The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 308
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[]Murphy, Mrs.
- Barry Pain:
- Mrs. Murphy on Honesty, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1912
- Mrs. Murphy on Love and Marriage, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1912
- Mrs. Murphy on Respect, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1912
- Mrs. Murphy on Work, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1912
- Mrs. Murphy on Temper, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1912
- Mrs. Murphy on Charity, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1912
- Mrs. Murphy on Accidents, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1912
- Mrs. Murphy on Popularity, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1913
- Mrs. Murphy on Experience, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1913
- Mrs. Murphy on Health, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1913
- Mrs. Murphy on Saving, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1913
- Mrs. Murphy on Fate, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1913
[]Murphy’s Lore
- John L. French, C. J. Henderson & Patrick Thomas:
- John L. French & Patrick Thomas:
- Bullets & Brimstone, (oc) Dark Quest Books, May 2010
- Dysappeared, (nv) Bullets & Brimstone with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2010
- Dysciple, (nv) Bullets & Brimstone with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2010
- Dysclaimer, (nv) Bullets & Brimstone with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2010
- From the Shadows, (oc) Dark Quest Books, February 2012
- Defying the Odds, (nv) From the Shadows with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- A Nasty Business, (nv) From the Shadows with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- The Woman in Black, (nv) From the Shadows with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- C. J. Henderson, John L. French & Patrick Thomas:
- C. J. Henderson & Patrick Thomas:
- Diane Raetz & Patrick Thomas:
- Once More Upon a Time, (oc) Dark Quest Books, October 2011
- Hair Apparent, (nv) Once More Upon a Time with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2011
- No Business Like Snow Business, (na) Once More Upon a Time with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2011
- So Much for Breadcrumbs, (nv) Once More Upon a Time with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2011
- Patrick Thomas:
- Rainbow’s End, (ss) 1991
- Blood Brother, (ss) 1992
- Safe Sox, (ss) 1992
- Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Be Not Proud, (na) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Bulfinche’s Mixology, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Clown Tears, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Evening’s Lady, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Faerie Tale, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Hello, I Must Be Going, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Hell’s Covenant, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Jinn & Tonic, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Love and Judgement, (nv) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Love and Judgement Epilogue: Blasphemous Hearts, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Moonshine, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Silent Justice, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- Sobering Visions, (na) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- 2 vs. Love, (ss) Tales from Bulfinche’s Pub, Padwolf Publishing, 1997
- New Heights, (vi) Pirate Writings #15, 1997
- Soul Man, (ss) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #20, Summer 2000
- Ebb and Flow, (ss) Dreams of Decadence #14, Summer 2001
- Pink Elephants, (ss) Padwolf Presents: Fantasy and Science Fiction #1, Fall 2002
- Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, September 2002
- All That Glitters, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Bite Me, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- A D.A.M. Shame, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- The Devil Went Down to Bulfinche’s, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- The Infinite Jester, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Just Desserts, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Keeping Score, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Moon Shot, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Moon Upshot, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Repossessed, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Snap Decision, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Swan Song, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Through the Drinking Glass, Padwolf Publishing, 2002
- Working Girl, (ss) Blood Moon Rising #23, May/June 2004
- Shadow of the Wolf, (ss) Werewolf Magazine #1, 2004
- Recycled, (ss) Nth Degree #12, December 2004
- Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, March 2005
- Anchor Away, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- B-9 Fate, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- Beating Back the Darkness, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- Confessions of a Would-Be Lady Killer, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- Made of Stone, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- Mayday Over Troubled Waters, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- No Fury, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- Stag Party, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- Which Came First, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- You Get What You Pay For, (ss) Murphy’s Lore: Bartender of the Gods, Padwolf Publishing, 2005
- Sick Day, (ss) Dark Furies ed. Vincent Sneed, Die Monster Die, 2005
- Virgin Territory, (ss) Hear Them Roar ed. C. J. Henderson & Patrick Thomas, Wilder Publications, 2006
- Then Terror Came, (ss) Hardboiled Cthulhu ed. James Ambuehl, Dimensions Books, 2006
- Night Cries, (ss) Crypto-Critters ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Padwolf Publishing, 2006
- Dysenfranchised, (nv) Go Not Gently, Padwolf Publishing, 2006
- Soul Seduction, (ss) Cthulhu Sex v3 #13, 2006
- Equal Rites, (ss) Blood Moon Rising #31, Winter 2007
- NightCaps, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, April 2007
- The Beast with Two Backs, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Cute As a Button, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Hair Today, Bald Tomorrow, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Lucky Daye, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Once Around the Park, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Open Door Policy, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Special Delivery, (nv) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Stone Cold, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Stormers Brewing, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Those Who Live by the Horn, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Trickster in Chains, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Vampire under Glass, (ss) NightCaps, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Endgame, (ss) Bad-Ass Faeries ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Marietta Publishing, 2007
- Zombie and Spice, (ss) The Dead Walk Again! ed. Vincent Sneed, Padwolf Publishing, 2007
- Beneath the Sea of Tears, (nv) Sails & Sorcery ed. W. H. Horner, Fantasist Enterprises, 2007
- Empty Graves, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, April 2008
- A Bullet for the Dead, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- Buried Treasure, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- Dead Blood, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- Deathwish, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- Dysembodied, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- Give Me Love, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- The Hand That Rocks the Grave, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- I Regret That I Only Have One Death to Give for My Country, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- The Once and Future Dead, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- Zombielicious, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- The Zombie of Ogre Rock, (ss) Empty Graves, Padwolf Publishing, 2008
- Snips and Snails, (ss) Abyss & Apex #28, 4th Quarter 2008
- Fairy with a Gun, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, March 2009
- Arrested Development, (ss) Fairy with a Gun, Padwolf Publishing, 2009
- Attack of the Trouser Snake, (ss) Fairy with a Gun, Padwolf Publishing, 2009
- Dead in Red, (ss) Fairy with a Gun, Padwolf Publishing, 2009
- Girls Knight Out, (ss) Fairy with a Gun, Padwolf Publishing, 2009
- Paying the Pink Reaper, (ss) Fairy with a Gun, Padwolf Publishing, 2009
- Up, Up, and Away, (ss) Fairy with a Gun, Padwolf Publishing, 2009
- Murphy’s Lore, (oc) Dark Quest Books, March 2009
- Barbarian Summer, (ss) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- Bragging Rites, (ss) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- Cardiac Arrest, (ss) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- Dysenchanted, (nv) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- Put Your Demon on My Shoulder, (nv) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- Spawn of Lightning, (ss) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- A Stitch in Time, (ss) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- Tesque, Tesque, (nv) Murphy’s Lore, Dark Quest Books, 2009
- Short Fuse, (ss) The Stories in Between ed. Jeanne B. Benzel, W. H. Horner & Greg Schauer, Fantasist Enterprises, 2010
- Dead to Rites, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, May 2010
- Ask Not, (ss) Dead to Rites, Padwolf Publishing, 2010
- Get a Room, (ss) Dead to Rites, Padwolf Publishing, 2010
- Hecatomb, (ss) Dead to Rites, Padwolf Publishing, 2010
- The Tall Man Cometh, (ss) Dead to Rites, Padwolf Publishing, 2010
- Furlough, (nv) Barbarians at the Jumpgate ed. Bruce Gehweiler, Padwolf Publishing, 2010
- The Lesser, (ss) Demons ed. Jason M. Waltz, Rogue Blades Entertainment, 2010
- Lore & Dysorder, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, 2011
- Dysconnected, (nv) Lore & Dysorder, Padwolf Publishing, 2011
- Dysmayed, (nv) Lore & Dysorder, Padwolf Publishing, 2011
- Dysolution, (lk) Lore & Dysorder, Padwolf Publishing, 2011
- Dysorder, (na) Lore & Dysorder, Padwolf Publishing, 2011
- Sad Daye, (ss) Hellfire Lounge 2: Rat Pack Redux ed. R. Allen Leider, Marietta Publishing, 2011
- Be Careful, (ss) Hellfire Lounge 3: Jinn Rummy ed. R. Allen Leider, Marietta Publishing, 2012
- Crossing Roads, (ss) Galactic Creatures ed. Elektra Hammond, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- Startenders, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, March 2014
- Crossing Road, (nv) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- Defending Eden, (ss) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- The Fine Art of Diplomacy, (nv) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- Playing for Keepers, (nv) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- Settling In, (ss) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- Upstream, (nv) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- A Wave Then Goodbye, (nv) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- A Wave Then Goodbye: Epilogue, (lk) Startenders, Padwolf Publishing, 2014
- Darkly Reflected, (ss) Reflections of Evil ed. R. Allen Leider, Bold Venture Press, 2014
- Channeling Xipe Totec, (ss) TV Gods ed. Lee C. Hillman & Jeff Young, Fortress Publishing, 2014
- Looking a Gift Horse, (ss) It’s Elemental ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee C. Hillman & Jeffrey Lyman, Dark Quest Books, 2014
- Constellation Prize, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, 2015
- Ask Not for Whom the Planet Tolls, (na) Constellation Prize, Padwolf Publishing, 2015
- Out of the Bag, (ss) Constellation Prize, Padwolf Publishing, 2015
- Rage Against the Dying of the Light, (nv) Constellation Prize, Padwolf Publishing, 2015
- Recovery, (nv) Constellation Prize, Padwolf Publishing, 2015
- Saving Tock, (nv) Constellation Prize, Padwolf Publishing, 2015
- By Darkness Cursed, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Soul for Hire, (oc) Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Act of Contrition, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Caught Red Legged, (na) By Darkness Cursed, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Choices, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Civic Duty, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Conundrum, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Harsh Chords, (ss) By Darkness Cursed, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Killing Grandfathers, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Lunch Date from Hell, (ss) By Darkness Cursed, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- The Monsters in the Closet, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- A Mother’s Tears, (ss) By Darkness Cursed, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Small Scale War, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Stowaway, (ss) Soul for Hire, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Striving for Perfection, (ss) By Darkness Cursed, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- The Summons, (ss) By Darkness Cursed, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Vampyre Under Glass, (ss) By Darkness Cursed, Padwolf Publishing, 2017
- Terrorbelle the Unconquered, (co) Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Becoming Daemor, (ss) Terrorbelle the Unconquered, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Beneath Darkness, (ss) Terrorbelle the Unconquered, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Heart’s Desire, (ss) Terrorbelle the Unconquered, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Served Cold, (ss) Terrorbelle the Unconquered, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Spoils of the Daye, (ss) Terrorbelle the Unconquered, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- An End to Pain, (ss) The Mug Life, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Held for Questioning, (ss) The Mug Life, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Hide and Seek, (ss) The Mug Life, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Ugly as a Picture, (ss) The Mug Life, Padwolf Publishing, 2019
- Patrick Thomas & John L. French:
- Bullets & Brimstone, (oc) Dark Quest Books, May 2010
- Dysappeared, (nv) Bullets & Brimstone with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2010
- Dysciple, (nv) Bullets & Brimstone with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2010
- Dysclaimer, (nv) Bullets & Brimstone with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2010
- From the Shadows, (oc) Dark Quest Books, February 2012
- Defying the Odds, (nv) From the Shadows with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- A Nasty Business, (nv) From the Shadows with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- The Woman in Black, (nv) From the Shadows with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2012
- Patrick Thomas, John L. French & C. J. Henderson:
- Patrick Thomas & C. J. Henderson:
- Patrick Thomas & Diane Raetz:
- Once More Upon a Time, (oc) Dark Quest Books, October 2011
- Hair Apparent, (nv) Once More Upon a Time with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2011
- No Business Like Snow Business, (na) Once More Upon a Time with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2011
- So Much for Breadcrumbs, (nv) Once More Upon a Time with Patrick Thomas, Dark Quest Books, 2011
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