The FictionMags Index
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Bedford-Jones, H(enry James O’Brien) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * John Solomon, Incognito and The Wisdom of Solomon [John Solomon], (co) Steeger Books, April 2023
- * John Solomon of Limehouse [John Solomon], (nv) Argosy June 9 1934
- * John Solomon, Retired [John Solomon], (na) People’s Favorite Magazine December 10 1917
- * John Solomon’s Biggest Game [John Solomon], (n.) Argosy Feb 15, Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 22 1930
- * John Solomon, Supercargo [John Solomon], (n.) Hurst & Blackett, 1924, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * John Solomon—Supercargo [John Solomon], (n.) The Argosy July 1914
- * The Joshagan, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine July 1925
- * The Joshaway Kid, (nv) West July 20 1927
- * The Joyous Barterer, (nv) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine July 1925
- * J. Smith, His Mark, (ss) Adventure June 1940
- * Jungle Girl, (sl) Argosy Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31 1934
- * The Jungle of Walking Dead, (nv) Frontier Stories February/March 1934
- * Justice [Denis Theabod Burke], (ss) Short Stories April 25 1933
- * Justice and Melodrama, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1933
- * The Justice of Amru [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1947
- * Just One Chance, (na) Western Story Magazine October 29 1921, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * Khmer the Mysterious, (nv) People’s Favorite Magazine January 25 1919, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * The Kick-Myself Days, (lt) Rob Wagner’s Script #623, February 28 1942, as by Gordon Stuart
- * The King Makers [Vincent Connor], (co) Altus Press, March 2015
- * The King Makers [Vincent Connor], (nv) Short Stories April 25 1932
- * The King of Macassar Strait, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine June 1942
- * The King of the World, (ss) The Magic Carpet Magazine April 1934 (unpublished)
- * Kingpin of Soldado, (sl) Triple-X Magazine #67 Dec 1929, #68 Jan, #69 Feb 1930
- * The Kings Do Battle Again, (ss) Weird Tales September 1940, as by Gordon Keyne
- * The King’s Jewel [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1947
- * The King’s Pardon, (n.) Covici-Friede, April 1933
- * The King’s Passport, (n.) G.P. Putnam's Sons, February 1928
- * The King’s Passport, (nv) Adventure January 15 1928
- * The King’s Pipe, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1938
- * “Kismet”, (na) People’s Favorite Magazine June 25 1919
- * The Knight Errant [Hugh Tyrone & Babe Jefferson], (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine May 10 1918, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * The Knight Heir, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1922
- * A Knight on the Road, (ss) The Argosy August 17 1918
- * The Knights of the Golden Circle, (na) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #39, August 1927
- * Know Jade When You See It, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1919
- * The Lady and the Unicorn, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1939
- * The Lady from Hell [John Cabot (The Man with the Rubber Face)], (ss) Mystery July 1933
- * Lady in Chain Mail [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1947
- * A Lady in Distress [Hugh Tyrone & Babe Jefferson], (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine August 10 1918, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * The Lady of the Canaries [Hugh Tyrone & Babe Jefferson], (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine May 25 1918, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * Lady of the Evil Eye, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1939
- * The Lady Who Killed by Mistake [Tertius March], (ss) Clues November 1934
- * Lancaster Irons, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1936
- * Land Sharks and Others [Captain Struthers], (nv) Argosy Allstory Weekly September 24 1921
- * Larboard Guns Ready! [Captain Lucifer], (ss) Argosy May 1943
- * Larry Luckin Comes Back [Larry Luckin], (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 11 1934
- * Larry’s Luck [Larry Luckin], (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 7 1934
- * The Last Adventure, (pm) Short Stories July 25 1931, as by L. B. Williams
- * The Last Evader, (ss) Adventure October 8 1926
- * The Last Imposture, (ss) Clues 2nd October 1930
- * The Last Macedonian [Counterclockwise], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1944
- * The Last Man, (nv) Adventure January 1938
- * The Last O’Donnell, (n.) People’s Apr, May 1916
- * The Last Pharaoh [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1946
- * The Last Round [Durant & Makoff], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1927, as "At Grips"
- * The Last Troubadour, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1939
- * The Laughing Kid, (ss) Clues 1st November 1928
- * Lawful Loot, (ss) The Argosy November 17 1917; not the same as the story of the same name in the First March 1931 issue of Clues.
- * Lawful Loot [Patsy Done; Kent Carson], (ss) Clues 1st March 1931; not the same as the story of the same name in the November 11, 1917 issue of Argosy.
- * Leach of the Bar G Bar, (na) Cowboy Stories March 1926
- * Leather-Bellies in the Crimea, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1937
- * Left-Handed Guns [Joe Trimble], (co) Altus Press, November 2018
- * Left-Handed Guns [Joe Trimble], (nv) Short Stories July 25 1946
- * Left-Handed Six-Guns, (nv) Top-Notch April 1937
- * Legal and Illegal, (ss) People’s Story Magazine January 10 1922
- * The Legion in Spain, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1937
- * Leopards Are for England [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1947
- * A Letter for Saigon, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine December 1926
- * Letters in the Sand, (ss) Everybody’s February 1927
- * “Life, Not Courage, Left Them”, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1937
- * The Life of Pinky Jenkins, Volume 1 [Thomas Jasper “Pinky” Jenkins], (co) Altus Press, December 2016
- * The Life of Pinky Jenkins, Volume 2 [Thomas Jasper “Pinky” Jenkins], (co) Altus Press, 2018
- * The Life of Pinky Jenkins, Volume 3 [Thomas Jasper “Pinky” Jenkins], (co) Steeger Books, May 2022
- * The Life of Pinky Jenkins, Volume 4 [Thomas Jasper “Pinky” Jenkins], (co) Steeger Books, November 2023
- * Life’s a Fight, Kit!, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine Dec 1936, Jan, Feb, Mar 1937, as by Gordon Keyne
- * Likes to Be Shocked, (lt) Rob Wagner’s Script #502, April 1 1939, as by Gordon Stuart
- * The Lisper, (ss) Short Stories November 10 1943, as by Gordon Keyne
- * The List of Death, (ss) Short Stories October 10 1933
- * The Little Black God, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine August 1938
- * Little Black Rose [Denis Theabod Burke], (ss) People’s September 1916
- * Little Tomtit, (ss) Telling Tales August 1920
- * Long Tom o’ Devon, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1939
- * Long Tom o’ Devon (with H. Bedford-Jones), (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1939, as by H. Bedford-Jones & L. B. Williams
- * The Long Yew Bow, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1935
- * Loot!, (na) Short Stories September 1915, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * The Loot of Asia, (sl) Short Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1919, as by David Seabrooke
- * Loot of the Solomons [Our Far Flung Battle Line], (ss) Short Stories March 25 1943
- * The Loot of the Vesper, (ss) Short Stories June 25 1930
- * Loot Royal, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly October 18 1924
- * Lords of the Tideless Sea, (na) Golden Fleece February 1939
- * Loser Pays, (ss) Short Stories January 25 1936
- * The Lost Forty, (na) People’s Favorite Magazine July 10 1919
- * Lo, the Poor Indian!, (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine February 10 1916, as by H. E. Williamson
- * Lou-Lou, (sl) The Blue Book Magazine Sep, Oct, Nov 1922
- * The Luck of Captain Lucifer [Captain Lucifer], (ss) Argosy January 1943
- * The Luck of Nagore, (nv) The Grand Magazine November 1930
- * The Luck of the Irish [Hugh Tyrone & Babe Jefferson], (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine October 10 1918, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * Luck of the Sea Burkes [Denis Theabod Burke], (nv) Argosy Jan 9, Jan 16 1932
- * Luck o’ Louisiana, (na) People’s Favorite Magazine May 25 1919, as by Allan Hawkwood
- * Lucky, (nv) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine October 1925
- * The Lucky Fiddler, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1941, as by Michael Gallister
- * Luke of the Lazy R, (nv) Western Story Magazine May 7 1921
- * Madagascar Gold, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine May 1924
- * Madagascar Hazard, (na) The Blue Book Magazine August 1942, as by Gordon Keyne
- * The Madagascar Shore, (ss) Short Stories September 25 1942, as by Gordon Keyne
- * The Mad King’s Skull [Riley Dillon], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 20 1935
- * The Magic of Ngong [Say-and-See Smith], (nv)
- * The Magic Scales of Pepa, (ss) Overland Monthly March 1913
- * The Magic Tube of Fire, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine December 1935
- * Malay Gold, (nv) All-Story Cavalier Weekly Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 24, Oct 31 1914
- * Malay Madness, (nv) Three Star Magazine 2nd June 1928
- * The Man Alone, (ss) Short Stories February 25 1936
- * A Man Can Do What He Must [Regular Army], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine April 1939, as by Gordon Keyne
- * The Manchu Hat-Stand, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1932
- * The Man from Arizona, (nv) Triple-X Magazine #71, April 1930
- * The Man-Hunter, (nv) Argosy December 10 1932
- * The Man in No. 10, (vi) Liberty June 10 1933
- * The Man Responsible, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1942
- * A Man Speaks, (pm) The Argosy August 1913
- * Man Wanted, (nv) Short Stories August 25 1937
- * The Man Who Could Not Die, (na) Two-Book Detective Magazine May 1934
- * The Man Who Played God Five Times, (ar) Liberty Jun 22, Jun 29, Jul 6, Jul 13, Jul 20 1935
- * The Man Who Ruled the Wind, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1938
- * The Man Who Ruled the Wind (with H. Bedford-Jones), (ss) The Blue Book Magazine January 1938, as by H. Bedford-Jones & L. B. Williams
- * The Man with the Rubber Face [John Cabot (The Man with the Rubber Face)], (ss) Mystery February 1933
- * The Man with the Rubber Face [John Cabot (The Man with the Rubber Face)], (ss) Mystery March 1933
- * The Man with the Rubber Face [John Cabot (The Man with the Rubber Face)], (ss) Mystery April 1933
- * The Man with the Rubber Face [John Cabot (The Man with the Rubber Face)], (ss) Mystery May 1933
- * The Man with the Silver Face, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine November 1925
- * March 3rd Mystery [Tertius March], (ss) Clues September 1934
- * The Mardi Gras Mystery, (n.) Doubleday, May 1921
- * The Mardi Gras Mystery, (na) Short Stories August 1920
- * The Marriage Contract [Durant & Makoff], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1927, as "Beside Henri IV"
- * Masterless Men [Nial Tyrone of Carlow], (nv) Popular Fiction Magazine August 1932
- * The Master of Dragons, (co) Black Dog Books, January 2011
- * The Master of Dragons [O’Neill & Burket], (nv) The Magic Carpet Magazine January 1933
- * Master of the World [Sphinx Emerald], (ss) The Blue Book Magazine September 1946
- * The Master’s Touch, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1939
- * A Matter of Routine [Tales of the Strato-Shooters], (ss) Short Stories March 25 1944
- * The Medallion of Syracuse [Denis Theabod Burke], (ss) People’s May 1916
- * Medusa’s Venom, (ss) The Thrill Book November 1 1919 (unpublished)
- * Men Die for Honor, (nv) Short Stories October 1919
- * Men Make Mistakes, (ss) Adventure August 15 1927
- * Men of Mackinac, (nv) Star Magazine August 1931
- * Men of the Ranges, (nv) Western Adventures March 1931
- * Men of the River, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine May 1920; not the same as the story of the same name in the June 1939 issue.
- * Men of the River, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1939; not the same as the story of the same name in the May 1920 issue.
- * Men of the River (with H. Bedford-Jones), (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1939, as by H. Bedford-Jones & L. B. Williams; not the same as the story of the same name in the May 1920 issue.
- * Men the Same in Any Age, (lt) Rob Wagner’s Script #542, February 17 1940, as by Gordon Stuart
- * The Men Who Fought for Texas, (ms)
- * The Men Who Make the Argosy, (cl) Argosy November 16 1929
- Abel Smith of Nantucket, Altus Press, 2014, as "About the Author"
- The King Makers, Altus Press, 2015, as "About the Author"
- The Sphinx Strikes, Altus Press, 2015, as "About the Author"
- Dead Men Singing, Altus Press, 2015, as "About the Author"
- Treasure Seekers, Altus Press, 2015, as "About the Author"
- Our Far Flung Battle Line, Altus Press, 2015, as "About the Author"
- Adventures of a Professional Corpse, Altus Press, 2016, as "About the Author"
- Red Runes of China, Altus Press, 2016, as "About the Author"
- The Life of Pinky Jenkins, Volume 1, Altus Press, 2016, as "About the Author"
- Tyrone of New Orleans, Altus Press, 2017, as "About the Author"
- The Life of Pinky Jenkins, Volume 2, Altus Press, 2018, as "About the Author"
- The Beginning of Air Mail, Altus Press, 2018, as "About the Author"
- Left-Handed Guns, Altus Press, 2018, as "About the Author"
- Pirates Ain’t All Dead Yet, Steeger Books, 2020
- H. Bedford-Jones’ Stories of the Seas, Steeger Books, 2020, as "About the Author"
- * The Mesa Trail, (n.) Doubleday, Page and Co., September 1920
- * The Mesquite County Rustlers, (na) Ace-High Magazine 1st April 1928
- * The Messenger (with W. C. Robertson), (nv) Adventure 1st December 1920
- * Midnight Magic on Mindanao [Captain Dan Marguard], (ss) Far East Adventure Stories February 1932, as by L. B. Williams
- * The Midnight Masquer, (na) Brief Stories February 1927
- * The Million-Dollar Certificate, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine October 1932
- * Miracle of the Golden Princess, (ss) Argosy September 1942
- * The Miraculous Buddha [Tales of the Strato-Shooters], (ss) Short Stories April 10 1944
- * Mistakes Don’t Pay, (nv) Short Stories April 10 1940, as by Gordon Keyne
- * Mr. Baldwin from Nowhere, (nv) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories May 1931
- * Mr. Bast’s Cat, (nv) People’s Favorite Magazine November 25 1918
- * Mr. Hill of Boot Hill, (na) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #26, July 1926
- * Mr. Riley Goes Crooked, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine June 1919
- * Mr. Shen of Shensi, (nv) All-Story Weekly August 18 1917; not the same as the story of the same name in the October 1, 1919 issue of The Thrill Book.
- * Mr. Shen of Shensi, (nv) The Thrill Book October 1 1919; not the same as the story of the same name in the August 18, 1917 issue of All-Story Weekly.
- * A Mix-Up in Mint Cañon, (ss) Wide-Awake Magazine March 10 1916, as by H. E. Williamson
- * Mogul Gold, (na) Short Stories October 10 1932
- * The Mogul’s Heart [Riley Dillon], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 24 1934
- * Monsieur Astrolabe, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1920
- * The Moon and Blood, (nv) Short Stories April 10 1932
- * Moonlight Magic, (vi) Liberty October 1 1932
- * The Mormon King of Michigan and His Wives, (ar) Liberty August 27 1938
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