The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 33
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Fearne & Bracknell
- Michael Gilbert:
- Tiger Country, (nv) Midwinter Mysteries 5 ed. Hilary Hale, Little, Brown UK, 1995
- The Mathematics of Murder, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1995
- The Lord of the Book, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1997
- Good Shepherd, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1998
- Rats’ Castle, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1998
- A Problem in Ethics, (ss) The Strand Magazine #2, 1999
- The Message of the Stars, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1999
- Police Business, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1999
- On a Dead Man’s Chest, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 2000
- Halfway House, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 2000
- Enter the Vulture, (ss) The Mathematics of Murder by Michael Gilbert, Robert Hale Ltd., 2000
Feather, Dr.
- Ray Cummings:
- Fatal Timepiece, (ss) Popular Detective July 1936
- The Ghost Letter, (ss) Popular Detective August 1936
- A Shot in the Dark, (ss) Popular Detective September 1936
- Thoughts of Guilt, (ss) Popular Detective October 1936
- The Dead Man Screamed, (ss) Popular Detective November 1936
- Weight of the Evidence, (ss) Popular Detective December 1936
- Death by Fire, (ss) Popular Detective January 1937
- Red Light Means Death, (ss) Popular Detective February 1937
- Pendulum of Death, (ss) Popular Detective March 1937
- Murder at 65 Fahrenheit, (ss) Popular Detective April 1937
- The Ghost Murderer, (ss) Popular Detective May 1937
- Murder Under the Microscope, (ss) Popular Detective August 1937
- The Murderer Sets a Trap, (ss) Popular Detective September 1937
- Murder in the Fog, (ss) Popular Detective December 1937
- The Dead Man Laughs, (ss) Popular Detective January 1938
- Trapped by Astronomy, (ss) Popular Detective March 1938
- Clue in Crimson, (ss) Crack Detective September 1943
- More Than Meets the Eye, (ss) Super-Detective October 1944
- Too Many Clues, (ss) Super-Detective December 1944
- The Curious Death of Amos Todd, (ss) Hollywood Detective January 1945
- Strings of the Strad, (ss) Hollywood Detective March 1945
Fell, Dr. Gideon
- Edward G. Ashton:
- John Dickson Carr:
- The Eight of Swords, (n.) Harper’s Magazine 1934
- Death-Watch, (n.) Harper, 1935
- The Arabian Nights Murder, (n.) Harper, 1936
- The Wrong Problem, (ss) The Evening Standard August 13 1936
- The Third Bullet, (na) Hodder & Stoughton, 1937, as by Carter Dickson
- The Crooked Hinge, (n.) Harper’s Magazine 1938
- To Wake the Dead, (n.) Harper’s Magazine 1938
- The Problem of the Green Capsule, (n.) Harper, 1939
- The Problem of the Wire Cage, (n.) Harper, 1939
- The Locked Room, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1940
- A Guest in the House, (ss) The Strand Magazine October 1940
- Death Turns the Tables, (n.) Harper, 1941
- The Proverbial Murder, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1943
- The Hangman Won’t Wait, (pl) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #18, September 1944
- King Arthur’s Chair, (ss) Lilliput August 1957, as by Carter Dickson
- The Black Minute, (pl) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1983
Fen, Gervase
- Geoffrey Bush & Robert Bruce Montgomery:
- Robert Bruce Montgomery:
- Lacrimae Rerum, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #67, June 1949, as by Edmund Crispin
- Beware of the Trains, (ss) Daily Sketch December 1949, as by Edmund Crispin
- The Quick Brown Fox, (ss) The Evening Standard January 9 1950, as by Edmund Crispin
- Humbleby Agonistes, (ss) The Evening Standard October 16 1950, as by Edmund Crispin
- Express Delivery, (ss) The Evening Standard December 19 1950, as by Edmund Crispin
- Within the Gate, (ss) The Evening Standard March 1 1952, as by Edmund Crispin
- The Golden Mean, (ss) The Evening Standard July 29 1952, as by Edmund Crispin
- The Drowning of Edgar Foley, (ss) The Evening Standard August 18 1952, as by Edmund Crispin
- The Name on the Window, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #111, February 1953, as by Edmund Crispin
- Merry-Go-Round, (ss) The Evening Standard February 23 1953, as by Edmund Crispin [Insp. Humbleby]
- Death and Aunt Fancy, (ss) The Evening Standard February 26 1953, as by Edmund Crispin
- All in the Way You Look at It, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #113, April 1953, as by Edmund Crispin
- Man Overboard, (ss) The Evening Standard August 3 1954, as by Edmund Crispin [Insp. Humbleby]
- Dog in the Night-Time, (ss) The Evening Standard August 4 1954, as by Edmund Crispin [Insp. Humbleby]
- What’s His Line?, (ss) The Evening Standard July 11 1955, as by Edmund Crispin [Insp. Humbleby]
- The Lion’s Tooth, (ss) The Evening Standard August 10 1955, as by Edmund Crispin
- Gladstone’s Candlestick, (ss) The Evening Standard August 12 1955, as by Edmund Crispin
- A Message to Herr Dietrich, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1955, as by Edmund Crispin
- The Mischief Done, (ss) Winter’s Crimes 4 ed. George Hardinge, Macmillan UK, 1972, as by Edmund Crispin [Insp. Humbleby]
- Robert Bruce Montgomery & Geoffrey Bush:
Ferris, Martin
- Andrew Holt:
- A Tear for Sammy, (nv) Super-Detective August 1944
- Nightmare at Noon, (na) Detective Tales February 1945
- They Died in Bed, (nv) Super-Detective February 1945
- Delivery from Evil, (ss) Hollywood Detective June 1945
- Lilies for the Living, (nv) Hollywood Detective July 1945
- Once Is Enough, (na) Private Detective Stories January 1946
- Murder in Mink, (nv) Super-Detective September 1946
- Till We Kill Again!, (nv) Detective Tales March 1947
- Stone Cold Dead in Alaska, (ss) Detective Tales April 1947
- That’s Murder, Brother!, (ss) Detective Tales October 1947
Flagg, Curt
- Lester Dent:
- Wildcat, (na) Scotland Yard #10, March 1931, as by A Newspaperman
- Doom Ship, (na) Scotland Yard #12, May 1931, as by A London Detective
- One Billion—Gold, (na) Scotland Yard #13, June 1931, as by A Police Reporter
- The Sign of the Adder, (nv) All Detective Magazine November 1933, as by John Wiley
Flame, The
- Carroll John Daly:
- Tags of Death, (nv) Black Mask March 1929 [Race Williams]
- Get Race Williams, (nv) Black Mask May 1929 [Race Williams]
- The Silver Eagle, (nv) Black Mask November 1929, etc. [Race Williams]
- Tainted Power, (nv) Black Mask June 1930 [Race Williams]
- Framed, (nv) Black Mask July 1930 [Race Williams]
- The Final Shot, (nv) Black Mask August 1930 [Race Williams]
- “The Flame” and Race Williams, (na) Black Mask August 1931, etc. [Race Williams]
- Six Have Died, (nv) Black Mask May 1934 [Race Williams]
- Flaming Death, (nv) Black Mask June 1934 [Race Williams]
- Murder Book, (nv) Black Mask August 1934 [Race Williams]
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