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    Tolkien Studies [Volume IV, 2007] ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout (West Virginia University Press, $60.00, x+368pp, hc) []
    Details supplied by Douglas A. Anderson.
    • v · Editors’ Introduction · Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout · ed
    • viii · Conventions and Abbreviations · [uncredited] · ms
    • 1 · Tolkienian Linguistics: The First Fifty Years · Carl F. Hostetter · cr
    • 47 · Carl F. Hostetter: A Checklist · Douglas A. Anderson · bi
    • 51 · Tolkien’s “Celtic type of legends”: Merging Traditions · Dimitra Fimi · cr
    • 73 · Greek and Latin Amatory Motifs in Éowyn’s Portrayal · Miryam Librán-Moreno · cr
    • 99 · The Curious Incident of the Dream at the Barrow: Memory and Reincarnation in Middle-earth · Verlyn Flieger · cr
    • 113 · J.R.R. Tolkien’s Medieval Scholarship and Its Significance · Michael D. C. Drout · cr
    • 177 · The Name “Nodens” · J. R. R. Tolkien · es (r); Report on the Excavation of the Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Site in Lydney Park, Gloucestershire (1932), by R.E.M. Wheeler and T.V. Wheeler.
    • 184 · Walter E. Haigh, Author of “A New Glossary of the Huddersfield Dialect” · Janet Brennan Croft · cr
    • 189 · “The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth”: Philology and the Literary Muse · Thomas Honegger · cr
    • 200 · Tracking the Elusive Hobbit (In Its Pre-Shire Den) · Marjorie Burns · cr
    • 212 · “Elves (and Hobbits) always refer to the Sun as She”: Some Notes on a Note in Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” · Yvette L. Kisor · cr
    • 223 · SAURON, Mount Doom, and Elvish Moths: The Influence of Tolkien on Modern Science · Kristine Larsen · cr
    • 235 · The Company They Keep (2007) by Diana Glyer · Dale J. Nelson · br
    • 238 · Ents, Elves, and Eriador (2006) by Matthew T. Dickerson and Jonathan Evans · Patrick Curry · br
    • 244 · From Hobbits to Hollywood: Essays on Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” (2006), ed. Ernest Mathijs and Murray Pomerance, and The Lord of the Rings: Popular Culture in Global Context (2006), ed. Ernest Mathijs · Kristin Thompson · br
    • 255 · The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume I: Chronology, Volume II: Reader’s Guide (2006) Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond · John Garth · br
    • 266 · J.R R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment (2007), ed. Michael D.C. Drout · Kelley M. Wickham-Crowley · br
    • 278 · The Keys of Middle-earth: Discovering Medieval Literature through the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien (2005), by Stuart D. Lee and Elizabeth Solopova · John R. Holmes · br
    • 282 · The Lord of the Rings 1954-2004: Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder (2006), ed. Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull · Brian Rosebury · br
    • 288 · The Philosophy of Tolkien. The Worldview behind “The Lord of the Rings” (2005) by Peter Kreeft · Matthew A. Fisher · br
    • 290 · The Plants of Middle-earth: Botany and Sub-creation (2006) by Diana Hazell · Amy M. Amendt-Raduege · br
    • 293 · The Power of the Ring. The Spiritual Vision Behind “The Lord of the Rings” (2005) by Stratford Caldecott · Mike Foster · br
    • 297 · Reading “The Lord of the Rings”: New Writings on Tolkien’s Classic (2005) ed. Robert Eaglestone · Patrick Curry · br
    • 302 · The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary (2006) by Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall and Edmund Weiner · Douglas A. Anderson · br
    • 304 · The Rise of Tolkienian Fantasy (2005) by Jared Lobdell · Matthew T. Dickerson · br
    • 307 · The Roots of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth (2006) by Robert S. Blackham · Tom Shippey · br
    • 311 · A Tolkienian Mathomium: A Collection of Articles about J.R.R. Tolkien and His Legendarium (2006) by Mark T. Hooker · Sandra Ballif Straubhaar · br
    • 314 · Tolkien’s Modern Middle Ages (2005) ed. Jane Chance and Alfred Siewers · Robin Anne Reid · br
    • 323 · Book Notes · Douglas A. Anderson · bi
    • 325 · The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies 2004 · David Bratman · es
    • 355 · Bibliography (in English) for 2005 · Michael D. C. Drout, Rebecca Epstein & Kathryn Paar · bi
    • 366 · Notes on Contributors · [uncredited] · bg

    Tolkien Studies [Volume V, 2008] ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout (West Virginia University Press, $60.00, x+310pp, hc) []
    Details supplied by Douglas A. Anderson.
    • v · Editors’ Introduction · Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout · ed
    • vii · In Memoriam: Austin G. Olney and Ruth K. Hapgood · [uncredited] · bg
    • viii · Conventions and Abbreviations · [uncredited] · ms
    • 1 · Revenge and Moral Judgement in Tolkien · Brian Rosebury · cr
    • 21 · Brian Rosebury on J.R.R. Tolkien: A Checklist · Douglas A. Anderson · bi
    • 23 · “With chunks of poetry in between”: “The Lord of the Rings” and Saga Poetics · Carl Phelpstead · cr
    • 39 · The Myth of the Ent and the Entwife · Corey Olsen · cr
    • 55 · Showing Saruman as Faber: Tolkien and Peter Jackson · James G. Davis · cr
    • 73 · Boromir, Byrhtnoth, and Bayard: Finding a Language for Grief in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” · Lynn Forest-Hill · cr
    • 99 · Three Rings for-Whom Exactly? And Why? Justifying the Disposition of the Three Elven Rings · Jason Fisher · cr
    • 109 · Chaucer as a Philologist: The Reeve’s Tale · J. R. R. Tolkien · ar 1934
      from Transactions of the Philosophical Society.
    • 173 · The Reeve’s Tale · Geoffrey Chaucer; edited by J. R. R. Tolkien · ss 1939
      from The Reeve’s Tale.
    • 185 · Steiner on Tolkien · Ross Smith · ar
    • 186 · Tolkien, Oxford’s Eccentric Don · George Steiner; translated by Ross Smith · ar
      translated from the French (Le Monde, 6 September 1973).
    • 189 · The Children of Hurin (2007) by J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Christopher Tolkien · Nicholas Birns · br
    • 200 · Early Elvish Poetry and Pre- Fëanorian Alphabets (2006) by J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Arden R. Smith, Christopher Gilson, Bill Welden, Carl F. Hostetter, and Patrick H. Wynne · John Garth · br
    • 205 · The Evolution of Tolkien’s Mythology (2007) by Elizabeth A. Whittingham · Deidre A. Dawson · br
    • 209 · The Frodo Franchise: “The Lord of the Rings” and Modern Hollywood (2007) by Kristin Thompson · Dyrk Ashton · br
    • 214 · The History of the Hobbit: Part One: Mr. Baggins and Part Two: The Return to Bag End (2007) by John D. Rateliff · Tom Shippey · br
    • 221 · Hither Shore: Interdisciplinary Journal of Modern Fantasy Literature, volume one 2004 (2005), volume two 2005 (2006), and volume three 2006 (2007) · Mark T. Hooker · br
    • 229 · Inside Language: Linguistic and Aesthetic Theory in Tolkien (2007) by Ross Smith · Dimitra Fimi · br
    • 233 · Roots and Branches: Selected Papers on Tolkien (2007) by Tom Shippey · Kelley M. Wickham-Crowley · br
    • 244 · Tolkien and Modernity 1 and 2 (2006) ed. Frank Weinreich and Thomas Honegger · Shaun F. D. Hughes · br
    • 257 · Tolkien and Shakespeare (2007) ed. Janet Brennan Croft · Jared Lobdell · br
    • 266 · Tree of Tales: Tolkien, Literature and Theology (2007) ed. Trevor Hart and Ivan Khovacs · Michael J. Brisbois · br
    • 269 · Book Notes · Douglas A. Anderson · bi
    • 271 · The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies 2005 · David Bratman · es
    • 299 · Bibliography (in English) for 2006 · Michael D. C. Drout, Jason Rea, Rebecca Epstein & Lauren Provost · bi
    • 309 · Notes on Contributors · [uncredited] · bg

    Tolkien Studies [Volume VI, 2009] ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout (West Virginia University Press, $60.00, x+363pp, hc) []
    Details supplied by Douglas A. Anderson.
    • v · Editors’ Introduction · Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout · ed
    • vii · In Memoriam: Pauline Baynes and Derek Brewer · [uncredited] · bg
    • viii · Conventions and Abbreviations · [uncredited] · ms
    • 1 · “A Kind of Elvish Craft”: Tolkien as Literary Craftsman · John D. Rateliff · cr
    • 22 · John D. Rateliff: A Checklist · Douglas A. Anderson · bi
    • 27 · Talk to the Dragon: Tolkien as Translator · Armann Jakobsson · cr
    • 41 · A “Clerkes Compleinte”: Tolkien and the Division of Lit. and Lang. · Jill Fitzgerald · cr
    • 59 · Echoes of Pearl in Arda’s Landscape · Stefan Ekman · cr
    • 71 · Councils and Kings: Aragorn’s Journey Towards Kingship in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” and Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings” · Judy Ann Ford & Robin Anne Reid · cr
    • 91 · The Unique Representation of Trees in “The Lord of the Rings” · Cynthia M. Cohen · ar
    • 127 · Clinamen, Tessera, and the Anxiety of Influence: Swerving from and Completing George MacDonald · Josh Long · cr
    • 151 · The Music and the Task: Fate and Free Will in Middle-earth · Verlyn Flieger · cr
    • 183 · Fate and Free Will · J. R. R. Tolkien; edited by Carl F. Hostetter · es
    • 189 · J.R.R. Tolkien and The Wanderer: From Edition to Application · Stuart D. Lee · cr
    • 213 · Essence of Elvish: The Basic Vocabulary of Quenya · Christopher Gilson · cr
    • 241 · Tolkien on Fairy-stories: Expanded Edition (2008) by J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Verlyn Flieger and Douglas A. Anderson · Colin Manlove · br
    • 248 · Words, Phrases and Passages in Various Tongues in “The Lord of the Rings” (2007) by J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Christopher Gilson · John Garth · br
    • 255 · Arda Reconstructed: The Creation of the Published “Silmarillion” (2009) by Douglas Charles Kane · Nicholas Birns · br
    • 260 · Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: The Fantasy of the Real (2009) by Alison Milbank · Mike Foster · br
    • 264 · The Lord of the Rings and the Western Narrative Tradition (2008) by Martin Simonson · Jason Fisher · br
    • 272 · The Mirror Crack’d: Fear and Horror in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Major Works (2008) ed Lynn Forest-Hill · John William Houghton · br
    • 277 · Myth and Magic: Art according to the Inklings (2007) ed. Eduardo Segura and Thomas Honegger · Corey Olsen · br
    • 283 · The Silmarillion: Thirty Years On (2008) ed. Allan Turner · Anne C. Petty · br
    • 289 · Tolkien, Race and Cultural History: From Fairies to Hobbits (2009) by Dimitra Fimi · Thomas Honegger · br
    • 294 · Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”: Sources of Inspiration (2008) ed. Stratford Caldecott and Thomas Honegger · Gerald Seaman · br
    • 299 · Tolkien’s Oxford (2008) by Robert S. Blackham · David Doughan · br
    • 302 · Tolkien’s Shorter Works (2008) ed. Margaret Hiley and Frank Weinreich · John D. Rateliff · br
    • 309 · Truth’s Breathed Through Silver (2008) ed. Jonathan B. Himes with Joe R. Christopher and Salwa Khoddam · Richard C. West · br
    • 312 · Book Notes · Douglas A. Anderson · bi
    • 315 · The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies 2006 · David Bratman · es
    • 345 · Bibliography (in English) for 2007 · Jason Rea, Kathryn Paar & Michael D. C. Drout · bi
    • 361 · Notes on Contributors · [uncredited] · bg

    Tolkien Studies [Volume VII, 2010] ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout (West Virginia University Press, $60.00, x+401pp, hc) []
    Details supplied by Douglas A. Anderson.
    • v · Editors’ Introduction · Douglas A. Anderson, Verlyn Flieger & Michael D. C. Drout · ed
    • vii · Conventions and Abbreviations · [uncredited] · ms
    • 1 · The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist · Vladimir Brljak · cr
    • 35 · Faërian Cyberdrama: When Fantasy becomes Virtual Reality · Péter Kristóf Makai · cr
    • 55 · Coleridge’s Definition of Imagination and Tolkien’s Definition(s) of Faery · Michael Milburn · cr
    • 67 · “Strange and free” - On Some Aspects of the Nature of Elves and Men · Thomas Fornet-Ponse · cr
    • 91 · Refining the Gold: Tolkien, “The Battle of Maldon”, and the Northern Theory of Courage · Mary R. Bowman · cr
    • 117 · Fantasy, Escape, Recovery, and Consolation in Sir Orfeo: The Medieval Foundations of Tolkienian Fantasy · Thomas Honegger · cr
    • 137 · Elladan and Elrohir: The Dioscuri in “The Lord of the Rings” · Sherrylyn Branchaw · cr
    • 147 · Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” and His Concept of Native Language: Sindarin and British-Welsh · Yoko Hemmi · cr
    • 173 · “Monsterized Saracens,” Tolkien’s Haradrim, and Other Medieval “Fantasy Products” · Margaret Sinex · cr
    • 197 · Myth, Milky Way, and the Mysteries of Tolkien’s Morwinyon, Telumendil, and Anarríma · Kristine Larsen · cr
    • 211 · “The Story of Kullervo” and Essays on Kalevala · J. R. R. Tolkien; edited by Verlyn Flieger · ss
    • 279 · J.R.R. Tolkien and the Boy Who Didn’t Believe in Fairies · John Garth · cr
    • 291 · The Lay of Sigurd and Gudrún (2009) by J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Christopher Tolkien · Tom Shippey · br
    • 324 · Tengwesta Qenderinwa and Pre-Fëanorian Alphabets Part 2 (2009) by J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Christopher Gilson, Patrick H. Wynne, and Arden R. Smith · John Garth · br
    • 330 · The Hobbitonian Anthology (2009) by Mark T. Hooker · John D. Rateliff · br
    • 335 · Languages, Myths and History: An Introduction to the Linguistic and Literary Background of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Fiction (2009) by Elizabeth Solopova · Arden R. Smith · br
    • 340 · Tolkien’s View: Windows Into His World (2009) by J.S. Ryan · John D. Rateliff · br
    • 345 · Book Notes · Douglas A. Anderson · bi
    • 347 · The Year’s Work in Tolkien Studies 2007 · David Bratman · es
    • 379 · Bibliography (in English) for 2008 · Rebecca Epstein, Michael D. C. Drout & David Bratman · bi
    • 399 · Notes on Contributors · [uncredited] · bg

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