The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 906

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    Stirring Detective and Western Stories   (about)
    An unusual hybrid pulp featuring undistinguished detective and western stories. The magazine never really found an audience and folded after 5 issues.

    • Publishers:
      • Albing Publications; 19 East 48th Street, New York, NY: Stirring Detective and Western Stories.
    • Editors:
      • Jerry Albert - Editor: Stirring Detective and Western Stories.

    Story Digest Magazine (1970):   (about)
    Four separate single-author digest magazines issued simultaneously.

    Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Story Digest Magazine
    Subtitled “True Ghost Stories,” it was a collection of supposedly factual anecdotes about weird or supernatural happenings. Often sought by collectors to complete their set of Story Digest Magazine, but otherwise of little interest.

    The Strand Magazine (1998)   (about)
    A second revival of the original Strand, this one concentrates on mystery and supernatural fiction.

    • Publishers:
      • The Strand Magazine; PO Box 1418, Birmingham, MI 48012-1418: The Strand Magazine.
    • Editors:

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