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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 2695

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    The Chartist Circular [No. 74, February 20, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 310-311 · Casanova’s Flight from the Lead-Chambers at Venice [Part 2 of 2] · [uncredited] · sl
    • 312 · Stanzas Addressed to the French Nation · H. G. Adams · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 84, May 1, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 354-355 · The Royalists of Peru [Part 4 of 5] · [uncredited] · sl
    • 355 · The Victim: A Painting [Part 3 of 16] · Argus · sl
    • 356 · Liberty! Universal Liberty! · Argus · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 93, July 3, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 390-391 · A Tale of the First French Revolution [Part 2 of 2] · [uncredited] · ss
    • 392 · The Movement · Argus · pm
    • 392 · One Word for Louis Philippe, Crown-craft, and Royalty · Argus · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 99, August 14, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 415 · “Faction Fights” in Ireland [Part 1 of 2] · [uncredited] · sl
      (from Mr. And Mrs. Hall’s Ireland).
    • 416 · The Victim: A Painting [Part 14 of 16] · Argus · sl; mispaginated 146.
    • 416 · A Little Hymn, for Little Republicans · Argus · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 100, August 21, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 418 · “Faction Fights” in Ireland [Part 2 of 2] · [uncredited] · sl
      (from Mr. And Mrs. Hall’s Ireland).
    • 420 · Lines to a Little Republican · Argus · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 102, September 4, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 427 · The Victim: A Painting [Part 16 of 16] · Argus · sl
    • 428 · A Tale: In the Manner of Sterne · [uncredited] · ss
    • 428 · A Prayer of the Afflicted · J. D. · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 112, November 13, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 467 · Lines for the Educated Addressed to Henry Brougham · Argus · pm
    • 467 · A Tale of the Swedish Revolution [Part 4 of 11] · [uncredited] · sl
    • 468 · Here’s a Health Beloved Erin, to Thee! · [uncredited] · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 115, December 4, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 480 · No Work and Receiving Charity · Ora · pm
    • 480 · A Tale of the Swedish Revolution [Part 7 of 11] · [uncredited] · sl

    The Chartist Circular [No. 117, December 18, 1841] (½d, 4pp) []
    • 487 · A Tale of the Swedish Revolution [Part 9 of 11] · [uncredited] · sl
    • 488 · The Honest Petition of Certain Members of Independent Kirk of Scotland · Dunfermline · pm

    The Chartist Circular [No. 125, February 12, 1842] (½d, 4pp) []
    [no fiction. Notice, p. 520: “To the agents and readers of the ”Circular“ - to the Chartist Associations - Committees, Lecturers - to the Delegates Who Composed the Late Scottish Convention, and to the Friends of the Working Classes in General. p In consequence of commercial depression, and various other causes, the circulation of this Periodical is so far reduced that its income is inadequate to its expenditure; it will therefore soon cease to exist, unless measures be immediately adopted by the districts of Scotland to extend its sale by raising its circulation among those Associations who now receive it, and establishing it among those who do not.”]

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