The FictionMags Index
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[]Payes, Rachel (Ruth) C(osgrove) (1922-1998); previously known as Rachel Cosgrove; used pseudonym E. L. Arch (chron.)
- * Acrostic Puzzle, (pz) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Jul 1978, Oct 1979, Feb, Apr, Jun, Nov 1981, Mar, Jul 1982, Mar 1983,
May 1984, Apr 1985
- * Alas, Poor Tidy Toidy Girl, (ss) Vertex August 1973
- * …And the Power…, (ss) And Walk Now Gently Through the Fire ed. Roger Elwood, Chilton, 1972
- * Come Take a Dip with Me in the Genetic Pool, (ss) Dystopian Visions ed. Roger Elwood, Prentice Hall, 1975
- * Deaf Listener, (ss) The Alien Condition ed. Stephen Goldin, Ballantine, 1973
- * The Door, (ss) Magazine of Horror February 1964
- * Escape to the Suburbs, (ss) Cassandra Rising ed. Alice Laurance, Doubleday, 1978
- * The Executioner, (ss) Magazine of Horror April 1971
- * The Eyes of the Blind, (ss) Vertex April 1975
- * Flee to the Mountains, (ss) Speculations ed. Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance, Houghton Mifflin, 1982
- * From Competition 25: Short Poems about SF Animals: The Sipple, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1980
- * The Gorgons, (ss) Quest ed. David Bischoff, Raintree, 1977
- * Grandma Was Never Like This, (ss) Androids, Time Machines and Blue Giraffes ed. Roger Elwood & Vic Ghidalia, Follett, 1973
- * Half Life, (ss) Children of Infinity ed. Roger Elwood, Franklin Watts, 1973
- * Have You Been Converted?, (vi) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1977
- * In His Own Image, (ss) Strange Gods ed. Roger Elwood, Pocket, 1974
- * The Lily Pond, (ss) Who Done It? ed. Alice Laurance & Isaac Asimov, Houghton Mifflin, 1980
- * Mattie Harris Galactic Spy, (vi) Vertex April 1974
- * Mother Calls but I Do Not Answer, (ss) Women of Darkness ed. Kathryn Ptacek, Tor, 1988
- * The Name of the Game, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1975
- * Percy and the Shrinking Violet, (nv) Oz-story Magazine #1, June 1995
- * Private Phone, (ss) Worlds of Tomorrow #24, 1970
- * Rocket Trip to Oz, (vi) Oz-story Magazine #6, 2000
- * Spots in Oz, (ss) Oz-story Magazine #3, 1997
- * The Spy Game, (ss) If October 1966
- * Tower of Babble, (ss) Vertex April 1974
- * The Vision, (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Summer 1988
- * [letter from Shrub Oak, NY], (lt) If February 1969
_____, [ref.]
[]Paygnard, Philippe (chron.)
- * Le Cas Image, 1ère Partie: 1991-1994, (ar) Bifrost #30, April 2003
- * Serial Number #177737, (ms) Bifrost #14, Summer 1999
- * Super les héros!, (ar) Bifrost #14, Summer 1999 [Ref. Richard Corben]
- * Super les Héros!:
* ___ Le Cas Image, 1ère Partie: 1991-1994, (cl) Bifrost #30, April 2003
[]Payn, James (1830-1898) (about) (chron.)
- * An Adventure in a Forest, (ss) High Spirits by James Payn, Chatto, 1879
- * An Arcadian Revenge, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine February 1880
- * The Backwater of Life, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1895
- * Bellamy, (ss) Short Stories June 1892
- * The Burnt Million:
* ___ Chapter I. Josh, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1889
* ___ Chapter II. Lord Cheribert, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1889
* ___ Chapter III. The Memorandum, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1889
* ___ Chapter IV. A Suspicion, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1889
* ___ Chapter V. The Warning, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1889
* ___ Chapter VI. An Honest Lawyer, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1889
* ___ Chapter VII. The Will, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1889
* ___ Chapter VIII. The Fire, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1889
* ___ Chapter IX. Reunited, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1889
* ___ Chapter X. Speculations, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1889
* ___ Chapter XI. An Unexpected Client, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1889
* ___ Chapter XII. Mysteries, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1889
* ___ Chapter XIII. The Bereaved, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1889
* ___ Chapter XIV. Good Advice, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1889
* ___ Chapter XV. An Enigma, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1889
* ___ Chapter XVI. The Key of It, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1889
* ___ Chapter XVII. Elm Place, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1889
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Confidences, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1889
* ___ Chapter XIX. The Weir, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1889
* ___ Chapter XX. Walter Sinclair, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1889
* ___ Chapter XXI. A Difficult Position, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1889
* ___ Chapter XXII. A Handsome Offer, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1889
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Good Advice, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1889
* ___ Chapter XXIV. Au Revoir, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1889
* ___ Chapter XXV. A Determined Suitor, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1889
* ___ Chapter XXVI. In Lakeland, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1890
* ___ Chapter XXVII. Mr. Richard, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1890
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. An Inexplicable Alarm, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1890
* ___ Chapter XXIX. The Hill Fog, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1890
* ___ Chapter XXX. Rip Finds a Friend, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Hand in Hand, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXII. New Life, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Poor Dick, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. A Welcome, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXV. At Lunch, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. Richard’s Story, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. The Story Continued, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. A Change of Front, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1890
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. Plain Speaking, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1890
* ___ Chapter XL. The Naked Truth, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1890
* ___ Chapter XLI. Richard to the Rescue, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1890
* ___ Chapter XLII. The Brothers, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1890
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Method in His Madness, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1890
* ___ Chapter XLIV. Difficulties, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1890
* ___ Chapter XLV. “Edward’s Queen”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1890
* ___ Chapter XLVI. “She Is My Wife”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1890
* ___ Chapter XLVII. On the Spot, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1890
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. A Comforter, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1890
* ___ Chapter XLIX. Mr. Roscoe’s Congratulations, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1890
* ___ Chapter L. His Last Throw, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1890
* ___ Chapter LI. Philippa Speaks Out, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1890
* ___ Chapter LII. The Burnt Million, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1890
* ___ Chapter LIII. Peace at Last, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1890
- * Captain Steel’s Dilemma, A Story of the British Volunteer Force, (ss) Short Stories March 1898
- * The Changed Home, (ss)
- * A Charade and Its Consequences, (ss) The New York Times December 21 1879
- * A Cheap Tour, (ss) The Wave August 8 1891
- * A Chronological Error, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1877
- * The Closing of the Doors, (ss) The Forum
- * A Club Benefactor, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1882
- * The Compleat Novelist, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1897
- * The Confiscated Weeds, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1876
- * A Dangerous Virtue, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1883
- * Dick’s Legacy, (ss) Chambers’s Journal January 16 1864, uncredited.
- * The Disappearance of George Driffell, (na) The Cornhill Magazine Apr, May, Jun 1896
- * The Earl of Herm, (ss)
- * An Easter Holiday, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1878
- * The Eavesdropper, (na) The Cornhill Magazine May, Jun 1888, uncredited.
- * An Editor and Some Contributors, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1899
- * The Faithful Retainer, (ss) Sunny Stories, and Some Shady Ones by James Payn, Chatto, 1891
- * The Family Scapegrace, (ar) The Idler July 1892
- * The Fatal Curiosity; or, A Hundred Years Hence, (nv) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1877
- * The First Warning, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1883, uncredited.
- * A Fool’s Wisdom, (ss)
- * Fraudulent Guests, (ss) Longman’s Magazine January 1883
- * The G.B.C.: A Tale of a Telegram, (ss) The New York Times October 1 1876
- * Gleams of Memory; with Some Reflections, (bg) The Cornhill Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep 1894
- * A Grape from a Thorn:
* ___ Chapter I. On the Road, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1881
* ___ Chapter II. The Arrival, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1881
* ___ Chapter III. The Ladies’ Drawing-Room, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1881
* ___ Chapter IV. A Visitor, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1881
* ___ Chapter V. The Map of the Country, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1881
* ___ Chapter VI. A Hazardous Descent, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1881
* ___ Chapter VII. When the Cat’s away, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1881
* ___ Chapter VIII. Two Methods of Pleasing, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1881
* ___ Chapter IX. Mrs. and Miss Jennynge, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1881
* ___ Chapter X. Drivers and Walkers, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1881
* ___ Chapter XI. The Picnic, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1881
* ___ Chapter XII. A Couple of Patients, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1881
* ___ Chapter XIII. A Suggestion, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1881
* ___ Chapter XIV. A Confession, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1881
* ___ Chapter XV. The Call, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1881
* ___ Chapter XVI. Ella Is Given Her “Chance”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1881
* ___ Chapter XVII. Mr. Josceline Becomes Confidential, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1881
* ___ Chapter XVIII. A Double Game, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1881
* ___ Chapter XIX. The Lost Locket, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1881
* ___ Chapter XX. Mr. Aird’s Love Story, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1881
* ___ Chapter XXI. Illness in the Hotel, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1881
* ___ Chapter XXII. The Invitation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1881
* ___ Chapter XXIII. The Widow’s Ring, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1881
* ___ Chapter XXIV. A Change of Views, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1881
* ___ Chapter XXV. In Quarantine, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1881
* ___ Chapter XXVI. A Change of Patients, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1881
* ___ Chapter XXVII. A Female Champion, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1881
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. Dying Words, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1881
* ___ Chapter XXIX. A Friend in Need, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1881
* ___ Chapter XXX. A Charitable Committee, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Declined with Thanks, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXII. Miss Burt, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Barton Castle, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. A Revelation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXV. The Churchyard, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. Thrust and Parry, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. A Tête-à-Tête with His Highness, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. Money Earned, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1881
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. A Resolution, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1881
* ___ Chapter XL. A Party of Three, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881
* ___ Chapter XLI. A Party of Four, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881
* ___ Chapter XLII. The Commission, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881
* ___ Chapter XLIII. An Explanation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881
* ___ Chapter XLIV. An Historical Poem, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1881
* ___ Chapter XLV. The Sitting, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1881
* ___ Chapter XLVI. The Sitting Continued, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1881
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Table-Talk, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1881
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. Mr. Heyton Shows His Hand, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1881
* ___ Chapter XLIX. Cophetua, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1881
* ___ Chapter L. Departure, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1881
* ___ Chapter LI. Foracre Farm, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1881
* ___ Chapter LII. A Shadow in the Sunshine, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1881
* ___ Chapter LIII. Bad News, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1882
* ___ Chapter LIV. Mushroom Picking, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1882
* ___ Chapter LV. Creek Cottage, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1882
- * The Guinea Box, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine June 1880
- * Harriet Martineau, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1876 [Ref. Harriet Martineau], uncredited.
- * Her First Smile, (ss) The Idler February 1892
- * Her Imperial Guest. A Mayfair Mystery, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1875, uncredited.
- * How Jones Got the English Verse Medal, (ss) Household Words #437, August 7 1858, uncredited.
- * In the Heart of a Hill, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1871, uncredited.
- * Jebb’s Mantlepiece, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1882
- * A Literary Jubilee, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1887, uncredited.
- * A Mediaeval Mistake, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1878
- * Miss Wainwright, (ss) Phil May’s Annual #1, Summer 1892
- * Mr. Blodger’s Apology, (ss)
- * A Modern Delilah, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1879
- * Mrs. B.’s Alarms, (ss)
- * My Best Story:
* ___ Mrs. B.’s Alarms, (ss)
- * My First Book:
* ___ II: The Family Scapegrace, (ar) The Idler July 1892
- * My First Novel, (ar)
- * Naturalness, (es) Longman’s Magazine May 1883
- * A Noiseless Burglar, (ss) Chapman’s Magazine May 1895
- * A Novelist’s Dilemma, (ss)
- * On Being ’Pilled’, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine October 1883, uncredited.
- * Only a Charade, (ss) The New York Times December 21 1879, as "A Charade and Its Consequences"
- * On Taking Offence, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1884, uncredited.
- * On the Downward Slope, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine November 1883, uncredited.
- * Our Jerusalem Pony, (ss) Short Stories September 1893
- * Our Last Lodgings, (ss) Short Stories February 1894
- * An Overrated Prescription, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Summer 1880
- * The Plantagenet and the Travellers’ Joy, (ss) Short Stories December 1893
- * The Prince: A Ghost Story, (ss)
- * Rebecca’s Remorse, (ss) Black & White #1, February 6 1891
- * The Reduced Dinner Party, (ss) The Belgravia Annual Christmas 1880
- * A Righteous Retribution, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine October 1884, uncredited.
- * Simpson of Bussora, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1876, uncredited.
- * Some Literary Recollections:
* ___ , (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1883, uncredited.
* ___ II, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1884, uncredited.
* ___ III, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1884, uncredited.
* ___ IV, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1884, uncredited.
* ___ V, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine April 1884, uncredited.
* ___ VI, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1884, uncredited.
* ___ VII, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine June 1884, uncredited.
* ___ VIII, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1884, uncredited.
* ___ IX, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1884, uncredited.
- * The Substitute, (pl) Lippincott’s Magazine December 1885
- * A Successful Experiment, (ss) The Independent
- * The Talk of the Town:
* ___ Chapter I. Aunt Margaret, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1884
* ___ Chapter II. Out in the Cold, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1884
* ___ Chapter III. A Recitation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1884
* ___ Chapter IV. A Real Enthusiast, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1884
* ___ Chapter V. The Old Settle, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1884
* ___ Chapter VI. An Audacious Criticism, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1884
* ___ Chapter VII. A Collector’s Gratitude, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1884
* ___ Chapter VIII. How to Get Rid of a Company, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1884
* ___ Chapter IX. An Unwelcome Visitor, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1884
* ___ Chapter X. Two Poets, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1884
* ___ Chapter XI. The Love-Lock, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1884
* ___ Chapter XII. A Delicate Task, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1884
* ___ Chapter XIII. The Profession of Faith, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1884
* ___ Chapter XIV. The Examiners, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1884
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