Details supplied by Denny Lien. |
Original anthology/omnibus of two novellas bound Ace-Double style; the second book in JournalStone’s DoubleDown series. A limited harcover edition (-29-7, $49.95) was announced but not seen. Details taken from online listing. |
Young-adult anthology of 11 horror stories by authors from around the world, including Margaret Mahy (Australia), Susan Cooper (UK), Charles Mungoshi (Zimbabwe) and Uri Orlev (Israel). Illustrations by The Tjong Khing. Created in cooperation with the International Board of Books for Youth; originally published in Dutch as Lees dit niet en andere griezelverhalen (Lemniscaat 1997). |
Reprint (Front Street 1998) young-adult anthology of 11 stories. Illustrations by The Tjong Khing. Originally published in Dutch as Lees dit niet en andere griezelverhalen (Lemniscaat 1997); translations by Elisabeth Koolschijn. |
Gaming tie-in omnibus of two stories and two novels: Deathblade by C.L. Werner (2015) and The Curse of Khaine by Gav Thorpe (2015). |
Exhibition catalogue. Details supplied by Terry Zobeck. |
Anthology/collection of three related alternate-history novellas: Harry Turtledove’s Hugo-winning “Down in the Bottomlands”, plus two previously published in double format (Tor 1990): The Wheels of If by L. Sprague de Camp, and The Pugnacious Peacemaker (1990) by Turtledove. The Turtledove stories are sequels to the de Camp. |
Original anthology of five stories, including an Eve Dallas novella by J.D. Robb. Other authors are Mary Blayney, Elaine Fox, Mary Kay McComas, and R.C. Ryan. Details taken from online listing. |
Reprint (Grosset & Dunlap 1939 as Horror Omnibus) horror omnibus. |
Reprint (Foreign Languages Press 1954) anthology of literary tales, most of them supernatural. Translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang. This has the revised translation from the 1962 second edition. |
Original anthology of 11 fantasy novelizations based on the “DragonLance” role-playing game, second book of the “Tales II” trilogy. Introduction by Weis & Hickman. |
Omnibus of the three novelizations in the trilogy. |
Original anthology of seven stories and six poems based on the “DragonLance” role-playing game, with an introduction by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. First book of the “Tales II” trilogy. |
Original anthology of ten short fantasy novelizations and one poem based on the “DragonLance” game, third book of the “Tales II” trilogy. |
Original anthology of four fantasy romance stories involving dragons, by Jo Beverley, Mary Jo Putney, Karen Harbaugh, and Barbara Samuel. |
Reissue (Signet 2007) original anthology of four fantasy romance stories involving dragons. |
Anthology of stories about ghosts and visions culled from the popular magazines but including some original material. The editor states he is not sure whether some stories are embellished fact rather than fiction. A selection from these three volumes, with new material, was published as Strange Secrets. |
Anthology later printed separately under the title Strange Stories of Coincidence and Ghostly Adventure (Redway, 1888). Stories by A. Conan Doyle are identified not by name, but by the Greek Delta. |