The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 628

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    Hollywood Detective Magazine
    Title changed from Hollywood Detective, size changed from pulp to digest.

    • Publishers:
      • Trojan Magazines, Inc.; 125 East 46th Street, New York 17, NY: Hollywood Detective Magazine.

    Hollywood Detective (UK)   (about)
    British reprint edition of Hollywood Detective. Other issues may exist.

    • Publishers:
      • Thorpe & Porter; Leicester: Hollywood Detective (UK).

    Hollywood Mystery   (about)
    A magazine of this title is rumored to have been published in 1932. There has been no positive evidence of its existence.

    Homicide Reporter (UK)   (about)
    One of the many undated “one shot” magazines published in the UK in the years after the Second World War. In a loose series with Crime Detective, Police Detective, Racket-Buster Detective and Crime Investigator.

    • Publishers:
      • Hamilton & Co. (Stafford) Ltd.; 1&2 Melville Court, Goldhawk Road, London W12: Homicide Detective.

    Homicide Stories   (about)
    The contents of the only known issue are identical to the December 1953 issue of Detective Stories, also published by Page Publications.

    • Publishers:
      • Page Publications Pty. Ltd.; Surry Hills, New South Wales: Homicide Stories.

    Hooded Detective (UK) (1942)   (about)
    British reprint edition of Hooded Detective.

    • Publishers:
      • Gerald G. Swan, Ltd.; 37-38-39 Burne Street, Marylebone, London NW1: Hooded Detective (UK).

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