The FictionMags Index
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[]Pine, (E.) Theodore; pseudonym of Emil Petaja (1915-2000) (chron.)
- * Asphodel, (pm) Futuria Fantasia Winter 1940
- * Death House Brood, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1945
- * Hold Your Pose, Killer!, (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1946
- * Murder-Go-Round, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine June 1945
- * Phantasy in Folklore, (ar) The Phantagraph October 1936
- * Picture of Homicide, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1946
- * Pin-Up Foil, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1945
- * The Secret of Satellite Seven (with Henry Hasse), (nv) Amazing Stories February 1952
- * The Sky Hermit, (pm) The Phantagraph November/December 1935
- * The Two Doors, (ss) Unusual Stories Winter 1935
- * Yoke for a Maverick, (ss) Western Trails February 1946
[]Piñeiro, Caridad (1958- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Crazy for the Cat, (na) Moon Fever, Pocket, 2007
- * Dear Reader: Honor Calls, (is) Awakening the Beast, Silhouette, 2009
- * Fate Calls, (na) Holiday with a Vampire, Silhouette, 2007
- * Honor Calls [The Calling], (na) Nocturne Bites, February 2009
[]Pineiro, R(ogelio) J. (1961- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Air Infantry, (na) Future Wars ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW, 2003
- * Flight of Endeavour, (na) Combat ed. Stephen Coonts, Tor/Forge, 2001
- * Green Zeroes, (ss) A Date Which Will Live in Infamy ed. Brian M. Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg, Cumberland House, 2001
- * A Spook in Paradise, (nv) First to Fight II ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 2001
[]Piñera, Virgilio (1912-1979) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Actaeon Case, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El caso Acteón”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Affairs of Amputees, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Cosas de cojos”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Album, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El álbum”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * An a Posteriori Ghost, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Un fantasma a posteriori”, 1962) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Argument Against the Free-Standing Bathtub, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Alegato confra la bañadéra desempotrada”, 1962) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Balcony, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El balcón”, 1963) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Ball, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El baile”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Battle, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La batalla”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Candy, (nv) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El caramelo”, 1962) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Cold Tales, (co) Rizzoli/Eridanos, October 1988 ; translated by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer
- * The Conflict, (nv) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El conflicto”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Death of the Birds, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El muerte de los aves”, 1978) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Decoration, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La condecoración”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Design for a Dream, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Proyecto para un sueño”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Dummy, (nv) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El muñeco”, 1954) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Employ of Darkness, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Oficio de tinieblas”, 1961) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Face, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La cara”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Fall, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La caida”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * A Few Beers, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Unas cuantas cervezas”, 1951) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * A Few Children, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Unos cuantos niños”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Foreword, (fw) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer
- * Graphomania, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Grafomania”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Great Staircase of the Legislative Palace, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La gran escalera del Palacio Legislativo”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Hell, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El Infierno”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Hot and Cold, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Frío en caliente”, 1959) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * How I Lived and How I Died, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Cómo viví y cómo morí”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Indestructible Union, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Unión indestructible”, 1962) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Insomnia, (ss)
- * Insomnia, (vi) Black Water ed. Alberto Manguel, Picador, 1983
- * Insomnia, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“En el insomnio”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Locomotive, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La locomotora”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Look of Love, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Amores de vista”, 1962) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Meat, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La carne”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Minister, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El señor ministro”, 1947) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Mountain, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La montaña”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The One Who Came to Save Me, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El que vino a salvarme”, 1967) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The One Who Came to Save Me, (ss) The Picador Book of Latin American Stories ed. Carlos Fuentes & Julio Ortega, Vintage Books, 1998; translated from the Spanish by Mark Schafer.
- * The Park, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El parque”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Parts, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Las partes”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Philanthropist, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El filántropo”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * A Saving Nakedness, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Una desnudez salvadora”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Store, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El comercio”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * Swimming, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Natación”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Switch, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El cambio”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Transformation, (ss) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La transformación”, 1947) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Trip, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“El viaji”, 1956) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * An Unexpected Delivery, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“Un parto insospechado”, 1957) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
- * The Wedding, (vi) Cold Tales by Virgilio Pi^n~era, tr. Mark Schafer & Thomas Christensen, Eridanos, 1988; translated from the Spanish (“La boda”, 1944) by Thomas Christensen & Mark Schafer.
[]Pinero, Arthur Wing (1855-1934) (chron.)
_____, [ref.]
- * Arthur Wing Pinero by Joseph Forster, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine December 1902
- * Arthur Wing Pinero: The Man and the Dramatist by Malcolm C. Salaman, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine September 1899
- * Mr. Arthur W. Pinero by William Archer, (iv) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1901
- * Mr. A.W. Pinero, (ms) Cassell’s Magazine September 1906, uncredited.
- * Personalities, (bg) Pearson’s Magazine October 1909, uncredited.
- * The Play of the Month: The Second Mrs. Tanqueray, (pi) The New Magazine (UK) October 1922, uncredited.
- * Portraits of Celebrities at Different Times of Their Lives by The Editor(s), (cl) The Strand Magazine May 1891
[]Pines, Ezra (1956- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) The Sense of Falling, Spilt Milk Press, 2006
- * Antevellum, (ss) The Sense of Falling, Spilt Milk Press, 2006
- * The Better Life, (ss) Say… #4, 2004
- * Djang, (vi) Xizquil #16, 1997
- * Drawn Straws, (ss) Freezer Burn Magazine #9, 1997
- * Maxwell’s Letter, (ss) Electric Velocipede #4, Spring 2003
- * Mr. Brain and the Carpet of Snow [Mr. Brain], (vi) Electric Velocipede Fall 2001
- * Mr. Brain and the Island of Lost Socks [Mr. Brain] (with Richard Bowes), (ss) Electric Velocipede #2, Spring 2002
- * Mr. Brain and the Mystery of the Passionate Tree [Mr. Brain], (vi) The Sense of Falling, Spilt Milk Press, 2006
- * Mr. Brain and the Voting Booth from Outer Space [Mr. Brain] (with Richard Bowes), (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #25, August 2004/July 2005
- * Of Light and Snow, (ss) The Sense of Falling, Spilt Milk Press, 2006
- * Reel, (ss) E-scape #9, August 1998
- * The Sense of Falling, (co) Spilt Milk Press, December 2006
[]Pines, Ned L. (1905-1990) (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Thrilling Detective, 31/11
- * Managing Editor:
* ___ The Phantom Detective, 1933 - 1934
- * Editor: College Life Sum, Oct, Nov, Dec 1928, Jan, Feb 1929, Apr, May, Sum, Sep, Oct 1931,
Oct, Dec 1932
- * Editor: Thrilling Detective November 1931
- * Editor: Army-Navy Flying Stories May, Fll 1942, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1943, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1944, Wtr,
Spr, Sum 1945
[]Pini, Richard (Alan) (1950- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) The Blood of Ten Chiefs ed. Richard Pini, Lynn Abbey & Robert Lynn Asprin, Tor, 1986
- * Colors [Elfquest], (nv) Wolfsong ed. Richard Pini, Lynn Abbey & Robert Lynn Asprin, Tor, 1988
- * Coyote [Elfquest], (nv) Winds of Change ed. Richard Pini, Tor, 1989
- * Editorial, (ed) Yearnings #2, 1986
- * Editorial Letter, (ed) Yearnings #3, 1987
- * Genesis [Elfquest] (with Lynn Abbey & Marcus Leahy), (na) Wolfsong ed. Richard Pini, Lynn Abbey & Robert Lynn Asprin, Tor, 1988
- * In Memory Yet Green [Elfquest] (with Alice Cascorbi), (nv) Dark Hours ed. Richard Pini, Tor, 1993
- * Introduction and Editor’s Note, (in) The Blood of Ten Chiefs ed. Richard Pini, Lynn Abbey & Robert Lynn Asprin, Tor, 1986
- * Pendulum [Elfquest], (ss) The Blood of Ten Chiefs ed. Richard Pini, Lynn Abbey & Robert Lynn Asprin, Tor, 1986
- * The Phantom of the Berry Patch [Elfquest] (with Mercedes R. Lackey), (ss) Winds of Change ed. Richard Pini, Tor, 1989
- * Prologue, (lk) Dark Hours ed. Richard Pini, Tor, 1993
- * Prologue, (pr) Winds of Change ed. Richard Pini, Tor, 1989
- * Prologue, (pr) Against the Wind ed. Richard Pini, Tor, 1990
- * [front cover] (with Jane S. Fancher), (cv) Yearnings #1, 1982
- * [front cover] (with Wendy Pini), (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction Feb, Oct 1975
- * [front cover] (with Wendy Pini), (cv) Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine (UK) February 1975
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Jane S. Fancher): Yearnings #1, 1982
- * The Against the Wind, (oa) Tor, October 1990
- * The Blood of Ten Chiefs (with Lynn Abbey & Robert Lynn Asprin), (oa) Tor, December 1986
- * Dark Hours, (oa) Tor, June 1993
- * Winds of Change, (oa) Tor, March 1989
- * Wolfsong (with Lynn Abbey & Robert Lynn Asprin), (oa) Tor, February 1988
_____, [ref.]
- * Elfquest, Book 4 (with Wendy Pini) by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985
- * Elfquest Book One (with Wendy Pini) by Kevin Smith, (br) Drilkjis #6, April 1982
- * Elfquest—Book Two (with Wendy Pini) by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983
- * Interview with Richard Pini on Elfquest by Dawn Atkins, (iv) Shadows Of… #4, February 1981
- * An Interview with the Pinis by Walter Davis, (iv) Infinity Cubed #6, 1981
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