Details taken from online listing. |
Reprint (Appleton-Century 1936) novel. Volume 163 in “The Argosy Library”. Details taken from publisher website. |
Details taken from Table of Contents. |
Contents list from Yahoo Books. |
Reprint (Hutchinson 1896) occult novel. Volume 27 in the series. |
Reprint (Orbit US 2013) SF novel. Limited to 574 numbered copies, signed by the author. Also available in a leatherbound edition, limited to 26 lettered copies, signed by the author and housed in a custom traycase ($350.00). Details taken from publisher website. |
Reprint (Orbit 2016) SF novel. Limited to 574 signed, numbered, copies. Details taken from online listing. |
Reprint (Orbit 2012) SF novel. Limited to 574 numbered copies, signed by Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck. Also available in a leatherbound edition, limited to 26 lettered copies, signed by the author, and housed in a custom traycase ($350). Details taken from publisher’s website. |
Reprint (Orbit 2014) SF novel. Limited to 574 numbered copies, signed by Corey. Also available in a lettered edition limited to 26 leatherbound, signed copies, housed in a custom traycase ($350.00). Details taken from publisher’s website. |
Reprint (Orbit US 2021) SF novel. Limited to 574 signed, numbered, copies. Also available in a traycased edition, limited to 26 lettered, signed, copies ($400.00). Details taken from publisher website. |
Reprint (Orbit 2011) SF novel. Limited to 574 numbered copies, signed by Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck. Also available in a leatherbound edition limited to 26 lettered copies, signed by Abraham & Franck, housed in a custom traycase ($350). Details taken from publisher’s website. |
Reprint (Orbit 2022) complete collection of short fiction set in the Expanse universe, including author’s notes on each story. Limited to 574 signed, numbered, copies. Also available in a traycased edition, limited to 26 lettered, signed, copies ($400). Details taken from publisher website. |
Limited to 574 signed, numbered, copies. Also available in a traycased edition, limited to 26 lettered, signed, copies ($350). Details taken from publisher website. |
Reprint (Orbit 2017) SF novel. Limited to 574 signed, numbered, copies. Also available in a traycased edition ($350.00), limited to 26 lettered, signed, copies. Details taken from publisher website. |
Reprint (Orbit 2019) SF novel. Limited to 574 signed, numbered, copies. Also available in a traycased edition ($350.00), limited to 26 lettered, signed, copies. Details taken from publisher website. |
Shared-world SF anthology; starring the space heroine created by Paul Cornell. |