The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 116
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Cahan, Samuel G. (1886-1974) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Crime Mysteries #1 Aug 19, #2 Sep 2, #3 Sep 16, #4 Sep 30, #5 Oct 14, #6 Oct 28, #7 Nov 1927
- * [front cover], (cv) Red Hood Detective Stories July 1941
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Jun, Jul, Aug 1932
Cail, Carol (1937- ) (chron.)
- * Blood from a Turnip, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 21 1980
- * A Bump in the Night, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1989
- * Cold, (vi) Murderous Intent Winter 1998
- * Dead Weight, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1978
- * Garden of Evil, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1973
- * Getaway, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1974
- * Ghost Busters, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2017
- * The Jewel Monkeys, (ss) Murderous Intent Summer 1999
- * Keeping Track, (ss) Crimestalker Casebook Winter 2002
- * Martha and Her Brothers, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1989
- * May the Worst Man Win, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1978
- * Mrs. Lamb’s Nose Dreams, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1973
- * Nightcrawlers, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1979
- * Out of Her Misery, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1989
- * Sinkhole, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1995
- * The Storyteller, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1990
- * Supper on the Table, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1990
- * Taking Care of Business, (ss) Murderous Intent Summer 1997
- * Trapfall, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2023
- * Waiting on Lowella, (ss) Murderous Intent Summer 1996
- * Wannabe, (ss) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v3 #3.5, 1996
- * What’s Out There?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1988
Cain, James M(allahan) (1892-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * The Baby in the Icebox, (ss) The American Mercury January 1933
- * The Best Investment We Can Make, (ms) G-Men Detective Fall 1943
- * The Best Investment We Can Make, (ms) The Phantom Detective December 1943
- * The Best Investment We Can Make, (ms) Thrilling Detective December 1943
- * Blackmail, (ss) The Strand Magazine #69, 2023
- * Brush Fire, (ss) Liberty December 5 1936
- * Cigarette Girl, (ss) Manhunt May 1953
- * Citizenship, (pl) The American Mercury December 1929
- * Dead Man, (ss) The American Mercury March 1936
- * Mommy’s a Barfly, (ss) The Strand Magazine #37, June/September 2012
- * Pastorale, (ss) The American Mercury March 1928
- * Pay-Off Girl, (ss) Esquire August 1952
- * Tiger in the Kitchen, (ss) The American Mercury January 1933, as "The Baby in the Icebox"
- * Trial by Jury, (ss) The American Mercury January 1928
- * The Two O’Clock Blonde, (ss) Manhunt August 1953
- * A War Bond Message, (ms) Popular Detective October 1943
_____, [ref.]
Cain, Paul; pseudonym of Peter Ruric (1902-1966) (about) (chron.)
- * Black [Black], (ss) Black Mask May 1932
- * Chinaman’s Chance, (ss) Black Mask September 1935
- * The Dark [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (ss) Black Mask September 1932
- * Death Song, (ss) Black Mask January 1936
- * Dutch Treat, (ss) Black Mask December 1936
- * Fast One:
* ___ [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (ss) Black Mask March 1932
* ___ 2: Lead Party [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (nv) Black Mask April 1932
* ___ 3: Velvet [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (nv) Black Mask June 1932
* ___ 4: The Heat [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (nv) Black Mask August 1932
* ___ 5: The Dark [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (ss) Black Mask September 1932
- * 555, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 14 1935
- * The Heat [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (nv) Black Mask August 1932
- * Hunch, (nv) Black Mask March 1934
- * Lead Party [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (nv) Black Mask April 1932
- * Murder Done in Blue, (nv) Black Mask June 1933
- * One, Two, Three, (ss) Black Mask May 1933
- * Parlor Trick, (ss) Black Mask July 1932
- * Pigeon Blood, (ss) Black Mask November 1933
- * Pineapple, (ss) Black Mask March 1936
- * Red 71, (ss) Black Mask December 1932
- * Sockdolager, (nv) Star Detective Magazine April 1936
- * Trouble-Chaser [Black], (ss) Black Mask April 1934
- * Velvet [Gerry Kells; S. Granquist], (nv) Black Mask June 1932
_____, [ref.]
Cairns, J(ohn) A(rthur) R(obert) (1874-1933) (chron.)
- * Crime and Punishment, (ar) The Detective Magazine #41, June 6 1924
- * The Doyen of English Criminals, (ar) The Detective Magazine #31, January 18 1924
- * The Drama of a Murder Trial, (ar) The Detective Magazine #17, July 6 1923
- * Humour and Justice, (ar) The Detective Magazine #10, March 30 1923
- * John Citizen and the Criminal, (ar) The Detective Magazine #38, April 25 1924
- * Life’s Misfits, (ar) The Detective Magazine #14, May 25 1923
- * Lights and Shadows of a Children’s Court, (ar) The Detective Magazine #18, July 20 1923
- * Logic and the Magistrate, (ar) The Detective Magazine #24, October 12 1923
- * The Mind of the Magistrate, (ar) The Detective Magazine #25, October 26 1923
- * Oaths—Legal and Profane, (ar) The Detective Magazine #62, March 27 1925
- * Our Gentlemen Police, (ar) The Detective Magazine #39, May 9 1924
- * Public Schools and the Old Bailey, (ar) The Detective Magazine #20, August 17 1923
- * The Real Dick Turpin, (ar) The Detective Magazine #11, April 13 1923
- * Reclaiming the Criminal, (ar) The Detective Magazine #59, February 13 1925
- * Resurrected Love, (ar) The Detective Magazine #15, June 8 1923
- * Women and Crime, (ar) The Detective Magazine #12, April 27 1923
- * The World as seen from the Bench, (ar) The Detective Magazine #13, May 11 1923
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