The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 6230
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[]Lehman, David (1948- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Choice, (pm) Scribner Magazine Winter 1996
- * Dutch Interior, (pm) Scribner Magazine Winter 1996
- * Essay on Criticism, (pm) The Antioch Review Winter 2007
- * Eyeball to Eyeball (with Thomas M. Disch), (pm) Poly: New Speculative Writing ed. Lee Ballentine, Ocean View Books, 1989
- * Five Poems, (pm) The Paris Review #127, Summer 1993
- * In Praise of Machado de Assis, (pm) The New Yorker November 25 2024
- * It Could Happen to You, (pm) The New Yorker December 4 2017
- * Laura, (pm) The Spook #12, September 2002
- * Of Self and Soul, (pm) Partisan Review v44 #4, 1977
- * Resistance, (pm) The New Yorker July 25 2022
- * Staying Behind, (pm) Poly: New Speculative Writing ed. Lee Ballentine, Ocean View Books, 1989
- * Staying Home (with Thomas M. Disch), (pm) Poly: New Speculative Writing ed. Lee Ballentine, Ocean View Books, 1989
- * Witness to a Murder, (pm) Black Clock #10, Spring/Summer 2009
- * Yeshiva Boys, (pm) The Antioch Review Winter 2007
_____, trans.
[]Lehman, Ernest (Paul) (1915-2005) (chron.)
- * Are Wonder Drugs Losing Their Punch?, (ar) Cosmopolitan February 1952
- * Athlete’s Heart, (ss) Liberty March 1948
- * Beginner’s Luck, (??) Collier’s July 21 1945
- * Brass Hats Are Strange Guys, (vi) Liberty March 11 1944
- * A Break for the Kid, (vi) Liberty June 17 1944
- * Busiest Boy on Broadway (with David Brown), (ar) This Week January 21 1940
- * Clear Havana Filler, (vi) Collier’s May 8 1948
- * The Comedian, (na) Cosmopolitan January 1952
- * The Conspiracy, (vi) Liberty December 1947
- * Cosmopolitan Conveyances:
* ___ The Silver Meteor, (cl) Cosmopolitan March 1951
- * Decline and Fall of the Roman Umpire, (vi) Liberty April 14 1945
- * The Devil with Harry, (vi) Collier’s May 13 1944
- * Double-Cross, (vi) Liberty January 29 1944
- * Double Sawbuck, (ss) Liberty May 6 1944
- * End of Summer, (vi) Liberty August 1948
- * Exit, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1950
- * The Face on the Barroom Ceiling, (ss) Collier’s March 30 1946
- * Greater Love Hath No Man, (ss) Collier’s March 9 1946
- * Happy Hangover, (ss) Esquire August 1946
- * The High Road, (ss) Esquire June 1946
- * Hunsecker Fights the World, (ss) Collier’s April 17 1948
- * I Can’t Sleep!, (ss) Liberty February 24 1945
- * Is Everybody Happy? (with David Brown), (ar) Collier’s May 27 1939
- * The Kid Grows Up, (vi) Liberty August 1949
- * A Life Is a Life, (vi) Liberty September 30 1944
- * The Life of Sammy Hogarth, (vi) Liberty June 1948
- * The Nicest Thing to Do, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1949
- * Return Engagement, (ss) Esquire September 1949
- * The Silver Meteor, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1951
- * Slide, Darling, (ss) Cosmopolitan April 1954
- * The Small Sound of Applause, (??) Collier’s March 31 1945
- * So Long, Baby!, (??) Collier’s February 24 1945
- * Table for Two, (vi) Liberty November 18 1944
- * Tell Me About It Tomorrow!, (na) Cosmopolitan April 1950
- * This Is Your Affair, (ss) Redbook July 1951
- * The Unguarded Moment, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1949
- * The Way Men Are, (??) Collier’s December 8 1945
- * Why They Argue…and Love It! (with Philip Gustafson), (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1951
- * Winchell at Work, (ar) Liberty September 1949
- * You Can’t Have Everything, (ss) Redbook January 1950
- * You Know How Actors Are, (vi) Liberty November 4 1944
- * You Pay for What You Get, (ss) Argosy October 1950
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s March 30 1946
_____, [ref.]
[]Lehman, John (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * America’s Greatest Unknown Poet, (ar) Rosebud #15, Winter 1998 [Ref. Lorine Niedecker]
- * [Cool Plums] Wants You, (ms) Rosebud #40, Winter 2007
- * New Hope Farm, (ss) Zen of the Dead ed. Lester Smith, Popcorn Press, 2015
- * To Make a Poem Your Own: An Appreciation of the Poetry of Lorine Niedecker, (ar) Rosebud #28, Fall/Winter 2003
- * The Writer’s Cave, (ss) Rosebud #40, Winter 2007
[]Lehman, Leola (Catherine) [née Hover] (1909-2001) (chron.)
- * Badman at Three Forks, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st December 1957
- * The Dilemma of Hannah Adams, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st June 1956
- * Ellen Proves Up, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd March 1956
- * Law for the Greenhorn, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st November 1955
- * Reluctant Pioneer, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1956
- * Shadow of His Back Trail, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd February 1957
- * Tom Comes Through, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st September 1956
- * Trouble at the Cimarron, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd December 1957
- * The Widow Anderson, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd October 1955
- * Woman of the West, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd September 1955
[]Lehman, Milton (1917-1966) (about) (chron.)
- * America’s Choosiest Club, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 13 1951
- * The Big Ancestor Hunt, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 15 1949
- * Can Israel Solve Its Problems?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 20 1949
- * Champion Hard-Luck Division, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 13 1945
- * The Coming of the Space Ship, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 21 1956
- * The Flowering Forest of Joe Gable, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 20 1954
- * The 4-F Scandal, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1951
- * The Funniest Man in the Zoo, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 25 1950
- * Gourmet’s Paradise, (??) Collier’s November 8 1947
- * He Plays Tag with Death, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 26 1952
- * Hoosier Holiday, (ar) Collier’s July 27 1946
- * The House at Hyde Park, (??) Collier’s April 10 1948
- * I Escaped Over the Roof of the World (with J. Hall Paxton), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1950
- * The Just Love to Wreck Things, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 2 1953
- * The Lady Privates of Company D (with Mildred K. Lehman), (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1951
- * The Last Big Sweat-And Out, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 3 1945
- * The Man Who Made the Bomb, (ar) Esquire April 1947 [Ref. J. Robert Oppenheimer]
- * The Rangers Fought Ahead of Everybody, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 15 1946
- * Red Oak Hasn’t Forgotten (Iowa), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 17 1946
- * The Rosenberg Case: Judge Kaufman’s Two Terrible Years, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 8 1953
- * The Secrets of White Sands, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 27 1954
- * They’re Fixing Up Over at the Trumans’, (ar) Collier’s October 28 1950
- * This Is Moscow (with John W. O’Daniel), (ar) Collier’s April 28 1951
- * TV’s Colossal Hassle, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 29 1955
- * We Must Sell America Abroad, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 15 1947
- * We Visit the Ghosts of Anzio, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1949
- * What Happens When You’re Drafted Now?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 8 1951
- * The White House Shudders, (??) Collier’s November 13 1948
- * Why Are They Quitting?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 30 1955
- * Why You Haven’t Got a House, (??) Collier’s April 23 1949
- * Will Bilbo Fool ’Em Again, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 29 1946
- * World’s Richest Baby Joins the Navy (John Nicholas Brown), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 23 1947
_____, as told to
[]Lehman, Paul (1889-1945) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories Nov 1929, Mar, May 1930
- * [front cover], (cv) Fantastic Adventures December 1945
- * [frontispiece], (fp) The Blue Book Magazine May 1928, May 1929
- * [illustration(s)], (il) America’s Humor Sum 1926, Feb 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Blue Book Magazine Apr, May, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1927, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May,
Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1928
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1929
Jan, Feb, Sep 1930, Jan, Feb 1932
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Sovereign Magazine April 1927
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Real Detective Tales and Mystery Stories Nov, Dec/Jan 1929, Mar, Apr, Jul 1930
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