The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 913
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * The Man Who Was Hanged Twice, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction September 3 1927
- * The Man Who Was Reborn, (ms) Private Detective Stories February 1946
- * A Man with Many Influences, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2011 [Ref. James Grippando]
- * The Man Without a Country, (nv) (by Edward Everett Hale) The Atlantic Monthly December 1863, uncredited.
- * The Man with the Phantom Dead, (ms) Private Detective Stories June 1943
- * Many Causes for Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1928
- * Many Crimes Laid to Paroled Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * The Many Faces of Joshua Graham, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2013 [Ref. Joshua Graham]
- * Many Game Birds Brought from Orient, (ms) Mystery Magazine #115, August 15 1922
- * Many Indicted in Lottery Swindle, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 20 1917
- * Many Prisoners Insane, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1928
- * Many Substitute for Convicts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 27 1923
- * Many Thieves in Baltic States, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922
- * The March Issue Contains, (ms) Black Mask February 1930
- * March of Crime, (cl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Oct, Nov 1937, Jan, Feb, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1938, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Oct 1939
Mar 1940
- * The March Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Feb 1939, Feb 1940, Feb 1941, Feb 1943, Feb 1945, Feb 1946, Feb 1947, Feb 1948, Feb 1949, Feb,
Mar 1950, Feb 1951
- * Le Marechausse, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1918
- * Margaret Murphy, (ar) Crime Time #27, 2002 [Ref. Margaret Murphy]
- * A Marine Wonder, (ms) Mystery Magazine #33, March 15 1919
- * Mark Billingham Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #30, May/June 2009 [Ref. Mark Billingham]
- * Marked Bills Trap Blackmailers, (ms) Mystery Magazine #143, November 1 1923
- * Marked for Posterity, (ms) Flynn’s December 12 1925
- * Marked for Winning, (ar) Hollywood Detective March 1944
- * Mark Twain and Fingerprinting, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1959 [Ref. Mark Twain]
- * “Marm” Mandelbaum’s Rival, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 8 1919
- * Marriage Bureau Robbed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * Married Before Entering Prison for Life, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 13 1920
- * Married Men and Single Women Are Law-Abiding, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1921
- * Married Men More Honest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 2 1929
- * Marshal, (ms) Clues Detective Stories January 1935
- * Mars Signaling, Asserts French Astronomer, (ms) Mystery Magazine #71, October 15 1920
- * Martin Edwards, (ar) Crime Time #27, 2002 [Ref. Martin Edwards]
- * Martin Hewitt: Investigator, (br) The Armchair Detective July 1971 [Ref. Arthur Morrison]
- * A Martyr for Science, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1930
- * Marvelous Memories of Well-Known Men, (ms) Mystery Magazine #14 Jun 1 1918, #33 Mar 15 1919
- * Maryland Bill Would Jail Runaway Wives, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 29 1922
- * Maryland Lynchers, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 10 1934
- * Mary Shelly, (bg) Suspense Magazine February 2011 [Ref. Mary Shelley]
- * The Masked Executioner, (ms) Mystery Magazine #3, December 15 1917
- * Masked Pair Hold Up Train, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 28 1922
- * A Master Job of Burrowing, (ms) Flynn’s May 9 1925
- * Master Mind of Gang Convicted, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1926
- * The Master of the “Rhyme”, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2014 [Ref. Jeffery Deaver]
- * Master Storyteller Dean Koontz Leaves us Breathless, (iv) Suspense Magazine January 2010 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- * “Master Swindler” in Trouble Again, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 12 1926
- * Master Thriller Writer: Brad Thor Gets Personal, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2011 [Ref. Brad Thor]
- * Master Train Robber Implicates Confederates, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 22 1926
- * Mate Killers Mary, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1939
- * Mathematics of a Pack of Cards, (ms) Mystery Magazine #30, February 1 1919
- * “Matinee Burglar” in Jovial Mood, (ms) Mystery Magazine #129, April 1 1923
- * Matinée Burglars Pose as Peddlers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 18 1925
- * The Matriarch of Romantic Suspense, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2010 [Ref. Anne Rice]
- * Matter of Identity, (ms) Manhunt July 1957
- * A Matter of Identity, (ms) Manhunt December 1956
- * Matthew Coady (1923-1997), (ob) A Shot in the Dark #12, Summer 1997 [Ref. Matthew Coady]
- * Maureen McMahon, (bg) Over My Dead Body! #8, Winter 2000
- * Max Allan Collins, (bg) Crimespree Magazine #9 Nov/Dec 2005, #21 Nov/Dec 2007 [Ref. Max Allan Collins]
- * Max Allan Collins & Nick Kolakowski Talk About Mike Hammer’s Unkillable Appeal, (iv) Mystery Tribune #13, July/August 2020 [Ref. Max Allan Collins & Nick Kolakowski]
- * Maxims of an Underworld Boss, (ms) Flynn’s March 28 1925
- * Maximum Sentence for First Offense, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 30 1919
- * Max Mooney, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly November 10 1928
- * May—A Banner Card, (ms) Black Mask April 1932
- * Maybe It’s All About Hobbies, (iv) Suspense Magazine June 2011 [Ref. Janet Bolin]
- * Maybe It’s Snow, (ar) Hollywood Detective January 1950
- * May Day Festival of the Romans, (ms) Mystery Magazine #15, June 15 1918
- * Mayhem on the March, (ms) Detective Tales June 1951
- * May High Lights, (ms) Black Mask April 1938
- * May I Use Your Phone?, (ms) Flynn’s May 30 1925
- * May Jail Doctors for False Death Certificates, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1921
- * May Melt Valuable Loot, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1917
- * Mayor Is Bandit Leader, (ms) Best Detective Magazine August 1934
- * Mayor Outwits His Captor, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 5 1925
- * The Mayor Starts to Clean up Chicago, (pi) Real Detective September 1931
- * Mayor Walker’s Latest “Show” Told in Photos, (pi) Real Detective August 1932
- * The May Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Apr 1938, Apr 1940, Apr 1941, Apr 1943, Apr 1944, Apr 1945, Apr 1946, Apr 1947, Apr 1948, Apr 1949,
Apr 1950
- * The May Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine (Canada) April 1942
- * McCarthy, Master Swindler, in Toils, (ms) Clues 1st May 1929
- * Meals at Sing Sing Cost Six Cents Each, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 30 1922
- * The Meanest Crook, (ms) Clues January 1928
- * “The Meanest Game in the World”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * The Meanest Swindlers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1927
- * “Meanest Thief”, (ms) Best Detective Magazine September 1931
- * “Meanest Thief”, (ms) Detective Short Stories November 1937
- * The Meanest Thief on Record, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 28 1922
- * The Meaning of Dreams, (ar) Mystery Magazine #61 May 15, #62 Jun 1, #63 Jun 15, #64 Jul 1, #65 Jul 15, #66 Aug 1, #67 Aug 15, #68 Sep 1, #69 Sep 15, #70 Oct 1, #71 Oct 15,
#72 Nov 1, #73 Nov 15, #74 Dec 1, #75 Dec 15 1920
#76 Jan 1, #77 Jan 15, #78 Feb 1 1921
- * Meant for the Gallows, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 22 1930
- * Measuring a Millionth of an Inch, (ms) Mystery Magazine #56, March 1 1920
- * Measuring Space, (ar) Mystery Magazine #106, April 1 1922
- * Mechanical Stoolpigeons Trap Speedsters, (ms) Private Detective Stories October 1943
- * Medals Awarded to Police for Bravery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 12 1922
- * Medical Examiner for New York City, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1938
- * Medicine for Pirates!, (ms) Flynn’s June 27 1925
- * Medicine Man, (vi) Wit #1, 1947
- * The Medieval Murderers: Michael Jecks & Co., (ar) Crime Time #28, 2002
- * The Mediterranean Is Without Tides, (ms) Mystery Magazine #64, July 1 1920
- * Meet Alex Graham, (ms) Suspense (UK) July 1960
- * Meet David Langdon, (bg) Suspense (UK) September 1960 [Ref. David Langdon]
- * Meeting Bandits on Equal Terms, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 31 1931
- * Meet Our Female Spy!, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1964
- * Meet Peter Probyn, (bg) Suspense (UK) October 1960 [Ref. Peter Probyn]
- * Meets Man He Believed He Had Killed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1921
- * Meet the 2009 Short Story Contest Winner: Jesse D’Angelo, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2010 [Ref. Jesse D’Angelo]
- * Meet Ton Smits, (ms) Suspense (UK) November 1960 [Ref. Ton Smits]
- * Mel Stein, (ar) Crime Time #27, 2002 [Ref. Mel Stein]
- * Members’ Bulletin, (ms) The Shadow Detective Monthly May, Jun 1932
- * A Memo from Inspector Lestrade [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Summer 2011
- * Memoirs of a Hotel Detective, (ts) Midnight #3, September 2 1922
- * The Menace of Bogus Checks, (ms) Startling Detective Adventures #22, March 1930
- * Men Freed Who Watched Drowning, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1928
- * Men Get Mote Than Women, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 7 1929
- * Men of the Law, (ia) The Shadow Magazine Mar 1, Apr 15, May 1 1937
- * Men’s Mart, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories Oct, Dec 1954, Feb, Apr, Jun 1955
- * Mental Cure Fakers, (ms) Mystery Magazine #156, May 15 1924
- * Mental Defectives and Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1921
- * Mental Powers of Signorina Agnesi, (ms) Mystery Magazine #6, February 1 1918
- * Merder Story, (ms) Suspense (UK) August 1958
- * A Mere Detail, (ms) Manhunt January 1957
- * Mesmerized by a Lion, (ar) Mystery Magazine #107, April 15 1922
- * A Message from Grover Whalen, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1929
- * Message in the Maze, (pz) Rock and a Hard Place #4, Fall/Winter 2020
- * Messiah of Crime, (ms) Detective Tales April 1951
- * Mester Detektiver Under Lup, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1971 [Ref. Henry Lauritzen]
- * Metal Fraud in London, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1921
- * Methodical Department Store Robbers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 12 1927
- * The Methods of Chinese Pirates, (ms) Clues 1st January 1929
- * Methods of Detectives, (ar) Mystery Magazine #136, July 15 1923
- * The Methods of Scotland Yard, (ms) Mystery Magazine #156, May 15 1924
- * Methods Used in Making Counterfeit Money, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 5 1919
- * Mexico Bars Mail Fraud, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 6 1926
- * Mexico Kills Opium Industry, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1939
- * Mexico—New Movie Center, (ar) Hollywood Detective May 1944
- * Michael Connelly Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #30, May/June 2009 [Ref. Michael Connelly]
- * Michael Innes, (ar) Crime Time #24, 2001 [Ref. Michael Innes]
- * Michael Marshall Smith, (ar) Crime Time #27, 2002 [Ref. Michael Marshall Smith]
- * Michael Stanley Interviewed, (cl) Crimespree Magazine #23, March/April 2008 [Ref. Michael Stanley]
- * Michigan Considers Whipping-Post Law, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 27 1926
- * Michigan Man’s Beard Nine Feet Long, (ms) Mystery Magazine #113, July 15 1922
- * Mickey Spillane, (bg) Suspense Magazine March 2011 [Ref. Mickey Spillane]
- * Middle West Flooded with Fake Twenties, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 3 1926
- * Middle West Has Plane-Stealing Ring, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1927
- * The Midget Robber, (ar) Flynn’s November 14 1925
- * Midnight Blues, (br) Thriller Magazine v1 #2, 2018 [Ref. Robert Kidera]
- * Midnight Cruises of an Automobile Flirt, (ts) Midnight #1, August 19 1922
- * Midnight Murder, (ms) Mystery November 1932
- * A Midnight Seance with Jazzy Spooks, (ms) Midnight #6, September 23 1922
- * Mid-Winter Fiction Feast, (ms) Double Detective February 1939
- * Mightier Than Himalayas, (ms) Mystery Magazine #81, March 15 1921
- * Mighty Mites, (ms) Manhunt February 1956
- * Migration of Mosquitoes, (ms) Mystery Magazine #20, September 1 1918
- * Mike Shayne Mystery Makers, (bg) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1980, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1981
Jan 1982, Jul 1983, Mar, Apr, Aug, Nov, Dec 1984, Jan, Jul 1985, Aug 1979, Sep, Oct 1981
Jan 1980
- * “Mike” the Slippery, (ar) Flynn’s April 11 1925
- * Mike Was Old-Fashioned, (ar) Flynn’s May 23 1925
- * “Military Police Captain”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922
- * Milk Bottle More Deadly Weapon Than Gun, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 20 1926
- * Milky Wilberforce, (bg) Bullet #5, 2005 [Ref. Milky Wilberforce]
- * A Millinery Burglar, (ms) Mystery Magazine #166, October 15 1924
- * Millionaire in Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * Millionaire Is Kidnaped, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 18 1919
- * Millionaire Police Chief Gets Results, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1917
- * Million Dollar Blonde, (nv) (by G. C. Bleeck) East-Side Detective v1 #13, 1955
- * Million-Dollar Mail Robbery Is All Off, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- * A Million-Dollar Shoplifting Case in Berlin, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 20 1922
- * Millions in Blackmail, (ms) Mystery Magazine #119, November 1 1922
- * Millions of Prints, (ms) Speed Detective August 1943
- * Milwaukee’s Mystery One, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #7, July 2005
- * Mind of My Own, (ms) Out of the Gutter #2, 2007
- * The Mind of the Condemned, (ms) Private Detective Stories May 1943
- * “Mind Speeders”, (pz)
- * Mind Your Own Murder, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #22, 1955
- * Minette Walters, (iv) Shots Winter 1998 [Ref. Minette Walters]
- * Minnesota Banks Use Tear Bombs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 29 1926
- * Minors to Go to Federal Prisons, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 15 1927
- * Minus the Dragon, (ms) Mystery Magazine April 15 1926
- * Minutest Measure for Biggest Object, (ms) Mystery Magazine #84, May 1 1921
- * Mirror Figures in Forgery, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 28 1920
- * The Mirror Lies!, (nv) Scotland Yard #4, August 1930
- * Mirror Photographs the Dead, (ms) Mystery Magazine #125, February 1 1923
- * Mirror Traps Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1921
- * A Miscarriage of Justice, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 17 1926
- * Mischief Not Murder, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 11 1932
- * Mischief on the Make, (ms) Detective Fiction May 1951
- * Misconception About Alaska, (ms) Mystery Magazine #30, February 1 1919
- * Miser Dies in Apparent Penury, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 15 1928
- * The Miser of Marl House [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Robert Murray Graydon) The Union Jack #1249,
- * The Misery Chisler, (ms) Public Enemy May 1936
- * Misery Likes Company, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 13 1929
- * The Misprinted Banknote, (ms) Clues April 1927
- * Miss America, (ms) Real Detective October 1932
- * Missed by Inches, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly July 17 1926
- * Missing Box, (ms) Murder March 1957
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