The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 932

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    Sure-Fire Detective Magazine   (about)
    Short-lived magazine from Aaron Wyn’s Magazine Publishers featuring rather standard fare for the period.

    • Publishers:
      • Magazine Publishers, Inc.; 29 Worthington Street, Springfield, MA: Sure-Fire Detective Magazine.

    Sure-Fire Detective (Canada)   (about)
    Despite the title this was not a Canadian reprint edition of Sure-Fire Detective Magazine but was a mixture of original stories and reprints from other US detective magazines. The cover title was consistently Sure-Fire Detective but some issues were titled Sure-Fire Detective Stories internally.

    • Publishers:
      • Duchess Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.; 104 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, Ontario: Sure-Fire Detective (Canada).

    Sure-Fire Detective Stories:   (about)
    Sure-Fire Detective Stories was typical of the action-packed, violent, crime-adventure fiction of the mid-1950s which not only continued the tradition of the pulp magazines, but added to it by inserting a large measure of brutal sex. It ran for 9 issues from January 1957 to July 1958, and was then replaced by/renamed to Off Beat Detective Stories under which title it ran for a further 26 issues (at least). It is mainly remembered today for its graphic cover art, and for the occasional contributions from authors such as Robert Silverberg and Harlan Ellison.

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