The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11894
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Highly Prized Ox Team, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 4 1936
- * High Noon Hi-Jinks, (pi) Ace May 1964
- * High-paying Jobs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 7 1929
- * High Pitch, (ar) Easy Money May 1936as told to Bud Long
- * The High-Powered Hoods [Hourman], (cs) (by Alfred Bester) Adventure Comics (comic) January 1943
- * High-Powered Stock-Selling Pointers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 19 1925
- * High Pressure Means Sunshire, (ar) Modern Wonder September 10 1938
- * High-Pressure Steam Locomotive, (ia) Modern Wonder March 25 1939
- * The High Price of Danger, (pi) Argosy November 1947
- * High Prices and Government Prosecutions, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) October 1919
- * The High Priestess of Horror—Meet Lilith Stabs, (ar) Scream-4-Me #1, June/July 2005 [Ref. Lilith Stabs]
- * “High Private”, (pm) (by C. B. Conant) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1864
- * High-Rise, (pi) Penthouse (US) January 2007
- * The High Road, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #244, September 17 1966
- * High School Caesar, (ar) Rumble #6, 1992
- * High School Confidential, (ar) Rumble #3, 1990
- * High School Has Flying Course, (ms) Air Trails December 1928
- * High School Myths, (hu) Swank October 1976
- * The High School Periodical, (ar) The Youth’s Companion December 20 1923
- * High-Sea Salvage, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1931, 1930
- * The High Sheriff, (sg) Thrilling Ranch Stories January 1947
- * The High Sign, (ar) Flying Aces September 1931
- * High Society, (qz) Argosy (UK) October 1954
- * High Speed, (ss) Thrills of the Speedways, Dean & Son, 1936
- * The High Speed Castaways, (ss) Chums Annual 1938, 1937
- * High-Speed Crack-Up, (ar) Argosy August 1956
- * High-Speed Fighters, (ar) Air Stories (UK) April 1940
- * High Speed Fighters of Other Nations, (ia) Air Stories (UK) June 1938
- * High Speed Fireman, (ss) Railroad Stories September 1932
- * High Speed Highways, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * High Speed Laughs, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * High Speed Post Offices, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * High-Speed Sport, (ar) The Modern Boy January 18 1930
- * High Speed Steve, (bg) [Ref. Steve McQueen]
- * High Speed Tilts!, (ar) The Modern Boy January 27 1934
- * A High Spot in Lindbergh’s Career, (ms) Flying Stories November 1928
- * High Spots in the Month’s Outstanding Crime News, (pi) Real Detective September 1931
- * High Spot Sparks, (cl) High Spot Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1930, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1931
- * High Steppers, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine December 1931
- * High Tea, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1878
- * High Times in Treetown, (ss) Romp Time Stories, Dean & Son, 1934
- * High up on Aconcagua, looking West, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1899
- * High Water for Maverick Wade [Maverick Wade], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 30 1938
- * The High-Water Mark, (ts) Smart Set December 1925
- * The Highway, (pm) The Premier Magazine #7, April 1927
- * Highway and By-way Characters, New York, (ar) Ballou’s Monthly Magazine August 1867
- * Highway Fidelity, (cl) Penthouse (US) July 1978
- * A Highwayman, (ms)
- * A Highwayman at Rookwood [Rookwood], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1927, 1926
- * The Highwayman Claude Du Val, and His Dance with a Lady, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1884
- * Highwayman Down, early Teutonic detective fable, (ss) New Mystery v4 #4, 1996
- * The Highwayman’s Apprentice, (na) Dick Turpin Library #96, 192?
- * The Highwayman’s Bridal [Hester Taffetas], (ss) Eliza Cook’s Journal October 28 1854, as "The Recollections of Mrs. Hester Taffetas No. VIII:"
- * The Highway Patrol (Robert Paige, Jacqueline Wells), (sa) Boy’s Cinema #998, January 28 1939
- * Highway Program for Southland, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 23 1924
- * Highway Robbery, (ms)
- * Highway Robbery, (ts) The Strand Magazine June 1900
- * Highways and Highwaymen, (ar) The Boys’ Friend #132, December 19 1903
- * The Highways of the Air, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 20 1909
- * Highways of the Iron Horse, (ar) Modern Wonder August 5 1939
- * Highways of Tomorrow, (ar) Modern Wonder June 11 1938
- * A Highway to Hell, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1938
- * Hi Honey—I’m Alone Now, (pi) Jem August 1958
- * Hijackers Raid a Train, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 15 1926
- * The “Hi, Jack” Gang, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly November 28 1936
- * Hijacking Hogs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 30 1929
- * A Hiker’s Song, (pm) Sunshine Story Book, Dean & Son, 193?
- * Hiking and History, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1932
- * A Hiking Dog, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 4 1928
- * “Hilarity”, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1901
- * Hilary, (pm) (by Lucy Larcom) The Atlantic Monthly August 1863
- * Hilda, (pi) Wench v1 #1, 1962
- * Hilda’s High Heel Hose, (pi) Dapper December 1978
- * Hildi Heisler, (pi) Man’s Action March 1963
- * Hildur, the Queen of the Elves. A Fairy Story, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1880
- * Hi-Life Interviews Sabrina, (iv) Hi-Life November 1958
- * Hi-Life’s Fireside Girl, (pi) Hi-Life March 1958
- * Hi-Life’s Showroom, (pi) Hi-Life March 1958
- * Hi-Life’s Wide Wild World, (cl) Hi-Life August 1964
- * Hillbilly Harem, (ar) Black Silk Stockings v1 #8, 1959
- * Hillbilly to Hollywood, (pi) Adam November 1957
- * Hill-Climbers, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1934, 1933
- * A Hillerman Chronology, (bi) The Tony Hillerman Companion ed. Martin H. Greenberg, HarperCollins, 1994
- * The Hill of Dreams, (br) The Bookman September 1907
- * “The Hill of Dreams”, (pm) Punch March 20 1907 [Ref. Arthur Machen]
- * Hills and Dales on the Ocean, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1889
- * The Hills Are Alive, (ss) (by S. D. Tullis) Nemonymous #5, 2005
- * The Hills of New Mexico, (pm) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #38, July 1927
- * The Hill-Surfers of Cincinnati, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine May 1884
- * A Hill Temple, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1901
- * A Hill-top Funeral, (ar) (by John Finnemore) Temple Bar June 1900
- * Hill Tops, (pm) Household Words April 30 1881
- * Hinc Illae Lachrymae, (vi) Pan #2, November 15 1919
- * Hindenburg at Different Times of His Life, (pi) The Strand Magazine January 1917 [Ref. Paul von Hindenburg]
- * Hindi (and Urdu) Glossary, (ms) “Number Ninety” and Other Ghost Stories by B. M. Croker, Sarob Press, 2000
- * Hindoo Fakirs and Their Tricks, (ar) Romance January 1896
- * A Hindoo Legend: the Lotus, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1883
- * Hindoo Penitent, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1876
- * Hindoos Exhibiting Learned Birds, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1876
- * The Hindu and the Borgia, (ts) Hollywood Confessions June 1923
- * Hindu Decapitators, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly February 26 1927
- * Hindu Festival of the Pongol, (ar) (by Charles E. Gover) The Cornhill Magazine March 1868
- * Hindu Horrors, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly April 9 1927
- * A Hindu Legend, (ss) The Wave March 2 1895
- * Hindu Magic Exposed, (ar) Mystery Magazine #34, April 1 1919
- * Hindu Prisoners, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly March 26 1927
- * The Hindu’s Triumph [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by R. T. Eves) The Boys’ Realm #122, July 30 1921
- * Hindu Sword Swallowing, (ms) Mystery Magazine #6, February 1 1918
- * Hindu Tales and Fables:
* ___ 1: On Hasty Action, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1907; translated from the Sanskrit by Henry Francis.
* ___ 2: On the Influence of Words, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1907; translated from the Sanskrit by Henry Francis.
* ___ 3: On the Influence of Poverty and Hunger, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1907; translated from the Sanskrit by Henry Francis.
* ___ 4: On Unsought Advice, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1907; translated from the Sanskrit by Henry Francis.
* ___ 5: On Greediness, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1907; translated from the Sanskrit by Henry Francis.
* ___ 6: On Self-Esteem, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1907; translated from the Sanskrit by Henry Francis.
* ___ 7: On Disregard of Good Advice, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1907; translated from the Sanskrit by Henry Francis.
- * Hinky Dinky, Parley Voo, (pm) Battle Stories #20, April 1929
- * Hi-Noon Hi-Jinks, (pi) Ace Annual #1, 1966
- * A Hint, (pm) The Lady’s Realm July 1908
- * The Hint of Dawn, (pm) (by Harriet Prescott Spofford) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1871
- * Hinton of the Rovers, (n.) The Wonder Library #8, December 1915
- * A Hint or Two to Emigrants, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 15 1891
- * Hints About Business, (ms) Fortune Story Magazine August 1929
- * Hints and Helps for the Housekeeper, (ar) The Ladies’ World August 1905
- * Hints and Points on Trout Fishing, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post September 5 1914
- * Hints and Topics for April, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1875
- * Hints for a Lazy Day, (ar) Boys’ Life August 1929
- * Hints for Beginners, (ms) Air Trails July 1939
- * Hints for Cricketers, (cl) The Boys’ Realm #7, May 17 1919
- * Hints for December Gardening, (cl) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1885
- * Hints for forming a Camera Club, (ar) The Captain #83, February 1906
- * Hints for Stamp Collectors, (cl) Boys’ Life Oct, Nov 1911
- * Hints for the Amateur Vacation Camper, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post May 23 1914
- * Hints for the Busy Girl, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine February 1917
- * Hints for the Goalkeeper, (ar) Jack’s Paper #13, January 23 1923
- * Hints for the Handy Girl, (ar) The British Girl’s Annual 1925
- * Hints for the Hedonist, (ar) Regency August 1973
- * Hints for the Home, (ar) The New Magazine (UK) August 1914
- * Hints for Yachtsmen, (ar) The American Boy May 1907
- * Hints for your Cycle Tour, (ar) Chums July 5 1925
- * Hints from the Field of To-Day, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 12 1916
- * Hintsin Trapping and Selling Fur, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1910
- * Hints on Dismissing Unwelcome Callers, (ar) The Busy Man’s Magazine February 1907
- * Hints on Hockey Equipment, (cl) The Captain #271, October 1921
- * Hints on Lawn Tennis, (ar) The Argosy #505, August 6 1892
- * Hints on Locomotive Photography, (ar) Railroad Stories April 1935
- * Hints on Novelties, (cl) The Lady’s Realm May 1897
- * Hints on the Study of History, (ar) T.P.’s Magazine February 1911
- * Hints on Using Books, (ar) The Penny Magazine #282, 1904
- * Hints on Vacation Houses, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post April 25 1914
- * Hints, Tips amd Gadgets for the Amateur Photographer, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955
- * Hints to Hostess, (ms) The Mother’s Magazine Christmas 1908
- * Hints to Housekeepers, (ar)
- * Hints to Merit Badge Seekers, (ar) Boys’ Life May 1925
- * Hints to the Head [Rookwood], (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1938, 1937
- * Hints to the Love-Lorn, (pm) The Grand Magazine December 1906
- * A Hint to Emigrants and Travellers, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 2 1887
- * A Hint to the Boys, (pm) The Young Englishman September 6 1873
- * A Hint to the Fair Sex, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine December 1852
- * A Hint to Wheel-Men, (pm) Detroit Free Press
- * Hip Heartbreaker, (pi) Broadside December 1973/January/February 1974
- * Hip—Hip Away, (pi) Movie Monthly February 1926
- * Hip, Hip Horror, (ar) Hollywood Detective November 1944
- * Hipper Dipper, (pi) Adam September 1957
- * Hippie Heartbreaker, (pi) Broadside September/October/November 1972
- * Hip-pi-ty Hop, (pm) Wide Awake September 1877
- * The Hippo Boys Call at the Wrong House [Hippo Boys], (cs) My Magazine March 1915
- * The Hippo Boys Get Up Early in the Morning and Tim’s Face Grows As Long as a Fiddle [Hippo Boys], (cs) My Magazine May 1915
- * The Hippo Boys Go for a Basket of Eggs on a Slippery, Slidy Day [Hippo Boys], (vi) My Magazine February 1925
- * Hippocrene, (bg) Fiction #9, 1976
- * The Hippodrome, (ms) The Bohemian March 1906
- * A Hippopotamus Adventure, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1877
- * The Hippopotamus at Home, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper February 19 1887
- * A Hippopotamus Hunt, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1877
- * Hippopotamus Hunting, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1879
- * Hip Square, (pi) Jaguar December 1970
- * Hipster Humor, (hu) Nugget October 1958
- * Hipster’s Haven: The Busted Bear, (pi) Rogue December 1963
- * The Hip World of Posters, (ar) Men’s Digest April 1969
- * Hiram, (cs) The Bible Story #18, July 4 1964
- * Hiram Hayes in Stratford, (pm) The Golden Argosy September 26 1885
- * Hiram Hays in Stratford, (pm) (by James T. Fields) The Atlantic Monthly May 1871
- * Hired by Van Horne, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine May 1910
- * The Hired Girl, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine September 1855
- * Hired Killers Did Not Kill, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 11 1922
- * The Hire of the Professional, (ar) Fry’s Magazine April 1913
- * Hire Our / About Our Contributors, (ms) SteamPunk Magazine #3 2007, #4 2008
- * Hire-Purchase Holidays, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2160, December 19 1931
- * Hires Assassins for Four Dollars, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 27 1932
- * Hires Blind and Cripples to Beg, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 27 1922
- * Hi-Risers and Long Runners, (pi) Ace March 1970
- * Hirohito, (ar) Collier’s July 29 1944
- * Hirschau Abbey, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1881
- * His, (cl) Swingers World Magazine Nov 1972, Jan 1973
- * His Affair, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #936, November 20 1937; adapted from the movie (Robert Taylor, Barbara Stanwyck).
- * His Alibi Was Death, (ms) Argosy July 1964
- * His Amanuensis, (vi)
- * His Bandaged Eye, (vi) Chicago Ledger March 16 1918
- * His Bitterest Moment, (ss) The Wave March 18 1899
- * His Black Bag, (ss) (by Charles Allston Collins) All the Year Round Christmas 1862
- * His Boots, (ss) (by Charles Dickens) All the Year Round Christmas 1862
- * His Brand, (hu) The Popular Magazine July 1906
- * His Brand on My Heart, (ts) Red Star Secret Confessions July 1940
- * His Brother, (ss) The Youth’s Companion April 4 1918
- * His Brother’s Bride, (ss) Secret Romances July 1940
- * His Brown-Paper Parcel, (ss) (by Charles Dickens) All the Year Round Christmas 1862
- * His Card Trick, (ts) The Passing Show July 4 1936
- * His Child-Wife, (ss) True Marriage Stories March 1927
- * His Choice, (pm) Town Topics
- * His Chums Against Him [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by R. T. Eves) The Boys’ Realm #121, July 23 1921
- * His Chum to the End [St. Frank’s], (ss) (by R. T. Eves) The Boys’ Realm #125, August 20 1921
- * His Clothes, (cl) Man February 1950
- * His Clothes Were His Bank, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1919
- * His College Girl, (vi) (by Claudine Sisson)
- * His Coming Is Foretold, (cs) The Bible Story #1, March 7 1964
- * His Constant Fear, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st August 1930
- * His Continuous Performance, (ms) People’s October 1907
- * His Convict Bride, (sl) The Oracle #112, March 30 1935
- * His Convict Bride, (sl) (by Herbert Allingham) Fun and Fiction #1, October 14 1911
- The Bullseye #79 Jul 23, #84 Aug 27, #95 Nov 12, #98 Dec 3 1932, #105 Jan 21, #115 Apr 1, #117 Apr 15, #118 Apr 22, #119 Apr 29,
#120 May 6, #121 May 13 1933, as "Fetters of Fate!", uncredited.
- * His Convict Father, (sl) (by Harold J. Garrish) The Boys’ Friend #1345 Mar 26, #1346 Apr 2, #1347 Apr 9, #1349 Apr 23, #1352 May 14, #1353 May 21, #1354 May 28, #1356 Jun 11, #1357 Jun 18,
#1358 Jun 25, #1359 Jul 2, #1360 Jul 9, #1361 Jul 16, #1362 Jul 23, #1363 Jul 30, #1364 Aug 6, #1365 Aug 13, #1366 Aug 20,
#1367 Aug 27, #1368 Sep 3, #1369 Sep 10, #1370 Sep 17, #1371 Sep 24, #1372 Oct 1, #1373 Oct 8, #1374 Oct 15, #1378 Nov 12, #1380 Nov 26,
#1383 Dec 17, #1385 Dec 31 1927
; reprint (by John Fordwych).
- * His Coolness Outwits Bandits, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 7 1920
- * His Desperate Leap, (ms) Mystery Magazine #121, December 1 1922
- * His Divinity, (pm) Detroit Free Press
- * His Double, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1888
- * His Dreaded Possibility, (ms) Top-Notch August 15 1912
- * His Dressing-Case, (ss) (by Arthur Locker) All the Year Round Christmas 1862
- * His Enemy’s Daughter, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal June 13 1891
- * His Excellency’s Secret [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by Andrew Murray) The Sexton Blake Library #19, 1916
- * His Excuse, (pm)
- * His Family Hated Me, (ts) Home Notes March 11 1954
- * His Fast in the Wilderness, (cs) The Bible Story #9, May 2 1964
- * His Fate Discovered After Fifty-Seven Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1919
- * His Father’s Crime [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by William Murray Graydon) The Sexton Blake Library #365, 1925
- * His Favorite Books, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1875
- * His Fiancee’s Fads, (pm) London Pick-Me-Up
- * His Fight for Life, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st August 1930
- * His Fight for the Crown, (nf) Look and Learn #1, January 20 1962
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