The FictionMags Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 91
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- MacBurney Gates:
- The Adventures of the Pelican Club, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine June 1924
- The Adventure of the Double Cross, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine July 1924
- The Adventure of Crosby’s June, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine August 1924
- The Adventure of the Beautiful Lady, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine September 1924
- The Adventure of the Hindoo Butler, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine October 1924
- The Adventure of the Swiss Professor, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine November 1924
- The Adventure of the Lonely House, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine December 1924
- The Adventure of the Merchant’s Trust, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine January 1925
- The Adventure of La Sultana, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine February 1925
- The Adventure of the French Restaurant, (ss) Brief Stories Magazine March 1925
[]Crawford, Terry
- Michael Weldon:
- All That Glitters, (ss) Adam June 1958
- Shotgun for Two, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #2, 1959
- The Wary Widow, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #1, 1959
- Who Killed Doc Robbins?, (ss) Adam June 1959
- The Blonde Wore Blood, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #5, 1960
- Catnapper, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #3, 1960
- The Vicious Virgin, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #4, 1960
- The Unmerry Widow, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #6, 1961
[]Cray, Joseph P.
- E. Phillips Oppenheim:
- The Donvers Case, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1920
- The Two Philanthropists, (ss) The Strand Magazine December 1920
- Pussyfoot in Mischief, (ss) The Strand Magazine January 1921
- The Reckoning with Otto Schreed, (ss) The Strand Magazine February 1921
- The Rift, (ss) The Strand Magazine March 1921
- Satan and the Spirit, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1921
- Mr. Homor’s Legacy, (ss) The Strand Magazine May 1921
- “The Invincible Truth”, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1921
- The Recalcitrant Mr. Cray, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1921
- Mr. Cray Returns Home, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1921
[]Crerar, Shiela
- Ella M. Scrymsour:
- The Eyes of Doom, (ss) The Blue Magazine #11, May 1920
- The Death Vapour, (ss) The Blue Magazine #12, June 1920
- The Room of Fear, (ss) The Blue Magazine #13, July 1920
- The Phantom Isle, (ss) The Blue Magazine #14, August 1920
- The Were-Wolf of Rannoch, (ss) The Blue Magazine #15, September 1920
- The Wraith of Fergus McGinty, (ss) The Blue Magazine #16, October 1920
[]Criblett, Joshua
- F. Morton Howard:
- “Odd Jobs”, (ss) The Premier Magazine #25, March 1925
- No Legal Liability, (ss) The Premier Magazine #26, April 1925
- A Slight Misadventure, (ss) The Premier Magazine #27, May 1925
- A Smuggling Ruse, (ss) The Premier and Detective Magazine #28, June 1925
- Shanghaied!, (ss) The Premier and Detective Magazine #29, July 1925
- A Matrimonial Campaign, (ss) The Premier Magazine #30, August 1925
[]Crimes of the Year 2000
- Ray Cummings:
- Studio Crime, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 20 1935
- Death in the Fog Tower, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 3 1935
- The Bandits of Pontoon 9, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 17 1935
- Wreck of the Sub-Sea Freighter, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 14 1935
- The Man Who Died Twice, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 28 1935
- The Metal Murderer, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 26 1935
- Death in the Fire Pit, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 30 1935
- The Case of the Frightened Death, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 24 1937
- Crimes of the Year 2000, (co) Popular Publications, November 2023
[]Crimson Pact, The
- Larry Correia:
- Larry Correia & Steven Diamond:
- Son of Fire, Son of Thunder, (nv) The Crimson Pact: Volume 2 ed. Paul Genesse, Alliteration Ink, 2011
- That Which We Fear, (na) The Crimson Pact: Volume 3 ed. Paul Genesse, Alliteration Ink, 2012
- A Choice of Fate, (na) The Crimson Pact: Volume 5 ed. Paul Genesse, Iron Dragon Books, 2013
- Steven Diamond & Larry Correia:
- Son of Fire, Son of Thunder, (nv) The Crimson Pact: Volume 2 ed. Paul Genesse, Alliteration Ink, 2011
- That Which We Fear, (na) The Crimson Pact: Volume 3 ed. Paul Genesse, Alliteration Ink, 2012
- A Choice of Fate, (na) The Crimson Pact: Volume 5 ed. Paul Genesse, Iron Dragon Books, 2013
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