The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 10
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Blackmoor, “Blackie”
- Harry Widmer:
- The Wise Monkey Murders, (nv) Ten Detective Aces January 1934
- Assassins, Inc., (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1934
- Heir to Horror, (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1934
- Suicide Slogan, (nv) Ten Detective Aces March 1935
- The Death Disk, (nv) Ten Detective Aces April 1935
- Scandal, Inc., (nv) Ten Detective Aces July 1935
- Musical Doom, (nv) Ten Detective Aces November 1935
- Vision for Vengeance, (nv) Ten Detective Aces May 1936
Black Star
- Johnston McCulley:
- Rogue for a Day, (nv) Detective Story Magazine March 5 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- Black Star’s Defiance, (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- Black Star’s Subterfuge, (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- Black Star’s Revenge, (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- Black Star’s Masquerade, (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- Black Star’s Mistake, (sl) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1917, etc.
- Black Star’s Return, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 2 1917
- Black Star’s Rebuke, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1917
- Black Star’s Serenade, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 27 1917
- Black Star’s Raid, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1917
- Black Star’s Hobby Book, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 29 1918
- The Defeat of Black Star, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 26 1918
- Black Star’s Campaign, (sl) Detective Story Magazine February 4 1919, etc.
- Black Star Comes Back, (sl) Detective Story Magazine January 8 1921, etc.
- Black Star on the Air, (sl) Detective Story Magazine March 3 1928, etc.
- Black Star Back—and How, (sl) Detective Story Magazine November 1 1930, etc.
Black Widowers
- Isaac Asimov:
- The Acquisitive Chuckle, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1972
- The Phony Ph.D., (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1972
- The Man Who Never Told a Lie, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1972
- The Matchbook Collector, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1972
- The Biological Clock, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1973
- The Obvious Factor, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1973
- The Pointing Finger, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1973
- A Warning to Miss Earth, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1973
- The Six Suspects, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1973
- When No Man Pursueth, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1974
- Quicker Than the Eye, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1974
- The Curious Omission, (ss) Tales of the Black Widowers by Isaac Asimov, Doubleday, 1974
- A Chip of the Black Stone, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1974
- All in the Way You Read It, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1974
- Confessions of an American Cigarette Smoker, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1974
- The One and Only East, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1975
- The Cross of Lorraine, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1976
- A Case of Income-Tax Fraud, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1976
- The Sports Page, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1977
- The Next Day, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1978
- A Matter of Irrelevance, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1979
- None So Blind, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1979
- To the Barest, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1979
- 64 Million Trillion Combinations, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 5 1980
- The Man Who Pretended to Like Baseball, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 30 1980
- The Good Samaritan, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 10 1980
- The Gilbert and Sullivan Mystery, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1 1981
- Can You Prove It?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 17 1981
- The Phoenician Bauble, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1982
- A Monday in April, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1983
- Neither Brute nor Human, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1984
- The Redhead, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1984
- The Fourth Homonym, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1985
- Triple Devil, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1985
- Sunset on the Water, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1986
- Where Is He?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1986
- The Snatched Purse, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1987
- The Quiet Place, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1988
- The Envelope, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1989
- Northwestward, (ss) The Further Adventures of Batman ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam, 1989 [Batman]
- The Alibi, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1989
- Lost in a Space Warp, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1990
- Yes, but Why?, (ss) The Armchair Detective Spring 1990
- Police at the Door, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1990
- The Haunted Cabin, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1990
- The Guest’s Guest, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1991
- Charles Ardai:
- William Brittain:
Blake, Sexton (about)
- By Date:
- Murder by Proxy, by Andrew Murray, uncredited (na) The Union Jack #525,
- A Confidential Report, by Hal Meredeth (error, actually by John William Staniforth) (ss) Answers September 12 1908
- My Lord the Baby, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers September 26 1908
- On His Majesty’s Service, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers November 7 1908
- A Knotty Problem, by John William Staniforth, uncredited (ss) Answers November 28 1908
- The House on the Cliff, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers February 6 1909
- The Ancient Monk, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers February 13 1909
- The Blue Line, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers March 13 1909
- The Empty Tin, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers April 10 1909
- Py Ponk, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers April 17 1909
- The White Mouse, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (nv) Answers May 15 1909
- For Safe Deposit,, uncredited (ss) Answers June 26 1909
- Poker-Work, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers July 9 1909
- The Barton Tunnel Mystery,, uncredited (ss) Answers July 10 1909
- The Adventure of the Coffee-Pot,, uncredited (ss) Answers August 7 1909
- A Back-Room Mystery, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers January 15 1910
- The Murder of Morton Green,, uncredited (ss) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #649, 1911
- The Clue of the Ash, by Hal Meredeth (in error) (ss) Answers April 8 1911
- Waldo the Wonder-Man, by Edwy Searles Brooks, uncredited (na) Union Jack Library December 28 1918
- The Secret of the Frozen North,, uncredited (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #163, 1921
- The Trapper!, by George Dilnot (n.) The Thriller February 9 1929 (+12)
- The Trapper!, by George Dilnot (n.) The Thriller #9, April 6 1929, etc.
- The Secret of the Thieves’ Kitchen, by G. H. Teed (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #265, 1930
- Midnight Gold, by Gilbert Chester (ss) The Thriller #54, February 15 1930
- The Death Trap, by Anthony Skene (na) The Thriller #73, June 28 1930
- Dr. Duvene’s Crime, by Gilbert Chester (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #294, 1931
- The Mystery of the 13th Chest, by Paul Urquhart (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #315, 1931
- The Mystery of the 13th Chest, by [uncredited] (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #315, 1931
- The Radio Crook, by Rex Hardinge (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #269, 1931
- The Riddle of the Turkish Baths, by Gwyn Evans (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #282, 1931
- The Chinatown Mystery, by G. H. Teed (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #319, 1932
- Crook Town, by Anthony Skene (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #317, 1932
- The Black Dagger, by Edwy Searles Brooks (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #406, 1933
- Mr. Kilmer Sees Red, by Paul Urquhart (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #396, 1933
- The Mystery of the Unknown Victim, by Warwick Jardine (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #377, 1933
- Sexton Blake’s Secret, by Lewis Jackson (na) Detective Weekly #1, February 25 1933
- Sexton Blake at Bay, by Lewis Jackson (na) Detective Weekly #2, March 4 1933
- The Silent Woman, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #3, March 11 1933
- Sexton Blake’s Triumph, by Lewis Jackson (na) Detective Weekly #4, March 18 1933
- The Falcon of Fambridge, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #5, March 25 1933
- The Chocolate King Mystery, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #6, April 1 1933
- The Tramp in Dress Clothes, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #7, April 8 1933
- The Box of Ho Sen, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #8, April 15 1933
- Wanted!, by Mark Osborne (na) Detective Weekly #9, April 22 1933
- Pauper’s Island, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #10, April 29 1933
- The Hollow Giant, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #11, May 6 1933
- Perilous Pearls, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #12, May 13 1933
- The Monster of Paris, by Lewis Jackson (na) Detective Weekly #13, May 20 1933
- The Seven Dead Matches Mystery, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #14, May 27 1933
- Marked Men, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #15, June 3 1933
- Gambler’s Gold, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #16, June 10 1933
- The Man Who Stole Life, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #17, June 17 1933
- The Netted Man Mystery, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #18, June 24 1933
- The Tree Top Murder, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #19, July 1 1933
- The Man I Killed, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #20, July 8 1933
- Seeds of Sleep, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #21, July 15 1933
- The Banker’s Box, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #22, July 22 1933
- The Man Who Would Not Speak, by David Macluire (na) Detective Weekly #23, July 29 1933
- Decoy!, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #24, August 5 1933
- Frame-Up!, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #25, August 12 1933
- The Crime Zone, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #26, August 19 1933
- Sinister Cliff, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #27, August 26 1933
- The Hired Avenger, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #28, September 2 1933
- The Affair of the Fake Astrologer, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #29, September 9 1933
- The Devil’s Gap Mystery, by Reid Whitley (na) Detective Weekly #30, September 16 1933
- The Secret of the Slums, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #31, September 23 1933
- Death in the Mine, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #32, September 30 1933
- Pool of Escape, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #33, October 7 1933
- The Singing Clue, by Frank Lelland (na) Detective Weekly #34, October 14 1933
- The Stolen Lion Mystery, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #35, October 21 1933
- Black Traffic!, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #36, October 28 1933
- The Great Racket Mystery, by Robert L. Hadfield (na) Detective Weekly #37, November 4 1933
- The King Crook’s Come Back, by Gwyn Evans (na) Detective Weekly #38, November 11 1933
- Conspiracy in Cuba!, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #39, November 18 1933
- Blood Brothers in Formosa, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #40, November 25 1933
- The Doomsman of the Double Four, by Gwyn Evans (na) Detective Weekly #41, December 2 1933
- The Music Hall Murder Mystery, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #42, December 9 1933
- The Christmas Circus Mystery, by Gwyn Evans (na) Detective Weekly #43, December 16 1933
- The Clue of the Crimson Snow, by Donald Stuart (na) Detective Weekly #44, December 23 1933
- The Legacy of Doom, by Paul Urquhart (na) Detective Weekly #45, December 30 1933
- The Affair of the Missing Financier, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #46, January 6 1934
- The Mystery of the Molten Bell, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #47, January 13 1934
- From Information Received, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #48, January 20 1934
- The Man Behind the Curtains, by Gerald Bowman (na) Detective Weekly #49, January 27 1934
- The Mysterious Dr. Maldoom, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #50, February 3 1934
- The House of the Hanging Sword, by Gwyn Evans (na) Detective Weekly #51, February 10 1934
- The Studio Murder Mystery, by Reid Whitley (na) Detective Weekly #52, February 17 1934
- The Case of the Shuttered Room, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #53, February 24 1934
- The Riddle of the Five Strange Guests, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #54, March 3 1934
- The Clue of the Extra Ace, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #55, March 10 1934
- The Man with the Rubber Face, by John G. Brandon (na) Detective Weekly #56, March 17 1934
- The Mystery of Monks Island, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #57, March 24 1934
- The Four from Devil’s Island, by Roland Howard (na) Detective Weekly #58, March 31 1934
- The Case of the Spanish Cabinet, by A. S. Hardy (na) Detective Weekly #59, April 7 1934
- The Sign of the Silhouette, by Pierre Quiroule (na) Detective Weekly #60, April 14 1934
- The Mystery of the Red Barn, by Paul Urquhart (na) Detective Weekly #61, April 21 1934
- The Secret of the Whispering Wharf, by Gerald Bowman (na) Detective Weekly #62, April 28 1934
- Murder by Magic!, by Louis Brittany (na) Detective Weekly #63, May 5 1934
- Sinister Villa, by Paul Urquhart (na) Detective Weekly #64, May 12 1934
- The Affair of the Secret Treaty, by John G. Brandon (na) Detective Weekly #65, May 19 1934
- The Mystery of the Miser Landlord, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #66, May 26 1934
- The Riddle of the Demon Dwarf, by Bruce Chaverton (na) Detective Weekly #67, June 2 1934
- The Tenement Murder Mystery, by Mark Osborne (na) Detective Weekly #68, June 9 1934
- The Sky Bandits, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #69, June 16 1934
- The Case of the Muttering Drum, by Coutts Brisbane (na) Detective Weekly #70, June 23 1934
- The Clue of the Corsican Collar, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #71, June 30 1934
- Crooks Convoy, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #72, July 7 1934
- The Panic Liner Plot, by Lewis Jackson (na) Detective Weekly #73, July 14 1934
- The King Crooks Ultimatum, by Gwyn Evans (na) Detective Weekly #74, July 21 1934
- The Mystery of the Master Potter, by Gerald Bowman (na) Detective Weekly #75, July 28 1934
- The Crossword Murder Puzzle, by Coutts Brisbane (na) Detective Weekly #76, August 4 1934
- Death at Derelict Ranch!, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #77, August 11 1934
- The Mystery of the Yellow Envelopes, by Gwyn Evans (na) Detective Weekly #78, August 18 1934
- The Spanish Circle Conspiracy, by George D. Woodman (na) Detective Weekly #79, August 25 1934
- The Mill House Mystery, by C. Malcolm Hincks (na) Detective Weekly #80, September 1 1934
- The Medium Murder Case, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #81, September 8 1934
- The Mystery at Moat Farm, by Paul Urquhart (na) Detective Weekly #82, September 15 1934
- The Riddle of the Bootless Man, by Pierre Quiroule (na) Detective Weekly #83, September 22 1934
- The Mystery of the Woman in Black, by Louis Brittany (na) Detective Weekly #84, September 29 1934
- The Man Who Knew Too Much , by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #85, October 6 1934
- The News Reel Alibi, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #86, October 13 1934
- The Blinding Clue, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #87, October 20 1934
- The Mauritius Stamp Mystery, by C. Malcolm Hincks (na) Detective Weekly #88, October 27 1934
- The Fire Fiends, by Roland Howard (na) Detective Weekly #89, November 3 1934
- The Ringside Racketeers, by Stawford Webber (na) Detective Weekly #90, November 10 1934
- The Painted Clue, by A. S. Hardy (na) Detective Weekly #91, November 17 1934
- The Clue on the Blotter, by Anthony Skene (na) Detective Weekly #92, November 24 1934
- A Secret from the Thames, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #93, December 1 1934
- At the Sign of the Hanging Man, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #94, December 8 1934
- The Christmas Cavalier, by Gwyn Evans (pl) Detective Weekly #95, December 15 1934
- Due for Sentence, by Paul Urquhart (na) Detective Weekly #95, December 15 1934
- The Christmas Card Crime, by Donald Stuart (na) Detective Weekly #96, December 22 1934
- The Secret of the S.S. Malvado, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #97, December 29 1934
- Time for Murder, by Coutts Brisbane (na) Detective Weekly #98, January 5 1935
- Murder on the Midnight Coach, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #99, January 12 1935
- The Masked Tourists, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #100, January 19 1935
- The Mystery of the Girl in Blue, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #101, January 26 1935
- A Clue in Gold, by A. S. Hardy (na) Detective Weekly #102, February 2 1935
- The Case of the Paris Assassin, by George D. Woodman (na) Detective Weekly #103, February 9 1935
- The Mystery of the Murder Blooms, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #104, February 16 1935
- The Vicarage Murder Case, by Paul Urquhart (na) Detective Weekly #105, February 23 1935
- Murder at Full Moon, by Frank Lelland (na) Detective Weekly #106, March 2 1935
- The Case of the Victims of Blackfell Pit, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #107, March 9 1935
- Death at the Zoo!, by Coutts Brisbane (na) Detective Weekly #108, March 16 1935
- The Sarcophagus Murder Case, by Roland Howard (na) Detective Weekly #109, March 23 1935
- The Girl with the Frightened Eyes, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #110, March 30 1935
- Murder at the Microphone, by Donald Stuart (na) Detective Weekly #111, April 6 1935
- The Hot Cross Bun Murders, by Gwyn Evans (na) Detective Weekly #112, April 13 1935
- The ‘Pepper-Box’ Mystery, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #113, April 20 1935
- The Mystery of the Roman Vase, by Anthony Ford (na) Detective Weekly #114, April 27 1935
- Murder at Moat House, by A. S. Hardy (na) Detective Weekly #115, May 4 1935
- Death of a Film Star, by Francis Brent (na) Detective Weekly #116, May 11 1935
- The Man with the Rats, by Gilbert Chester (na) Detective Weekly #117, May 18 1935
- The Phantom Broadcast Mystery, by Rex Hardinge (na) Detective Weekly #118, May 25 1935
- The Great Steelworks Mystery, by George E. Rochester (na) Detective Weekly #119, June 1 1935
- The Bathing Pool Mystery, by Paul Urquhart (na) Detective Weekly #120, June 8 1935
- Murder at the Tower of London, by Coutts Brisbane (na) Detective Weekly #121, June 15 1935
- The Case of the Sun God’s Secret, by Anthony Ford (na) Detective Weekly #122, June 22 1935
- The Flaming Terror, by Robert Murray (na) Detective Weekly #123, June 29 1935
- Death in the Barber’s Chair, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #124, July 6 1935
- The Case of the Double Alibi, by Gerald Bowman (na) Detective Weekly #125, July 13 1935
- The Mystery of the Girl with the Gun, by A. S. Hardy (na) Detective Weekly #126, July 20 1935
- The Crime at Lone House, by Robert Murray (na) Detective Weekly #127, July 27 1935
- The Fire Tongs Murder Mystery, by Edwy Searles Brooks (na) Detective Weekly #128, August 3 1935
- The Crime on the Underground, by C. Malcolm Hincks (na) Detective Weekly #129, August 10 1935
- Make Up for Murder, by Anthony Ford (na) Detective Weekly #130, August 17 1935
- The Trail of the Missing Million, by Edward Holmes, uncredited (sl) The Thriller Library #528, March 18 1939, etc. [The Phantom Sheriff]
- Mr. Walker Wants to Know, by Ernest Dudley (na) Detective Weekly #318, March 25 1939
- Enter Sexton Blake, by Berkeley Gray (sl) Detective Weekly #319, April 1 1939, etc.
- Don Rico’s Millions, by G. H. Teed (na) Detective Weekly #321, April 15 1939
- What Would You Do?, by Ernest Dudley (na) Detective Weekly #325, May 13 1939
- The Fatal Formula, by Rex Hardinge (sl) Detective Weekly #337, August 5 1939, etc.
- The Banknote Bandits, by Donald Bobin, uncredited (na) Detective Weekly #344, September 23 1939
- The Green Eye of Banyah, by G. H. Teed, uncredited (na) Detective Weekly #355, December 9 1939
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