Non-fiction collection of 25 wide-ranging shorter works on topics including race, sexuality, literary theory, and “paraliterary” genres such as SF, pornography, and comics. There are also notes for creative writing students, and an index. A hardcover edition (-6368-4, $50.00) was announced. |
A collection of “written interviews” with (and some by as well) Samuel R. Delany. A hardcover edition (-5276-3, $40.00) was announced. |
Collection of 12 pieces of sf criticism. This is Delany’s attempt to write a more “popular” book on sf criticism. Limited to 500 signed copies. |
Sf novel, first of a two-part work. |
Collection of nine non-fiction pieces on Delany’s fiction, five originally published as by K. Leslie Steiner, with an introduction by the author. |
Revised from the 1979 (Bantam) version of the same name. This volume contains the afterword to The Bridge of Lost Desire (as a preface) and the revised version of ’The Tale of Gorgik’ that appeared therein. |
Original collection of a fantasy adventure novel of a civilized society’s conflict with warlike barbarians and heavily revised and expanded versions of two pieces published previously. This edition is limited to 1000 copies. A 77-copy signed and numbered edition (-1-1) was announced. |
Literary/pornographic SF novel, following a gay couple from their meeting as teens in 2007 on into old age. Portions were previously published separately. |
Erotic novel. |
Collection of two essays taking a cultural, and occasionally autobiographical, look at the red light zones of New York, and the “cleaning up” of Times Square. Part of the “Sexual Cultures” series. |
Bound in the tête-bêche style with The Lunar Eye by Robert Moore Williams. |
Titled “Triton: Some Informal Remarks Toward the Modular Calculus, Part One” and “Triton: Am Abiguous Heterotopia” on inside pages. |
Reprint (Bantam 1976 as Triton) SF novel. There is a new foreword by Kathy Acker. |
A work of scholarship which doesn’t deal with sf or fantasy but includes some scene setting and play with serious ideas recalling Delany’s speculative fiction. Limited to 150 copies, including 30 signed and numbered. |
Also in pb (Aug ’81). Details taken from online listing. |