #66, Winter 2014
- * Cat Karma, (vi) The Chamber Magazine July 7 2023
- * Chanson by a Chinaman, (pm) Twisted Tongue #14, December 2009
- * The Cherry Flower: A Parallel Poem, (pm) Big Pulp Spring 2010
- * Chopstick Commandments, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #31, Spring/Summer 2022
- * Crows Are Being Born Again, (pm) Polar Starlight June 2021
- * Crows, My Crows, (pm) A Cappella Zoo #9, Fall 2012
- * Dancing with Crane, (pm) Mirror Dance #9, Spring 2010
- * Garage Sale, (pm) James Gunn’s Ad Astra #3, June 2014
- * Getting Newly Old, (pm) Twisted Tongue #14, December 2009
- * In the Glass Safe, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v9 #1, 2013
- * Jingzhou Pepper, (pm) Illumen Spring 2016
- * Missing in Missed Moments, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #31, Spring/Summer 2022
- * My Crow, (pm) Twisted Tongue #14, December 2009
- * My Crow: Double Life, (pm) Liquid Imagination #6, May 2010
- * My Father’s Soliloquy, (pm) Black Petals (online) #66, Winter 2014
- * On Garbage Collection Day, (pm) Polar Starlight June 2021
- * An Other Revolution, (pm) Polar Starlight June 2021
- * Red Moon Promised: A Haunting Vision, (pm) Polar Starlight October 2021
- * Since the Big Bang, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #100, January 2015
- * To Qi Hong: Love Lost & Found, (pm) Pulp Literature #35, Summer 2022
- * Transporting, (pm) Black Petals (online) #66, Winter 2014
- * Turing Test, (pm) The Literary Hatchet #21, August/September 2018
- * 12:12 PM 12 December, (pm) Phantom Drift #3, October 2013
- * Within the Rain Zone, (pm) Big Pulp Spring 2013
- * Yard Sale, (pm) Spirit’s Tincture #2, November 2016
- * Yuan: The Origin of a Family Name, (pm) Mithila Review #10, September 2018
[]Yuan, Wang (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Casualties of the Quake, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2020; translated from the Chinese by Andy Dudak.
- * The Hand of God, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #54, January 2022; translated from the Chinese (Galaxy’s Edge (China) #5) by Roy Gilham.
- * Other Stories, (nv) Clarkesworld #183, December 2021; translated from the Chinese (Tadpole Stave, June 16, 2020) by Andy Dudak.
- * Painter of Stars, (ss) Clarkesworld #123, December 2016; translated from the Chinese (“Huixingzhe” on the World Chinese Science Fiction Association website, October 31, 2014) by Andy Dudak.
- * Yang Feng Presents:
* ___ The Hand of God, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #54, January 2022; translated from the Chinese (Galaxy’s Edge (China) #5) by Roy Gilham.
[]Yuan-Innes, Melissa J. (fl. 1990s-2020s); used pseudonym Melissa Yi (about) (chron.)
- * Beat the Haunted House, (ss) Game On! ed. Stephen Kotowych & Tony Pi, Zombies Need Brains, 2023, as by Melissa Yi
- * Because, (ss) Fiction River Special #1, Crime 2014, as by Melissa Yi
- * Blue Christmas [Hope Sze], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2019, as by Melissa Yi
- * Brain Candy [Hope Sze], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2023, as by Melissa Yi
- * Burning Beauty, (ss) Tesseracts Sixteen ed. Mark Leslie, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2012
- * Crash, (ss) Where the Stars Rise ed. Lucas K. Law & Derwin Mak, Laksa Media, 2017
- * The Crocodile of the Lachine Canal, (ss) Thrill Ride—The Magazine #5, Spring 2024, as by Melissa Yi
- * Dead Man’s Hand, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2021, as by Melissa Yi
- * Deviance, (pm) Polar Borealis January 2025, as by Melissa Yi
- * Dueling Dojos, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2019, as by Melissa Yi
- * Fairy Tales Are for White People, (ss) Fireside Magazine #30, February 2016
- * Flamingo Flamenco, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2021, as by Melissa Yi
- * Humans ’n’ Hot Dogs, (ss) Windtree Press, December 16 2019
- * Hunting and Gathering on Earth, (pm) Polar Borealis April/May 2018; previously appeared as an honourable mention in The Binnacle: Eighth Annual Ultra-Short Competition.
- * Incision of Labour, (pm) Polar Borealis July/August 2019
- * Indian Time, (ss) Indian Country Noir ed. Sarah Cortez & Liz Martínez, Akashic Books, 2010, as by Melissa Yi
- * Iron Monk, (ss) Interzone #228, May/June 2010
- * Lizardesque, (pm) Polar Borealis November/December 2019
- * The Longest Night of the Year, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2024, as by Melissa Yi
- * My Two-Legs, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2022, as by Melissa Yi
- * Om, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 2015, as by Melissa Yi
- * The Other Woman, (pm) Polar Borealis January 2020
- * Puttin’ Out the Ritz, (ss) The Strand Magazine #67, 2022, as by Melissa Yi
- * Quest, (pm) Tesseracts7 ed. Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel, Tesseract, 1998
- * A Quest for the Vulture Gods, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #9, September 2013
- * Rapunzel in the Desert, (pm) On Spec #122, 2022
- * Red, (vi) Nature #7164, October 18 2007
- * Sacrifice, (ss) Parsec Fall 1997
- * The Sin Eaters, (ss) Montreal Noir ed. John McFetridge & Jacques Filippi, Akashic Books, 2017, as by Melissa Yi
- * The Sinews of His Heart, (ss) Bewere the Night ed. Ekaterina Sedia, Prime Books, 2011
- * The Smallest Atom in the World, (ss) Little Blue Marble December 7 2018
- * Space and Time Books, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #6, April 2003
- * Sushi à Volonté, (ss) Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem #2, August 2020, as by Melissa Yi
- * Waiting for Jenny Rex, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #3, Spring 2003
- * The War of the Janitors, (ss) Sleuth Magazine August 2015, as by Melissa Yi
- * What Not to Expect in the Toddler Years, (ss) Playground of Lost Toys ed. Colleen Anderson & Ursula Pflug, Exile Editions, 2015
_____, [ref.]
[]Yule, Jeffrey V. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (chron.)
- * A’nin, (vi) The Mage #2, Spring 1985
- * At Night, (pm) The Mage #7, Spring 1987
- * A Consideration of Negative-Future Fiction, (ed) The Mage #6, Winter 1987
- * Cracks in the Ice, (ss) The Mage #1, Spring 1984
- * Earthsea and Tarencia: Where Fantasy Has Theme, (ar) The Mage #11, Spring 1989
- * Editor’s Introduction, (ed) The Mage #1 Spr 1984, #3 Sum 1985
- * Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Literary Tunnel Vision, (ed) The Mage #11, Spring 1989
- * Four Years Later…, (ed) The Mage Fall 1987
- * From the Mage’s Shelf, (br) The Mage #3 Sum 1985, #5 Spr 1986, #9 Win 1988
- * Give the Reader Quality Not Quantity, (ed) The Mage #2, Spring 1985
- * The Legacy of H.G. Wells, (ar) The Mage #11, Spring 1989
- * Lord Dunsany: A Critical Overview, (ar) The Mage #9, Winter 1988 [Ref. Lord Dunsany]
- * The Mage: A Retrospective, (pi) The Mage Fall 1987
- * The Mage’s Shelf, (br) The Mage #10, Summer 1988
- * The Marginalised Short Stories of William Gibson: ‘Hinterlands’ and ‘The Winter Market’, (ar) Foundation #58, Summer 1993 [Ref. William Gibson]
- * Out on Blue Six, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #11, July 1989 [Ref. Ian McDonald]
- * The Roger Stern Interview, (iv) The Mage #2, Spring 1985 [Ref. Roger Stern]
- * Science Fiction—Judging the Genre, (ed) The Mage #7, Spring 1987
- * Serious Writing or Escapism?, (ed) The Mage #4, Winter 1985
- * A Talent for War, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #9, May 1989 [Ref. Jack McDevitt]
- * William Gibson: A Cyberpunk Examined, (ar) The Mage #7, Spring 1987 [Ref. William Gibson]
- * Willing Suspension of Disbelief, (ed) The Mage #5, Spring 1986
_____, ed.
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