The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 362

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    Dimebooks Detective Stories   (about)
    Very rare, one-shot, Canadian magazine reprinting four stories from earlier Canadian detective magazines. Unique in being only 5¾″ by 4″ and one sixteenth of an inch thick.

    • Publishers:
      • The Dimebooks Corporation; Suite 205, 95 King Street East, Toronto, Canada: Dimebooks Detective Stories.

    Dime Detective Magazine   (about)
    Dime Detective Magazine was the most popular of Popular Publications’ line of detective pulps and one of the company’s longest surviving titles. It ran for 274 issues from November 1931 to August 1953, mainly on a monthly basis, increasing to twice-monthly in 1933 to 1935 and declining to bi-monthly for the final three years.

    • Publishers:
      • Popular Publications, Inc.; 2256 Grove Street, Chicago, IL; and later at 1125 E. Vaile Street, Kokomo, IN: Dime Detective Magazine.
    • Editors:

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